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The Vigilant: A Reverse Harem Dark Cop Romance

Page 7

by Anna Belle


  I wasn’t going to lie and say that Betty’s approval hadn’t let off several excited butterflies fluttering in my chest, but still.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “It just seems so… weird. Going out with three guys at once. Three friends.”

  “Three hot cops,” Betty corrected me with a giggle. She paused, and I could tell she was biting her lip how she did when she got deep in thought. “So, are you happy right now?”

  I paused too.

  Lately, so much had happened that I hadn’t really had a chance to think about it. But now that I was…

  “Yeah, actually.”

  “Ok, then you have your answer there. As long as everyone is being open with each other and no one is getting hurt, then I don’t see what the issue is.”

  I grinned. “Thanks Mom.”

  “I will get to meet them soon though, won’t I?” Betty asked.

  “Definitely, just let me have this talk with them, and-” My phone beeped. “Ivy’s calling – hang on.”

  “You still ready to go?” Ivy asked as soon as I picked up.

  “Yeah, just-”

  “Good. I can be at your place in ten. I want to leave tonight.”

  “I don’t understand-”

  “There’s nothing to understand,” she said. “I finally left him. I left Colt, and I want to get far, far away from here. If you want to be there for me, now’s the time.”

  “I want to be there for you, but-”

  “Then be there for me. I’ll see you in fifteen, ok?”

  She hung up without waiting for my answer.

  “Hey Betty,” I said, switching back to the other call. “I have to go, something came up.”

  “Everything ok?” Betty said.

  “Yeah, probably. I’ll explain later.”

  I stood there, holding the phone while my mind whirled in circles.

  Ivy had finally left him… finally returned my calls like I’d been dying for her to do.

  But leave, now? At the worst time possible?

  But she was my sister. I could go with her for a few weeks, get her all set up in Vancouver or wherever she wanted to go. Then, when I came back…

  By the time the knock sounded on my door, I had just about made up my mind.

  “Ivy,” I said, opening it. “You just have to wait a sec, I’m almost ready but-”

  A hand closed around my wrist and I staggered back.

  “Taylor,” I gasped.

  I didn’t have time to even think about how he’d gotten here. Finally found me.

  All I could do was look into his face that wasn’t really his anymore. No, that sore-covered face wasn’t his. Nor were those vacant eyes. That foaming mouth.

  He was a stranger – a very, very dangerous one.

  Chapter 26: Angel

  I listened to the message again as I drove.

  “Hey, I uh – know its been awhile – and – shit! I know, I know, I know I fucked up bad. Just- delete this after you get it – yeah? OK? Just, I had this girlfriend and we had this argument and I was drinking, went out driving, hit this stupid bitch in the middle of the goddamn street. Shit. I didn’t mean – anyway, when I came back, she was gone. Fucking bitch. But you have to believe me – I’m sorry and I didn’t deserve. Anyway, I’m going to get her back. I’ve been looking and I finally found… yeah, I’m going to get Myla back.”

  Hearing it the first time had been a shock. Although Red, Kohl and I had jolted into action fast enough.

  It was obvious what we had to do – Taylor was in no state to talk to anyone. Who knows how he’d even found Myla’s apartment – but if what he’d said in that message was true, then he was headed there now.

  At the apartment building, the elevator got us up there quickly. We raced down the hallway and… her door was open.

  Inside, Taylor had Myla backed into the wall his hands around her throat.

  “Taylor,” I said, forcing my voice calm. Shit- shit- shit. “It’s ok. We’re here now. You can tell us the truth.”

  His hands weren’t applying pressure, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t.

  Behind me, Kohl and Red were inching forward too, their eyes hard.

  “The truth?” Taylor screeched. “Like how Myla was supposed to stick by me, not always get angry and angrier and so so so upset over everything. She drove me to it. It was an accident, a fucking accident…”

  He shook his head, letting go of Myla’s neck and rounding to face us.

  “It was her fault too. She was always complaining. Driving me nuts about do this, don’t do that.”

  “It was the pills,” Myla said quietly. “I was just trying to help, but you wouldn’t listen, kept taking more and more.”

  “Shut up!” he yelled, running at her.

  Kohl tackled him.

  “No,” Taylor whined, “Please.”

  I patted Kohl’s shoulder.

  “Take it easy on him, ok?” Kohl was already getting the handcuffs out of his jean pocket.

  I crouched down so I could talk consolingly to my brother. “It will be all right, Tay, ok? Dad’s going to bail you out, get you the best lawyer…”

  His head was still shaking, when he passed out.

  “Shit,” I said, but Kohl was already on it.

  “He’s fine, just fainted. Probably thanks to all the shit in his system.”

  Red was already consoling Myla, but I figured an extra pair of arms couldn’t hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” she said to me. “I didn’t know he was your brother. And I would’ve gone to the police about the hit and run, but I didn’t know for sure. Taylor was acting all funny, but denied it. Anyway, that was the last straw for us…”

  My hands stroked her head. “Shhh. It’s going to be all right.”

  A knock at the door surprised us.

  “Sorry I’m late-” Myla’s sister said, “What the hell?”

  Chapter 27: Myla

  Afterwards, everything I thought couldn’t possibly fit together, did.

  Taylor got help and went to rehab, with a sentence pending. Betty finally met the boys and loved them. I went with Ivy to Vancouver for a month, until she was all set up. Back in Toronto, I got a job waiting tables at Angel’s bar.

  My first night back, they insisted on taking me out.

  I looked at the familiar faded bowling pin sign as we pulled into the lot and laughed. “You’re kidding me.”

  “For old time’s sake,” Angel said.

  And without waiting for my response, he swept me up in his arms while I laughed.

  That one b when things had been so much less certain, so much tenser.

  It underscored just how far I’d come in the past two months, all thanks to the guys.

  I sat in the same seat I’d had before, waiting for my turn and chatting with Red and Kohl, but I wasn’t the same person.

  No, I was free.

  Afterwards, at the nice restaurant they took me to, I just had to ask, “Ok, I know you’re happy I’m back, but what’s the occasion?”

  Kohl’s face was unreadable. “We’re saving that for dessert.”

  Under the table, I kicked his leg. Without missing a beat, both his legs ensnared mine. He smirked as I squirmed.

  Angel’s gaze couldn’t seem to leave me. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

  “You did get this for me,” I reminded him with a grin.

  It’d been a nice surprise, being at the bowling alley and receiving the black bodycon dress they’d bought. An even nicer surprise, was that it actually fit like a glove.

  Angel gave a lofty sigh.

  “What can I say. I’d like to think that I know your body well.” His gaze smoldered. “Although there’s always room to become better acquainted. First things first, though.”

  There was no arguing with that.

  First thing was going over to Red’s, pulling up to the rustic house that was even more beautiful in person.

  “You’re prob
ably wondering what’s up,” Kohl said, once we’d finally all gotten inside and assembled on Red’s suede couch – Angel and Red on either side of me, Kohl at the edge. “We discussed a lot when you were gone.”

  “Oh?” I said.

  “We missed you a lot,” Angel said. “A real lot.”

  “Even doing extra Vigilant missions didn’t help,” Red said with a frown.

  “Ok,” I said.

  I still couldn’t see where this was going. I had Skype chatted with them every few days, after all.

  “Thing is,” Kohl said, taking my hand. “I want to keep seeing you. But more than that, I want to date you. Like a girlfriend.”

  I stared at him as though he had just spoken in Latin.

  “But…” I said.

  “I want to date you too,” Angel said, linking his arm in mine.

  The way Red’s hand closed around mine indicated that was his response too.

  “So, you guys are saying…”

  “We’re willing to give this a try,” Red spoke up. “All of us, with you.”

  “It is pretty weird,” Angel admitted, seeing my face. “But that’s the thing, we just want to try it. I’ve never met anyone like you, and if that means that I don’t always get you to myself, but that you get to be super happy, then I’ll take it.”

  “So will I,” Red said.

  We all glanced to Kohl, whose scowl cracked. “Yeah, yeah. Me too. These goofs aren’t the worst guys to share you with.”

  We all cracked up.

  Afterwards, all I could do was gape at them as I paced, my mind swarming with their words which couldn’t seem to land.

  A relationship, with all three of them?

  It seemed the textbook definition of ‘Too Good to be True’. Sure, Betty had teased me about it, but still.

  Yet now, the guys had come to me with the idea themselves.

  “Is the extended silence ‘I need to think about it,’ or ‘Screw it, let’s do it’?” Angel asked.

  “You left out the ‘no’ possibility,” I said with a grin, as his face dropped.

  The other men’s faces looked the same. Just sad.

  “But if I agree to this,” I said casually, as if my insides weren’t churning. “That still doesn’t decide… everything.”

  Red smirked as he stepped forward. “Speaking of, there was something else we wanted to run by you.”

  A shiver went through me at his nearness and the way he was looking at me. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Kohl took my other hand. “I’m not much one for waiting. Or sharing, for that matter. So I say, if I’m going to share you, then I went to be there.”

  “Right in on the action,” Angel confirmed, taking my other hand and stepping in close.

  “Are you guys saying what I think I’m saying?” I asked.

  All of me was prickling with fear and excitement and lust.

  Kohl gave me a little tug. “Why don’t we show you?”

  What happened next went down in an instant. Red swept me in his arms, carried me down the hallway, then threw me on the bed.

  Everything happened all at once.

  Kohl’s lips on mine.

  Red’s hands massaging my breasts.

  Angel’s squeezing my ass.

  My eyes closed as my body buzzed with sensation.

  Seconds in, and I was already more turned on than I’d ever been in my life.

  The lips changed over, as I was stripped down. The boys coated all of me with strokes, kisses.

  “Fucking sexy minx,” Kohl growled, as someone tweaked my nipple

  “Wet as fuck too,” Angel said, presumably the one vibrating his fingers in me.

  Eyes still closed, I reached out and stroked the first dick I came into contact with.

  “Hold on there, girl,” Red purred. “I’m hard enough seeing your tight little body as it is.”

  “Please,” I groaned, as my pussy clasped back at Angel’s fingers desperately.

  Enough of this foreplay. I needed the real thing.

  “Please what?” Angel asked.

  “I want you inside me. All of you.”

  “Fucking right,” Angel growled, and the next second he was inside me.

  It felt so good, I came immediately. Although my boys were just getting started. As Angel fucked me to oblivion, after he spilled in me, I heard grunting.

  I opened my eyes to see Red and Kohl looking sheepish.

  “We both wanted to be next,” Red admitted.

  “Guess you’ll have to work at it,” I said, smirking at them.

  As Kohl clamored over me, his beast of a cock ready to stab into me, he smirked. “We’ve got the rest of our lives to figure it out.”

  And, as he shoved himself inside of me, and Red’s cock nosed near my mouth, I had to smile.

  That, we had.

  Chapter 28: Myla

  “Beautiful,” Angel murmured.

  Although the word didn’t do it justice. The inferno blazing before us was nothing short of amazing.

  Even as the snow whistled around us, I wasn’t cold standing here watching.

  How could I be, the way all four of us were all huddled together?

  “Nice job with that match,” Red said, patting my ass.

  I smiled. “I’ve had a bit of experience.”

  A lot of experience, in fact.

  We’ve been on over twenty Vigilant missions in the past year, with a lot more planned for the next.

  Now it was Christmas and we were enjoying some time off in a luxury chalet in Vermont.

  Ok, not completely time off. We had had a tipoff that a certain horrifically violent senator lived two houses down too…

  “Really too bad about his home.” Kohl’s hand snuck around to squeeze the other side of my ass.

  “Too bad his fist ran into seven consecutive girlfriends and killed one, you mean,” Red said, not missing a beat, even as he massaged my ass.

  “Yes,” I said, feeling my vision haze, “Really too bad…”

  “Tragic,” Angel said, his hand slipping between theirs to slap my ass.

  Kohl’s arm hooked back around my waist. “We have a surprise for you.”

  Next thing I knew, I was back in the chalet, in a hidden back room where there was a hot tub, already filled and steaming.

  Inside, we fell on each other with a vengeance. Apparently, the cold made us all horny. Who knew?

  The boys lapped at my pussy and fingered me and massaged my breasts all at once, until I was screaming, cumming so many times and so hard, I had to lay in their arms for a good ten minutes after to be able to get back up again.

  After, we all went back outside, padding onto the heated walkway with our bare feet, ready to take off back to the hot tub in any second.

  In the far distance, you could still make out the inferno of the chalet.

  I watched it, one hand in Angel’s, the other in Red’s, with Kohl’s arms wrapped around my waist.

  Angel squeezed my hand happily. “Yep, we’re weird.”

  Red smirked. “Maybe that’s not the problem, though.”

  Kohl nodded. “Maybe normal is the problem.”

  “At least it was for me,” I said. “I tried doing normal with Taylor, trying to stick it out with someone I knew was wrong for me. But now…”

  “You’re happy,” Angel said. “We’re happy.”

  “In love,” Red said.

  “What they said.” Kohl pressed me to him tight, although I could tell that his dark eyes were twinkling.

  Sure, at the beginning, the boys had said we’d give this thing a ‘try’, but now we were way past that.

  We were doing it.

  Together and loving it.

  Yes, as I drew my boys close, I knew.

  Leaving is easy, but staying is better.

  As we all drew together in a hug, their strong arms surrounding my body, it came to me. “God, this is what it feels like, isn’t it? Happiness.”

  “Love,” Kohl co
rrected me.

  My boys and I held each other tight.


  Thank YOU!

  Thank you so much for reading – this is my first published book with rights that are mine, so I can’t begin to express how psyched I am that it’s finished and made it into print! 

  I have a lot more ideas swirling around in my head – so stay tuned.

  Any comments or reviews really mean a lot to me! I’d love to hear from you.

  (; Anna




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