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Making the Cut

Page 6

by A. J. Macey

  Her moans were music to my ears, the melody to my quickly increasing rhythm, as my hips pounded into the curve of her ass until the moaning shifted to cries. As her head rolled onto my arm, I swirled my tongue, and nibbled at her neck and shoulder, the need to feel her come on my cock drowning any other sensation. The bed rocked and squeaked as I thrust into her, her hands clawing at the sheets. When she started to tense, I gripped around her neck and as if I had said some magic fucking words, Kiera came apart around me nearly taking me with her as her body shook. I slowed, turning my attention from fucking her to leisurely showering her neck and shoulder in attention. The sound of the chair moving reminded me we had an audience, my eyes opening to watch Chase standing up.

  “Stand up for a minute, Kittycat,” Chase instructed, his voice barely restraining his glee as he trembled with desire. Kiera shifted slowly to standing and as soon as she was upright, he stepped up behind her, his fingers trailing over her skin softly. “Here’s what I want you to do, Kittycat. I want you to ride him and while you’re full of his cock, I’m going to fuck that sexy ass of yours. How does that sound?” Kiera visibly shivered, her eyes rolling back at the question, lost in her desire.

  Her mossy eyes centered on me, locking onto mine as she crawled onto the bed and over me. Fuck, I could die a happy man with this view, I thought as she sank onto my cock. Rolling her hips, I had to hold myself back from bouncing her on top of me, my hands cupping her breasts as Chase moved in behind her. She folded over me, her lips only a breath away. Seeing her flushed cheeks and heavy breaths, I couldn’t stop myself. Pulling out slightly, I thrust up, making her bounce on me. Her gasp tested the boundaries of my control, sparking the desire to flip her over and fuck her until she couldn’t speak. The crush of her lips to mine, and her tiny rocks above my body stilled my thoughts, reminding me that it wasn’t about what only I wanted. This is about Kiera, and Kiera wants both of us, I reminded myself, but even still I couldn’t stop from shifting ever so slightly as Chase lined up and moved into her.

  Kiera shivered between us, her pussy even tighter than before now that she was filled with Chase’s cock. She pressed her forehead against my chest, unable to do much else as we started to move. As we rocked, I nearly lost myself as we fucked her, picking up the pace as the feeling of Chase moving inside her became almost too much to handle. When we were moving at full speed, Chase looked down at me, his hand coming up to her shoulder blades and dragging down her back in a harsh scratch. Kiera’s broken cries and sudden orgasm had my own eyes rolling back, neither of us slowing as she quickly found release while screaming our names.

  Chase faltered first, his cock shuddering inside her on the other side of the thin barrier between us. Fucking hell, never knew that would be such a turn on. Kiera sat up and with the look of pure determination and fiery steel in her mossy eyes, she rode me hard and fast, pulling my attention from Chase’s orgasm. Her bouncing tits begged for me to hold them, so I reached up and gripped the fleshy mounds tightly, her spider web tattoos peeking from between my fingers. Her nails dug deep but didn’t break the skin, the sting only heightening the pleasure as she built to another release. Chase’s fingers rubbed tight circles against her clit as she continued to fuck me.

  Feeling both her tightening around me and Chase’s fingers against my skin, I couldn’t hold back any longer, coming hard enough that stars flared in front of my eyes. Kiera’s pace didn’t slow, and after a couple of more bounces, she crumbled, shattering between us before flopping down against my chest.

  “I don’t think I can move,” she mumbled against my skin. Only one response filtered in my head, but I didn’t say it out loud, not yet anyway. I wasn’t sure if Kiera was ready for that kind of commitment with all of us yet, but the response continued to swirl in my head as she panted.

  So don’t.


  Book 2 of The Aces Series

  Coming September 21st, 2019

  Continuing reading for an exclusive look at chapter one of the second book of The Aces series. Please note this is chapter is unedited and a copyrighted work of A.J. Macey therefore cannot be copied, shared, or reproduced, or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review

  Copyright 2019 by A.J. Macey

  All rights reserved.


  May 11th

  Saturday Midday


  Three days. It had been three days since the Alloy Kings and fucking Jace Corden stormed The Aces compound. Three days that I felt like I had been ran over by a semi-truck and wanted nothing more than to get my hands on those bastards so I could shove them out the back of a moving humvee and see how they felt.

  They definitely won’t feel like a badass if I tied their hands behind their backs beforehand and they landed on their fucking faces, that’s for sure.

  Familiar scents surrounded me, the pleasant burn of the liquor I sipped flowing through my chest. Cheryl’s permed curls flounced as she restocked the bar in preparation for the Aces’ usual Friday night party. The glass shelves looked half empty as she started to line up more bottles from the box at her feet. Chase was off fluttering about with the guys doing who knows what while I had been parked here at the bar. They had demanded I take the last couple days off to rest and recover, especially after nearly passing out from a wave of pain that had washed over me when I’d accidentally bumped my bruised leg on the edge of something during my initial inspection of the compound’s security. As much as I hated to admit they were right, I was feeling a bit better.

  A few minutes after finishing my glass, Garrett’s clenched jaw appeared at the bar next to me. He sank into the stool immediately to my right before nearly chugging the entire glass that Cheryl set down in front of him. I scanned my asshole step-brother’s face. Okay, so he isn’t completely an asshole, but I’d never admit that to him. There was a tightness around his mouth and deep purple smudges under his emerald eyes. The stress of everything that had happened last week was finally taking its toll on him. It was rare to see him worn down, and I’d be surprised if no one else noticed it.

  “What?” he snarked, narrowing his eyes on me. “Why are you staring at me like that, Kitten?” My heart squeezed at the nickname, but on the outside, I just rolled my eyes.

  “You look like shit,” I chastised. “I’m not the only one who should have taken an easy day. You can’t run on empty forever.” He grumbled into the glass, taking another sip. I sighed, knowing that everything that happened was just the beginning. While I was hyped and, to be honest, relieved we were about to start the first step against Frankie, a pinprick of worry wormed its way into my chest. This is why I don’t like getting close to people, too many chances to get hurt. I turned towards him, my fingers brushing his jean covered thigh as I waited for him to look at me.

  “I’m serious, Garrett. This is going to get bad, you know Frankie and his mob of minions as well as I do.” I swallowed the uncomfortable lump that had formed in my throat. Stupid emotions. “I can’t stand by and watch anything happen to you,” I whispered the last bit. His brows arched in surprise, knowing me well enough to know I didn’t talk about this kind of shit. We didn’t talk for a few tense moments, his eyes darting around my face as if memorizing every nuance despite half my face being covered in mottled blue, purple, and ugly as fuck bruises.

  “Kitten,” he whispered roughly, thick with emotion. His calloused thumb tracing the side of my neck. “You would completely, utterly, and brutally destroy anyone who came after me or one of the others. You don’t let anyone fuck with what’s yours, remember?” He smirked, my stomach squeezing at his sweet sentiment, while his words strengthened my resolve. He’s right. You’re not some bitch who will let anyone walk over you, I told myself. His smirk grew to a tiny smile. “There’s my feisty Kiera.”

  “You two are so cute!” Chase’s cheerful exclamation came from the other side of the empty bar before h
e practically skipped over to us. “Hi, Kittycat.” He hummed happily before kissing my undamaged cheek. Clapping Garrett on the shoulder, he angled slightly to face Brooks and Nate as they made their way to us trailed by Stone.

  “Hey, Baby.” Brooks gave me a playboy smile before grabbing his waiting glass of liquor from the bar, his muscled torso warming my back. I found myself unconsciously leaning into him, his tanned arm wrapping around my shoulders to hold me against him fully. “We’re actually going to be heading out for a quick ride here shortly,” Brooks informed me. I felt my brows furrow, growing suspicious at the way the guys were glancing at everything but me.

  “Where are you going?” I questioned, my words littered with mistrust.

  “Just to a drop,” Nate explained. His bushy beard twitched ever so slightly like it always did when he was hiding something.

  “What are you doing at said drop?” I pulled away from Brooks, giving everyone a raised brow, but no one answered. Irritation sparked within my veins, thrumming in time to my heart rate. “You’re moving against the Alloy Kings, aren’t you? Without me,” I snapped. Nate at least had the courtesy to grimace at their slight.

  “You’re too injured to go jack one of their shipments,” Stone added, his quiet words matching mine in irritation, but I didn’t let it go.

  “I’m a thief,” I growled, “that’s my entire career. You want someone who knows the best way to steal a shipment so you guys don’t end up shot or worse?” I raised my brows at them expectantly, Chase the only one who was nodding in agreement. “That’s literally what I do best. I can fucking handle being on a bike for a ride and getting into wherever they’re keeping their shit. It’s just some bruises, not like I fucking lost my leg or anything.”

  “It’s not safe,” Garrett barked harshly. Glaring at him, I shifted to standing before pushing through the blockade they had created around me. Anger slowly started to grow to rage as that always present flame of fury in my chest flared. If they won’t let me go with, I’ll fucking do it myself.

  “Wait,” Brooks called out. Turning back to face them, he sighed, rubbing his eyes in resignation as Garrett and Stone glared at him. “She’s right.” Brooks was met with immediate opposition and loud complaints from his fellow officers.

  “Can you handle it?” Nate asked. I nodded sharply, too hot-tempered to say anything without it turning in yelling. “I agree then, there’s no reason to not have her come if she can do it.”

  “Of course, I can do it,” I snapped. “I’m the fucking Cat. No injuries have ever stopped me from doing a job before, and they won’t now. I’m going on this ride.”

  “Such a brat,” Stone whispered, mainly to himself. Garrett glanced around at everyone, his and Stone’s disagreement clear, but Brooks had put his foot down, and they weren’t going to fight with their president in front of everyone.

  “She’s going, so you two suck it up,” Brooks ground out, “besides I don’t think any of us could stop her from coming with us regardless.” I smirked, that’s very true. Chase was clapping excitedly, his steel eyes lit with the upcoming task.

  “I get to go too. Right, Kittycat? Please,” he pleaded in a soft whine before pouting out his luscious bottom lip. I nodded, unable to stop my smile from spreading. “Yay!” He did a little victory dance, making Nate and Brooks chuckle. Stone sighed as Garrett rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide his minute smile at my assassin’s antics.

  After a quick run through from Brooks on where we were headed and what their and Chase’s contacts said we should find, we were on the road heading North. The practically abandoned warehouse was surrounded by a worn down neighborhood and janky looking houses with boarded up windows. We came to a stop approximately a mile away from the warehouse until I could get a read on the situation. There were a few teenagers watching us with curious but wary expressions in one of the yards. Perfect. Hopping off my bike, I went over to them.

  “Hey,” I called, and their suspicious gazes moved from the other guys to me. “You know anything about that warehouse?” I tilted my head in the direction of the large metal building.

  “What you gonna give us for our answers?” The boy who looked about 17 or 18 sized me up, his arm going out to stop one of his two friends from talking. I smirked, my hand dipping into my pocket to remove a large wad of hundred dollar bills. Their shocked expressions made me chuckle on the inside. While the several thousand dollars in my hand wasn’t much to me, it could mean the world to them, and I wasn’t going to pry for information without paying them for it. Remember, people, I don’t give away shit for free and neither should you.

  “I’ll give you another five grand if I find out your information is solid,” I bargained. The head one nodded, closing the distance between us and reaching out, but I yanked the money away, giving him my best glare. “I’ll throw another wad if you keep what we talked about here, as well as my friends and I, quiet. If I find out you snitched,” I said as I shrugged, “I’m sure you know how the phrase goes.”

  “Deal,” he agreed readily, his voice gravelly. I handed over the cash and listened, memorizing every detail that the three teenagers relayed. I told him we’d be back in a while, and if they weren’t out here, then where to find the money I’d stash for him and his friends. When I headed back to the guys, they were all watching me with a variety of facial expressions. Chase’s was filled with adoration, his eyes melting me from the inside. Stone looked at me like he’d never seen me before while Garrett’s gaze darted between the kids and me, probably worried they would try to rob me or some other type of shit. Nate gave me a thumbs up, and finally, Brooks looked surprised.

  “What was that?” the MC President questioned quietly. He didn’t sound mad, just confused. Flashing him a smug smile, I pulled out my face guard and other gear.

  “Best way to know the area,” I explained, my hat going over my hair before securing my face guard, “is to ask the locals. He told me every little thing about that place.” Finishing up securing my bag to my leg, I started warming up my stiff muscles to jog all the way to the building. “I’m going to go scout, I’ll send you a message when it’s all clear.”

  “You’re not going in there alone,” Garrett argued. Rolling my eyes, I checked my Glock before responding.

  “If I don’t send a signal in twenty minutes, come in after me guns blazing or whatever it is you motorcycle gangs do,” I teased, unable to hold back my chuckle. Without waiting for further banter or protests, I took off.


  We waited, some more impatient than others, after Kiera had darted around the worn down houses towards the building. We were too far for me to get a good look at any details around the building where she was headed. Garrett was the most impatient while Nate and Chase were the most lax. Stone was still as his namesake, but the small twitches in his muscles betrayed the anxiety he must have been feeling. I tried to focus on anything else, but mostly I found my eyes glued to the building as I flipped my phone over and over in my hand in an attempt to calm my nerves. We were nearing the twenty minute mark when our phones buzzed, the screen flashing Kiera’s ‘all clear’ code. Relief flooded me as we rode to the door of the building. Kiera was waiting, the door propped open, with her leaning against the door frame. Her face guard was pulled down and bunched around her neck as she smirked at us.

  “You’re going to want to see this.” Her mossy green eyes were sparkling with a mixture of mischief and excitement. Approaching cautiously, I entered the building first, and when I spied what she was talking about, my jaw dropped.


  Lots and lots of weapons.

  “I thought it was just supposed to be a drug drop.” Nate sounded just as astonished as I felt. Chase knelt down and held up a crate for us to see.

  “Still a drug drop,” he mumbled, too distracted by the crates of weapons to give us any more information than that. Nate shook himself out of his stupor and left the open space to pull the chase SUV closer to load up the Alloy K
ings’ merchandise.

  “Were there no guards?” Garrett was glancing around, his eyes narrowed when he didn’t see any. Kiera chuckled, hitching her thumb over her shoulder towards a door.

  “They’re in there knocked out,” she admitted smugly. “There were only two out here and one at the back.” Garrett opened his mouth to snap, but she cut him off. “Don’t even fucking lecture me right now. We got the goods, and now we can head back.” He ground his teeth but didn’t argue.

  We spent the next ten minutes quickly loading up the SUV to leave our rival MC with nothing but the Cat’s signature white card. Kiera dropped the other two wads of cash she’d promised the kids of the neighborhood with another tiny threat that if they told anyone about us she’d be back. The atmosphere around us as we headed back to the compound was supercharged, the thrill of winning a battle without any damage pumping us up.

  The score between them and us was now tied.

  May 12th

  Sunday Afternoon


  The sun was shining, and a light breeze was blowing through the open sliding window doors as I poured myself a drink. I had spent the last several hours laying about in the sun like a cat soaking up the heat and Vitamin D on one of the lounge chairs, and now I was parched. The boys were sitting around watching something on the TV that I wasn’t paying attention to, my focus on relaxing after our score last night. Brooks and Stone had just gotten back from the compound only a few minutes earlier after stashing the weapons we snatched from the Alloy Kings until we could take it to my vaults at one of my shash holders, a.k.a. The Bank. The ringing of the doorbell instantly put me on edge, and when I checked the front door camera on my cell, it wasn’t anyone I recognized.


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