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Captive Wolf

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by Kyrii Rayne

  Wolf Wars Book 2

  Captive Wolf

  Kyrii Rayne

  Dreamstone Publishing © 2019

  Copyright © 2019 Dreamstone Publishing and Kyrii Rayne

  All rights reserved.

  No parts of this work may be copied without the author’s permission.

  ISBN: 978-1-925915-34-1


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

  Table of Contents

  Captive Wolf


  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author

  Here is your preview of Plague Wolf - Wolf Wars– Book 3

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Other Books from Kyrii Rayne

  Other Books from Dreamstone Publishing

  Chapter One

  “The Little Prince!" Allyson shouted out with glee as she rolled over onto her mattress.

  "What?" Garrett asked between deep breaths. Garrett's bare chest shimmered with sweat. His breaths came fast and deep. Making his chest rise and fall. "I gotta tell you, women should never name their boyfriends'--."

  "Ew no." She held her breath and leaned up on her elbow to kiss him. "Besides, if I were going to choose a name for him it wouldn't have little in the title."

  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her slender waist. The sweat made her skin slick and harder to grip. Garrett pulled her leg up over him and cupped her face in his hands. She followed his lead and rocked her hips against him. Letting her long red hair drape over her shoulders and brush against his chest.

  Without warning, she smiled and sat up straight. "Come on, we don't have time for another round right now. Get dressed."

  "Oh. You. Woman." Garrett muttered as he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. "You're too much sometimes."

  She chuckled as she climbed off him and threw her clothes on.

  "Anyway. The Little Prince! Remember I told you a couple of months ago about that book with the boy who had to tame a fox? But I couldn't remember the name of the book? I just remembered it."

  "That was... random." Garrett laughed and leaned up. His eyes traveled up and down her long legs. "Mm," he groaned. "What do we have to do today that can't wait?"

  "You know damn well what today is. We have to go check on Amber. It's going to be her first time turning tonight and we have to make sure she's okay."


  “Amber. Damn." Garrett threw his head back onto his pillow and pinched the bridge of his nose. "God I could kill Eddie for doing that to her."

  "Well, you already did."

  Allyson jumped up and fastened her jeans before leaning over and kissing Garrett on the cheek.

  "Yeah but that was before we found her tied up in the trunk of her car. Just... I would bring his ass back to life and kill him again if I could."

  "Well, then we'd be dealing with zombies and I'm not sure I can deal with more than one supernatural, mythical creature at a time."

  Allyson tried her best to smile and reassure Garrett.

  "I just feel like it's my fault, you know? Like I led him right to her. Practically dared him to take her."

  "Garrett, it wasn't your fault. Eddie was an asshole. I bet it had nothing to do with you. He was just, I don't know, trying to fill a quota or something. It was probably just a coincidence."

  He sighed and forced a smile over his lips.

  "It doesn't matter now, does it? Now she's going to spend the rest of her life--."

  "Don't. Garrett. Just stop right there."

  "Don't what?"

  "You have that fucking look again." Allyson jumped up from the bed and crossed the hall into the bathroom. "I hate that look."

  "What look?"

  "That look you get when you feel sorry for me. Except this time, you aren't feeling sorry for me, you're feeling sorry for Amber. And you're about to say something stupid like how bad you feel that she has to spend the rest of her life as one of these creatures. Like one of me. A werewolf. Like it's the end of her life."

  She poked her head back in through the door frame, toothpaste foaming around her mouth.

  "How am I supposed to try to find the strength to do this if you keep telling me how bad a life this is? I mean seriously, should I just give up now?"

  Chapter Two

  "Allyson, I didn't mean--." He stopped talking when she turned around and jaunted back into the bathroom. Garrett rolled his eyes and kicked up to get out of the bed. "Allyson!" he tried to yell out over the running water.

  Garrett tripped over the ends of his boxer shorts as he tried to slip into them while walking. He leaned into the bathroom door and watched her pull her hair back into a loose bun at the nape of her neck.

  "I didn't mean it was a bad life. And I don't think you should just give up," he said. "And I think what you're doing is great. Looking for other werewolves like you so you can help them adjust through everything. It's great. And I think starting with Amber is a good place to start. But Amber? Amber's not you. It's going to take more time for her. And it didn't happen to Amber the way it happened to you. Eddie jumped you and infected you with the Lupine erythroparvovirus.”

  Allyson turned and looked at him as he spoke.

  “Eddie made it look like a mugging with you. Nothing personal. When I found you and brought you into the hospital, you didn't even remember seeing him. But Amber? He lured her. Totally used her desire to find a soul mate and lured her out to him. Then he stuck her with that virus, tied her up and left her locked in the trunk of her car while he came after us. That's... that's different. It's harder."

  Allyson took in a deep breath. The mint of her toothpaste still tingled her taste buds.

  "You're right. I'm sorry. It must have been awful for her. I was scared enough, but when I woke up in the hospital at least you were there. She woke up alone in the trunk of her car. We didn't find her until the night after Eddie died."

  She clenched her jaw and scowled. Which made him laugh.

  "Well, try not to take it too hard." He leaned in and kissed her, then whistled. "Hoo. And go get some coffee or something. Get that toothpaste taste off your breath."

  "Oh, you," she said and whipped her hand towel at his hip. "Mm, on second thought, maybe we do have time for another round."

  Her lips brushed along the nerves of his neck as she spoke.

  He didn't need any other invitation.

  Garrett grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her in for a deep kiss. His other arm wrapped around her waist. Allyson groaned between kisses and followed his lead back to the bed, falling onto the plush mattress as Garrett laid his body down on top of her.

  Their tongues were dancing between their lips as his hands glided along her curves. Allyson's fingertips bit into the back of his shoulders.

  Gripping. Grinding.

  The doorbell rang.

  "Oh. Fuck!" Allyson growled.

  Garrett chuckled and peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses.

  "Any chance we can just ignore that?" Allyson asked.

  The doorbell rang again.

  "I don't think so," Garrett said. "Come on, it might be important."

  "Ugh," Allyson whined as she climbed off the bed to follow Garrett.

  "It's not that bad," said Garrett.

  Allyson rolled her eyes and smirked as she turned the handle of the front door.

  "Amber," said Allyson. "We were just talking about you."

  "Is now a bad time?"

  Amber's green eyes glistened with the hint of tears.

  At five foot five, even Allyson seemed to tower over the four-foot nine Amber. The difference in height seemed to add to the sadness always present in her eyes.

  "Of course not. Come on in, Amber," Garrett said as he opened the door wider.

  Amber smiled and stepped through the door.

  "Thanks. I know I'm early. I just. It's just that I… I guess I'm just a little nervous about tonight.

  "I understand," said Allyson.

  Amber forced a smile and tossed her bag down at the table in the kitchen.

  She started digging through it and pulling notebooks out as she talked.

  "And I saw this thing on the Internet last night. About colloidal silver. Now, it's been a while since I was in chemistry class, but isn't a colloid just water with tiny particles of silver floating in there?"

  "Right. Because silver isn't soluble."

  "That's what this said. And I found instructions all over the Internet about how to make it. I mean, they also said you could buy this stuff right over the counter in like a drug store or pharmacy. But I was thinking that you never really know what they put in over the counter solutions like that, so the homemade stuff would be better. And so I thought maybe we could try it? They said it eats viruses. So I thought that maybe it could cure us."


  Allyson took in a deep breath. She wondered if she’d sounded as pathetic and sad when she’d made the same suggestion a few months ago to Garrett.

  "Amber, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but--."

  "No it has to work. This is the type of silver Garrett has in his bullets to kill the virus. So it should work."

  Allyson grabbed Amber's hands and gazed into her eyes.

  "I'm sorry, Amber," she said. "I really am. But it doesn't work that way. We tried. There is no cure."

  "But it kills the virus."

  "Only in wolf form," Garrett said as he poured coffee into three mugs. "In wolf form, the virus takes over. A bullet to the heart spreads the colloidal silver through the bloodstream and kills the virus almost instantly. But the person doesn’t survive…"

  "…Because of the fact that they just took a bullet to the heart," Amber finished Garrett's warnings.

  "Well, that and killing the virus at that point takes most of the person with it," corrected Allyson.

  Amber sighed.

  "I'm sorry. I know I must sound pathetic. I just. I was so sure that it would work."

  Allyson smiled and rubbed Amber's shoulder.

  "You sound like I did three months ago."

  Garrett stepped over to the counter to start brewing coffee. Allyson wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed his neck before stealing the first cup of coffee.

  "Oh, you two make me sick," said Amber.

  Allyson giggled. "Sorry," she said.

  The doorbell rang. Allyson ventured to answer it.

  "So what exactly is the plan for tonight, then?"

  "Well," said Garrett as he carried the coffee to the table and sat down. "We are going to go to the grocery store. Allyson and I have been able to find a way to help her tame her wolf. She'll help explain everything to you throughout the day as we get everything prepared. Then we'll go out to--."

  Movement in the bushes outside caught his eye. His words trailed off.


  Allyson swung the door open and smiled at the young man standing nearby.

  "Hi, can I help you?"

  "I hope so," he said. He reached into a pocket inside his suit jacket and pulled out a business card and badge. "My name is Tim. I'm with the FBI. I was wondering if you had a few minutes to talk to me about one Eddie Indine."

  "Eddie who?"

  "Indine, Ma'am." He pulled out a picture of Eddie and showed it to her. "He was reported missing a few months ago, and we have reason to believe he was last seen somewhere around here in Seattle."

  "Sorry, I--."

  "And your neighbor said she saw you talking to him the morning before his disappearance."

  "Can I see the picture again?"

  She gazed at the picture as he talked to her. His words hit her ears like nails on a chalkboard. Something seemed off. Smelled off.

  Fear. He reeked of fear.

  That musky stench dripped from him as surely as the sweat rolling down his temples. Why would an FBI agent be afraid of asking about a missing person?

  Time to get rid of him, she thought and handed the photograph back over.

  "I didn't know his last name was Indine. He did talk to me once. He tried to ask me out. I was flattered but I told him I had a boyfriend and then I went to work."

  She figured telling him a story as close as possible to the truth would be the easiest way to send this FBI agent on his way.

  "And that's it?" his eyebrow cocked. The clacking his thumb made against his business card as he fiddled seemed to fill her ears.

  He didn't believe her.

  Chapter Three

  Garrett held his finger up to his mouth to signal to Amber to keep quiet. He squinted out the window to study the bushes.

  More movement.

  "Amber, get up slowly and follow me," he whispered. "Do not look around. Do not stop." Without waiting for a confirmation, he stood and left the kitchen.

  Amber held her breath and followed.

  Garrett turned down the hallways and opened the door to the linen closet. He guided Amber inside and motioned for her to sit down. She tucked herself in below the bottom shelf and clenched her eyes shut. Garrett paused and held his breath. Allyson was still talking to the men at the front door.

  "I didn't know his last name was Indine. He did talk to me once. He tried to ask me out. I was flattered but I told him I had a boyfriend and then I went to work."

  Allyson's voice carried through the hallway.

  "And that's it?"

  "Yea, that's it. Sorry I can't be more helpful."

  Garrett grabbed a gun from under the pile of folded sheets and tucked in beside Amber. With the door closed, he pressed his ear against the lattice and held his breath.

  Come on, Allyson, he thought.

  He waited to hear the glass door in the kitchen sliding open., angry he hadn’t been able to risk trying to lock it before coming over to hide. But if he was right, trying to lock the door would have alerted them to move in faster.

  Amber perked up. She grabbed Garrett's arm and squeezed.

  "Someone's in here," she whispered.

  Garrett patted her trembling hand and nodded. Hiding with a werewolf had its advantages. She heard the door.

  Footsteps padded across the carpet. Allyson's voice still echoed down the hall from the front door.

  A loud bang caused Amber to jump. Her fingernails dug into Garrett's arm. Minutes later, steel hissed through the air and the door shook. Garrett tried to push against the door. It was stuck. He held his breath again and listened.

  "I'm not going to do your job for you. If you want Garrett, you go out and find him." Allyson's voice echoed in the kitchen.

  Fuck, what is she doing? Garrett wondered as he pushed against the door again.

  Still stuck.

  Minutes later, commotion resumed in the apartment. Grunts. Yells. The cracking of wood against skin.

  Allyson screamed seconds before a loud crash shook the door. Garrett leaned over and covered Amber's mouth with his palm.

  "Shhh," he whispered into her ear.

  Amber trembled. Her breath shallow and irregular.

  Then the noises stopped.



  Allyson continued to smile at Tim.

  "Sorry, I do wish I could help," she said again. "But I really do have to get going now, Mr...?"

  The hiss of a sliding glass d
oor came faintly from the kitchen. So faint that she almost didn't hear it. Almost.

  Light footsteps approached the room from behind. Allyson took in a deep breath. Never taking her eyes off Tim.


  His eyes darted around behind her. More fear. The stench of it clung to her sinuses like rotten garbage.

  Allyson ducked and twirled around. She grabbed the coat rack and whirled it around behind her. Catching the intruder in the gut with its wooden base and knocking the wind from his lungs. Then she spun back around, to face Tim, coat rack still in hand.

  Tim shook his head and wiped his hands together.

  "Come on, Allyson. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

  "Oh, but Tim," she said. "It needs to be pretty fucking hard."

  Tim tried to rush her, ducking in low to tackle her. Allyson spun around, using the coat rack as a staff, and clapped it against his face. He fell back against the door, knocking it into the wall with a loud bang.

  Allyson heard faint shivering - Amber and Garrett. She took in a deep breath and glanced around the apartment.

  Garrett exhaled.

  Hall closet. She stared at the door.


  Allyson turned again just in time to see Tim grab a knife from a sheath in his jacket. She twirled the coat rack again. Catching the second intruder once in the face and again in the shoulder and knocking him into Tim. Another man came in from the kitchen and charged her. She grabbed Tim's knife and hurled it past him. He ducked and smirked as the knife whizzed by his ear. Allyson hid her elation as the blade stuck the closet door to the frame.

  She pushed past him and into the kitchen. Another man stood guard at the sliding glass door. Smirking. Juggling his dagger in one hand. The sunlight's reflection bounced around the room.

  "Get out," Allyson warned.

  "Where's Garrett?" Tim asked from behind Allyson.

  "I'm not going to do your job for you. If you want Garrett, you go out and find him."

  Allyson's eyes moved from one intruder to the next.

  "Allan," Tim said.


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