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Ascension Page 19

by J R Davis

  “Ohohoho Charon, let me tell you about how we are going to fuck up Ignis” I said with an evil gleam in my eyes. My skeletal companions look conveying both confusion and interest as we both looked at our future target. “But we will have to wait until after the battle, c’mere.” I then gesturing for him to place his non-existent ear up closer, skeletons still technically had ears right?

  With our business in town done, it was time to make our way back to the village. No doubt Ro, Fidro, and my guildmates were already in place and waiting. I shot them all a message that we were on our way and set out. The trip there being far more pleasant than usual now that I was getting used to all the moving about. That's not to say I wouldn’t take fast travel over hoofing it any day though.

  When we finally made it back to the village, we were greeted with an army. Or at the very least the makings of one. My approach had brought me right up to both Fridro and Ro working on their troop formations. The two races merging perfectly into a militaristic unit. At the same time, Lethe had brought what looked to be around 33 players with him and who were in the process of setting up tents near the chief's hut. I saw so many different races in his group. There were elves, orcs, giants, and even what looked to be fae. All with classes ranging everything from tank to cleric. To put matters simply, this was gonna be one hell of a party.

  Before I even had time to check in though, a giant arm wrapped around me and I was pulled into quite the bear hug. My body being pressed so tightly it cost me a -1 to my hp.

  “You picked quite the time to get back!” Ogma beamed. The large man showing a brilliant smile ear to ear. Apparently, I was more missed than I had thought. Despite us all only being together a week or so in-game, we were dang near together 24/7 and had fought side by side. And yeah, to be honest, I missed these guys too. It was good to be back.

  “How was your little field trip?” Okane said as he approached. The merchant now sporting a sort of leather potion strap back across his chest. Various vials of green and red potions being lined up through it.

  “Well, I got a manticore for one and some levels. Chilling with Lethe and Briggs was more entertaining than you’d think” I chuckled.

  “And all that fun without me?” a voice behind me asked mischievously. I then turned around to see Morrigan with a smirk and raised brow. “We have some info that needs passing on, follow us.” The thief then gesturing for me to come along as we all made our way to some nearby tables.

  By the time we were all seated and Okane was gearing to fill me in, a lightly armored gnome approached our group. He was about as tall as Zootwick, albeit slightly taller by my count. The gnome had thick scraggly brown hair and a beard to match. His hands covered with an assortment of rings that each seemed to independently glow with a different light.

  “Afternoon, my name is Special Knees and I was asked by Lethe to fill you in on the battle plan”. He said politely, then resting his hands behind his back.his eye meeting each member of our group as if waiting for an answer.

  “Not to get off topic but, why Special Knees for a name?” Ogma queried the gnome. Knee’s mouth twisting into a smirk at the question.

  “Ah, of course, a ways back I was struggling in life and a doctor explained that my social issues may be due to me being on the spectrum as an adult” Knee said as he gave Ogma a respectful nod. “I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and a wise man once said to never forget who we are, to wear it like armor and none may use it against you. I took such to heart, later joining this game and the guild as Lethe’s battle strategist. I must at least be doing a decent job of it as I've yet to be fired,” he added with a wink. Ogma then giving him the expression equivalent of “fair enough” as the two shared a chuckle.

  “Well Knee, you beat me to the punch so let's hear the plan,” Okane said as he rested his elbows on the table. Taking on the appearance of a student ready for lecture. Knee then clasping his hands together and putting on a wide smile.

  “Splendid, well, I was informed that your party was the first to face Ignis and his own. As such I wanted to put you all in charge of taking him out. You know his tactics and should we sever the head of this army, the rest will soon follow. However, you are also missing a 5th member and I have taken the liberty to select someone I think would compliment your group for this fight” knee said with a flourish. Clearly thinking that he had done us a favor in the selection.

  “And how do you figure they will be able to help us?” Morrigan queried. Her eyebrow raised and arms folded. A perfect model of skepticism if I’d ever seen one.

  “Well, for one, he was sneaky enough to get behind your entire group without anyone noticing,” Special Knees said as he matched Morrigan's skepticism with a justified smirk. Ogma’s head then whipping around to see D examining his nails. The large man was so surprised that he let out possibly one of the most girly screams I’d ever heard. He then promptly falling out of his seat as our group, and everyone nearby burst into laughter. Even the reserved D had a light chuckle at the druid's shocked reaction.

  “Good to see you again too, Ogma” D said with a bit of amusement in his tone. The dark elf then moving to sit beside Morrigan so Special Knee’s could continue his speech. Ogma climbing back up as well with a huff. The people in the area still giving him amused glances and more than a few giggles.

  “Oh don’t worry, I’m sure people will forget about your girly screams soon enough” Okane reassured him. The gesture seeming significantly less sincere as he giggled a little bit himself after saying so. The glare Ogma gave him, in turn, making the merchant cough before looking forward and gesturing for Knee to continue. The gnome then raising his brow at our group before taking a breath and speaking once more.

  “As I was saying, D will be an additional member to your group. As you are probably aware, he is a spellsword. Capable of dual-wielding and using some limited spells to aid in his endeavors. We want you all to be in the reserve forces, keeping an eye out for Ignis himself and then dispatching him while we distract his forces. To that end, I have an interesting idea for such” the gnome said with a devilish grin.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Road More Hidden

  With our own role in the battle decided, our group met up with Briggs, Lethe, and Special Knee to meet with Ro and Fidro. The two demi-human leaders already waiting for us in Ro’s hut. Once everyone was seated Ro gestured to the large battle map of the area with various markings and pieces representing our forces. The war council had begun.

  “Both Chief Ro’s and my own forces are represented by these figures here. The opening and choke point we built into our defenses essentially forcing the enemies main forces to funnel through this point” Chief Fidro said as he gestured towards a 3 inch opening in front of the village on their map. “With the defensive wall and traps in place, this will provide the enemy an opportunity to strike at a far less guarded side, an option I do not think they will pass up.”

  “So we will be forming ranks around this point then? If so, The Wolfs Blood guild could be positioned next to you while keeping some reserve units in the back to notify us should the enemy forces attempt a flanking maneuver,” Knee proposed. His eyes looking to Lethe, who then gave him a curt nod. “Considering that your group will be our ace in the hole, we will likely keep you back with us until we can pinpoint Ignis’s location. When we do, that’ll be your cue to deploy.” The gnome then looking toward us expectantly.

  I let out a small cough, clearing my throat and stepped forward from the group. “Sounds like a plan. Ignis will likely keep to the back. From my experiences with him I can definitely stay he is fond of tricks. When we do spot him, my mount should be able to carry us across the line quickly, in theory at least” I told the group. Their heads nodding slowly as I spoke.

  After Ro outlined the various traps in the area to watch out for, our group adjourned for the day. Agreeing to meet once more tomorrow to discuss any potential changes before the final battle. This being a great ide
a as after today, we only had one day left. By the time we had finished the council, it was already dusk. The various troops of Fidro and Lethe’s people all bunked up in tents or around fires for supper. Upon passing one though I happened to see quite the familiar face.

  “Lia?! The hell are you doing here?” I exclaimed. The crazy necromancer simply sitting by one of the fires with her skeletal companion writing in a book.

  “Bunny lord! Good to see you! Fyi I’m sorry but the name kept with my followers. They loved your battle with Briggs. Bring that undead muscle son. But for reals man, giant battlefield, tons of likely corpses, why wouldn’t I be here?” Lia then giving me a knowing look as Charon and Bonejamin clasped arms.

  “Fair point, I just wasn’t expecting you here, did you join the guild as well?” I asked. I really should have been expecting the dead obsessed mage to be here. Tons of bodies to pack away for material and general shenanigans.

  “Of course they did, have you seen me? I kick royal ass, some commoner ass too” she giggled. Bonejamin giving her the skeletal equivalent of an “are you serious?” expression in body language. Charon simply shrugged, conveying to me that he thought the joke wasn’t too bad. “I’m surprised you didn’t already know, didn’t you check your guild tab?”

  “I uhh...I glanced over it. There’s actually a lot of things I’ve been meaning to look at. I just keep getting pulled into stuff” I said slightly abashed. There's always so much stuff going on so I barely get time to look over my stats. Mental notes don’t exactly help if people are always jumping at ya.

  “Annnyway, I brought you a gift!” Lia said cheerily. The necromancer then pulling out 3 stacks of human bones from her inventory and emptying them onto the ground. “Just a few more skeletons from my closet, don’t worry, I got more” she added with a wink. I honestly didn't doubt that in the least. She was crazy clever, but still crazy, just saying. I put the skeletons into my inventory and thanked her for them. These guys would help me out quite a bit.

  I sat down at the fire with her for a good while. Catching up on what she had been doing and seeing what role she played in the battle. Apparently, she had talked with Lethe about how vital necromancers would be and as such was working with 2 others to take advantage of the various bodies that’d be piling up. This, of course, being any zombie apocalypse hoarders nightmare. Be they friends or enemies, all could be added to the horde.

  Considering there was still a day left and much preparations to be done, I moved to a tent that the chief had set up for my group and I. Fortunately, everyone was still out and about, which gave me some time to really look at my character sheet and see if I needed any more components. As it stood, my two most advanced skills were Dark Orb Raise Undead which were presently at lvl 4. My remaining lesser-used skills still at level 2. This of course not including my passive companion skill which leveled through combat and my use of Raise Undead. From what Lia had said, as it leveled it would give Charon the ability to talk to some extent and also gradually outline him to resemble his former self.

  Charon couldn’t speak out loud yet, but hopefully, as it leveled he could chat more with our group. I imagine it would be a bit lonely being forced to always follow me around despite me being a lovely conversationalist. His form at present was beginning to take on a glowing blue outline, which was a strong indicator that we were likely close to a breakthrough.

  In my inventory, save for a few rabbits, I had enough to summon a total of two GraveKnights. The issue being it would in turn also consume my manticore skeleton and I was a bit fond of my oversized cat. Still, two juggernauts would definitely make a difference in battle. Man, why was it always so hard to get components? You slave all day over a hot battlefield and you get what, a few wolf skeletons and an ogre, disgraceful.

  My considerations were cut short as Ogma and Morrigan entered the tent. My two group mates locked in a discussion of who would make the most kills in the battle ahead. I was surprised that they weren’t more on edge. I mean, yeah I had been in raids and PVP battles before, but never like this. Pretty sure I was just gonna be running around screaming the entire time. That made me a Viking right? Screaming and running into battle as opposed to away from it? Yeah, let's go with that one.

  “Was wondering where you got off to,” Ogma said with a grin as he sat down on the tent's floor. Rearranging his would be pillows for a more comfortable recline.

  “What can I say, I’m just a popular guy,” I said and chuckled. Morrigan then snorting for the first time since I met her.

  “Oh yeah, I believe that, definitely,” she commented. The thief sitting down and elbowing her brother. “Real casanova over here.”

  “I find your lack of faith in me to be quite disturbing” I replied. Doing my best to sound like the dark lord. I then waved my hand over them both in typical fashion and added “you find me quite charming, you will give me them digits.” This causing Morrigan’s eyes to roll so far back into her head I was worried the woman may have been possessed. This, of course, being the moment when Okane and D entered the tent. The two of them apparently wrapping up a discussion about panthers of all things.

  “So you're telling me, of all possible fighting companions, you would choose a panther? Why not a wolf or something?” Okane asked as the two moved to sit in their designated spots.

  “Because cats are quieter and I do my best work in the dark” D replied matter of factly. The dark elf folding his arms over his chest and giving Okane an expectant look.

  “So what else do you do in the dark?” Ogma chortled. Making sure to meet D’s gaze and give him the ol' eyebrow wiggles. The dark elf looking at him for a long moment, face unreadable before he looked back to Okane and pointedly continued their conversation.

  “Swing and a miss” Morrigan chided her brother. Ogma then looking at her and shrugging.

  “Miss all the shots you don’t take, dear sister,” he said and gave her a wink. Morrigan's face then switching from a smug grin to a grimace. Never a dull moment in this crowd I swear. Even Charon looked over at me for a moment. His eyes conveying some small amount of amusement, or so I thought.

  “I am already dead and their jokes are killing me. They are legitimately killing me for the second time” he said as he leaned in. Making sure to drive the point home. “Stop the bad jokes man. I will hurt them, and then you for not stopping em.”

  “So Are they...Robin you of your patience?” I chortled through our link. The skeleton then stomping his foot on top of mine. “Gahhh! The hell man, if you have a bone to pick just speak up already!” This, of course, earning me another stomp for the pun, but I was already too far gone. Peace was never an option. The group however just saw me giggling and Charon stomping on my feet. All of them giving me judging looks for a moment before continuing their conversations. We really do need to get Charon talking at some point.

  The rest of the night passed swiftly as we all hung out, discussed battle plans, and eventually opted to use the “sleep” function to essentially let us skip forward until morning. Allowing our true subconscious to take over and create the illusion that we were sleeping normally. This being interesting since it was basically a dream within a dream, dreamception.

  The next morning I awoke to Ogma stumbling around the tent. His hulking form making for the proverbial bull in a china closet scenario as he rummaged. The rest of us stirring to wake as our human alarm clock attempted to make his bed. After everyone was up and about, Okane took the initiative to make us all breakfast. The meal of scrambled eggs, juice, and wolf sausage granting us a decent buff to our stamina and hp. I was honestly surprised not only that the merchant had wolf sausage, but also that it was actually surprisingly good albeit a little gamey.

  After breakfast, our group met up with Lethe, Briggs, and the village chiefs. Us all discussing positioning and going through some unit maneuvers so we wouldn’t be caught off guard. Of course, my own party was not going to be a part of the guilds forces or the demi-humans, but knowing the set up he
lped everyone. The last thing we needed was to run into some trap or stumble over somebody because we weren’t paying attention.

  Having done all we could, I spent the remainder of the day out with Charon. The two of us taking on lone wolves, groups of rabbits, and a young brown bear that thought I’d make a good snack. The experience gain wasn’t too much, but I was more so doing it for the skills. Taking time to work on my coordination with Charon and raising the various beasts pushed the Raise Undead and Charon’s companion skill towards level 5. The blue aura surrounding him becoming slightly more pronounced as I received a notification.

  Focusing on the window, I brought it up in the center of my vision. The message reading, Your Raise Undead and Associated companion skill have reached level 5, new bonuses available. Your companion is now able to speak using 2-3 word combinations. As the skill ranks up further, he will be able to speak at greater length and intricacy. Your Companion now has the ability to command your other summons within a set range. Charon noticing the change as well as the skeleton said his first words.

  “It’s about time” he said out loud. His tone conveying amusement at the change.

  “Yeahhh doing stuff in this world takes a bit longer than I’d like, but what can you do?” I said with a shrug. “ At least now you can tell Ignis off before we sent him for a respawn” I added and winked. The skeleton pointing at me and giving the “you right” gesture. The two of us then resuming our grinding as we farmed the area for skeletons. By the time we had finished, I was able to get a total of 4 wolf skeletons which counted as mid-sized and a single brown bear which was classified as large. To put things simply, I now had a pretty decent arsenal to work with.


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