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Sinners & Scarecrows

Page 2

by David Carter

  “Just cut the shit and talk.”

  “I see; straight down to business then.”

  “Where the fuck is Zoe?” Blaze demanded.

  “All in good time, Bobby.”

  Blaze quickly squatted down, reaching for his trusty switchblade knife from under the tongue of his right boot, and bolted straight for Archer’s desk. He hurdled it, and using his momentum, unleashed a brutal punch to Archer’s face while airborne.

  Archer’s chair launched backwards, crashing into the bookshelf behind him. He crunched to the floor with Blaze’s full bodyweight on top of him. Blaze flicked the knife-blade out from its handle and held it to Archer’s throat. Francois, who was still overcoming a bullet wound to his shoulder when he’d last encountered Blaze, quickly reacted, cocking his rifle and holding the barrel only centimetres away from Blaze’s forehead. Then in his thick, South African accent, he said, “Let me kill him now, Governor. He’s not worth the trouble.”

  Blaze conceded, untangled himself and joined a perplexed Spider and Danny on the other side of the room. Francois followed his path with the barrel of the rifle.

  Archer stood up, delicately holding his cheekbone. He adjusted his tie and shirt collar, and combed his thin, brown hair back into place. “Put the gun away, Francois,” he commanded. “That was my fault for not conducting myself in the proper manner to my new employee.”

  Stunned, Francois replied, “How do you mean, Governor? How can you possibly let this go unpunished?”

  “Because, Francois, out of habit, I insulted him by calling him Bobby. Isn’t that right, Blaze?”

  “You fucking well know it is,” he sulked.

  “May I offer my sincerest apologies,” said Archer. “You have my word I won’t call you by your given name ever again, as I know how much it irks you. But, I would also appreciate it if you would not refer to me as ‘asshole’ in return. You may address me as, Governor.”

  “How about we compromise, and I address you as, Archer. ‘Governor’ reminds me too much of a certain period I spent at Winterhill that I’d rather forget.”

  “Very well,” Archer agreed. “That goes for you, too, Danny. But not you, Spider. You have not earned my respect as these two have.”

  “Fine by me,” he replied.

  “Good, that’s settled then. Let’s get down to business, shall we?” He directed his sharp green eyes at Blaze as he took off his thick framed glasses. He huffed a breath of hot air on the lenses and polished them with his handkerchief as he said, “I know how eager you must be to have Zoe returned to you. But I must be sure that you can be trusted and are loyal to my cause.”

  “Which is?”

  “Well, apart from your usual routine of transporting merchandise to our warehouses, Mr Lombardi and I would like you to make a special delivery once a week to this very club.”

  “What’s the package?”

  “I cannot disclose that to you just yet. Not ‘til I’m satisfied you won’t try anything reckless.”

  “Why me? Why not some other imbecile you have working for you?”

  “Because I’m sure you will do whatever it takes to deliver the goods on time, in full, or die trying. And from what I already know about you, and what I have learned from Mr Lombardi, you are by far the best man for the job.”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “Apart from being reunited with Zoe, you will be paid handsomely for your services. You will have the best of everything. And what’s more, you won’t be looking over your shoulder any more. Mr Lombardi has removed the bounty for your head.”

  Blaze considered this for a moment. “So spell it out for me: what, exactly, is the job description?”

  “It’s simple.” He smiled. “Get one of your crew to drop you at Smuggler’s Point at a designated time, and drive a pre-loaded and sealed delivery truck to the back entrance of this club. Park it in the alleyway outside, deliver the keys to my office, and your job is complete. I will take care of the rest.”

  “It sounds too easy. Anyone could do that.”

  “Yes, well, I’m counting on you to use your unique skill set should you run into any trouble. I know you won’t hesitate should that moment present itself, as the package is most important to me and Mr Lombardi.”

  “All right; what’s the catch? Surely you don’t trust me after the history we share? Just look at Francois over there. He’s gagging to let me have it.”

  Archer chuckled. “See this is why I like you— always observing situations from every angle. “It is true— you will have to prove your loyalty to me. You, too, Danny.”

  “And what’s the alternative if I don’t?”

  “It’s simple; you both die. Zoe, too.”

  Archer’s middle-aged features were stern as Blaze considered his options.

  “How can I prove my loyalty?” Blaze asked him at last.

  “You tell me,” he replied tersely.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Show me you’re prepared to get your hands dirty for the business. Only then will I trust you. Find me something of value and bring it to me.”

  Blaze discreetly raised his eyebrows at Danny. “I think I can offer you something that you will be most pleased with.”

  “Oh, really? I’m listening.”

  “I assume you know Saul Gunnerman?”

  Archer almost sprang from his chair. “Of course I do,” he replied. “We’ve been enemies since the day he took over the south.”

  “Good.” Blaze smirked. “I’m going to give you his head on a platter, and his territory, too.”

  Archer couldn’t believe his ears. “And how do you plan on doing that?” he asked doubtfully.

  “Between me, Danny, and the MC, we’ll make it happen.”

  “He won’t go down without a fight, Blaze. You’re nuts if you think you can take him on. He’s got an army of guys down there—armed with everything you can imagine; weapons are his specialty.”

  “And that’s what everyone said about you…but look how that’s turned out.”

  Archer paused for a moment. “Why would you want to take out Saul Gunnerman? And what makes you think you can pull it off?”

  “Because we have something he doesn’t.”

  “Which is…?”


  “Motive? I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”

  “Revenge,” Danny cut in.

  “Revenge for what?”

  “He’s the reason I was thrown into your rat hole of a prison.”

  “You mean to say it was Gunner who murdered your wife and daughter and framed you for it?” He caressed his chin with his thumb and index finger. “Well that certainly does make things interesting.”

  “Just say the word and he’s a dead man,” Danny said through clenched teeth.

  Archer took a further moment to consider everything. Then he said, “If you deliver me Gunner’s territory, not only will you both have my trust, but you will forever be in my debt.”

  “Then we have a deal?” asked Blaze,

  “Yes, we have a deal,” he confirmed.

  “Good. But I do have one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  Blaze stared him directly in the eyes as he fiercely said, “Take me to Zoe— now.”

  Chapter 4

  Archer led Blaze, Danny, and Spider back across the mezzanine floor and down the two flights of stairs to the corridor. Francois and the two guards tailed them. Archer stopped outside one of the padlocked doors in the corridor and asked Francois to open it at once.

  As soon as Francois had removed the padlock, Archer blocked the doorway, and said to Blaze, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear; if you go back on your word, she dies. There is nowhere you can hide should you betray me. I will burn your clubhouse to the ground— with all your so-called brothers inside of it. I will tie you up and remove your eyelids, so you can watch me dismantle Zoe with a pair of pliers. And once I’ve finished with her, I will make you suffer the most painful de
ath imaginable. So I’ll ask you this once…” He leaned in close to Blaze’s face. “Who do you work for?”

  Blaze swallowed his pride as he replied, “I work for you and Mr Lombardi.”

  “Excellent answer,” he replied with a smile. He nodded to Francois.

  Francois slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Blaze brushed past him, stepping into the small, makeshift guest room. And there she was, the love of his life, sitting on a single bed in the middle of the room.

  “Zoe!” he cried out as his heart almost exploded.

  “I knew you would come for me!” she replied, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Blaze ran to her and held her tight, kissing and nuzzling her head, as the familiar aroma of her long, black hair drifted up his nostrils.

  Archer ordered everyone to give them some privacy, telling them all to go and enjoy some drinks at the bar at his expense.

  “Are you okay?” Blaze asked Zoe, checking her face and arms frantically. “Has anyone hurt you?”

  “No, I’m all right,” she sniffled, wiping the tears from her face. “Mr Lombardi and that creepy guy they call ‘the governor’ didn’t let anyone touch me. I was able to shower and shave every couple of days. And I was fed well enough.”

  Blaze kissed her on her forehead as he held her tight. He broke their embrace and looked her in the eye. “I thought you were dead,” he said ashamedly. “And with the bounty Mr Lombardi placed on my head I couldn’t get anywhere near Brighton to even find out if you were still alive. They would’ve killed me on sight.”

  Zoe was quiet for a moment. “It’s okay, Blaze; I don’t blame you for any of this. I just want to go home.”

  “And where is home?” Blaze asked nervously. “I understand if you want to get out of Brighton, but just so you know, I’m rejoining the MC and working for Archer in exchange for your freedom.” He paused a moment before he said, “So if you want to disappear while you still can, I won’t stand in your way.”

  Zoe hesitated before she replied, “Blaze, you know I love you more than anything, right?”

  “Yeah, but...?”

  “But I think I’ll go and stay at my mum’s place for a little bit— just so I can sort myself out and get my life back together. Then, my sexy beast-of-a-man, I’m coming back here where I belong, with you and the rest of the family, so I can catch up on the two months’ worth of fucking your brains out that I’ve missed out on,” she said with a devilish smile.

  “Fuck, I love it when you talk dirty.” He smirked as he thrust her down on the bed and tore her black tights down past her ankles. He instantly went hard as he saw the smooth, white skin of her slim waistline and perfect patch of soft, black pubic hair. She, in turn, ripped his black denim jeans down, then pulled up his tight black singlet, revealing his ripped upper-body, almost completely covered in scars and tattoos. “Turn around and show it to me,” she demanded.

  “Show you what?” he replied innocently.

  “You know what I’m talking know how much it turns me on...”

  He slowly turned around for her, flexing his muscles as he did so. She gazed at the large tattoo of his motorcycle club’s emblem that took up the majority of his back: of a skeleton nailed to a cross, engulfed in flames, beneath the words: SINNERS & SCARECROWS.

  Blaze threw himself on top of her, tearing off her black T-shirt and bra. His mind went crazy as he indulged in her tender breasts. They couldn’t hold back any longer. They romped frantically on the bed. Blaze groaned in ecstasy as he climaxed, then kissed her softly, and whispered, “I fucking missed you, baby.”

  “I fucking missed you, too,” she replied between soft moans, and closed her eyes as he fondled her between her legs, stimulating her until she bucked wildly as she, too, climaxed.

  As they lay quietly holding each other, Zoe said, “I see you added some more scars to your collection,” referring to the line of scar tissue that ran from his right ear all the way down along his jaw-line. Then she rubbed the scars on his chest, where he’d carved his name into it with his switchblade. “Care to explain?” she asked.

  “Let’s just say I had a run-in with and old friend of mine and his butcher’s hook.”


  “I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” He kissed her and thrust himself up from the bed. “I’ll fill you in later. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

  They dressed and walked out to the corridor. There, waiting for them was Archer. He smiled as he said, “I have arranged a homecoming party for you at your clubhouse tonight, as I’m sure you will be anxious to see everyone after your time away.”

  Blaze was taken aback. “Why are you being so nice to me?

  “I always look after my employees. This is my way of leaving the past where it belongs and saying welcome aboard. It is my hope that this is the beginning of a fruitful working relationship.”

  “Well— er— thanks,” Blaze stammered.

  “I won’t keep you any longer,” said Archer. “Go and join your friends at the bar. And, Zoe...” He looked her in the eyes sympathetically.


  “I’m sorry you were locked up in Mr Lombardi’s basement for so long. I trust your room here at the club was more comfortable?”

  “Yes, thank you. It was.”

  Archer handed Blaze a brand-new smartphone. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Mr Lombardi wants to meet with you,” he said.

  “I can hardly fucking wait.” Blaze rolled his eyes.

  Blaze took Zoe by the hand and led her into the crowded bar. He found Danny and Spider sitting at a table getting to know one another.

  “I went to the liberty of ordering you your usuals,” Spider said loudly over the music, grinning at Blaze and Zoe through his scruffy beard. His large tattoo of a red back spider on his right hand was visible as he slid two tumblers brimming with whisky across the table top towards them.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” Danny said to Zoe. “And it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing that Blaze has a weakness after all.” He grinned.

  Zoe flashed him a smile. She looked good for someone who’d been locked up for the past two months. She was grateful that Archer had moved her to his club and had taken good care of her, even if she thought he was a creep.

  “So you’re the infamous, Danny?” Zoe asked him.

  “That’s me.” He paused a moment before he asked her, “How did you know my name?”

  She grinned. “Ooh, the governor’s told me all about you: prison, The Wolves’ Den, breaking into his house, burning down his warehouse, getting him in a car accident; I’d say between you and Blaze you’ve proved to be quite the royal pains in his ass!”

  “Well, we aim to please...” he chuckled.

  Then she sincerely said, “Thank you for watching Blaze’s back in The Wolves’ Den. God knows what I’d do if something had’ve happened to him.”

  “Well, you had nothing to worry about with this one.” He slapped Blaze on his back. “His bite is a shit-load worse than his bark!”

  Spider thumped his closed fist down on the table-top and raised his handle of beer. “To new friends and the reuniting of loved ones!” he toasted loudly.

  “Hear, hear,” replied Blaze, and drained half of his whisky in one burning gulp, then stuck his tongue down Zoe’s throat, pashing her while groping her ass without any concern for the people starting to stare at them.

  “Are they always like this in public?” Danny asked Spider.

  Spider laughed out loud and patted him on the shoulder as he replied, “You’ll get used to it, man. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve caught them fucking on clubhouse’s pool table, I’d have damn-near retired by now!” he chuckled.

  Danny laughed with him.

  When Blaze finally let Zoe breathe again, he sternly said, “Now, everyone, listen up. We party hard tonight and enjoy the moment, then tomorrow we get to work and start making our plans.”

  “Plans for what
?” Danny asked.

  Blaze drained the remainder of his whisky and slammed his tumbler down on the table, then replied, “World war fucking three.”

  Chapter 5

  Danny heard the heavy rock music blaring from the clubhouse’s stereo system as they pulled into the driveway. There were dozens of Harley Davidsons lined up outside the single-storey, black cinder block building. They all belonged to the many friends, family, and bikers from other motorcycle clubs that were welcome at the SAS’ headquarters. Gorgeous women wearing skimpy outfits were scattered everywhere, courtesy of Archer, who had sent them over from his nightclub for the party. Dozens of bikers sat around drinking and smoking, snorting lines of coke, and enjoying erotic lap-dances before being led away by the hand to one of the bedrooms inside.

  Spider hopped off his bike and opened Zoe’s door for her once Blaze had parked his Mustang. Danny stepped out onto the driveway and took in the energetic scene. “Looks like a wild place to party!” he said to Spider, who shouted out to the crowd, “Someone get the prodigal son and his old lady a fucking drink!”

  Everyone swarmed outside with beers in hand, mobbing them with happy smiles and cheers. Two members of the SAS hoisted Blaze up on their shoulders for everyone to see. Blaze raised the glass of whisky that was thrust in his hand as he shouted out, “let’s get this fucking party started!”

  The crowd cheered as they all raised their drinks in the air.

  “Welcome home, Blaze, you stubborn son of a bitch!” said Trigger as he lowered him down off his shoulders. They embraced, holding each other tight. Blaze stared at his ruggedly handsome friend with wavy black hair that almost touched his shoulders for a moment, until he said, “I never thought I’d be so happy to see your fucking ugly mug.” He laughed. “Shit it’s good to be home!”

  “We’ve missed you, brother,” Trigger replied. “The place just wasn’t the same without you.”

  “Well I’m back for good this time. So you better get fucking used to it!”

  Ace was next to welcome Blaze. “Where the fuck have you been hiding? Heard you’d moved to the country to take advantage of all the innocent sheep!”


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