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The Extractor

Page 6

by Leslie Georgeson

  Did she somehow sense that normally I would be over there with Luke, with a chick—or two—on my lap? Unexpected shame washed over me. I wasn’t proud of my playboy status. While it had once been fun, I didn’t want to be like that anymore. Seeing Luke over with those girls only made me realize that wasn’t what I wanted now.

  I turned back around as the bartender set the two shots in front of us. What did I want with Liz, truly?

  I want to get to know her.

  As shocking as that was, it was true. I’d never cared to know anything about the women I’d been with before. All I’d cared about was getting them naked.

  But Liz was different. And I was eager to learn why.

  I pulled out a ten and handed it to the bartender. “Keep the change.”

  Liz was throwing me off my game. I didn’t know how she would react from one moment to the next. She was unpredictable, and I found myself completely fascinated by her. Unable to look away. Hanging on her every word. Yeah, this girl already had me hooked. And I barely knew anything about her.

  I slid Liz’s drink in front of her. “Who said I wanted to sleep with you? I thought we were just having a drink.” I tipped my head back and gulped down the shot.

  She gaped at me wide-eyed. Suspicious.

  Good. That ought to throw her off a bit. Maybe force her to let down her defenses a little.

  Would this girl ever let me in? Would she ever trust me? Would she ever let me see the true Liz?

  I smiled and looked into her eyes. “Your turn. Drink up.”

  She hesitated, glancing down at her drink, then back at me. “Oh, the hell with it,” she muttered, before lifting the drink and gulping it down in one swallow.

  She coughed, her face turning red, as she slammed the shot glass back onto the countertop. “That’s strong! It burns!”

  I cocked a brow. “You’ve never had whiskey before?”

  She shook her head. “No. Just fruity, girlie drinks.”

  Our gazes met. We both chuckled. Her laugh was soft and throaty and infectious. Damn. I liked Liz when she let down her guard a little. When she wasn’t being so stuffy and prudish and judgmental. When she didn’t act like she hated me.

  “Want another?”

  “Not yet.” She swiveled on her stool, her gaze landing on Luke and Mateo at the table with the women. “Your friends move fast. You sure you don’t want to join them? Those girls are a lot prettier than me.”

  I eyed her for a moment. Did she think she wasn’t pretty, or was she just fishing for a compliment? Her expression was as guileless as it had been from the start, which told me she really did think she wasn’t pretty. Why was that? Liz had a soft, natural beauty that didn’t require all that thick makeup most women wore these days. I wasn’t sure why I was so intrigued with her, especially since she wasn’t even my type. I sensed it had a lot to do with the fact that she was so different from the other women I’d been with. Liz was definitely a challenge I couldn’t resist.

  “I’m sure. I’d much rather spend time with you. And you’re a lot prettier than any of those ladies.” I winked.

  She narrowed suspicious eyes at me. “What did you do to me earlier at the inn? I know you did something, so don’t deny it. I’m not slutty and normally, I would never come on to you like that.”

  So true. Anyone could see she wasn’t easy. It seemed the whiskey was loosening her up already. How should I respond?

  I cleared my throat. “I just gave you a little love potion to help you relax and not be so prickly.”

  Her eyes widened. “Love potion? And how did you administer it to me? I didn’t eat or drink anything in your presence.”

  “It was my male magnetism,” I teased, winking at her. “I released it on you and you couldn’t help yourself.”

  She stared at me, a look of pure disbelief on her face. Then she tossed her head back, rewarding me not only with the beauty of her laugh, but with the hypnotic view of the graceful curve of her neck. Desire snaked deep inside me, and I found myself leaning toward her, utterly captivated. Damn, Liz was hot when she let her walls down like this. I wanted to see her let loose in other ways. I wanted to kiss my way up that beautiful neck and nibble on the sensitive skin behind her ear before latching onto her earlobe and sucking while she moaned. I was already anticipating how she might taste, how soft her skin might feel…

  “Male magnetism? Ha! You really think highly of yourself, don’t you? I hate to burst your bubble, Ryan, but there was no magnetism. Sure, you’re charming and good-looking, but you know it, and that’s really not attractive in my opinion. I hate conceited men. All you care about is getting laid, another conquest, another notch in your belt. Admit it. That’s the only reason you asked me for a drink. Because you’re thinking it will loosen me up and then I’ll hop into bed with you.”

  Ouch again. I reared back. Not just prickly. She was downright venomous. She was judging me just by my looks and her own assumptions, and that was so unfair.

  Heat crept into my face. “I’m not conceited.” But deep down, I feared she was right. About everything. Except, I didn’t want to be that guy anymore. I wanted to be like the other dregs who had found happiness. I wanted to be the kind of guy a girl could love. I wanted to be a one-woman type of guy, but I honestly didn’t know if I could be.

  She eyed me knowingly. “Yeah, you are. You’re full of yourself. Admit it.”

  Shit. I turned away, grinding my jaw, and motioned to the bartender. I needed another drink. She really did hate me. This girl was making me work for it. I began to suspect Luke was right. That I wouldn’t be able to seduce her without the pheromone.

  Fuck the pheromone! I hated the God-dammed thing!

  Unexpected hurt zinged through me. Why didn’t she like me? Why did she find me so offensive? I obviously rubbed her the wrong way, and I’ll admit that hurt.

  Why did I care so much about whether or not this girl liked me?

  Okay, I’ll admit I was attracted to her—very attracted to her—and I couldn’t deny I felt some sort of pull toward her. I wanted her to like me back. But honestly, all I’d been trying to do was get to know her better. Sure, when a guy liked a girl, it was only natural for him to imagine what it would be like to make love to her. That didn’t mean I was dead set on seducing her. I just wanted to get to know her. Honest.

  Hell. Maybe I should just give up now before I made a bigger ass out of myself.

  A stubborn determination swept through me. No. I wasn’t giving up. Somehow, someway, I was going to win her over. I was going to make her like me. I wanted her to see that I was much more than the pretty boy flirt.

  “Two more.” I motioned to our empty shot glasses. The bartender swept the glasses away and replaced them moments later with fresh ones. I slid Liz’s drink in front of her.

  “If you hate me so much, Liz, then why did you agree to have a drink with me?”

  Keeping her gaze averted, she picked up her drink and gulped it down. She grimaced, then breathed out, “Ahh! That was strong.”

  I sniggered, unable to control myself. She was definitely loosening up. I tossed back my own drink, then turned to await her response.

  She held my gaze for a moment, then admitted, “Because I wanted to make sure you weren’t here to hurt Glenda. So I figured I’d hang out with you for a bit and try to gauge your true intentions.”

  Well hell, that wasn’t the answer I had anticipated.

  “You think I’m here to hurt Glenda?”

  She shrugged, though something resembling guilt entered her eyes. What was that all about? Wariness crept in. What was this girl up to? Was she playing me? Could the guileless girl be secretly full of guile?

  “You look like that guy on the wanted poster,” she said at last. “I mean, really look like him. For some reason, Glenda thinks that guy might be her son.”

  My heart twisted at that. I am her son.

  Liz had seen the wanted poster. That’s what this was about. She probably thought I was a
dangerous criminal.

  “What would you say if I told you I was Glenda’s son and I came here to find her?”

  She startled, her eyes going wide. Fear flashed in her eyes. Then guilt again. She slid off her stool. “I’ve had enough for one night. Thank you for the drinks.” She headed for the door.

  Whoa, wait a minute. What had just happened?

  I barreled after her, catching her arm just as she reached the outer door. “Liz, wait. Why are you always running away from me?”

  She huffed. “I said one drink, but you fed me two. I don’t normally drink, so I’m feeling a bit tipsy. It’s time I went home.”

  Luke caught my gaze from across the room, a smirk on his face. He thought I’d failed and Liz was bailing on me. He was wrong. I wouldn’t let her bail. I wasn’t giving up.

  He might think this was about the bet. But it wasn’t. This was much bigger than that now.

  Ignoring Luke, I addressed Liz. “You didn’t have to drink any of those shots. No one forced you.”

  She let out another huff. “You can be very persuasive, which I’m sure you know. You have one of those engaging personalities that draws people in. I don’t know if it’s real or an act you put on to seduce women, but I can see why women might find you irresistible.” Discomfort flashed in her eyes. Then—maybe—was that hurt? “But I’m not like them.”

  Something in my chest tightened. “No, you’re not like the others,” I agreed. She was special. And dammit, I wanted her even more now than I had earlier. This girl was rare. Genuine. And I wanted to claim some of that realness. I wanted to know what it was like to be with a woman with some substance, some depth. To be a part of something real. Not just a meaningless hookup. Liz was unique and the more I was around her, the more I liked her. Breaking down her walls was proving to be a challenge, but I found myself more and more fascinated as each wall came down and more of her true personality emerged. Liz was the type of girl who wouldn’t give in to me unless she felt something for me. And that promise of realness, of genuine feelings between us, made getting to know her more important to me than anything else. Because if I managed to make her fall in love with me, then that meant I actually was loveable. Not just a playboy. Not just a seducer. But a person who had something that was worth loving.

  A wary surprise flickered in her eyes. “Should I be insulted by that?”

  “No, definitely not. Come on.” I held my arm out to her. “If you’re tipsy, then you’re in no condition to drive. No more drinks. I promise. Why don’t we find somewhere to hang out for a bit until you feel you can safely drive?”

  Her gaze delved suspiciously into mine. “Is this an attempt to seduce me?”

  “No,” I assured her, and realized I meant it. While I did want her—what man wouldn’t?—I was in no hurry. I was just enjoying spending time with her. “It’s an attempt to help you sober up so you can safely drive home.”

  She looked into my eyes. “I’m not drunk. Just a little…lightheaded.”

  “All the more reason to keep you away from your car for the time being.”

  Her gaze darted back to mine. Then she chuckled softly. “You’re right. I would be a danger behind the wheel right now.” She paused, a hint of vulnerability in her gaze. “Okay, then. Where should we go to hang out?”

  I hesitated. Good question. If I suggested my room, she would think I was trying to seduce her again. And I wanted her to relax and be herself, not wary and suspicious.

  I shrugged. “You tell me. You know this place better than me. Where can we go?”

  She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, contemplation flickering across her face. “Definitely not my office, and not one of the conference rooms.” She paused, her gaze darting around, then landing on mine again. “We could, uh, go to your room, I guess. But no funny business, mister,” she added quickly, “or I’ll scream loudly.”

  A laugh burst out of me. God, I was really starting to like this girl. She was fun when she relaxed and let go of that stuffiness.

  Unexpected warmth filled my chest.

  “Okay, then, my room it is.” I held my arm out to her. “And no funny business, I promise.”

  She searched my gaze for a long moment, as if making sure I had no ill intentions. Whatever she saw in my eyes must have satisfied her, for she trustingly slipped her arm through mine.

  Pleasure coursed through me. She was starting to like me. I could feel it. And damn if that didn’t feel good.

  I whisked her out the door, a lightness in my step. And as we headed across the parking lot toward the inn moments later, I couldn’t resist saying, “But if you do any screaming in my room, I promise it will be screams of pleasure.”



  We took the back entrance to the inn, so that Rachel—or anyone else—wouldn’t see me going up to a guest’s room, which was totally against the rules and completely unprofessional. Anyone who saw me would think I was hooking up with him.

  Which I wasn’t. Not even.

  If you do any screaming in my room, I promise it will be screams of pleasure.

  His words came back to me again, making my face heat. Had he been teasing? I wasn’t sure. While I wasn’t drunk, the alcohol was making me less guarded than normal. More trusting than usual. But my original doubts about Ryan were fading. I was no longer certain that he was a predator and I was his prey. He really was fun to be around. And I was starting to genuinely like him. He was starting to grow on me now.

  The idea of hanging out with him in his room wasn’t as unappealing—or as scary—as it had been earlier. I didn’t think he planned to harm me in any way. Whenever I looked into his eyes, I saw kindness, genuine interest. And I’ll admit it threw me, because a part of me still couldn’t believe a hunk like him would be genuinely interested in me.

  So I kept my guard up. Just in case.

  We went up the back stairs to the second floor. Before I knew it, he was swiping his keycard in the slot and pushing the door open.

  Then the door was closing behind us...

  And I was suddenly completely alone with him.

  My stomach filled with nervous flutters. Had I made a mistake in coming up here with him? Why did he suddenly seem so large and imposing? Why did I suddenly feel so small and helpless?

  Ryan unzipped his coat, pulling it off and tossing it into the armchair in the corner. I hesitated, my hand on my own zipper. Should I take my coat off, too? If I did, would he think it meant I wanted him to take off the rest of my clothes? He turned back to me with a smile. My pulse skyrocketed. The breath snagged in my throat. He really was good-looking. The most beautiful man I’d ever seen. God help me.

  Heat swept into my face. What the hell was I doing here? Seriously? What if he thought I’d come here for sex? I never did this.

  “This was a bad idea.” I spun on my heel and took a step toward the door. I should leave. Right now.

  “Whoa, whoa...Hey, relax.” His gentle words came from right behind me. “You’re perfectly safe with me, Liz. Please, don’t be scared of me. I promise I won’t put any moves on you.”

  I swallowed hard and turned back around. There was a tenderness in his gaze that I didn’t expect. And a hint of worry. Ryan was either a really good actor, or he truly didn’t want me to be afraid. Was he concerned about me? I couldn’t tell. The man confused me. A part of me still firmly believed he was a player. After all, he knew how to persuade a woman into doing something she didn’t want to do. He had some kind of power over me. I hadn’t wanted to go for a drink, yet he’d convinced me to. I hadn’t wanted to come up to his room with him, yet he’d somehow persuaded me to. No—wait—that had been my idea. I’d suggested coming up here. Because I’d felt genuinely safe with him. I still did. I was just nervous and totally out of my element here.

  Then my paranoia set in as I recalled the strange pull he’d had over me when he’d first come into the inn, and the way I’d flung myself at him like a hussy. Male magnetism, m
y ass. What had he really done to me? And would he do it again now that I was alone with him? Had he already done it to me? Was that why I’d suggested coming up here when I normally would never suggest such a thing?

  You’re being completely paranoid, Liz.

  I was genuinely attracted to him, and it freaked me out. Because I’d been played before, and I couldn’t help but be distrustful of him. Suspicious of his intentions.

  It wasn’t him who was the problem, I realized, but me. I was the one with the trust issues.

  A man hadn’t paid this much attention to me in a long time, and I’ll admit I was flattered. He made me feel good about myself. He made me feel pretty. And therein came my suspicion. Men like Ryan never flirted with nerdy girls like me. Men like Ryan didn’t even look twice at girls like me. What was going on here? Why was he interested in me? What did he truly want? Did he think I would be easy? Did he think because he was so good-looking I wouldn’t be able to resist him? Was I just a game to him?

  Tears stung my eyes. My chest tightened.

  He said he wouldn’t put any moves on you. Chill out.

  “What do you want with me?” I blurted. “Really?”

  He stilled as he studied me intently, but there was a kindness in his eyes, a patience that took me aback. “I just want to get to know you better, Liz. Honest.”

  My breath hitched. “That’s bull,” I whispered, desperately blinking back tears. I stared into his eyes, looking for some type of deceit, but could find none. Why couldn’t I find it?

  “Men like you don’t even notice girls like me.”

  Admittedly, that wasn’t fair. I was comparing him to Jeremy. I was taking my frustration with Jeremy out on Ryan.

  “Men like me?” he repeated, his gaze hardening. The playful Ryan had disappeared, and in his place was an angry, baffled Ryan. “What does that mean?”

  I swallowed hard. Had I misjudged him? Truly? Was I wrong?

  “You’re a player. I know I’m not your usual type. So, why homely little me?”


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