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Connected in Code: (Ravage MC Rebellion Series Book Four) A Motorcycle Club Romance of Wrong Way & Hayden

Page 10

by Ryan Michele

  It stopped after my announcement, which was good or me and my brothers were going to have to close off the back room for a while.

  The ride to her house was too fucking short. Having her wrapped around me on the back of my bike was a feeling I’d never experienced with another woman. It was as if I could ride forever and never stop as long as she was with me.

  There’d been other women on the back of my bike, but not a single one held a candle to Hayden.

  Pulling into her driveway I killed the bike, knowing Grams would see it here in the morning and not give that first fuck.

  Hayden got off the bike, and I gripped her arm because her legs were a bit like jelly. A laugh escaped me. “We’re gonna have to work on your sea legs.”

  She smiled then rolled her eyes as she straightened. How could a woman rolling her eyes at me be such a fucking turn on?

  “You’re comin’ in?” The teasing tone had me wanting to spank her ass. Maybe that would be in the cards for tonight.

  “Fuck yeah.” I bum rushed her, flinging her over my shoulder. She cried out and started laughing. My hand hit her ass, and she moaned. Yes, she was definitely getting her ass spanked tonight.

  Kicking the door shut, locking it and setting the alarm, I carried Hayden to her bedroom with Luna on our heels.

  “It’s okay, Luna,” Hayden called out to her pup, but she kept up the pace with us. Tossing her on the bed, she bounced twice, laughing the entire time. Her long hair fell around her like she was in a cyclone. It was hot as hell.

  Luna gave a bark. “Quiet now. I need to fuck Mommy.” The dog gave a low whine then went to the corner of the room and curled up. She’d get her attention from me in a bit.

  “Clothes. Off. Now,” I ordered as Hayden scooted up the bed.

  “What, you think you can just throw me on a bed, and I’ll do your bidding?” she teased with that sexy as fuck smirk.

  I pulled off my cut, shirt, and unbuckled my jeans, letting them fall to my feet along with my underwear. My hard cock was ready to roll.

  She licked her lip, crawling to me on all fours. The look in her eyes was carnal. She opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and licked up my cock from root to tip. Hayden licked off the drop of pre-come, swirling her tongue around the head over and over again.

  Having enough and wanting to be buried inside of her, my hips jerked back, my cock falling from her lips.

  “Clothes,” I ordered again as I sat to take off my boots.

  She tapped her index finger on her chin, thinking and not doing.

  “I’m tellin’ ya. Your clothes aren’t off that smokin’ hot body by the time I get my boots off, your ass goes from pink to red.”

  “You’re such a sweet talker.”

  I kicked off my final boot, watching it and my clothes fly toward the door. When I turned back around, her shirt was in the air sailing toward her dresser. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I made quick work of the rest of her clothes.

  Hearing her laugh during the entire process only had my dick getting harder. Loved that damn sound.

  We wrestled around, her trying to get one up on me, but not getting far whatsoever. After her jeans were torn from her legs, exposing a red lace thong, a deep groan left me.

  This woman’s ass was like a fucking bubble. Perfect, round, and oh so delectable.

  Pulling her across my lap, I held her down with my arm. “Still.”

  “Seriously. You’re going to spank me?” Her smile told me she was completely down for it.

  As my hand came down hard on her cheek, she cried out. After the third one she was groaning, and her ass was turning a beautiful shade of hot pink. The way it moved with each slap was a dying man’s last fucking wish.

  Flipping her over and throwing her down on the bed, my weight came on top of her as she wiggled around. My cock lined up with her slick pussy, and I thrust hard inside her, our lips connecting in a frenzied kiss.

  Her moans coming up her throat spurred me on faster and faster.

  Yeah, I could spend the rest of my life planted inside this woman.



  The morning light came in the room, waking me from a deep slumber. My head laid on a strong chest that was rising and falling in even motions.

  Wrong Way.

  The night before flooded my brain, sending snapshots of the time at the bar, his bike, and here in bed. God, this man was something else.

  His warmth surrounded me, his arm and legs locking me in next to him. There was no way for me to move without him knowing. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if I breathed it wouldn’t wake him.

  We’d never had this. Waking up in each other’s arms. Never once had he stayed the night with me. At the time I didn’t find it strange at all. Now, though, I wondered if there was a reason for him not staying with me.

  I wondered if this was a step in our relationship or if I was reading too much into something that wasn’t there. The latter was more than likely the case.

  Whatever it was, I liked waking up to him and feeling him in peace beside me. He slept so soundly, and it made me wonder if he’d been getting a good night’s rest lately.

  The sheet was tented by his cock, making my mouth water. Knowing I wouldn’t get far without him waking up, I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his wide shaft. Slowly at first, I began to pump him.

  His dick twitched and pulsed, just as his body jolted.

  Looking up at him, I smiled at his surprise. “Morning.”

  Not letting him get another word in, I untangled my body from his and moved down, taking his cock fully inside my mouth. Licking the mushroom top, a drop of pre-come escaped, and I sucked it up.

  Hands, mouth, and tongue, I engulfed him, letting the silkiness of his length guide my way. His groans and body jolts turned me on. Knowing I could bring this man to the brink of pleasure was a powerful thing.

  “Alright,” he groaned, but I didn’t stop.

  Wrong Way twisted my body so my pussy was in line with his mouth, and he didn’t waste a second. With each bob or pump, he licked, sucked, and fingered my slick pussy.

  We went at each other with no abandon, taking and giving, playing each other’s bodies like we’d never tasted one another before this moment.

  “I’ll see you tonight.”

  His words took a moment to process. “Tonight?”


  “Why?” It wasn’t intended to be bitchy, but it might have come out that way. He’d never come to me two nights in a row.


  That wasn’t our thing. He would come when he came, and that was it.

  He gripped my ass, pulling me flush with his body, my hands going to his hard chest. “Like wakin’ up with you.”

  Wrong Way kissed me hard, then he was gone.

  I turned around, back to the door, breathing hard.

  “What in the ever-loving hell was that?” I asked Luna who just lulled her tongue at me. She had no answers.

  The slimy ball felt heavy in my hand as I turned and threw it as far as I could into the grassy field, wiping my hand on my jeans after. Loved my dog Luna, but the slobber I could do without. She chased after the bright yellow tennis ball with a force to be reckoned with. Her strong legs carried her directly to the round object, where she picked it up, brought it back, and we’d do it all over again and again and again. She was a mutt, just like me. One look at her at the pound and I was in love.

  Luna and I came to this dog park regularly. It was the closest one to our house, and Luna loved to run. Not run in a fenced small square that was our yard, but run like a rocket as far and fast as she could with a wide open space in her path.

  The sun shone down, warming my skin and causing prickles to dance on my arms. A cold front had moved in, making the temperature absolutely perfect.

  The park was busy and quite vast. We were in the bottom section where a two-acre field had a fence around it, and dogs could run free. Normally we came early in the
morning, giving us the area all to ourselves, but since it was later in the afternoon, other’s thought to bring their dogs too.

  The fence was because a children’s playground was on the other side and in here, dogs didn’t need to be on leashes.

  “Hey there. Good girl,” I cooed at Luna as she dropped the ball at my feet then gave her a rub down. Hands in her fur, all I could think about was Wrong Way and touching him this morning. Fuck.

  My cell rang as I threw the ball out once again, watching Luna run, and I pulled it from my back pocket seeing the display, Ms. Janey Calling. A smile came to my lips.

  Trust wasn’t in my vocabulary growing up. If anything, the word was used as a weapon against me. A tool to make me fall in line and do what others wanted me to do.

  You trust me, right?

  Those words rolled around in my head over and over again. I hated them. Whenever someone used them, it was always a game, a puzzle piece where I had no choice to play. No matter if it hurt me in the process, there was no other option.

  It wasn’t until Ms. Janey, and many years later, that I learned what the true meaning was.

  The first time I met her hate, distrust, and fear were the only emotions I allowed myself to feel. A girl could live off the adrenaline of hate alone for years. It was a fact because I was the proof of it. It was the best motivator out there.

  * * *

  “This is Ms. Janey. She’s one of our social workers.” The woman who had her hand on my arm gave it a squeeze to the point of pain, making a statement. It was either I talked with Ms. Janey, or she was going to call the cops—which meant juvie, and that wasn’t happening.

  There was no way I was going back to that hell hole again.


  That was what my court-appointed lawyer called juvie.

  Bullshit. More like keeping us contained. Except within that confinement of hoodlums, it only gave us a chance to compare notes. Like the perfect storm, we could share information to one day be better on our track in the wrong way.

  Except that was the only benefit. Nothing else was good about it.

  With a small nod, the bitch let me go and darted from the room like her ass was on fire.

  “She’s a pain in the ass.” Ms. Janey’s first words to me immediately brought a small tip to my lips. Not a full smile, but it was something.

  * * *

  From that moment on, us having a common thread, she had been the staple in my life. While it didn’t happen overnight, that was for certain, eventually it did. Our road together was rocky, like a steep mountain that had rocks flowing down from it all the time, but somehow managed to come out on the other end.

  “Low,” I answered, hearing her chuckle on the other end made a smile tip my lips. Luna brought the ball back, and I tossed it again.

  “You know, if you actually said hello, maybe when you got a call back for a job, they’d take you seriously.”

  It was my turn to chuckle. “Ms. Janey, you know I have a job.”

  “What? I couldn’t hear you. You said that you’re waiting on a call for a job. Right. That’s a good thing.”

  My smile stretched so far across my face, my cheeks actually started to hurt. “Right,” I drew out the word, emphasizing the ‘t’. “What’s up?”

  “Dinner. We haven’t seen each other in two weeks, and you know that’s my limit.”

  This, I loved about her. She never, not once with all the shit I fed her, gave up on me. The more I tried pushing her away, the more steadfast she stood, strong and confident.

  I’d never had anyone care like that before Ms. Janey. Never. She was the first person to really make me feel like my life wasn’t some twisted, fucked up game that the world was trying to play on me. She gave me the one thing I didn’t know existed.


  “Tomorrow night at six?” I asked as Luna came charging back.

  “At Clyde’s,” she said.

  “Of course.” We never went anywhere else. It was our place. One—because the food was good, and two—because it was the first restaurant Ms. Janey took me to, saying I needed to learn table manners. While she had done her best, sometimes you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks. My manners still sucked.

  “See you tomorrow, child.”

  Shaking my head at the word child, I replied, “Tomorrow.”

  She disconnected the line without another word. Slipping my phone in my pocket, a smile stayed plastered on my lips as I bent down and threw the ball once more.

  At twenty-eight-years-old, I wasn’t a child, but to Ms. Janey the age didn’t matter. She was like an eagle that swooped down, put me under her wing, and taught me how to fly.

  “That bitch,” I growled at my computers as they rolled. Gladys Brems, the woman from the bank when I stole the money from Mr. Davidson, stared back at me on the screen. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way after meeting her snooty ass.

  Unfortunately, I wasn’t wrong.

  Every frame that crossed my screen, I wanted to throw my computer. But really, I wanted to throw her under a damn bus and watch her scream in pain.

  Punch … yelp… “Shut the hell up!” Punch … yelp…

  The dog looked like a terrier and bulldog mix, maybe. Gladys’ fist came up and slammed into the puppy’s face, causing him to whimper and cry. The little animal stumbled back and appeared in a daze. Locked in a kennel, it didn’t have very far to retreat, but he tried.

  Gladys grabbed the dog once more by the front legs and shook it so hard, that when she let go, it fell to the ground outside the house. It was the only dog out there tied to a very short chain.

  My eyes threatened to leak as I breathed in deep, trying to keep my cool but failing miserably. The anger was right there next to the sadness.

  Over the past few days, she had taken four different dogs into her home. All looking disheveled with variations of matted hair, dirty, and malnourished, making me wonder if they were all street dogs. They didn’t look well cared for in the first place, but coming here was worse. Those dogs never came out, not even to go to the bathroom. The video was grainy, and I needed to get in closer because something was going on in that house. One thing about doing what I did, I made it a point to know all the information I could get before reacting.

  Drones were awesome inventions. The even better part was when the developer created very small drones that were super quiet, therefore undetected for the most part. They looked like little bugs instead of an electronic device and blended in well. No one, as of yet, had discovered the use of them.

  I’d thought about showing up there, but my luck she’d have boobie-traps around her three-acre property. It’s no wonder no one had caught the woman. There was no one around her for miles. She was able to do her dirty deeds right under everyone’s noses, and no one was the wiser.

  She’d fucked with the wrong woman, and it was time to confirm my suspicions.

  Using the controls on my computer, I dove the drone down to the basement window, letting it record the entire time. The picture was pretty clear, and I had mad respect for the developer. Sometimes these things were all talk and no bite. This one, though, hit the nail on the head.

  My stomach twisted and hands went clammy at the vision before me. Bile started to creep up my esophagus.

  Yes. I wanted to see this woman locked in a cage and do what she was inflicting on these defenseless animals.

  Stacks of wired crates were along the right side of the wall. Each crate, thirteen of them, had a smaller sized dog in them. They were very malnourished, dirty, and looked like they were on their last leg.

  Yes. I wanted to watch this woman die. Slowly. Painfully. That currently wasn’t an option, but she was going down.

  Gladys walked into the room with the same scowl on her face she had at the bank. The puppies scooted to the back of their cages in fear.

  I recognized that fear clearly. When first on the streets, fear was the only thing that kept me going at times. Fear someone would be
at me, rape me, or lord knew what else. Each day was a challenge to find shelter, food, and water. The biggest fear was safety.

  It was the same for these defenseless creatures. They had no one to help them.

  What I saw next had me turning away from the screen. That woman was a sadistic bitch.

  Luna barked, and I patted my leg, needing her comfort as much as she needed mine. She came directly to me, and I sank to the floor, rubbing her down. Kissing her head, I told her, “I’ll get her. First call the cops and get the dogs out, but she’s gonna pay for hurtin’ those dogs.”

  Luna whined ,and I felt the same way.

  That bitch would hurt.


  Wrong Way

  Tracking the IP addresses led me nowhere. The programmer was smart and knew how to disguise their activity very well. It sent me on a loop, bouncing from one server to the next, never landing where I needed it.

  As I sat in the office at the convenience store Ravage owned, my mind kept going back to those damn addresses. There had to be a way to figure out who tried to get into Ravage’s systems, a way to break the loop.

  A knock came to the door. “Come in,” I called out, and Tony, the manager, came inside.

  “How they lookin’?” he asked, sitting in the chair in front of me. A few months back we had some trouble with an employee taking money from us. He was no longer around, and Tony took his place. Crow was very straight with him taking this job. He fucked up, that would be the end. Therefore, he’d been on his toes.

  “Good. Everything looks accounted for.” I swear I saw his shoulders actually sag in relief. This was good and made it so I didn’t have to worry about getting fucked over again. People with fear inside of them would do anything to make sure whatever they feared didn’t actually happen.

  Carlo, the previous guy, had lost that fear, and it got him dead.


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