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Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1)

Page 18

by CY Jones

  “Logan, Ethan,” I try calling them in my head and panic when I don’t get a reply back. I try again, and when I get the same result, I try Mekka.

  “Mekka,” I cry.

  “Aspen, are you ok?” He immediately replies.

  “Have you heard from the twins?” I answer instead.

  “Not since they told me the Wolfhaven pack had invaded the pack lands. I’m on my way back, you need to hide. They’re there for you,” he says, practically shouting.

  “I know. My father sent a couple of men to my Grand’s house to try to snach me and they were quickly dealt with. I sent my grandparents away to safety and came back to the main house.”

  “What the hell, Aspen? It’s more dangerous there than anywhere else,” he shouts.

  “I can’t leave them here,” I shout back. "Not again. This time I will be there for them.” No need for me to say who them is, he already knows I’m talking about the twins.

  “Aspen, the twins can take care of themselves,” he says experated. “You need to get to safety.”

  “No,” I reply, before shutting off the connection.

  He’s going to be pissed, but I need to do this. I can’t let them down, not again. Stepping out the corner I was hiding in, I travel further through the room until I get to the back where the thick of the fight is taking place out in the backyard. Two huge wolves grab my attention, one with tan fur, and the other midnight black like Mekka’s, but bigger. Tyler and my father locked in a battle to the death by the looks of it. I didn’t see mum, but I knew she was close. I could smell her scent, as well as the strong scent of her blood and I hope she was alright. Farther down, two white wolves fighting with my father’s remaining three Betas had me clutching my heart. By the looks of it the twins were holding their own, but for how long. Those are trained wolves they’re fighting. Fucking Betas.

  “Ethan, Logan,” I shout, running towards them before another wolf jumps in my path stopping me. Not wasting any time the wolf charges straight for me, and I quickly dodge, flanking to the left before he could sink his sharp jaws into my flesh. Skidding to a halt the wolf tries to charge me again, and I throw my hands out at it until a fireball leaves my hand, and hits its side setting the wolf aflame.

  Leaving the wolf to its fiery fate, I run towards the direction I last seen the twins. They were no longer in the clearing. More wolves have joined the fight out here, and all I can see before me is blood and death. A bright blonde head catches my eye, and my gaze lands on Kassie on her knees in the dirt with her hands held out bracing for a hit. A man holds his hands out across from her, and I could tell from here he wasn’t a wolf. I knew my father wouldn’t risk so many from his pack to just get me and mum back. I bet most of these people who aren’t shifted are mages, and if I had to guess I would say they are Ravenclaw mages here for revenge.

  A stream of blue fire leaves the mages hands going straight for Kassie, and Tyler’s heart wrenching cry of no fills the air. He will not be able to save her in time, especially not in his human form. It would be fucked up to leave her to her fate. If I save her, I will be exposing myself to my father. When I burned the wolf he was too engaged in his fight with Tyler to know the flames came from me, but now he’s looking on gleefully as the stream of fire heads steadily towards Kassie. This will be the greatest act I have ever done to reform myself. I hate Kassie more than anything, but I knew I couldn’t stand by and let her die, not if I had the power to save her.

  Waving my hand, a wave of water leaves my palm, and douses the flames a second before they hit Kassie. Turning towards me with rage written all over his face, the mage holds his hands out sending a wider burst of flames at me. This time the fire is more intense, and I barely douse them before they hit my face in hot steam. Changing tactics, I use my own fire ability, just as intensely as his, and he counters with his own, until red flames and blue flames meet in the middle. Grinding my teeth, I hold my flames as my feet digs into the ground as the power behind the mages own fire ability slightly pushes me back. I’ve never used this much power before all at once, and the strain was starting to get to me as beads of sweat starts to form on my brow, but I won’t give up. If I did that will be the end of me and Kassie, since she’s quivering in fear right behind me either in shock, or too damn stupid to move and get the hell out the way. When my feet slide back touching her body, I scream and surge forward giving all I have left until my flames overrides the mages, and his screams could be heard echoing across the field as he burns to death.

  When his screams stop, and his body falls to the ground it’s like that was the signal for everyone else to stop fighting. Weapons are lowered and the mages that were fighting before stop and turn to look at me before blinking away. That man must have been their leader, Joey’s father. Without him, there's no need to continue on with this senseless battle, and I’m glad they decided to leave. I don’t get a chance to celebrate. With all my focus on Joey's father, I did not see my own father edging closer to me until he grabs me holding me against his naked body and bracing my arms to the side.

  “Aspen,” I hear Ethan yell out, but it’s too late. The devil has me, and I’m too damn drained to fight back.

  “Well, daughter, it seems you are full of surprises,” he growls in my ear, and I uselessly try to shake him off.

  “Let her go,” Tyler and Ethan shout at the same time, both looking at my father with murder in their eyes. Glancing around, I look for Logan and when I spot his wolf lying on its side in a pool of blood I scream.

  “Let me go,” I cry, trying to shake out my father’s firm grip, which only makes him hold on tighter.

  “I suggest you let us go, or my Beta over there will stab your mate in her stomach killing her and the cubs she’s carrying,” dad says menacingly.

  I watch as Tyler eyes glance between me and my mum, and I see the internal fight he’s having. I didn’t know mum was pregnant and by the slight surprised look on his face I don’t think he knew either. This was a fucked up situation, and just like with Kassie, I couldn’t let anyone die if I could save them.

  “I’ll go with you, just leave them alone,” I plead.

  “Aspen,” Ethan cries, and I move my gaze to his.

  “You need to save your brother,” I say in a heartbreaking voice. I didn’t want to leave him, but we’ve seen enough death today, and I could not have my mother and her cubs death on my conscience.

  “Save your brother, my love, and then come save me,” I tell him in my head.

  Howling, Tyler steps back, and my father yanks on my arm to push me forward. “Take the other one. We wouldn’t want anyone to change their minds,” father says, and the wolf closest to us grabs Kassie.

  “No, I said I’ll go with you. Leave her be.”

  “I’m not taking any chances. Besides, you wouldn't speak for this traitor if you knew what she’s done. How do you think we were able to so easily breach the pack? She’s the one who called me here, and practically held the gates open for us.”

  “No, she wouldn’t,” I stop, because in my heart I knew she did. Jealousy had turned Kassie into something unrecognizable. She no longer cares about anything or anyone but her own wicked desires to the point where she’ll betray her own pack.

  “I’ll kill you,” Ethan growls at her, but his words are useless.

  With her gaze squarely focused on her father, I doubt she even heard him. But Tyler. Poor Tyler. As the impact of my father’s words hit him, and he pieces together what Kassie has done, that all this happened because she was the one to call and let the enemy in, it’s like the light leaves his body, and all that is left is the shell of an Alpha. Without another word, we are pulled away, and pushed into a blackout SUV waiting out front.

  “I love you,” I send to all three of my mates before I cut the connection.

  I don’t say anything to anyone as we pull away on screeching tires. What’s the point? The outcome won’t change. I need to keep a level head, and not fall apart, like Kassie is doing as she
cries with her head pressed to the window. I wonder what she was thinking? Yes she hated me, and yes she wanted me gone, but to betray her own pack? To a wolf, betrayal is the most vile crime one could comment, and the only punishment worth the price is death. Before, Kassie would have been welcomed back into the fold after she served her time at the discipline academy, now she’ll never be welcomed back. Tyler might just leave her with the Wolfhaven pack, and won’t even bother trying to get her back. Everyone heard what my father said. I don’t see the pack speaking up for her return, or offering to rescue her. I know I wouldn’t.

  Sighing, I turn away from her, and lower myself in my seat. I hope Logan is alright. If he sustained a life threatening wound I’m sure Ethan would have stayed by his side. We heal quicker in our wolf forms, so that would explain why Ethan left him that way. When he comes to, I know he’ll be pissed I’m gone, as well as Mekka, but I had to do this for mum and her pups. My mates will free me, and when they come for me, I feel sorry for anyone who stands in their way. As for my father, he harmed my mates, he went after my mum and our new pack, he sided with the mages and spilled a lot of innocent blood. He is no longer my father. He’s the son of a bitch I’m going to kill. This isn’t the end of my story. It’s just the beginning.

  To be continued...

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  Books by CY Jones

  Out for Blood Series



  The Crown of Blood and Frost Series

  The Lost Heir

  Tainted Throne Coming Soon

  The Reformed Series

  Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl

  Diary of a True Alpha Coming Soon


  I had so much fun writing this book. The idea came to me in a dream, and I had to share it with everyone I know. Aspen’s story is completely different than anything I have written before, but just as fun. I hope you enjoyed her story, and will continue to stay turned to what’s to come. Thank you to everyone who helped make Diary of a Mean Girl a reality. A lot of people, time and hours are put into each and every book I write. To my cover artist Victoria, thank you for making a spur of the moment cover, and putting your crack addicting magic on it. To my editor Dani Black, I don’t know where I’ll be without you correcting the voices in my head. To all my Betas and author friends who take the time away from your own books to read over my thoughts and give me advice, I appreciate each and every one of you. To my fans. Words cannot explain what you mean to me. I am so humbled that you enjoy my work, and I have a couple of die hards who have been with me from the beginning on this crazy ride. I am who I am because of you, and I love each and every one of you. If I had to leave a bit of advice, I would tell you to always follow your dreams, no matter how hard, or how out of reach they may seem, and to never give up. Lastly I would like to thank my children and my dogs for putting up with mommy’s long nights of writing, and sometimes forgetting to adult when I’m so caught up in my stories. Everything I do is for you. You are the fire behind my drive, and the fuel in my heart.

  About the Author

  CY Jones is a retired Army Veteran who lives in the suburb of South Carolina with her three children and two German Shepherds, Skittles and Raiden. In her spare time, she likes to dream about supernaturals and the stories the voices in her head tell her to write. When she’s not writing she’s busy chasing after her children, her dreams, and the stars.




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