Royal Blood

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Royal Blood Page 8

by Victoria Renteria

  Gasping, her lips part, allowing me to push my thumb into her mouth. Warm, wet suction envelopes my finger. The perfect pull she immediately provides damn near has me coming in my shorts.

  “Naughty girl,” I say, removing my thumb from her mouth. She rewards me with a brilliant smile as she rocks back onto her heels.

  “Do you know what happens to naughty girls?” I taunt, moving closer. Her head moves from side to side, silently negating my question.

  “Answer me, Kylee.” The command in my tone has her shifting her relaxed position, sitting up just a little straighter.


  “They get punished.”

  “Punished?” she puzzles inquisitively.

  “Mm mm. Yes. But you’re not ready for that yet.”

  “I’m not?” she ponders, her tone full of questions.

  “No. Now take off your clothes.”

  Her eyes find mine in the dim moonlight, our gazes locking with one another. Deftly, her fingers graze the hem of the camisole, inching it slowly up her torso. She pauses every few seconds, her pinky dancing delicately over her midsection, swirling small erotic circles over and over until I feel as if I might lose my fucking mind. Every muscle in my body quivers, tensing with each passing moment. As she reaches her breasts, I exhale a long breath. Kylee pauses, her fingers stopping to skim the undersides of the heavy globes.

  Fire fills my lungs as my breath catches, stilling like a block of ice. A slow, sensual smile builds, curving the length of her luscious lips. Never breaking eye contact, she takes her lower lip into her mouth, biting delicately. Her fingers slide up the underside of her breasts to her nipples, pinching and pulling until they’re perfect little peaks. Groaning seductively, she releases her lower lip and gives her nipples one final tug before removing the camisole completely. Her heavy breasts sway with her sensual movements.

  My hands clench at my sides, every nerve ending in my body longing to feel her tight, wet sheath. Swallowing, I mentally shake the thought away. My voice is rough with desire when I command, “Take the rest of it off.”

  Sliding her legs out in front of her, she places first one foot then the other on the floor, coming to a stand. Her fingers reach the waistband of her tiny shorts, and she slowly pushes them to the floor. Sucking in a breath, I stare at her beauty, soaking it in for a heartbeat before I rush forward, pinning her to the couch. Laughing, she wraps her legs around my waist.

  “And just what is it that you find so funny, Ms. Parker?” I say, peering into her eyes.

  “You,” she replies, matter of fact.


  “Yes, always in such a rush.”

  “Me?” I question.


  “Challenge accepted.”

  “W-What?” she sputters.

  “You heard me. Challenge accepted.”

  “I love you.” She laughs.

  My heart stills, stopping entirely. Finding her eyes, I hold them for a second. Reaching up, she cups my face tenderly. Closing my eyes, I rest my forehead against hers. She hasn’t said those words since the day she walked out on me. I wasn’t even sure if she still felt them.

  But for the life of me, I can’t fucking breathe without her. I wouldn’t have left even if she had stopped loving me because God knows I fucking love every single inch of her, darkness and all. Prying my eyes open one at a time, I find her understanding gaze. Our lips meet in a passionate fury in the silent darkness, fusing together, solidifying a connection that was never meant to be broken.

  Reluctantly, I extract myself and peer down at my goddess.

  Smiling, I retort, “I love you too, babe. But that’s not going to get you out of that challenge.”

  “Damn,” she grouses with a laugh.

  As I begin kissing my way down her neck toward her delicious nipples, a knock sounds on the door.

  Grumbling into her skin, I yell, “It better be the end of the fucking world, because if it’s not it will be the end of yours.”

  Chuckling, Kylee pushes me off her and sits up. “Yes?” she calls out.

  “Ms. Parker, it’s time. You’re needed at your mother’s side. The doctor is already there.”

  Kylee stiffens, and I watch with bated breath as the woman I love changes before me. The light in her eyes drains, the brown turning to black as the smile drops from her face. She is no longer the quiet, broken girl that I fell in love with. No, that girl is gone. This . . . this is the woman her mother created.

  NIGHT HAS FALLEN, COVERING THE city that I now call my home. Gazing into the distance, I can’t help but wonder if this will be my life—always surrounded by darkness. Resting my forehead against the window, I embrace it, allowing the darkness to pull me farther into its comforting arms. The dull, heavy ache in my chest confuses me to no end as I peer out into the distance.

  There was no real love between myself and the woman who gave birth to me, only fragments of time, moments when she put on a mask, pretending for the sake of others. Sorrow and regret puncture me like a knife at the loss of the only mother I’ve ever known. Thick, hot pressure builds behind my eyes until tears are spilling onto my cheeks. Swiping at them angrily, I’m confused by the emotions taking control of my body. Why should I feel anything for her?

  The only thing I ever received from her was heartache and tears. Dropping my eyes, I take a moment to peruse the scars she left behind as a reminder. A reminder meant to strike fear in me, to help me remember my place. A pained expression crosses my face as I think about the other things she left behind. Memories flood my mind from the day she stole my air, my reason for breathing.

  Mentally, I give myself a little shake. No, she never loved me. So why should I feel anything for her? The small voice inside my head begins to whisper again. You’re grieving for what you never had. Sighing, I close my eyes.

  I’m really starting to hate that little voice. I have nothing to grieve. The bitch tortured me and killed my child. She’s lucky Alex was there; otherwise, I would have been the one to end it. But somewhere deep inside I know it’s not true. There is still a little girl in there somewhere that never gave up hope.

  A little girl so broken, so willing to forgive, that she came home from school every day and sat by the window, watching, waiting for her return. For some small gesture, a token, any sign that she actually cared. I buried that little girl years ago, but somewhere deep inside she still sits waiting patiently by the window, watching as other children play with their parents, desperately hoping that one day she too will know that kind of love.

  A bitter laugh sweeps through the SUV. That will never be a possibility; it’s time to end this, to end her reign of terror in my life. My mind effortlessly brings up the child by the window. She turns, gazing at me with a smile so wide my chest aches. Her innocent beauty is breathtaking in its tranquility and peace.

  Perched on the windowsill in her bright yellow sundress, she sits snuggled with Tango Bravo to her side. The two-way looking mirror I’m staring at her through ripples slightly, tiny waves moving through the glass. She smiles brightly as I lift a hand to the glass to touch her face. The ripples freeze, the glass unmoving, frozen in its previous state. The younger version of myself looks at me inquisitively as I reach down, lifting the large sledgehammer from the floor.

  Tears begin streaming down both of our faces in earnest as she cuddles Tango Bravo tightly. Silently mouthing, “I’m sorry,” I lift the hammer, swinging with all my might, watching in horror as it shatters into millions of tiny pieces at my feet. Warmth envelops my hand, and my eyes snap open to meet Alex’s concerned gaze.

  “Are you all right?” he inquires, his tone full of apprehension.

  For several rigid moments, I stare at our conjoined hands, unsure of how to answer that question. Am I all right? Truth be told, I don’t know. I feel like I’m being torn in two different directions. I don’t even know who I am anymore.

  I feel like a caged animal unable to escape the prison in my own head
. The worst part about all of this is I can feel the grip on my sanity lessening each day, yet there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it because, through it all, I was always destined to be exactly where I am. For better or for worse, she changed me . . . forever. Alex squeezes my hand, bringing me out of my blustery thoughts.

  Unable to find my voice, I nod, never removing my eyes from our hands.

  “Are you sure, love? You know you can tell me anything.” The love and compassion in his words melt the ice wall around my heart just a fraction. Giving his hand a little squeeze, I look up and smile. “I know. I’m fine, I promise.”

  He nods, a grim look passing over his features. “You ready?”

  “Ready?” My brow furrows in confusion. Lifting his hands to my face, he smooth’s out my wrinkled brow, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  “Yes, we’re here.”

  Here? What’s he talk . . . My thoughts drift off as I remember where we were headed. My mother’s wake. Her services are tonight. That’s the whole reason we came out in the first place. It was time I meet the family. I’d been so lost in my own thoughts I had completely forgotten.

  Grasping his hand, I boldly look him in the eye, replying with confidence, “I’m ready. The question is, are they?”

  “That’s my girl.” Alex smiles broadly. He leans in and brushes his lips across mine. My lips part as my tongue darts out to taste his bottom lip. A deep rumble fills the air as he breaks the kiss with a shake of his head.

  Smiling, he says, “You’re being naughty, Ms. Parker.”

  In a low, seductive murmur, I whisper, “You like it when I’m naughty, Mr. Devereux.”

  Growling, he tugs my loose hair, pulling me forward so that our lips are but a breath apart. With his free hand, he slides it up my inner thigh, under my skirt, stopping when he reaches my already saturated thong. My chest heaves with exertion, each breath taking a toll on me as I wait in anticipation for his next move.

  “You will pay for that later,” he mumbles on my lips, placing a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth.

  “Until then, let me give you a little something to think about.”

  Gasping, I desperately try to catch my breath as Alex pinches my clit, squeezing it between his thumb and forefinger. Releasing it, he massages, taunting me with little circles over and over again until I’m writhing in the seat. The material of my silky thong heightens my sensitivity, adding to the overall sensation. As I approach that blessed peak, Alex stops, slowly removing his fingers from my clit, running them along my seam, collecting some of my juices.

  “No!” I hiss as he removes his hand from under my skirt. My eyes follow his hand as he alluringly raises his thumb to his mouth, sucking it in deeply.

  His observant eyes never leave mine as a dark growl sounds from around his thumb. “Fucking delicious,” he rumbles.

  “Dammit, Alex,” I say, glaring at him.

  Grinning smugly, he winks, opening the door to the SUV and climbing out.

  “Ahh!” I howl in frustration, tossing my head back in the seat.

  “Insufferable oaf,” I mumble, shifting uncomfortably as my thong slides against my swollen lips, the friction sending tingles zinging through my already sensitive flesh. Bright light floods the front seat as the door opens to Alex’s sly grin.

  “Mm mm. Now that is a sight,” he muses, his eyes roving over my exposed flesh.

  Ducking his head to miss the arch of the doorway, he angles his body closer. Shuddering, my body convulses as his fingers skim my inner thighs, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Reaching the hem of my black pencil skirt, he stokes the apex of my right thigh with his index finger. My breath hitches, his smile growing wider as he dips his head, moving in closer. Reaching my lips, he pauses to tug on the hem of my skirt. The fabric gives with very little resistance, and Alex slowly runs his hand down the length, smoothing out the wrinkles.

  “There,” he croons, “much better. Couldn’t have my future wife walking in there showing off what is mine. Not unless you want me to kill them,” he says with a twinkle in his eye.

  I’m unable to force the air from my lungs. It’s trapped, caught as the heat from his words sears my brain. His future wife. Kill them. Showing off what’s his. Is he playing a game or staking his claim? Everything is so jumbled, mixed up and crazy since I came to this stupid place.

  I just don’t know anymore. I really want to believe it, but I’m just not sure. Something tells me that everything isn’t as it seems, but this is Alex. I can trust Alex . . . Can’t I? Before I have a chance to catch my breath, his lips find mine in a brief but passionate kiss.

  Our lips move together melding as one until we are both panting and gasping for air. Reluctantly, he pulls away, breaking our connection. Grinning devilishly, he winks and points to the sun visor. Blinking rapidly, I follow the direction he’s pointing with my eyes to see he’s flipped it over and groan. Fucking Alex. Now I have to fix my makeup. He chuckles, taking a step back.

  “I won’t apologize for that,” he says rather proudly.

  I snort. “I never expected you to.”

  “Good, now fix your sexy ass up and let’s get this show on the road. There’s a room full of hungry wolves waiting, and the queen is late for the party.”

  “The queen is never late; she just chooses when to make her perfectly timed entrance. Besides, after tonight, they’ll come looking for me.” Alex stiffens, the deadpan quality in my tone making the meaning of my words perfectly clear.

  Unwilling to dwell on it a second longer, I swiftly put myself back together, making sure that I do indeed look every bit the queen Alex believes I am. Casting my eyes over my reflection, I make myself a solemn vow. Tonight they will learn who Kylee Parker is, and I will be assuming the proverbial throne. They just don’t know it yet. Shutting the visor, I breathe in a much-needed lung full of air and catch a glimpse of Alex patiently waiting.

  Winking, he extends a hand in my direction. Sliding my hand into his, a surge of warmth glides through my fingertips, immersing my body in a rush of strength, and instantly soothing the knotted muscles in my back and shoulders. With my feet firmly planted on the ground, he secures the vehicle, giving me a moment to fully appreciate the enticing man. My gaze meanders over his lean body, lingering on his broad shoulders and bulging biceps before wandering lower, taking in his tight abdominal muscles. The bright white of his dress shirt pops against the black Armani suit. The suit molds to him, forming to each of his muscles as if he were expertly poured into it.

  My eyes rise, following the trail of his lean obliques to the obvious bulge of his sidearm. One of many I’m sure he has concealed. Making my way further north, I find myself meeting Alex’s dangerous gaze. This is my protector, the man who has sworn to protect me from any harm for the rest of my life. I bask in the confidence and danger rolling off of him.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Kylee,” he warns.

  I shake my head in confusion. What the hell is he talking about? Stepping forward, he leans in until we’re an inch apart.

  “That look makes me want to fuck you, hard. And right now we are a little hard pressed for time.”

  His irises widen, growing darker with lust as he says, “Now, unless you want me to fuck you right here in the back of my SUV, I suggest you turn around and make your way into the funeral home so we can get this show on the road.”

  Gasping, I inhale sharply and declare, “You wouldn’t.”

  “The hell I wouldn’t. Now is that what you want?”

  “Um. No?” Alex laughs at my response.

  “Maybe later, babe. We really do have shit to do. Let’s go so I can actually get you home and have my wicked way with you.”

  Turning me around, he pushes me forward and gives me a pat on the ass. Fuming, heat floods my cheeks as I flip him the bird over my shoulder and stomp off toward the funeral home. Alex’s deep laughter fills the night air behind me. What a pain in the ass. I know he’s taunting me, doing wh
at he thinks is necessary to take my mind off of my task at hand, but I’m going through with this no matter what.

  Clenching my jaw, I stomp off in a huff. Directly in front of me lies a path leading to the 1Jang rae sik jang. I pause, peering at the building as it looms in the distance. Three days, it’s been three days since her passing. True to Korean tradition, the first two days were filled with prayer and observance, even though her body had been removed for burial yesterday. I still prayed that she would rot in hell.

  And on the third day . . . Well, here we are, about to meet the family. Alex places a comforting hand on the small of my back. His presence gives me the strength to continue down the path fate has chosen for me. Placing one foot in front of the other, I find myself walking down a narrow winding path until I reach the double glass doors where I’m abruptly stopped. Alex stands on my right, a menacing growl thundering from between his clenched teeth.

  I look from Alex to the hand encircling my wrist and then back to the guard. Painting on a sweet smile, I politely say in Korean, “If you wish to keep your hand attached to your arm, then I would suggest you remove it from my wrist.”

  The guard’s eyes narrow. His voice is sharp when he replies, “If you know what’s good for you, little girl, you’ll take your boy toy and leave here.”

  My cheeks heat as blood rushes to my face, anger suffusing every cell in my body. “Do you have any idea who you’re speaking to?” I say, my tone low and threatening.

  He sniffs, jutting his nose into the air as if he’d smelled something bad. “No one of any importance, I’m sure. Now be gone with you before I remove you myself.” He bares his teeth at me in a show of force.

  Laughing manically, my head falls back as I bellow into the night air. Swallowing, the guard’s Adam’s apple works furiously as he eyes me warily.

  Leaning into his touch, I move closer, my voice low and menacing. “I am Kylee Parker, the daughter of Min Sun-ye. And if you do not remove your hands from me right this second, I will not only detach your hand from your wrist, but your cock from your balls and feed it to the piranha in my tank. Do you understand me?”


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