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Ascension Page 18

by J R Davis

  Amidst the city of tents, there was a singular large one. Judging to be at least 4 times the size of others. It was ornately decorated with skulls on sticks at the entrance, presumably orcish judging by the teeth. Above the tent were depictions of a large ogre with a toothed club raising it above a kneeled enemy. This, of course, speaking tons for my expectations about the leader here. After the ogre escorts had announced our presence, we were bid “enter” by a gruff voice inside. The two exterior guards then gesturing for us to move along.

  On the inside of the tent sat a small ogre with a single medium-sized horn on his head. His small frame looking even smaller on his large oaken throne. Even seated I could tell he was far shorter than his 7-foot tall brethren. This being odd because ogres were all about battle prowess and from what I remembered runts were usually not high on the totem pole. My skepticism must have caught his notice though as he suddenly addressed me.

  “Something interest you, human?” The small ogre asked pointedly. His stern expression giving away a small glint of amusement behind his eyes. I knew he probably would see through any excuse I could think of so I instead touched on a half-truth.

  “I noticed the tent drawings on the outside had a large ogre with a toothed club, but I am unsure if that was you. I meant no disrespect with my staring honorable chieftain” I said with a slight bow. The small ogre in turn giving me a curt nod. His expression softening somewhat after my apology.

  “That was old chief, I became chieftain through the right of combat. I am Chieftain Dizrog” he said, then emphasizing his point as electricity danced between his fingers. “I am not big, but I am strong” he reasoned. Ahhh so he was a mage. Don’t see those too often with ogres but shocking the old chieftain into retirement, well, that’d do it.

  “Thank you for seeing us, we have come with a message and to request aid,” I said taking on a formal tone. Dizrog then straightening in his chair and motioning for me to continue. “You see, an army of adventures is coming to destroy Raz’s village. We have already secured the aid of the hobgoblins, but need all the help we can get.”

  “If they are not stopped, they will likely look towards your home and Chief Fidro’s as well for their next conquest” Raz added pleadingly. His small hands pressed together in anxiousness.

  “And why should we help you? What do ogres gain from helping goblins and hobs?” the chief asked in a serious tone. This being the question I was ready and waiting for after last time. Always relate a problem to how it affects the people you need help from, psych 101.

  “Adventurers are coming, we never experience true death and can keep hitting an area until our objective is completed,” I said matter of factly. “This may start with the goblin village, but will end up here and the hob village, adventurers are pretty big on exploration and will see your village as a test.” Dizrog then eyeing me with interest after I had essentially admitted I couldn’t be killed.

  “So you cannot die?” He asked with a quirked brow. There was some skepticism in his tone, but I can’t blame the guy. Like Fidro before him I imagine someone telling you they are immortal comes off a bit rough.

  “We can die, we just come back after a period. So even if you defended one attack people would just keep coming until you couldn’t” I reasoned. “What I would like to do is have an alliance if not a joint city of demi-humans. This would have various economic advantages as well.” This basically making it so players would be less likely to attack, but also set up a potential trade route between humans and demi-humans. I had yet to discuss the latter with Chief Ro though.

  “Perhaps, but first explain what happened in the mountains on your way here,” Dizrog asked pointedly. I imagine the leader had to make sure any group that killed one of his own had matters settled. Raz then stepping forward again for the save.

  “What happened there Chief Disrog, was that in our approach we were ambushed by guards. It was only after one had been defeated that the others would hear our reasons for entering”. The small goblin explained in a regretful tone. “ I would have rather no blood been shed amongst allies”.

  “Ah. You had entered sacred land and anyone but our priests were forbidden to be there. Perhaps in the future, we will have our guards be more...talkative” Disrog said, a small glint of amusement could be seen in his eyes as he mused about possible changes. Thank god the guy wasn’t going to ask for some trial by combat or something. I need a great many things but a throw down with static shock was decidedly not on the list.

  “We never intended any disrespect and are very grateful for your understanding Chieftain,” Raz said apologetically. The little guy sure knew how to work a crowd. I could already see Disrog mellowing out. His originally formal and rigid posture easing into more of a recline as we talked.

  “None is taken, it was an honor for him to die in battle serving his god. What matters now is whether Ogrim deems it wise to send aid. When is this battle?” The chieftain asked Raz, him then giving each of us an appraising glance. I suppose it was not only Ogrim that decided whether we were worthy.

  “It is in 11 days after today” I replied. Then getting an affirming nod from Raz. “Chief Fidro of the Hobgoblins plans to arrive about 2 days prior to the attack to bolster our defenses”.

  “I will send priests to our temple to pray. Should they have an answer we will meet you on the battlefield. Now go, I am busy and now must potentially plan for a war” Disrog said as he waved us away. The two guards outside then ushering us back to the main gate.

  “That went well, ish” Lethe commented with a weak smile. “So we have one definite and one kinda sorta maybe ally”.

  “The hobgoblins are more militaristic and Fidro is a diligent leader. Where the ogres are concerned they are a powerful tribe but also very religious. Just as we have our god, so do they” Raz explained plainly. “What is the plan now? There is still some time before the battle”.

  “We did what we could, now we go back and report,” Briggs said matter of factly.

  “Down, but after I gotta head out. It's getting about that time” I replied to the paladin. I had been in the game nearly over 3 in-game days so it was either wake and bake or stay on and potentially piss myself. I was historically not a fan of the latter, just sayin.

  “Then it's settled, off we go then!” Lethe said cheerily as he briskly set off down the mountain. The bard only getting a good 15 feet before Briggs stopped him.

  “That's... that's the wrong way Lethe. Come on, you have a map man!” The paladin yelled. Lethe then quickly turning back. Him silently mouthing “oh yeahhhh...” as he presumably brought up his display. The bard then setting off in the exact opposite direction he was originally going. I chuckled, but to be honest I use maps to navigate around as well. If not for GPS I’d likely get lost on the way to the restroom.

  With our group in tow, we made our way back to Ro’s village. Getting there just before the sun sank behind the trees. We ended up walking the majority of the way too since SOME PEOPLE have something against large skeletal kitty mounts, go figure. Once we arrived in the village we made our way for Chief Ro’s hut. Catching the goblin chief midway there near a building underworks. Apparently, Ro had been instructing the goblin workers on a better barracks.

  Once Ro took notice of us, he shared a few more words with the worker then made his way over to our group. Ushering us to his home as we filled him in on the quests progress. Ro was quite pleased to know the hobs would be arriving before the battle. A little less so that the ogre's aid was still in the air. All the same, he granted our quest rewards for the former. The experience pushing me right into level 7, yeahhh buddy!

  I placed my stat point allotment in the usual areas with agi and int. Being far more interested in leveling my skills than boosting my stats at this point. My Raise Undead and accompanying companion skill were nearly leveled, which would make Charon more independent but also boost my weaker summons as well. Arcane Shift Was also getting up there in the experience bar. The increased rank
s also lowering its cooldown and increasing the range. It was essentially my get out of jail free card so I kinda needed it to level up quickly.

  Once we were all seated and proper I proposed that we work towards potentially forming that join city for the differing races. Explaining to Chief Ro that it would dissuade people from attacking and would provide good trade opportunities. Ro, to his credit, listened diligently to my proposal and said he would discuss such with Fidro when he arrived.

  “But who will lead if we joint city?” Ro asked pointedly. The goblin leader leading me to an answer I believe we both already knew.

  “My idea is that you all form a council with you, Fidro, and Dizrog deciding on matters that affected your city” I replied with a formal tone. “Equal power for the equal races”.

  “Mmm this not bad idea, but we see how battle goes and if Dizrog agree” the leader commented, his brow furrowed as he was considering how things would likely work out. I was glad Ro was so reasonable about all this. The guy seemed like a real responsible leader. Doing what needed to get done not because he wanted power, but rather because he wanted safety and stability for his people. And I would be damned if I let some punk with a god complex be the end of his leadership.

  Once our discussion was over Briggs and Lethe headed out. Vowing that they would return at the 10-day marks as well with Fidro. With my own timer about to run out as well, I wished them, Raz, and Chief Ro well and let them know I would be back as well. Sending Ogma and the crew a message as well with the update. There was much to be done before our final battle. Traps to be laid, fortifications to be fortified, and battle plans to be drawn. Be they 30 or 300, I would be using their bodies to bolster our own forces. For What better ammunition could they have brought a necromancer?

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Call To Arms

  I pulled off the Remtech visor with a yawn, then stretching my legs and arms out wide. I had been under for a good while and yeah it counted as sleep, but too much sleep is also exhausting for some reason. Got the love the human body am I right? Stretching done, I got up and ready. Doing the usual routine of tidying up before heading to a local cafe for breakfast. It was about 9 am by the time I arrived and had fortunately missed the morning rush.

  For the most part, I didn’t really have any favorites. Favorite clothing brand, favorite food, or even a favorite kind of music. I was basically just all over the place. That being said, this specific spot had a rustic charm to it. The place being ironically called The Coffee Shop and boasted very friendly staff and good food at a reasonable price. I had actually talked with the owner about the game just a wee bit before it came out. The old guy not exactly understanding the gaming terms, but seemed happy to talk about it just the same.

  With breakfast done and out of the way I got some supplies then headed back to my room to do some research. The Catalyst guild forums for Ignis’s guild had a new topic about the upcoming assault. It being seemingly swarmed with guildmates commenting on how fun it would be to crush some scrub players and get whatever loot was in the village. Ignis himself stoking the fires by exaggerating our own encounter. The fool had said he was assaulted by our group while they were leveling in the village. That if not for said surprise, he would have gotten us and assured his fellow members that the reckoning would be swift and brutal.

  On the opposite end of the spectrum, I could see that Lethe was hard at work gathering his opposing force. Many of our own members more than eager to put Catalyst in their place. I guess the guild had a knack for rubbing people the wrong way. Makes sense though as both encounters I had with Ignis, he was kind of an asshole. Still, I wasn’t about to talk anyone out of bringing the smackdown on him and his god.

  I had intended to be back online around 6 to have some extra time preparing, but got a call from my old friend kyle. The guy needed to have an emergency move out of a domestic situation with his abusive ex. The woman having had beaten him when upset and despite being a big guy, he could never raise his hand to a lady. Opting instead to book it before shit hit the proverbial fan. Yeah, I had the battle to prepare for, but Kyle had a battle of his own and I’d be a piss poor friend not to help him out. So he picked me up in his truck and we headed on out.

  Fortunately for us, the ex was presently nowhere near the apartment. Most likely rockin the boat some other place. I helped him make multiple trips and assisted in talking with his apartments management about the situation. Surprisingly, they were pretty reasonable and considering he had gone to them during her prior issues with photos, they let him move on out. His new abode being a good 15-minute drive away in a cheaper complex, but a safer one. The entire time we talked about the game and what was happening in it.

  Kyle had apparently been saving up for the visor and would be joining next month. So naturally, I filled him in on what little knowledge I had and let him know I'd definitely help him catch up to me when he got one. The guy seemed quite interested in my own class and the fact that Charon was this independent thinking being. It really makes you question what defines a person, be it the mind or flesh and blood.

  “Yeah, you are going to have to introduce me to him when I get the game” he suggested hopefully. Pressing his hands together like some sort of mad man. “My philosophy professor would have freaked to experience this sort of thing.”

  “Ok but only if you don’t creep on the guy” I said with a chuckle. I’m sure Charon would like the guy. Both of them have had my back, just in very different ways. I have to admit though, I am pretty curious what class he would end up in. Kyle looked like a tank, the guy was huge. 6’3 and could probably lift me with one arm. You never know though, the game could see him as an archer if he picked the scany route.

  By the time we had finished moving him into his new place and cleaning out the old, it was already 2am. I had clearly missed my original time to get back in the game by a good 8 hours. Which definitely brought us much closer to the endgame than I was expecting. Still, I should have juuuust enough time with the 2-3 days I have left before shit hits the fan. Or at least, I was hoping that’d be the case.

  It was almost 2:45 by the time I made it back home. I then quickly popped on the visor and got back into the dream. Charon again meeting me in the village as I got in.

  “I was beginning to wonder when you’d get back” he said in mock irritation. The skeleton then walking over and putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

  “Yeahhhh sorry about that, got tied up helping a friend. Where do you go anyway when I’m not around?” I replied, slightly embarrassed. We did have stuff to do and anything going wrong may end up costing the village.

  “It is kind of like sleeping, from what I remember of my time alive,” Charon said in a reflective tone. His blazing eyes going down for a moment before rising to meet mine. He clearly missed what he had. Missed his family and his own name. To have a past so close you could almost touch it..and yet couldn’t quite reach. Ignis would be paying for this, and speaking of that issue, it was time to check in with Zootwick.

  From what Ogma and the gang's reply to my message had said, they were all working hard on setting up traps for the upcoming battle. We had just 2 days left which meant Fidro and his troops should arrive sometime today. This being good because while Zootwicks info had put the final battle a few days from now, but that could change and the info could always have been off.

  By the time Charon and I arrived at Zootwicks shop, it was already midday. The city market bustling with shops and patrons scurrying about their daily routines. The crafty merchant himself was inspecting some of his weapons as we entered.

  “Ah! Good to see you again, I had been meaning to send a runner. Fortunately for you, you saved me the trouble haha!” the gnome exclaimed.

  “In regards to your future quest or for the upcoming battle?” I queried the merchant. The gnome then putting down the sword he was looking at and approaching us cheerily.

  “Well, apparently your enemy has recently finished a guild house on
the far end of town. From what my informant overheard, they will deploy to fight you from this location” Zootwick passed on matter of factly. “I can show you if you like?”

  “I am 100% down for that, but first I need something from you first. Still got those barrels of explosives?” I asked, putting on a friendly smile. The gnome had a knack for explosives and I was gonna use it for something else buuuuuut now I had a better idea.

  “I do, but you must be careful my friend. They are highly volatile and with a mere spark could level this building” the gnome said in a more serious tone. Questioning my reasoning for needing something so dangerous.

  “That's why I need them. The brawl with Ignis will need some firepower. Rest assured, I will be more than careful. Also, if they are that volatile, why keep them in your shop?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at the gnome.

  “ I can do is sell you 3 for 350 a barrel. And A question for a question, who would mess with ol Zootwick when I can just detonate the area?! Hahahaaa” Zootwick exclaimed, making an explosion gesture with his hands. “Nobody that's who, now do you want the barrels or no?”.

  “Ohhhh yeahhhh, I’ll take em. I’ll also want 5 fire potions as well if you have some in stock.” The gnome then nodding excitedly and gesturing to the “Fire Potion” sign that listed them at 150 gold a pop. The price was steep, damn near clearing out my gold reserves in one trip. Still, with everything accounted for and in my inventory, the battle was on. Thank god for the whole MMO secret satchel of unlimited spacing for items. Carrying around barrels that could explode at any moment was not exactly my idea of a good time.

  After a lengthy walk down alleyways and through the city Zootwick led us to a two-story building with an adjacent storage building. Being careful to be close enough to see the building yet far enough to keep out of sight.

  “And there she is, the headquarters of your nemesis, do with zee info what you will” the gnome said with a wink. Then turning on his heel and heading out. Zootwick then stopping as he got about 15 feet away and said “ If I get any new info I will let you know. Godspeed my friend, and I will see you again when zee battle is over.” He added, the merchant then turning a corner and out of sight.


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