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The Dark Lord

Page 15

by Nihar Sharma


  “Open the door” the gate keeper screamed.

  Hades stepped forward but gate keeper interrupted him “not you, this soul has to open the gate then we can hide and reach to core of underworld and the prodigy soul has to do it only.”

  “If he fails then” asked Hades.

  “Then we are in hands of devil and we need to find his best friend Vikram who is already here for long” replied the gate keeper. Aaditya jumped into conversation “is he here” a thin line smile appeared on his face in hope. “Why don’t we go and find him then” Hades suggested.

  Aaditya stepped forward and pushed the door. “Before push, you have to recall your touch of love then it will work” gate keeper advised keeping his hand on his shoulder.

  Then they heard harsh voice in top from behind. “Damn” gate keeper cursed “hurry, Suzanne can be a problem, push the door” he screamed. Aaditya put his all strength to push the door. Gate keeper held him tight and Hades snorted “hurry, we have no time. She is almost…” then their swords stroke and clung. Gate keeper said to him “please recall the best memory of your life”, Aaditya looked at him and closed his eyes, the first image that struck his vision in dark was Devika and he smiled, the door opened.

  Hades turned back and nodded, the gate keeper comprehended the signal and pushed Aaditya inside and closed the door from other side, Aaditya and gate keeper entered inside, and Hades would buy some time for them, tangling Suzanne with him.

  “Devika” Aaditya muttered and looked at gate keeper with wet eyes; his tears ran out of his eyes. Gate keeper kept his silence, he knew that he found that she had died already and he could never meet her again.

  Aaditya’s lips had caught nothing but a silence and punched on the door hard. His heart had stopped beating in his cold soul. She was the one who he was looking for. Even a soul could never escape from universe’ greatest magic called love.


  The king made for stairs to reach his son’s chamber in hurry “What the hell?” he screamed at his son. “Don’t you feel that we need to leave now?”

  The prince wore the silence showing his back to his father. His face was dull and red in anger, “The army is with you, father” he replied.

  The king frowned his head, couldn’t understand his son’s point, “What do you mean by that?”

  Prince turned to his father; his face revealed his anger, “Why do you need me father when you have no trust on me?”

  The king knew that his son had a broken heart and he needed something more than he deserved but he was not yet ready, he had to learn a lot, to be crowned. King realized the pain of his son. “Take thousand soldiers with you to that white pond’s Iron Gate and attack from there” The king was about to leave then prince stopped him “What about that mirror, father?”

  “Take it with you” king replied and left.


  “What” dark lord screamed, when a raven arrived with heaven was sending its troops to netherworld. “Everything is in stake of destruction” lord murmured.

  The guard stood statue, had no idea what to do now as he was watching his lord in delirium. “Did Torriyan leave for Suzanne’s help?” lord asked with a shout.

  “Yes my lord” guard trembled in voice.

  “You should leave now and do what I told you” he commanded “close the all gates and portals for commuting, nobody go out and nobody comes in.” Guard asked “Demosus and Lithina they have left for goat’s tribe, my lord.”

  “Keep that shipping dock area open, but with heavy security, there should be no loose points.”


  Torriyan was near where Suzanne was engaged with Hades in a duel. Suzanne might be stronger centaur but Hades was the most powerful mortal in this and every world, he was aged but still young. The goats from goat’s tribe live ten thousand years.

  Suzanne was struggling with Hades’ move with his spears striking her, she managed to stop some strikes but he already hit her many times on her back side of naked body. Because of her size and shape of body she wasn’t able to move smoothly like he was.

  Hades managed to get on her back and she had to remove him from her back. She tried but all her efforts went into vain and Hades hadn’t left her any choice and slit her throat with his knife.


  The dark lord seemed horrified about Hades rebels; it would make his world vulnerable. His tribe had to be controlled otherwise the control over the lost ocean would be out of his reach.

  “Can Torriyan beat Hades?” he thought, the heart beats went down.


  A shadow stroke Hades with blow of hard wind. It pushed him into the corner of the prodigy door. His sword was fallen apart from him and laid at quite a good distance. A Shadow appeared and yelled, the head of Suzanne was on ground.

  “Oh, the last one and famous Torriyan” laughed Hades and took out his hard knife made of goat horn.

  A face turned red in anger. Hades killed Suzanne and Torriyan warned “you will be dead before her blood dries hard.”

  “She was a mortal, so technically I have sent her back to you” Hades mocked over her death. Torriyan was not able to explain his anger but his trembling hands had answered a lot to Hades. Hades juggling with his knife and he was ready for Torriyan to come.

  “I am ordered to take you alive” Torriyan screamed at Hades “but now, your dead body will go with me.”

  “Oh poor son of his weak father” Hades smiled “She also felt the same burden and I have freed her from all, it will be my pleasure to free you too.”

  Torriyan yelled in anger and attacked on him, Hades was skillful warrior, and he knew everything about shadows. Torriyan threw him into air, but Hades landed on ground; Torriyan was in air and could attack from anywhere. Hades with his sharp eyes was alert for attack.

  Hades was also exhausted, one more mistake and Torriyan’s strike would snatch his breath forever. The horn knife could harm Torriyan too; one damn mistake would cost death to either side.

  Torriyan was about to bring his whole power all together but before that, Hades threw the horn targeting right into his heart and pierced to death, and a body fell on the ground.

  “Yes it hit at the right place” Hades cheered. Torriyan was trying to breath but his heart had started stopping pumping. A quavering whisper, Hades kept his ears near to his mouth “You have made him angry”.

  Hades smirked and said to him “Do you know what?” Torriyan with his painful eyes stared at him seeking for an answer. He whispered “your father, dark lord must have told you that I am the one who hunted all shadows down and sabotaged the whole world alone.”

  Torriyan whispered before his last breath broke “Devil saves my father”, and turned into ashes but his eyes rolled down on ground. Hades took them and kept in his bag hanging on his waist. Those eyes were fresh and it would open the gates of hell towards any world as those eyes were keys.

  A guard patrolling near that gate found ashes on ground and Suzanne’s beheaded body.


  “We cannot win this fight” he thought.

  “Pardon my lord” a guard entered and asked.

  He looked at him, his eyes were down and wet seemed he carried a bad news. He furrowed his eyes and asked “What is it?” the guard seemed scared but he managed to stammer “Suzanne and Torriyan.” Dark lord rushed outside before he could say anything else.

  A guard untied the dead body from horseback. His heart was thumping hard, felt something bad, a quivering voice asked a guard “what is it?”

  The guard answered “my lord, we have found them near the gate of lost ocean.” The Dark Lord rushed to Suzanne’s dead body kept on ground but her beheaded head was in bag, lord couldn’t d
are to open and watch that, he tightened his fist in anger.

  Lord closed his eyes and tears about ran out but he held them tight in his eyes, the rage spiraling in his heart. “Devil” whispered lord, Torriyan’s body in ashes but his eyes were missing. He knew who could it be? Only Hades could defeat Torriyan. He lost his own son and adopted centaur daughter were killed mercilessly by a traitor.

  Lord yelled louder, the walls felt the pain, cracks appeared on them.

  “Slay them all” he commanded the guard, “I will teach Hades a great lesson” he muttered.


  Hades was lost somewhere between the prodigy door and the tunnels. “They must be here” he whispered as he heard the sound of their voice chanting gently. He was searching for the way to get to them.

  “Hades is here, I can feel it” Aaditya spoke.

  “Just keep walking” gate keeper said to him.

  “But we need to help him” Aaditya added.

  Gate keeper smiled “He never needs help, just pray that he should not be caught by dark lord, only he can kill him otherwise nobody has no such skills to slay Hades”.

  Aaditya stared at him to seek for why; gate keeper smiled “The secret is….dark lord himself trained him.”


  Naida shouted in fear “Mother” and Slista came out in hurry. Naida looked horrified, tears falling from eyes and blood gushing out of her soft heart. An arrow pierced into her heart, Slista yelled and Naida fell in her arms. She lifted her and took inside. She was blank what happened to her little angel. Water running out of her eyes but she had to save her child, she hurried to kitchen and made a lap of green herbal healing leaves.

  The whole tribe was soaked into screaming outside, she could hear them but her child needed her, the rain of arrows pierced through most of the tribal. The sounds of yelling and screaming made a dreadful and chaotic environment. Someone attacked their tribe and Hades was not here. “Father” Naida asked for her father. Slista from kitchen “I am coming baby, please calm down. She nuzzled “Mother will save you” she broke into tears.

  She came with the lap, Naida said to her “you are crying” she wiped her tears and smiled “no darling” and looked at Naida “it will hurt darling but I will be with you” and pulled out the arrow from Naida’s heart. Naida flinched hard in pain; she kept the piece of cloth in her mouth so nobody could listen to her screams.

  “My lady” a guard comes inside, and then an arrow pierced through his heart and he flinched and fell down dead. Slista’s eyes got widened in fear, death was at her door. Her daughter was dying in pain and excessive bleeding.

  “Hello, sweet heart” Lithina entered and grinned, hit hard on her head and Slista got unconscious before she could save her child.


  Demosus supervised the corpses and if there was anyone alive to be killed. “He will” a murmured sound came from a dying goat before he died. Demosus smirked and kicked his cold dead body.

  Lithina came out of the hut carrying Slista and her daughter on her back and a smile on her face; it seemed she had taken her revenge. Demosus looked at her and smiled.

  “Throw these junks into ocean; let the fishes taste these creatures’ fleshes and blood” Demosus commanded, the merciless netherworld soldiers cheered with laughter. Lithina took Slista and Naida both in a large ship sailing on the lost ocean.


  “You should find peace” asked Dark Lord. The voice sounded like known, Hades turned around, and before he could strike, dark lord slugged him down.


  “Yeww can…not… w. in” Hades stammered with his trembling lips. He was crawling on ground, blood gushing out from his head. The sword of dark lord tasted blood after so long years. The rage coiling inside his heart now was little less. “Bring water” the lord commanded.

  The guard rushed with the big bowl filled with water. Dark Lord poured to Hades’ mouth then he waved his soldiers to lift him.

  “Lithina will enjoy her revenge but I need to create a new son who cannot be killed and destroyed” lord whispered to his ears. Hades tried to loosen himself but he was tied tight with the pillar. A very old black magic dark lord was going to perform.

  A female centaur could give a birth of a son if she drunk blood of a male counterpart. The oldest black magic, written in books but never been applied. Centaurs are very rarest creatures.

  They were killed by kings of lands for hunting, and then they were shifted in heaven for shelter. They meant no harm to human being as they were cursed, if they did harm to human they would turn into a normal horse. But in heaven their bad luck didn’t leave them alone and divine soldiers found the flesh of centaurs give them thousands of years ages added to their long lasting lives and ever youth.

  The two little kids, twins were saved that time by a young man named Naduse during the war between gods and evils, dark lord later and he brought up those little kids, named Lithina and Suzanne like his own daughters.

  Death of Suzanne hurt him badly and Torriyan was his own son, killed by a traitor, Hades. The Hades, a traitor forgot his oath, commitment and the pact and his own old friend.

  Dark lord went closer to him, lifted his face, Hades looked into his eyes but he was completely tired of wounds. Too much bleeding made him too weak to keep his head up.

  “Luuster” lord whispered to his ears “I made you and you wanted to destroy me.”

  Tears slid down on his bloody cheeks. Dark lord held his face tight and grinned, “You will pay for all these, you have killed my family and now you will see your family burn.”

  “HA…Haha…” Hades shouted with laughter. Dark lord looked surprised at his laughing. “Once upon a time there was a man named Naduse who fought for righteousness and now I cannot see that man anymore, you are the only a lord to this rotten world. I have served you a lot because I was weaker and needed your help to feed my tribe. But he has come; your death master has come, a thousand of years waiting has ended” and then he laughed out louder.

  Dark lord again punched him to unconscious.


  Demosus started rowing the boat at speed to catch up the ship; he had to reach before any divine soldier found him. The lost ocean was the free water, no rules implied here, but enemies were always welcome in this open ground seeking for an opportunity. During green moon keeping the door open was the most dangerous.

  Lithina forgot him behind, Slista was half dead lying on upper deck of the ship, her wounds were open to salty air and that was causing her wounds worst painful.

  Their daughter wasn’t killed if Hades was there. Since millennia nobody dared to attack their tribes. Tears flooding her eyes and touching her wounds on face, her heart was burning in pain and anger, she was feeling more pain inside, she lost her child just before her eyes and she couldn’t do anything to save her.

  Lithina kicked her body softly, Slista looked up at her, the burning sun didn’t allow her to show Lithina her fierce, she smiled and hit her again, and Slista went unconscious again.

  The captain entered into her cabin “My lady. We traced a boat coming to us”.

  She opened her eyes, she was in bed resting. She stepped out and asked “Where?”

  “There” the captain pointed out with his finger.

  “The red flag with a pig on it” she whispered. “Where is Demosus?” she asked.


  Hades was hung from the ceiling, blood dripping from his body, he already lost too much blood he might die but before Lithina had to come back. Dark lord was sitting in his chair waiting for a message. Torriyan’s ashes, he was holding in small turret in his both hands and drips of
tears fell into turret mixed with his son’s ashes.

  His son was a brave warrior, missions that he used comply, the naughtiness in his work style, now he was going to miss all of them. He protected the whole netherworld with his power; he was a perfect and proud son. Death of his son, Torriyan made him vulnerable. The strong backbone of his world had fallen. Hades was groaning in pain, lord got off from the chair and took that goat horn, he stepped up towards Hades. Hades didn’t say anything and looked at him panting in anger; he smiled and put his head down. It seemed he knew that lord’s plan with that sharp shadow slayer, goat horn.

  “You have taken everything from me, my son, my world and peace” lord exchanged his breath in anger, holding Hades’ hair tight and lifted the head little up “You will feel the same; I sent Lithina with a troop to avenge her fiancé’s death and her sisters.”

  Hades moved his body shaking the ceiling but it was too strong to break and pleaded “No.. n..o…” seemed like lord broke his strong will, Hades cried loudly “please don’t do this. I beg you.”

  Lord looked at him and pitied for him “You were my good ally” he put that horn into his stomach deeper and deeper, disappeared into his stomach, made Hades flinched hard as it touched his lower ribs, and his eyes swelled up in tears and pain.

  Lord shouted in laughter, watching him dying slowly and painfully giving him a pleasure and soothing the fire in his heart. The pain in both ends made the situation much worst, Hades couldn’t bear pain anymore and went unconscious. Dark lord became weaker but he would not leave any loose points to lose his ground.

  Hades and his family along with a beautiful and rarest tribe suffered a loss and death, Lithina suffered a loss of her one and only family of her kind her own twin sister and gods and gods suffered the humiliation and their ego were hurt, a lot to rescue for the universe’s balance.


  “My lady” the captain came back with an answer, “He is not with us.”


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