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Page 20

by J R Davis

  With our remaining downtime, Charon and I scouted the area for any advance troops. Or at least I would like to say that was the only reason I was out by the traps. Again, I royally suck with directions so I wanted to put a visual spot to the marked map traps so my dumb ass didn’t stumble through. I then marked each location on my map display with a giant red X. Was it overkill, yes, yes it was. But, it was also a needed precaution. The goal was to defeat Ignis and win the day, not to end up on this year's top 20 gaming screw-ups.

  From how things looked, we had a wide-open area for the coming battle. The wall around the village essentially locking out anyone who didn’t use the gate. They were more than welcome to try climbing the 8-foot tall log fences, but I sincerely doubt anyone would make it more than halfway up without taking an arrow to the face. Which, in my humble opinion, if far worse than the knee. By the time Charon and I marked the traps, scouted, and examined out defenses, it was already nightfall once more. The various groups of our army once more settling in for the night.

  As we passed through the camp there was a clear sense of tension among the troops. I would have expected such from Fidro and Ro’s troops, but not from Lethe’s. You would imagine considering it was a game that they would be more relaxed or excited, yet very few showed such emotions. It was as if a wave of anxiousness had rolled over our forces. Still, I can’t blame them. I’d never been in a fight like this before. My emotions and any anxiousness I would be feeling, being instead funneled through the scope of my objective. To shut down Ignis and ensure the survival of the village. In the face of that, who had time to be nervous?

  Upon making it back to the tent and out general resting questers I found that everyone was outside sitting around the fire. Okane cooking up another concoction, likely of other monster bits from our travels. This was not to say I’m complaining, he makes good stuff, I just never saw myself eating anything like wolf, bear, or any other oddities you’d likely not eat in the states. The stat boosts though were always more than welcome. As Okane was handing out bowls Ogma took his with a gracious nod. Him then eyeing D as the dark elf reclined against his log.

  “Alright, so since tomorrow is going to be a mad scramble, I figure it's best we fill each other in on our class and abilities. Especially considering D hasn’t partied with us before. '' D then looking up at Ogma and moving to a sitting position.

  “Well as Special Knees said, I’m a spellsword. My racial alignment making me slightly more geared towards dark magic and general stealth” D then gesturing to Morrigan and continuing. “I would likely be most similar to Her in combat albeit my kit is more about hindering the enemy than boosting myself.” D then looking over at Okane and motioning for him to go next.

  “Ahem, well, I’m a merchant and use an axe and some weight and money related skills. I also am this groups fill healer since I carry a stock of potions and heal balls” he said, reaching into his inventory and pulling out a leatherbound orb.

  “What exactly is a heal ball?” D asked as he eyed the orb suspiciously.

  “It is a battle item that Zootwick and I came up with together. It explodes on impact, healing the person when there's no time to ingest a potion”. The merchant tossing it in the air and catching it a few times. He then threw it at a tree near our tent to emphasize his point. What should have happened was the orb exploded on contact. What actually happened was Okane managed to hit Lia just as she and Bonejamin were walking up to us. The orb exploding on her waist and effectively soaking her. The necromancers expression being unreadable as she looked at her soaked clothes, and then to Okane.

  “It was an accident, I meant to hit the tree behind you” he frantically explained. Lia tilting her head slightly at the merchant.

  “You dun goofed” Bonejamin said in his ghostly British tone. The words, however, were more filled with amusement than anything. He had been with Lia long enough to know shit was about to get interesting. Okane's eyes then darting back to Lia who just crouched down quietly emptied a rabbits skeleton onto the ground. Her then activating Raise Undead and the small creature sprung to life.

  “Go home lil fella” she said and pointed at Okane. His eyes going wide as the skeletal rabbit quickly hopped over to him and tried to scurry up his pant leg.

  “Ack! What the heck?!” Okane cried as he jumped to his feet and did what looked to be a jig trying to get it off. Lia then gave a little smirk before sitting down next to me and put on a wide smile.

  “So how you guys doing tonight? Figured I’d bug you guys a little before shit hits the fan”. The necromancer then called off the rabbit that by this point had made its way halfway up his leg. “Also, next time he ain’t quitting until he finds his burrow, understood?”

  “Understood” Okane replied with an exhausted sigh. “But yes, despite my aiming fail, that is how heal balls work.” The skeletal rabbit then making rounds around the camp as we all talked. Filling each other in about our roles and hearing about Lia’s role in all this. Her necromancer strike squad apparently supposing to make some big waves tomorrow.

  Given what was coming the following day, we all stayed up pretty late. Talking about what we may see from Ignis and sorting out where D would be in our party. Once it got to the wee hours of the morning and mostly everyone else was either asleep or mellowing out, I decided to call it a night. Allowing myself just a little downtime before all hell broke loose. Tomorrow we would face Ignis, we would get Charon his peace of mind, and we would ensure this village would stand to see another day. Besides, Charon and I had a plan to dissuade our enemies from trying anything in the future, and it was going to be a blast.

  Chapter Eighteen

  How to cook an antagonist

  I awoke abruptly the next morning to Charon shaking me into consciousness. My dreariness being quickly pushed aside as I saw everyone scrambling about.

  “Ignis is here!!” he yelled as I slowly got to my feet. My party members already checking their equipment and readying themselves for what was to come. By the time we all had gotten ready and met with the chiefs on the field, there was already a large mass pouring through the trees. Ignis had apparently managed things well enough to bring a good-sized force in.

  Fortunately for us, Fidro and Ro were no slackers and had their forces already in position to fight them. Both leaders wrapped in light leather armor. Fidro wielding a pike and small round shield as Ro had his totem staff. Their forces wearing an assortment of different armors and weapons. Despite that, the rows of goblin and hobgoblin fighters were intermingled yet well placed. I imagine that the goblins would not do too well in the open, but when placed near a hob they could cover each other’s blind spots. The hobs swinging high and the goblins swinging low.

  Our own position in the battle was beside the chiefs, Lethe, and Special Knees. I was surprised to not see Briggs there, yet I imagine the paladin would rather be bashing faces upfront. This being confirmed as I saw a flicker of the man's armor in front of Lethe’s forces. Our guilds own forces seemed to amount to around 35 or so people now that I saw everyone out and about. This being complemented by the other 28 to 29 fighters the chiefs had mustered. So, all in all, we had about 70 people total including our small group.

  There was an issue though. While we were able to gather 70 fighters to defend the village, Ignis apparently brought significantly more. The dark cleric having a good 20-30 people on us. To put things simply, this would likely be an uphill battle. We had the home-field advantage, but I wasn’t sure that would be enough. As I considered such things though, Ignis’s forces parted as he and Gnarl moved towards the opening in the middle of our would-be battlefield.

  “Apparently they wish to talk, should we oblige?” knee asked, his eyes looking to Lethe and the chiefs expectantly.

  “Mm this may be a trap, but we go. See what the human has to say” Ro reasoned. Fidro agreeing with the Goblin and starting to move forward. The two of them passed through our army, making their way to meet with Ignis as Lethe, Knee, and I trailed cl
ose behind. Ignis showing little interest in us as our larger group approached.

  “So, the day is finally here isn’t it Robin?” Ignis asked with a sneer. He then folded his arms and looked me over. “I see you have been doing some leveling since our last little chat. I’m so very glad you didn’t heed my warning. All of this was, after all, for you.”

  “What do you mean for me?” I asked in confusion. We had stumbled upon him attacking the village, he better not feed me some bullshit about how we were destined to fight or some other bad villain dialogue.

  “Well, Your group interrupted my divine conquest. Seemed like a piss poor idea to just let that slide” he said with a cruel smile. Ignis then taking a slight bow as if on stage. “Now tell me, why would one of my guildmates say something about them seeking revenge? Why not simply get the jump on you?” He prodded. Waiting for the pieces to click into space for me.

  “You did all this on purpose? Why?” I asked, frustrated at the thought that he was just leading us around by our noses.

  “I wanted you to get a little army together, to gather all your little friends. Did you think we didn’t realize my members were being trailed? We spoon-fed you information, waited patiently for you to set up your defenses, and gave you a little incentive at the anthill to light a fire under your ass.” The cleric then spread his arms out wide, giving me a crazed smile as he concluded his little rant. “It was all for you, Robin. You and your group mettled in my affairs. I wanted you to do everything you could, and then crush you. Show you that you ain’t shit, that you only got lucky then. Thank you for coming here and having all my planning pay off”.

  “Now, just keep in mind Ignis, if your plan works out bravo and all that. If it doesn’t though, you will be wide open to some ironic quotation later. Make sure you’re a good sport about that yeah?” I replied giving him a smug look. Yeah, we were likely screwed, but I was not about to give that psychopath the satisfaction of seeing me flustered. If we went down, we went down swinging.

  “We shall see about that. I actually came to make y'all an offer. A very kind one if I do say so myself. The cleric then looking at us expectantly, awaiting a reply. When none came, he frowned and continued. “Lay down your lives now, if the leaders of each group do so and let us destroy the village, we will let the rest live under our rule.''

  “Here is a counteroffer, leave all of your gear here and scamper back into the woods naked. You and your entire army do that, and I won’t shove a pike up your ass” Fidro said in an amused tone. His sentiment being echoed by Ro judging by the grin spreading on the small goblins face.

  “Well, there you have it Ignis. It's pretty brisk out so you should be fine, what do you say?” Knee said with a chuckle. His sentiments were backed by Lethe as the bard followed up.

  “Although I am tempted to put an arrow your ass when you run. You’re a religious man, right? How about you turn the other cheek and let me hit that one too?” Lethe said. Him then motioning losing a bolt into the cleric. Ignis then frowning and looked to Gnarl.

  “A true shame, I guess I’ll drive my point home via the tip of a sword. I’ll make sure your gravestone notes your good humor.” The dark cleric then motioning to Gnarl and the two-headed back to their army. Peace talks had unsurprisingly shut down. I’m not going to say I wasn’t already expecting it to go this way. Ignis is, for lack of a better word, a real twatwaffle.

  We made our way back to the group at a decent pace. Passing by the chief’s and Lethe’s forces and back into the center. In the distance, I could see Ignis and his party take center stage in his forces, front line. So much for keeping to the back. I guess what he said about setting things up may have been true. That he wanted this brawl and as such wouldn’t side idly.

  The faces of the Ro and Fidro’s troops were filled with anxiety. They knew we were outnumbered, knew that things would likely go south. The same could be said for Lethe’s forces. The Knights Of Wolfs Blood being prepared to go against the odds, but clearly not thrilled at the uphill battle. It was then that Chief Fidro moved to the center of our forces. Ro following in suit behind him as Fidro went to rally their troops.

  Fidro slammed his pike onto the ground. The sound echoing across the battlefield, bringing with it a deathly silence. After a moment, another slam came, then another. The rhythmic slamming being picked up by each and every goblin and hobgoblin soldier until it shook the very ground we stood on. It was in the height of this pressure, this call to arms that Fidro called out to his and Ro’s people. Demanding that no matter the odds they stand together all the same.

  “I cannot speak for my goblin brethren for I was not here in the initial assault...” he trailed off as the rhythmic stomping continuing. “But I stand here with you now. My people stand with you now. Their forces may be greater, but they lack our spirit, our resolve! Each and every one of you is worth 2 of them! Will you, the proud people of this village falter?” Shouts and cries echoing back “no!” And “never!”. “Then steal your minds and ready your blades! show them that our people will not fall quietly onto their blades! But rather, it is they who will fall, they who will cower as our joined forces crush their army, and their resolve! What say you?!” It was then that each and every hobgoblin and goblin roared. Their combined tones forming a wave of intimidation.

  At that moment, as Fidro’s speech concluded, a red aura started at all of our feet. It grew in intensity and rose until it seemed to consume us. My notifications reading that I had received a new buff. Buff received: Warlords Resolve: +15% attack for the next 3 hours, + 5% to defense. The difference a good leader can make is staggering. With everything going on here we really could use any help we could get to take Ignis down. Let's just hope this was enough. They still had a good 20-30 people on us from what I saw and players were typically stronger than NPC

  monsters of similar levels. Still, even if our forces waned, Ignis was still going down. I promised Charon that much.

  It was as the buff washed over us that something no one expected happened. A system message notified each and every player here that things had officially gotten real. System message: Two groups of over 25 people have gathered in goblins forest. Mana and stamina drainage will be reduced by 50%. Respawn timer put in place. In the event of death, the killed party will have a 3-hour real-world respawn time. There is also a chance that the fallen party will drop an equipped item. I was certainly not expecting the reduced stamina and mana usage, but I wasn’t about to complain. The only issue being that Ignis’s group got the same thing. So between that and the potential loot drops, whatever party lost would likely be losing more their just their lives and a little experience.

  After the system message had passed on the good news, there were a good 2-3 minutes of silence. The silence dragging on as anxiousness built up in the two armies. Just what it seemed that the tension would swallow us whole, Chief Fidro thrust his pike into the air.

  “CHARGE!! LEAVE NO MAN STANDING!!” He roared, Hobs and Goblins then joining in his cry as they surged forward. Their eyes burning with determination. Ignis too called out to his forces. The mass of adventurers rushing forward to meet us. And in the center of that mass of adventurers, in the force that would see up wiped out, that Ignis’s eyes burned red with vengeance.

  At the same time, as the forces of demi-humans rushed forward, so did Lethe’s forces. The guild mobilizing to meet our enemy head-on. Given that Ignis was in the front, our party moved forward as well. If Ignis was in the front, then that's where we would be too. The two armies then meeting and crashing into each other as Ogma assumed his bear form to meet the charging Gnarl. The orcs heavy two-handed axe brandish to cleave us in two. With Charon at my side, we met Ignis' party and army head-on.

  The hobgoblins and goblins clashed with their adventurer opponents. Holding their own in the melee thanks to the support from archers stationed behind them. Ignis’s forces to having ranged support via a mixture of archer and mage class players. Behind them, Chief Ro was channeling his m
agic for some grand spell as Fidro met with the adventurers head-on. Jumping off of the back of one of his subordinates and then plunging his pike into a surprised player. This being the point where Chief Ro slammed his staff onto the ground. Causing the clear sky about to cloud over and a storm of crows to descend on the battlefield.

  “May boon of Korvus end your struggle!” He boomed as the murder of crows descended on the battlefield. The chief mentally guiding the flock to attack the supporting adventurers behind the tanks. This, of course, meaning Ignis was fair game. The birds swooping down over him and his party attempting to claw at them. At the same time, Briggs was leading the guilds to charge into Ignis’s forces. The paladin cleaving one elf swordsman down with one cut blow and moving on to face a nearby human mage.

  “Oh fuck!” The mage cried as he saw Briggs dispatch his compatriot.

  “The legends are true!!” A nearby guildsman gasped. This earned a wide grin from Briggs as his blade clashed with the mage's staff. He then kicked the mage in the stomach and sending him sprawling. His finishing blow however never came as he was shoulder checked by an armored large orc with a club. The orc then taunting him to get up and face him. With a shrug, Briggs hopped to his feet and charged the large orc. Their weapons crashing into each other as both parties sought an opening.

  On the other side of the battlefield, Ogma and our party worked to push back the wave of adventures. With gobs and hobs to my left and players to my right, we pushed forward against Ignis’s forces. Ogma meeting Gnarl in an ursine charge. The two titans exchanging blows as once again we met our opponents. Morrigan faced off against her thief as Okane and D chased down the two eleven ranged fighters. This freeing both Charon and myself to take on Ignis himself. The dark clerics form partially hidden from behind Gnarls hulking form.

  It was then that Ignis’s lense formed about us, pooling darkness as it charged to fire a beam of searing darkness.


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