Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel

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Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel Page 7

by Leaona Luxx

  “Ha! Good one.” I giggle snort, and his brows raise. “Were you serious?”

  “Did you just snort?”

  “No!” I snap.

  “Yes.” He counters.

  I shake my head, waiting for the words to come out. Answer the date, forget the snort. “No, to both.”

  “Okay.” He leans against the front of his SUV, biting his lip. “Do you date?”

  “No, not really.” I ease against my hood, making myself comfortable.

  He side-eyes me. “No, you don’t date, or you don’t often?”

  “I said no.”

  “Actually, you said ‘no, not really’ and left it open to ambiguity. I’m asking for a clear answer.” He studies me, watching my every move. For what? To see if I’m lying to him.

  “And that’s my answer.”

  “It’s a non-answer, Scar.” Chills wash over me as he says my name with a smolder in his eyes.

  I avert mine and murmur. “I haven’t dated in a long time.”

  “That’s a shame.” His voice is so close, I whip my head around to find him standing next to me.

  “Not really.” I quip.

  He slides closer and the hairs on my neck prickle. “It’s a waste.”

  “Of what?” I’m affronted.

  Creed’s arm brushes mine as he steps in front of me, trapping me against the hood. “You, Scarlet.”

  “I-I don’t understand. What do you mean, I’m a waste?” My forehead wrinkles in confusion.

  His eyes follow the movement of my lips, heat fills my cheeks, and I look away. “I didn’t say you’re a waste. I said you’re the kind of woman a man shouldn’t waste.”

  “What should a man do with me?”

  He leans in, his lips sweep past my ear with a low growl. “Everything, Scar.”

  “Yeah?” My chest heaves, swaying my breast. His scent permeates my pores, seeping into my skin, and marking me with it. Desire swims in his eyes, and all I can think of is jumping in the deep end.

  Until my phone beeps.

  I’m rooted to the spot with his lip’s mere inches from mine. Moving from here should be considered a crime, and by god, it might lead to one if this damn phone doesn’t stop. Creed’s head tilts, as the tip of his tongue wets his lips. I can already taste him.

  “You might want to get that?” He glances down at my ass as my cell chimes from my back of my pants.

  “Sure.” I yank it out as he steps away. It’s a text. And its Amy.

  Amy: DAMN!

  Amy: Get it!

  Amy: Now, my coochie needs TLC!

  I roll my eyes, shoving it back where it came from. Creed watches me, waiting for me to say something, but I don’t. There’s no way I’m sharing her texts, though there’s a helluva chance my coochie needs him to care for it.

  Don’t tell Amy.

  He turns to his truck, smiling. “I gotta head out.”

  “Sure.” I back toward my door. “Umm, call if Doc needs anything.”

  “Will do!” He smirks, waiting for me to climb in before waving as I drive away.

  I peek in my mirror as he hits the hood of his SUV and then runs his hands through his hair. “Wonder what that’s about?”

  I struggle to stay focused on the twenty-minute drive to my house. Creed on my mind, and the moon plays off the ocean setting a breathtaking scene. I'm so ashamed I rarely get out to the beach living this close, but who has time to live anymore.

  Most of the time, conversations like Amy brought up today, roll off my back, and I keep moving. But I can't let it go this evening, it plays over and over in my mind. They both have me scratching my head, and wondering what in the world is going on around here.

  "Maybe I'm tired of wrestling with everything, I don't know, but I do wish I could move on. The man that decides to be with me better own a warehouse with all the baggage I come with." I mumble, cracking myself up when I do. Which is all I need for it to give me the giggles the rest of the way home.

  Turning the corner into my neighborhood, I spot my salvation. My front porch light glows like a beacon, welcoming me home with open arms. I can already feel the heat from a hot shower.

  As I pull into my driveway, my entire body begins to relax. I suppose there really isn't anything like being home. God knows I hate leaving each morning and spend every waking moment smiling within these walls.

  With a renewed energy, I bound from the SUV and take the steps two at a time. The door opens as soon as I turn the key, and I'm thrilled to shut out the world, leaving it behind for now.

  I kick my shoes off and make my way through the house. It's quiet and serene, perfect for sleeping. A light in the kitchen helps me maneuver the dark rooms, after the day I've had, I need a drink.

  This day calls for a tall glass of wine, I grab a drink before continuing to my bedroom. After a hot shower, I curl up in bed with my phone to make a quick call.


  "Hey, girl. What a day."

  "I could tell earlier from your text. Anything I can do?"

  "No, Chelle, but thank you, love." At this point, I have no idea what I can even do. I can't remember the last time I've felt this helpless.

  "Scar... I hope you know I'm here for you. You've been amazing all of this time, but you have every right to be angry, hurt, to scream, or even just beat the shit outta something if it makes you feel better." I met Michelle when I moved here a few years ago, and we've been inseparable since. Michelle is one of my closest friends, I'm not sure where I'd be without her by my side.

  "Trust me when I tell you, I want to do all of that, but what good will it do me? I'm still here, alone, and fighting a losing battle." I clutch my chest as my heart aches while being shredded into a thousand pieces. So many people keep telling me it takes time to heal a broken heart, but no one can tell me how long it might take.

  She releases a heavy sigh. "Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Thank you, love ya."

  "I know," she giggles. "kisses to my salty bishes, muah!"

  "You're a freak." I snicker.

  "In the sheets!" Her fingers snap in the distance, and I snort. "You did not just do that, it's so unladylike."

  "Says the freak in the sheets, girl." I cackle, knowing she's rolling her eyes.

  "Shut it and go to bed." She ends the call leaving me laughing on my own. Definitely what I needed tonight.

  Another night alone with my thoughts isn't going to help my current state of mind, which is why I have the wine. I finish it off, giggling as I set the empty glass on the nightstand. "And now you're rhyming, and it's horrible timing."

  The room is cold, making my bed that much better as I wiggle under the covers. If I'm lucky, exhaustion will win the battle, and I'll fall asleep fast. It's been years since I've slept through the night without my thoughts or dreams taking over.

  "Please, God, give me peace because I've lost all understanding." I roll over as tears run down my face. How can a broken heart heal without its missing pieces? So far, it hasn't, and I don't think it ever will.

  Chapter Eight


  Kathryn and Crawford follow us out as we ready to leave. The drive back is only a few hours, and Sundays are unusually slow, so we should make it in record time. Not that I'm trying to make a getaway, we need to get settled in before it gets late.

  "Please take your time and text us when you arrive." Kathryn wraps her arms around me before stepping away. Her hesitation was notable, as is her love for me.

  This time when I smile, it's not forced or unwilling. "I will, I promise."

  "Thank you for coming this weekend, it's been unexpected and nice." She kneels in front of Doc. "I'm sorry you got a boo-boo while here, I'll make it up to you next time."

  I chuckle at her reference to a boo-boo. "You're in trouble now, she'll never forget that."

  "That's fine by me, because I mean what I say." Kathryn stands, laying her hand on my face. The warmth of her hand is oddly comforting, I'm taken
aback as a longing stirs something deep within me.

  I avert my eyes, dispelling the feelings that are building for her. I'm not sure I'm ready for the intrusion. "Alright."

  "Kathryn, we need to let him go." Crawford's words ring loud and clear. Behind them lies a different meaning. So why is it bothering me so much?

  I turn, whirling back around to say goodbye. "I'll let you know when we're home. Thank you again for having us."

  "Anytime, Creed." Crawford reaches for my hand as if reading my body and the growing tension. Or maybe it's radiating off me.

  I nod, taking his hand. "Ahh, thank you."

  Crawford clasps Kathryn's hand, stepping away as I help Doc in the vehicle. I lower my head to keep from looking at them, the intimacy and love is almost too private to watch.

  "Will I ever have a love so great; the story tells itself just by looking at us?" I drive away as a sadness overcomes me. I take the exit for the interstate with a yearning, which lingers far longer than I ever imagined.

  "Check it out, we did it and didn't run or have an episode." I glance at Doc through the mirror. "Now, everyone can stay off my ass about visiting."

  What starts as a smirk grows into a full-blown shit-eating grin. I'm damn proud to tell everyone they were wrong, coming back here didn't change anything for me.

  "Wanna bet Drew will flip his shit? He was so smug, thinking this would be life-altering." I roll my shoulders, relieving the knots my muscle have had since we left Virginia.

  "I already know what he's going to ask," I peek at Doc in the backseat. "How was it? Did you remember anything? Were you able to connect with them in any way?"

  I shift in my seat, thinking of some details the questions dredge up. "I mean, it depends on what Drew considers connecting because that red-headed vet had me all kinds of twisted up."

  I chuckle, proud of myself for not analyzing every minute of the visit. Crawford and Kathryn went out of their way to make sure I felt comfortable and welcome. Now I realize I should've come earlier.

  "They were even great with you, weren't they? No one should have any reason whatsoever to overthink our time together." Doc whimpers when my voice quivers with the last sentence. Dwelling on what can't be helped does nothing for no one, we have to move on.

  "All in all, we had a good time. Except for your boo-boo, of course." My breath hitches as I realize I used Kathryn’s word choice for Doc's injury. "A slip of the tongue, that's all."

  I press on the gas, pushing us faster toward home. The sooner we're home, the better, we have a lot of work to do. We're behind on most everything now with all the distractions from the past week.

  The North Carolina state line is just ahead, prompting me to glimpse at the other sign in my side-view mirror as we haul ass from the state. Our time there quickly being out behind us.

  A few hours later, I make the turn onto our street and sigh heavily with relief. It's nice to be back where we belong. If I've learned anything the past few days, I no longer doubt this is our home.

  I help Doc inside, carrying our bags in after she's settled. We call it a night earlier than usual, going to bed not long after we unpack and shower. Once I turn the light off, I reach for my phone to set the alarm.

  When I place my cell on the nightstand, it dawns on me I promised to text and secretly happy they didn't ask me to call. I type out a quick message to appease them. I understand more than ever, they deserve to hear from me.

  Creed: We're home.

  Crawford: Good to know. Thank you.

  Creed: No problem.

  I lay the phone back down, only to grab it again to send another message.

  Creed: Thanks for having me. We had a nice time.

  I wait for a reply as the bubbles float by, teasing me.

  Crawford: Anytime. You're welcome.

  I stare at the phone a little longer than I should've, I kept waiting for him to say more, but he didn't. I think I'm more confused about that than I am anything. All of these years, I felt going there for a visit would be hard, and expectations would be high. It was the opposite, and now I'm wondering how wrong I've been about everything.

  The sun breaks through the clouds, slowly lighting my room. We've had a rough night in the Hatcher household, Doc was up and down all night, and my dreams returned with a vengeance.

  Why do memories shake us to our core? Whether they're good or bad, we immediately are left grieving. For loved ones, we dream of what might have been, or what was. Leaving us all with a heavy heart.

  Monday comes around with a thud, which is how I wake up with a text, making my phone vibrate off the nightstand. I lean over the bedside, scooping it off the floor. Squinting, I read the letters flashing across the screen.

  "Drew," I growl, dropping it in the bed beside me. When the cell shakes a second time, I'm annoyed enough to roll over and sit up. I know he wants details from this weekend, but he's got to let me wake up first.

  "C'mon girl, we need to move, or we won't." Doc crawls from the bed, easing herself to the floor. She limps from the room, only looking back to give me her big droopy eyes, crushing me. I follow her out, so we can start our morning with breakfast.

  I grab her food, tossing it in her bowl, and fix some cereal for myself. While she eats, I study the new puzzle scattered across the table. A maze of oranges, reds, and golds, but the cover was breathtaking and intriguing.

  A photo of The New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia, my understanding is people base jump off it, so I put it on my bucket list immediately. Nothing wrong with thrills and chills from time to time.

  Between the colors on the cover and the phrase, my mind races back to the feisty redhead and the way she completely blew me off. I don't think anything like it has ever happened in my life.

  "Well, at least in the last two years." I glance at Doc, "Don't look at me like that, I'm hit on all the time." I slide the pieces around, linking them as I do. Doc's right, I have to forget about Scarlet, but I have a sinking feeling that's going to be near impossible.

  Some days, all I can think of is the idea of being normal, or maybe I hope I can be one day. Then again, what does normal mean anyway? Either way, it doesn't take long to be reminded of why I will probably never have that in my life.

  Doc catches my eye. "I know, it's time to head out, but first, a shower." I set another piece in and kick my ass in gear for the day.

  Doc chills on the bed while I grab some clothes. Now and then, she flashes those puppy eyes at me, and I melt. Dogs are resilient, but Doc is my girl, and I'm worried.

  "We could... call the vet, ask her if we should protect your foot more?" I pace at the foot of the bed while Doc lounges, keeping a close eye on me. "Ya know, just to double-check. Completely and totally about you."

  I take out my phone as I walk over to grab her card. I dial the number and freeze. Doc's ears shoot up, staring at me. "What the hell do I say?"

  "Coastal Veterinarian Clinic, this is Mary. How may I direct your call?"

  "Yes, I need to speak to the doctor, please. She treated my Golden over the weekend, and I have some questions." I wince, hitting myself in the head for sounding like an idiot.

  "Who did you see?"

  "Ahhh, Doctor Morgan."

  "Hold, please."

  That's all? Surely, she'll need to call me back, or I'll have to leave a message. Okay, now I have an idea. Leave her a message and make it vague. That way, she'll have to call you back, and you have time to figure out your game plan.

  And then, this happens.

  "Doctor Scarlet here, how may I help you?"

  I stare at Doc, panicked, and slack-jawed. Think of something, damn it! Just say words. Insert them here. "Hi, Doctor. It's Creed. Hatcher. Creed Hatcher with Doc. My Doc, not you doc."

  "Alrighty. Is she doing okay?"

  I run my hand through my hair, utterly embarrassed to ask my question now. "Yeah, I mean, she's sore but seems to be doing well."

  "Is she in any pain or bleeding?" Dear Heavenly Fath
er, she sounds like she just woke up. Like, that sexy rough sound first thing in the morning. I bet her hair would be a wild mess. "Hello?"

  "Oh, yeah. No, nothing like that. I was wondering if maybe, I should put a sock over her bandage, so there's no chance it'll get dirty? Ya know, for extra protection." Way to go dickhead! You sound like a horny teenager.

  "You could... if she'll wear one. Just be sure she doesn't chew on it or tear her covering or incisions."

  I nod, trying to think of something else. "Good deal, sounds like what we'll do."

  "Wonderful," she pauses, "is there anything else I can do for you... umm, help you with?"

  "Naw, I think that's all we needed."

  "Well, you have our number if you need us, or you can call your local veterinarian's office." Shit!

  I pound my forehead, feeling completely seen. "I tried calling them first, they hadn't opened yet."

  "Wow! How surprising, but you're welcome to call us at any time, we offer after hour care too." She's the utmost professional, and I'm stalking her like an asshole. I don't have a snowball's chance in hell with this woman. End it, Creed. End it now before you really make a fool out of yourself.

  "Yeah, okay. Will do. Thanks again, Doctor Morgan."

  "Please, call me Scarlet." My heart hammers against my chest as my pulse reacts to the thought of her touch. I'm in trouble, she could be my kryptonite, and as everyone knows, I'm no hero.

  "We will. Thank you, Scarlet." I end the call before either of us have a chance to say another word. I'm in deeper than I ever should've gone. Shocked, I believed this was a good idea.

  I drop my cell on the bed, and take the sock I laid out, putting it over Doc's paw. She sniffs the material for a second and then sits up. I slide my phone off the bed and into my pocket, grabbing my keys on the way to the door. "Let's go to work, Doc."

  Doc nudges my hand as we walk toward the SUV, I smile down at her for trying to help me out of my walk of shame after that disastrous phone conversation. Doc can read me like a book.


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