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Faking With The Enemy: An Enemies-To-Lovers RomCom: Milestone Mischief #2

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by Piper James

  “Is it so wrong that I want my family and my best friend to get along?” Rafe asked.

  I snorted, but held my tongue. Nate mumbled something under his breath, and Lola frowned at Rafe.

  Our waitress materialized beside the table, taking our drink orders while batting her eyelashes at Nate. He slouched in his seat, giving her the sexiest bedroom eyes he could muster as he bit his lower lip and ordered a drink. All of the tactics he’d used on me, once upon a time. Jealousy warred with hatred inside me, turning me into a mass of fried nerve endings.

  Jessa let out a loud snort as Nate asked the waitress for a sex on the beach, easing some of the tension inside me.

  “Really?” she asked, the word dripping with sarcasm.

  “What?” he shot back. “Maybe I like fruity drinks that don’t taste like alcohol.”

  “You know she’s a bartender, right?” I cut in, backing Jessa up. “She can spot a skanky guy ordering a skanky drink to try to get laid a mile away.”

  Nate’s eyes narrowed as Jessa lifted her fist toward me. I raised my own fist and bumped it against hers. Victory zipped through me, making me smile maliciously as Nate frowned.

  “I’m disappointed in you, Jessa,” Nate said, a sorrowful look on his face. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “And why is that?” she asked, her smile growing wide.

  “Yeah, why is that?” I repeated. Then, for good measure, I added, “Chicks before dicks, asshole.”

  “You wouldn’t say that if you’d taken a whirl on this di—”

  “That’s enough, Nathaniel,” Rafe growled, cutting off his crude comment. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Sorry,” Nate mumbled, more toward his brother than me.

  So much for me making things more comfortable at this shit show of a dinner.

  Thankfully, our waitress approached, easing the tensions as she handed out our drinks. Unfortunately, she continued to flirt with Nate. He reacted to her advances more humbly than before, doing nothing to encourage her. But the damage had already been done.

  “So, Lola, how is school going?” Jessa asked, thankfully changing the subject to something more palatable.

  Lola gushed over her classes for a few minutes, but as soon as she finished, Rafe stood up.

  “Jessa, can I speak to you privately, please?” he asked, holding out a hand to help her to her feet.

  She took his hand and they walked out, leaving me alone with Nate and Lola. The poor girl tried to get the conversation going several times, then sighed with relief when the waitress came to take our orders.

  Nate ordered for the table, and I didn’t argue. I was already embarrassed by how I’d reacted to his earlier digs, so I kept my lips sealed and my eyes downcast.

  After several tense, silent minutes, Jessa returned, alone.

  “Everything okay?” Lola asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Jessa said, sitting back down beside me.

  My gaze scrutinized her face, one eyebrow arching as I gave her a knowing nod. Whatever they’d talked about out there, the conversation had ended with Jessa having a toe-curling orgasm. It was written all over her face with her bright, shining eyes and rosy red cheeks. Her face flared brighter with a blush, and I laughed. Lola and Nate looked at me like I was crazy, making Jessa chuckle.

  “You chicas are loca,” Nate mumbled, which made Jessa and I laugh even harder.

  It felt good, forgetting my beef with Nate for a moment and just having fun. I made a mental note to make plans to hang out with Jessa more before she headed back to her home in Atlanta…if she headed back.

  “What’s so funny?” Rafe asked, slipping into the chair beside Jessa, and she whispered something in his ear that seemed to satisfy his curiosity.

  The conversation picked up after that, and Nate and I took every opportunity to make little verbal stabs at each other. Lola quietly reprimanded her brother, and Rafe and Jessa remained completely unscathed in their little bubble of romance.

  We’d barely finished eating when Nate threw his napkin onto his plate and stood up. He tossed three twenties onto the table, saying, “Thanks for this lovely dinner, Rafe. Come on, Lola. Let’s go.”

  He stalked away, leaving Lola to squirm uncomfortably. Rafe gave her a warm smile and stood to hug her goodbye. She waved at Jessa and me before turning to chase after her brother.

  “What is up with you two?” Jessa asked, cocking her head at me.

  “Nothing,” I said, flinching at how rushed and fake the word sounded. I let out a sigh, hoping it came off more realistic. “He just rubs me the wrong way, and I guess the feeling is mutual.”

  “Don’t ask me. They’ve been like that since they met,” Rafe said when she turned to him.

  Not since we met. There were a few weeks of excitement and…hope. Before the night Nate showed his true colors.

  “You guys ready?” I asked, eager to change the subject. “Rafe and I rode together, so—”

  “You can take my car,” Rafe cut in quickly. “I’ll ride with Jessa, and you can pick me up for work tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Sounds good,” I said, taking the keys from him and grabbing my purse from the back of my chair. “Jessa, I had a lot of fun tonight. We should hang out some time.”

  “Sure,” she said, smiling back at me.

  “You two kids have fun,” I sing-songed, shooting Rafe a wink before turning to leave.

  I hurried across the lot and climbed into Rafe’s SUV before the two of them even made it outside. I watched them hop into Jessa’s Jeep, all smiles and anticipation while my own mood dropped even lower. I was happy for Rafe. Jessa, too.

  I was strong enough to admit I was a bit jealous of what they had. They were both in denial about how strong their feelings were growing, but I could see the hearts in their eyes, even from a distance.

  I wanted that for myself, and I was beginning to think it might never happen.



  The Bullpen was pretty crowded, even for a Saturday night. Dane and I were sitting at the bar, nursing beers and watching game four of the World Series on the big screen in front of us. I’d taken off my jacket and hung it over the back of my barstool, the heat of the crowd warming me from the outside as the alcohol did the same to my inside.

  “Rafe’s girlfriend isn’t working tonight,” Dane mused, his eyes roaming over the two bartenders running themselves ragged.

  “It’s moving day,” I said, taking a swig of my beer.

  It had been a crazy few weeks since our disastrous “family” dinner, and Rafe and Jessa had pulled their heads out of their asses—with a little help from me—and decided to admit their feelings to each other. Jessa decided to stay in Milestone, running this bar for her father and giving her relationship with my brother a real shot.

  And today, she moved into my childhood home with my brother. I was happy for him. For both of them. But I still had a very big problem, and being in this place reminded me of how it all got started.

  As if reading my mind, Dane asked, “Anything new with the Charity situation?”

  I shook my head. “She keeps texting me, telling me she knows I want her and that I should just stop fighting myself.”

  “Any new threats?”

  “Nothing concrete. She’s too smart. She knows if she gives me anything to use against her, I will. In a heartbeat. But the implied threat is always there. Her last text said her patience was growing thin, and that I only have two weeks to decide.”

  “So, what are you going to do?”

  Before I can answer, a woman sidles up to me, pressing her breasts against my arm. “Hey there, sexy. Can I buy you a drink?”

  “That’s sweet of you, but I’m good,” I said, tipping my half-full beer in her direction.

  I tried not to make too much eye contact, hoping she’d take the hint and leave. She was hot and seemed to be willing, but I wasn’t in the mood. Besides, letting a horny woman pick me up in a bar was what go
t me into this mess in the first place.

  Her fingertips drifted over my thigh as she angled herself forward, giving me a better view of her tits. And while those plump orbs and forward behavior might’ve tempted me in some past life, right now, her aggression annoyed me.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Dane said, leaning back to see around me. “What’s your name?”

  Her eyes flashed from me to Dane and back again, like she was giving me one last chance to take the bait before moving on. When I glued my eyes to the television screen on the wall, she shrugged and sauntered around to snuggle up against him.

  Dane tilted the neck of his beer in my direction, and I clinked mine against it. Like some kind of reverse wingman, he offered himself as a pinch hitter to keep me from having to be rude. I took another drink of my beer, ignoring the cooing noises the woman was making as Dane wrapped his arm around her.

  How had I ever found that attractive? The insincere pandering used to boost my ego and make my dick twitch with desire. Now it just annoyed the shit out of me.

  Maybe Charity Glasscott had ruined me for quick, easy hookups. Maybe I was just in a bad mood, rightfully so. Or maybe I was just growing up.

  Whatever the reason, I wasn’t feeling it. I rapped my knuckles on the bar, getting the bartender’s attention. I signaled for my check, then drained the rest of my beer.

  “Where are you going?” Dane asked, only half his attention on me as his new friend explored his chest with roaming hands.

  “Home,” I said, then nodded toward the woman. “Have fun.”

  I handed the bartender my credit card and climbed from the barstool before slipping my jacket on. Signing the check, I left a decent tip and slid my wallet into my back pocket. Patting Dane on the back, I slipped away, pretending not to notice the brunette walking toward me, her hips swaying like there was an R&B record playing in her head.

  I made a beeline for the door, not looking back to see her disappointed expression. I couldn’t help but think something was wrong with me as I made my escape. Where I should’ve been hot and ready to indulge the sexy brunette’s advances, I’d felt nothing but revulsion at the thought of entertaining them. Outside, in the brisk October air, relief washed through me.

  “Maybe I should ask Rafe for a physical,” I mumbled, shaking my head as I made my way to my car.

  Something was definitely wrong with me.

  I ran a fingertip over the glossy black hood as I rounded the car. I’d restored the sixty-six Mustang with my own hands. It had been nothing more than a rusted out skeleton, and I’d spent more than a year tracking down parts to return it to all its glory. It was my pride and joy.

  I slid into the leather seat and cranked the ignition, my whole body relaxing as I tapped the accelerator and revved the motor. The sound was my favorite song, the vibration my favorite melody. This car was perfection, and she was mine.

  I took the long way home, driving up and down deserted country roads where I could really let loose. Shifting quickly through the gears, I gunned it, letting the speed fill my body with adrenaline. But the usual excitement wasn’t there, and my dilemma with Charity kept sneaking in and dampening my high.

  “Damn it,” I grunted, turning the car around.

  I headed home to my quiet apartment. I tossed my keys on the table and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, then slumped onto my couch. Clicking on the television, I tuned in to see the end of the baseball game. I tried like hell to lose myself in it, but my mind kept circling back to Charity and her demands.

  I had to come up with something. The thought of giving her what she wanted was intolerable.

  My phone chimed, and I picked it up to see a text message.

  Dane: Dude, that bitch was crazy. She tried to pull my cock out right there at the bar. I barely escaped.

  A laugh burst through my lips. Some guys might enjoy being manhandled in public, but not Dane. He was a bit of a romantic, and tried to make even casual hookups feel special. I teased him about it mercilessly, but deep down, I had nothing but respect for him. He was one of the good ones.

  Me: You mean you didn’t let her choke your chicken before you left? I’m revoking your man card.

  Dane: Ha. Ha. You don’t know how accurate your phrasing is. She locked my wrist in a death grip when I tried to stop her. My chicken would’ve been choked, for sure.

  I laughed again, imagining his face as some horny chick tried to pull out his dick while he fought her off. I knew what he was doing, sending me these ridiculous texts. And it was working.

  Me: Thanks, man. I needed that.

  Dane: Any time, bro. Come up with a plan yet?

  Me: I got nothing.

  Dane: Hmm. Too bad you don’t have a girlfriend. That would be one surefire way to put a stop to Charity’s game.

  I leaned my head back and dropped my phone on the couch beside me. Could Dane be right? Would my being in a relationship make Charity back off?

  Probably not. Girlfriends come and go. She could simply wait it out, or demand that I break things off with this supposed girlfriend to be with her.

  No. It would have to be something serious. Like…an engagement.

  I sat forward and propped my elbows on my knees. I’d have to find someone who would be willing to go the whole nine yards—date me, wear my ring, and maybe even move in with me—to make it look like the real deal.

  But it would also have to be someone I could trust not to develop feelings for me. I refused to escape one trap, only to be locked in another. It had to be strictly business, with each of us getting something we wanted out of the situation.

  But what did I have to offer in return? It had to be tempting enough to make a woman put her life on hold for God knew how long to help me out.

  I shook my head. I’d worry about my payment later. First, I needed to find a woman. The woman.

  Someone who would never develop romantic feelings for me, but could pretend well enough to fool everyone. One face popped into my head, but I brushed it aside with a mutter.

  “No fucking way.”



  “So, how are things?”

  I couldn’t help but tease Rafe when he walked into the E.R. with that cheesy grin on his face. His life had changed so much since Jessa stumbled her way into it, and I couldn’t have been happier for him.

  “Things are good, my friend,” he said his smile growing even bigger. “Things are real good.”

  “Ugh, you’re positively sickening,” I said, hip-checking him as he passed by me to get to his locker.

  “Hey, you encouraged this,” he accused with a laugh.

  And I had. I’d seen right away how good that girl was for him. He just needed a little nudging in the right direction to see it for himself.

  “Oh,” he said, spinning to face me. “Jessa and I are hosting a Halloween party at our place this weekend. Tell me you’ll come.”

  “Of course, I will. Why do you think I wouldn’t?”

  He shrugged. “Nate.”

  I shook my head. “It’s fine. It’s a big house. I’m sure I can avoid him.”

  “Are you ever going to tell me why you hate him so much? I just don’t get it.”

  “I don’t know, Rafe,” I lied. I knew exactly why. “Haven’t you ever known someone who just rubs you the wrong way, no matter what they say or do?”

  “Not really,” he said. “I mean, he’s my brother, and I love him, but I know he’s not perfect. He’s cocky and stubborn, but most women find those traits attractive when it comes to Nate.”

  “I’m not most women,” I said, refusing to meet his eyes.

  Rafe could usually read me like a book, but this subject was one I wanted kept close to the vest. My reasons for hating Nate were too personal…and too embarrassing. Luckily for me, I’d hated him long enough that Rafe didn’t even remember the short time that I didn’t.

  “Oh, that’s me,” he said as a nurse paged him over the intercom. “I gotta go. So, can I tell
Jessa you’ll be there?”

  “I’ll be there,” I said, waving him off.

  My shift was over, so I grabbed my things from my locker. Checking my phone, I realized I had a string of text messages. Jessa had added me to a group chat between her and her two besties, Karly Brooks and Felicia Stone. They were going out for a girls’ night tonight, and they wanted me to come.

  I started to reply that I was dead on my feet after my shift, so I couldn’t make it. I stopped typing mid-sentence and took a deep breath. I was tired, but I also dreaded going home to my empty apartment.

  Me: I’m in.

  I hit send before I could talk myself out of it, and was rewarded with a slew of celebratory texts from all three of them. A smile curved my lips, as anticipation shimmered through me.

  A girls’ night out was just what I needed.

  My long, hot shower revived me, and I slipped into my favorite blue jeans and a pink top before perusing my boot collection. Western boots of every color, height, and toe-shape were lined up in my closet, and I tapped a finger against my lips as I tried to decide which ones to wear.

  My eyes landed on my newest pair, the ones I hadn’t even worn yet. Brown leather with a snip toe and a western heel, the stitching was in bright blue and pink, making them perfectly matched with tonight’s outfit. I smiled as I grabbed them from the rack and went to sit on my bed.

  Rafe had bought me these boots when I balked at going to dinner with his family. Yeah, it was a bribe, but when he offered, I couldn’t resist. They were gorgeous, and they fit like a glove.

  My phone chimed, and the newest text told me the girls were here to pick me up. According to Karly’s messages, I was morally and legally obligated to get schnockered tonight as the newbie in their group. Like some sort of initiation.

  I wasn’t opposed to it. Lord knew, it had been a long time since I really let loose. I was actually looking forward to it.


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