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The Dark Lord

Page 5

by Nihar Sharma

  Gajendra held her tight near to his chest, Shanti was crying too. Rajat’s mother again went unconscious; they brought her to bedroom where doctor had given her medicine for deep sleep.

  Gajendra then asked Shanti “what happened?” She explained the whole story “Rajat was in his bedroom was studying a novel, I went with a glass of milk to him then he looked at me and said something that I cannot remember. I put that glass on his table” She then started crying, and Gajendra patted her shoulder and asked her “What next then?”

  She showed her trembling hand to Gajendra, yes it was quite visible to count fingers on her wrist. She continued “I felt something awkward, first thought he was angry with me, so I left him alone in that room and came to kitchen for cooking.”

  Then she started crying again and on Gajendra’s insists she continued “He followed me to the kitchen and called me witch, I turned around and looked at him, his eyes were like big red fire balls, and his voice turned to be some kind of monsters”, she was trembling in fear.

  Then he attacked on madam, I tried to stop him but he had more strength over us, he threw me to the corner and picked up the knife and had stroke it at her head. I managed to drag her in my room, and then you came” and she hugged him again cried loudly.

  Gajendra went Rajat’s bedroom but didn’t dare to open the door and step inside. Then remembered about what happened. He already called baba. Gajendra was breathless, sitting in lounge in his dining room waiting for baba.

  “It is one of them” Baba said from the door. Gajendra rushed to baba and lay at his feet and started crying for his family’s safety. “Please save my son baba” he pleaded. Baba lifted him and said “Just do as I say, don’t worry your son will be fine.”


  Vikram ultimately freed himself and rushed to Aaditya or help; “Where have you been?” Aaditya asked Vikram and smiled “I have started the game; they are scared of their own flesh and blood.” Vikram looked at him with his opened eyes in awe, and he realized, Aaditya would take his revenge with or without him.

  Rajat was screaming in fear for help but nobody had daring to open the door of his room. Scare had clouded their faith, courage and affection.

  “Something is not ok” said Vikram. Aaditya patted on his back “don’t worry now everything will be ok only”.

  Suryakant just arrived with his chanting book and sat in the middle of the dining room and said Gajendra to open the Rajat’s bedroom’s door. Gajendra rushed to there and opened the door. A sudden feeling of being caught had been felt by them, Aaditya looked at Vikram and asked “That baba”, Vikram held his hand and warned “We need to run Aadi.”

  The effect of black chanting was so strong that they couldn’t move from their place. Gajendra took the bottle kept near to TV, where they were standing and watching baba to perform. Rajat came out of his room and looked at baba and his family too. Then he could see Vikram and Aaditya too standing near to TV. In fear Rajat rushed inside the room, Shanti ran after him but it was too late and Rajat jumped out of the window in fear.

  “He will bring you down and the whole world will be his slave” baba chanted the last sentence and opened the cork of the bottle, a portal to unknown world. Aaditya looked at baba and screamed “Run Vikram” but they couldn’t make it and an unseen force had dragged them inside the magic bottle.


  Yamraj’s court had declared Torriyan as an innocent under WOW section of the UPC.

  It freed him. The king was not satisfied; he wanted Torriyan to be handed over to him so he could punish him. Torriyan was also not happy because he wanted to teach the king. But his master didn’t want so.

  Demosus snorted and his master’s attention allured at him “what happened?”

  Demosus looked little reluctant to answer his master and kept his eyes on the gate where Torriyan was sitting with sulking face.

  “Do you want me to read your mind?” the lord asked.

  Demosus looked down and replied “My lord, nothing is hidden from you. I am just worried about you; I really don’t understand why you have stopped Torriyan when he is so capable of making destructions in heaven and teach them a lesson, the war will be over a night.” The Dark Lord smiled “If I have so then it would be unjust to the truce we have signed and agreed. We will have our revenge but not so fast, Torriyan and you all are my children and I cannot put you in danger. The king will come after us for the rightful revenge and then we may lose many things, the whole universe will be with them as we breached the pact first, so keeping peace right now is the best solution till we find our prodigy soul.”

  Demosus sighed “But, the prodigy soul, will he be able to beat gods?”

  Lord patted on his shoulder and replied “the time will answer your question.”

  Then Demosus looked at Torriyan and asked his lord with curiosity “My lord he is with you since long time before I was born, I never asked you about him. How do you know him? The whole shadow world was destroyed by gods then how Torriyan is in existence, he must be thousands of years old.”

  There was no answer that could allay his thirst for answers but he had a story to tell. “Sit my dear friend, today I will tell you an untold story.”

  Demosus with anxiety sat on the ground near his master and looked into his eyes.

  Thousands of years ago there was a man named Ukaiya in a village near Medditerrean Sea, a brave farmer who lived on farming. He had a beautiful wife named Maria but no child. They used to pray to gods but there used to be no light of hope as usual.

  They were very satisfied with their small needs but used to be very happy, but in somewhere in Maria’s heart a flame of grief had made home, based on non deliverance of single hope that every husband asks, a child. But as usual their gods were deaf on their pray.

  One day a man walked to their doors for a help. It was raining heavily; pouring seemed the sky was crying in a grief. In the middle of the night when both were asleep, the candles were low lit. The door was smashed hard, the noise had awakened them, Ukaiya took his sword in hand and approached to that door and Maria was just behind her husband.

  He told her that might be a wild animal. Again the door smashed with huge punches, Ukaiya stopped there and looked back at Maria, and her glittering eyes in fear spoke off her fear. Ukaiya tightened his grip on that sword and asked “who is it?” but no reply came.

  Maria narrowed her eyes with surprise on no replies. She stood beside her husband and held his hand tight; Ukaiya again asked “What do you seek?”

  Again there was no reply. Then they both gathered their strength and courage to open the door. There was none outside when they opened, they got surprised. Maybe he left. Both had looked at each other’s breathed in peace.

  They just turned around and then they found a man lying on the ground unconscious. Both had lifted that man and took them to their room.

  Next day morning, when that man woke up and his head and arms were wrapped with bandages and his upper chest was lapped with a greenish lap of fresh leaves. He was unable to move his body due to aches of wounds. Maria and her husband took good care of that man and he became almost cured and on his feet in few weeks.

  “My lord, thank you very much for helping me and saving me, I am always obliged to you” and “My lady, to you too” that man showed his gratefulness to the couple. Ukaiya and Maria were happy to save that man but they had no information about the stranger.

  “What happened to you and who are you?” Ukaiya asked him and same time Maria came with hot soup for both and she looked at him and he looked at her, Ukaiya could sense that stranger had attraction for Maria. His wife was so beautiful, so he smiled and asked again same question.

  “My lord, where is my sword?” he asked first, Ukaiya didn’t say anything; he got his sword and kept it near his hand asking “Are you alright to hold this up?” He smiled and answered “A warrior’s first and last love is his sword.” “Oh so you are a warrior” asked
Ukaiya. “My name is Naduse, my lord. We came here to suppress the rebellions from the north but our cavalry lost that war. I managed to come here with my life.”

  Ukaiya narrowed his eyes and said “So you are a deserter.” Naduse smiled and replied “No my lord, I am not. I am a messenger with a message to my queen but I believe that seemed impossible to reach to my queen.” Ukaiya made a face and asked him “Why so?” Naduse raised his body little against the pillows and took his sword in his hand looked at it and answered “Politics my lord, politics.” “Oh then, you should enjoy your soup before it gets cold, I am least interested in politics then” mocked Ukaiya.

  “So what does interest you my lord?” asked Naduse sipping hot mushroom soup. Ukaiya raised his soup bowl and sipped once and answered “When I taste my own crops and I feel better and satisfied.” Naduse smiled back and cheered for the soup “So you are a noble man with noble land, you are the land lord.” Ukaiya responded “Just a farmer” and both laughed together, it was been a long time Ukaiya never talked to a man of his own stature.

  Maria and Ukaiya had taken care of Naduse well and the day came he had to leave for his state, his queen to give that message so they could save their realm from rebellions, already it had been very late. Somehow in Maria’s heart the feeling for Naduse had born, and same feelings from the very first day Naduse held in his heart for her. She was married and property of someone that’s why he didn’t dare to cross his lines. Maria loved her husband but her heart was too stubborn to realize the truth, she was desperate about a baby, might be that was the reason she had started to lose hopes and trust over her husband.

  Naduse was preparing his horse to leave for his state, Ukaiya came with a bag full of meat, fruits and vegetables for journey, they had hugged each other like brothers. Maria was behind Ukaiya so she also said bye to him. Naduse promised to come back once.

  Her eyes were misted but she had escaped her feelings from her husband and Naduse too, but Naduse had the same feelings as she was holding for him. He realized he should give a chance to put his feeling to her. But there was no way to skip from his duty, Ukaiya and his wife Maria had saved him, served him and helped him, at least they should be rewarded, the queen would be much happier to reward them.

  Naduse left and it had been months and there was no news from Naduse, she started staring at the same path on which he rode. She started waiting for him, she had no control over it, and she also lost interest in her day to day work.

  Ukaiya never saw her like she was now, after Naduse left she had changed a lot, she used to stay lost in her thoughts. He had a feeling that he might lose her so he used to try to make her happy with small gifts and come home earlier to have some time with her but it wasn’t changing anything.

  She used to get irritated on small things; he didn’t like to ask her again and again about her mood. The day Naduse stepped into their house, their happiness burnt into ashes; it alarmed his senses but he treated it as his guest and Maria would never fall in love with someone except him. The distance had increased and Maria almost forgot about her husband and home.

  Then one day Maria’s prays worked out, it was a dark night, rumbling thunders and the rain was too heavy like. Maria in her bed near to her husband thinking Naduse, even he came back, what if he was married too then what about her, could she leave her husband for someone who she didn’t know well. She had moral obligations and duties towards her husband and she could not leave those. Then she heard the rumbling sounds of thunder and heavy rain outside, her heart started pounding like she sensed his presence.

  The door smashed again, “déjà vu” she muttered. Before Ukaiya got up from the bed she ran to the door. He ran after her but before he could reach to her she opened the door. A man with silver vest on his chest and a sharp sword in his hand stood before her at the door. She could not resist looking into his eyes then Ukaiya from her behind called “Naduse”.

  He smiled back at Ukaiya and asked Maria “How are you?” she didn’t reply and ran inside her room. She started to feel her heart pounding hard, breathes had increased its flowing through her nasal and her whole body was getting warm in this chilly rainy night.

  Naduse came with his body guards and huge boxes filled with gold and gems. Naduse asked them to open them; Ukaiya was speechless to see those glittering gold and gems. Naduse patted on his shoulder and said “This is how our queen rewards their loyal subjects”.

  Ukaiya hugged Naduse and greeted him “welcome back brother.” And he arranged for his guards and him a room and food.

  Next day morning when Naduse woke up and saw his guards had been not there with him so he asked a maid and she replied they had gone with Ukaiya. He smiled and walked into the dining room, where he found no one, so he walked into the kitchen; she was busy in chopping vegetables. He choked his throat and her trustworthy maid walked out of the kitchen, she looked at him and her eyes mixed with joy and tears, glittering gems could be nothing before her those big black eyes.

  He smiled at her and went her close, he knew that she loved him and she was controlling her storm spiraling inside her heart.

  “This love was a pure godly and damn rebellion” dark lord sighed. Demosus looked at him asked “so she would be in big dilemma then my lord”. Dark lord continued with a smile.

  Her whole body was trembling but he held her tight, he could hear her heart beats and she was relentlessly breathing hard. She never felt something like this before. She cut herself loose and walked out of the kitchen and stopped in dining room and turned back and looked at him. He couldn’t resist himself and rushed her to hug her tight, their bodies were tangled and lips locked one another. He picked her to bedroom in his muscular arms.

  Ukaiya was back from the field and guards were enjoying in sun, he didn’t find her so he walked to bedroom but he couldn’t interfere them and helplessly watching everything from that slight opened door, but he kept silence, he was burning in jealous but it was with her consent. He had lost her love, her faith, the most beautiful lady of his life. He could resist but he would lose his wife forever. Maybe she wanted a baby, maybe she became too desperate to differentiate between right and wrong.

  And it went for few days, she used to disappear in the middle of the night and Ukaiya could not sleep whole night, he used to follow her to Naduse’ room, he used to witness their love. Maria was happier, but Ukaiya understood that he had traded a devil in his life in exchange of his wife, his love. Ukaiya with his broken heart use to think about her, he thought space would one day let her force to think about him and she might come back. But as days passed his existence seemed like vanishing from her life. It was enough, Ukaiya decided; she had enjoyed enough with that stranger that must end here. He decided to kill Naduse but he was with his guards. But he had to do something.

  One day he gathered his courage to ask Naduse to leave with his me and gold. But Naduse asked for Maria and both got into an argument which led them to a small fight and then a maid came. Ukaiya left Naduse there and walked out.

  He came to talk to Maria but she was sick and lying in the bed and maid who was looking after her smiled and informed that she was pregnant with a baby.

  His anger vanished when he heard that he was going to be a father, he came closer to her and she held his hand and kept it on her belly, there was vibration of a life inside of her womb, Ukaiya had said no words and came out of that room. He couldn’t be able to decide his fate anymore but he had to accept that child as he couldn’t just give up on Maria and now a child, after all his family was going to be complete.

  Next day morning, Naduse with his men left, Maria knew that he would leave when her husband would come to know but she didn’t try to stop him. She had his love in her belly.

  Seven months passed and Maria’s belly was seen, she needed full rest and good care. But there was a bad dream haunting Ukaiya, he started dreaming about a man commanding him to kill that child in her belly. It was the son of evil.

  Ukaiya started to stay
worried about same repeated dreams in nights. Who could want his child dead before it came to this world? His behavior had changed and used to stay away from his wife.

  The Kalchakra was putting this baby in this very world very shortly. After all a son came into this world and Maria with the help of her trustworthy maid sent a raven to Naduse to see his child. Ukaiya was happy to have his son in his arms. Now his family was complete.

  Ukaiya had accepted his fate and wanted to be happy with his wife, this baby could bridge a gap between Maria and him.

  The time passed and baby turned into a year old and Naduse never came back but Ukaiya was fighting against that bad dream, it had became frequent after the baby came into this world. His bizarre behavior had alarmed Maria about the danger. Ukaiya was spelled some kind of black magic and he lost his mind. He started hating the boy and used to blame and abuse his wife, she knew she had cheated on her husband. She had to bring her son up and she had nowhere to go. But she never blamed Naduse; he loved her and gave her the joy of motherhood.

  The sun was over the head, he was working in his paddy field with his maids, sweating and thirsty. He stopped for while and took his bottle for drinking water, but it was empty so he turned around and shocked to see nobody except him. He picked his axe in anger then he saw a dirty giant feet in front of him, he raised his head and saw a man double of his size, wearing a black loincloth only, long white slivery hair and beard on his face, a long spear in his right hand, and his eyes were the most dreaded in this world, like eyes were burning in fire.

  Ukaiya stepped back in fear, the giant spoke “Kill that bastard’s son and save us all.” And he vanished in thin air.

  He was spelled and hypnotized, Naduse knew that a time would come Ukaiya would kill his son so he left for his protection already.

  He went home and found Maria feeding her son, he snatched the child and threw him in the bed, she screamed in shock but he slapped so hard, she fell down unconscious. Her relation with Naduse and the son of that evil who destroyed his life had made a burning house in his mind, and rhetorical dream had driven him crazy enough to step outside his hidden rage. That innocent child had reminded him of his failure to become a father. He wasn’t able to accept her with the baby, but he tried but he was under a black spell and he had to free himself by killing that child.


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