Royal Blood

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Royal Blood Page 9

by Victoria Renteria

  The guard moves faster than the speed of light, dropping my wrist as if the fires of hell had burned him. Backing up several paces, he reaches for the door, his eyes downcast, avoiding me at all costs.

  With a thick tone full of regret, he mumbles, “My sincerest apologies, ma’am. Please forgive me.” With one final nod, he opens the door, granting us entrance to the building.

  Pausing in front of him, I can’t help but taunt the poor bastard one final time. “You’d do well to remember your place. My piranha could always do with a little treat.” Flinching, the man pulls back at my threat.

  Pivoting with a smile, I enter the building and hear Alex whisper just over my shoulder, “You’re cruel, Ms. Parker.”

  Spinning around, I level him with my glare, “You’d do well to remember your place, Mr. Devereux. The same fate may very well await you.” I smirk, tossing him a little wink.

  Alex steps closer, crowding my personal space. Hovering closer, he leans in and whispers, “For every threat, innuendo, and tease you initiate, my dear, you will pay dearly. And you will pay, Kylee . . . for hours.”

  Shivering, I meet his gaze, lost in the moment until he chuckles and nudges his head in the direction of the open room. His voice drops so low I have to strain to hear it. “We have an audience, my dear.”

  Straightening, he holds out his arm for me to take. Inhaling a deep breath, I plaster a smile on my face and turn around, taking Alex’s arm. Unfamiliar faces gawk at me from across the room. Hushed whispers explode all around as everyone tries to figure out just exactly who the two newcomers are. A high-pitched voice grows louder as the crowd begins to part for the annoying owner. A Korean woman in her late thirties with a severe bob and an angry scowl comes barreling through the crowd. Naturally, my body wants to shy away from the shrill voice flying toward me at breakneck speed.

  Instead, I plant my feet, standing my ground as the woman moves closer. As the locust begins her invasion, I try my best to focus on the situation at hand, but instead, I’m too busy focusing on the fact that she must be some relation to my mother.

  “Who in the hell do you think you are? This is a private ceremony. Leave right this instant.” Blinking rapidly, I clear the haziness from my thoughts.

  “What are you, stupid or something? I told you. You need to leave.” The woman jabs a fingernail into my chest.” Tired of her theatrics, I slap her hand away, and the entire room gasps in surprise.

  “Why, you . . .” She draws her arm back with an open palm to slap me across the face. Letting her hand fly, she swings wildly. I secretly smile to myself as I take a step back, grasping her wrist in the process. With a little twist, I pivot, spinning her arm behind her back. Yelping in surprise, she struggles to break free of my hold.

  Laughing, I rumble in her ear, “The next time you decided you want to hit someone, sweetheart, make sure to pick on someone your own age.” The room grows eerily quiet as an older gentleman and three younger men step forward. His voice cracks with age as he demands, “Let my daughter go. Now!”

  “As you wish,” I reply with a grin. Releasing my hold on shrilly Barbie, I give her a little shove forward, delighting as she stumbles several steps.

  “Who are you?” he demands.

  “I could ask you the same question.” His face turns a light shade of puce at the challenge I’ve given him.

  “You dare to question me? Do you know who I am, young lady?”

  Scoffing, I laugh in response. “Do you know who I am, old man?” The room is full of shocked gasps and hushed whispers as the man continues to drill me with question after question. Finally, he asks the question in a way I’m comfortable answering.

  “Very well, then. Tell me. Who are you?”

  Boldly staring him in the eye, I hold my chin high and say, “Kylee Parker. Min Sun-ye’s daughter.”

  “It seems my granddaughter has decided to make an appearance after all.”

  “It would seem so.”

  Tilting his head to the side, he fixes me with a cool gaze, examining me closely. Scrunching his eyebrows in concentration, he strolls toward me, circling slowly. The hair on my neck bristles as he rotates, inspecting every inch as if I were a herd of cattle up for auction. A quiver starts in my belly as I become restless with his continued perusal. Fighting the urge to fidget, I bite down on the inside of my cheek. The soft flesh breaks under the pressure of my teeth, coating the inside of my mouth with blood.

  My heart thunders out of control as the coppery tang brings a barrage of memories with it. The muscles in my back tense and I scan the room for a way out as acid begins to rise up my throat. Seeing no visible way out, I force myself to do the unthinkable. Grimacing, I swallow back the foul fluid. The lingering taste of old pennies coats my tongue, but I refrain from moving or opening my mouth.

  The old man comes to a halt in front of me. Looking up at me, he stares deeply into my eyes. With a single nod of approval, he says, “Come, Granddaughter, let us put your mother to rest. Then you and I must have a talk.” He extends his arm in my direction, motioning for me to follow.

  “Father! You can’t mean that,” the woman from earlier protests.

  “Enough!” He spins, turning on his heel, his fierce scowl stopping her in her tracks. “I have made my decision, and you will do as you’re told. Do I make myself clear, Inna?” He fixes her with an icy glare.

  “Yes, father,” she replies, her eyes never meeting his.

  Peering over his shoulder, he poignantly states, “Come, and bring your man with you. It appears my granddaughter has chosen well. But we will talk about such things later. Let us put your dear mother to rest now.” He motions for us to join him.

  Taking Alex’s arm, I follow behind. A fluttery feeling takes hold in my chest, expanding with each step I take. Question upon question pelts my already overwhelmed brain as we approach the room housing my mother’s coffin. What does he mean I chose well? Why is my aunt so pissed off? The look she gave me when I walked past her right now was so full of venom and hate it practically singed my skin.

  What was that nod he gave me? Does this mean he accepts me? My mind whirs with the thousands of thoughts buzzing around my head. Well, one thing is for certain. The queen most certainly made an entrance tonight. And by the time I’m through . . . Kylee Parker will be a name they won’t ever forget.

  * * *

  1 building where Korean funerals are held

  GLANCING AT MY WATCH, I can feel my expression growing taut. My reluctance adds to the up-and-coming tension headache sprouting behind my eyelids. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I tightly squeeze my eyes shut for a brief moment, hoping to drown out the unsavory memories from the previous night.

  “Fuck,” I mumble. No such luck.

  Snapping my eyes open, I begin pacing the room in an attempt to divert my attention onto something else. Like that could ever happen, I think to myself as each turbulent thought passes through my already agitated brain. Casting another glance at my watch, I sigh heavily. Dammit. Time is running out. I know what I have to do, but the thought alone causes my gut to churn with anxiety.

  Muttering a curse under my breath, I jerk a hand through my hair. I was sent here for a reason, given a specific task to complete, one that ensures not only her safety but that of countless others. How in the hell can I be expected to complete said task when I can’t even focus long enough to leave the damn property?

  “Dammit!” I growl, pausing to slam my fist on the nearby windowsill.

  How many times did I drill it into my team’s head that distractions are dangerous? That above all else distractions kill? The last thing I need is for something to happen to her because I can’t focus long enough to get the job done. And right now, I couldn’t hold my dick and piss at the same time if I wanted to. Turning my face up to the ceiling, I blow out a ragged breath.

  “She’ll be fine,” I mutter to the empty room.

  There has to be a way to focus and get this task completed, something that will g
ive me some peace of mind and ensure her safety at the same time for my sanity and that of everyone around me. Frowning, I turn as the door to the suite creaks open. Kylee smiles, her passionate glow blitzing me square in the chest.

  My heart gives a little pang, thrumming rapidly in the constraints of my chest. Her face falls as she notices my appearance. Taking slow, deliberate steps in my direction, she approaches me carefully.

  “Alex?” she dubiously inquires.

  “Hmm,” I mumble, unable to remove my eyes from her beautiful face.

  “Are you all right?” The legitimate concern in her tone is touching on a level I never thought I would need, much less crave, which makes this all the more difficult.

  “Mmmm, yes,” I reply densely, averting my gaze to the window.

  “Alex.” Calling my name once more, she moves nearer.


  The answer comes more from habit than anything else. I find comfort in the ritual. Even if I have no intention of telling her what’s on my mind, knowing full well it will only create more strife between us. An empty feeling pulls at the pit of my stomach. We’ve always been honest with each other. How can I not tell her I need her to keep her ass put while I’m gone?

  A warm hand settles on my hip, jogging me out of my mental castigation. Kylee rests her head atop of my deltoid, her gaze firmly affixed out of the window while the pad of her fingers absently stroke my side. After a while, her breath stutters and she drags her head off my arm, slinking around the front of my body. She molds her slender form to mine and peers up at me intensely, scrutinizing the lines on my face, the hard set of my jaw, and the tightness of my eyes. Shifting, she presses her breasts against the hard muscles of my abdomen, stimulating my cock and invoking him as the life of the party.

  It’s been too long since I’ve enjoyed my goddess—entirely too long. Mentally, I reprimand myself. Now is not the time. I’ve got a job to do. And I really can’t put it off a moment longer. Her gentle fingers ascend the peaks and valleys of my midsection to my jaw.

  Cupping my face, she whispers, “What is it that’s bothering you?”

  The careful way in which she asks is what brings me back to her, her loving demeanor turning me on even more. Without delay, my tumultuous thoughts return. It’s like living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One moment she is the woman I fell in love with, sweet and caring, and the next she is someone completely different. A woman clouded in darkness and indecision, struggling to come to terms with the shit hand she’s been dealt in life.

  Which is why I really do not want to leave her alone with any of those psychopaths, even if it is for a few hours.

  “Can I ask you something?” Kylee’s eyes stretch out at the tentativeness in my tone.

  “Anything, Alex, you know that.” She steps away, taking my hand, leading me to the small love seat. Sitting, she pulls me down beside her and snuggles into my side. My heart lurches, the love I have for this woman knowing no bounds as I pull her tightly to me.

  “Now, what is it?”

  “Promise to keep an open mind? And a level head?” I rush, adding the last part.

  Quirking an eyebrow as if to say, “You wish, dumbass,” she waits politely for me to begin. Swallowing back my nervousness, I look down at her, immersing myself in her beauty for a second longer.

  Averting my gaze, I tilt my head back on the love seat and finally say, “All right. Just at least hear me out before you get pissed and go off.” I cut a quick look in her direction, gauging her reaction. A small crease dots her brow, confusion evident on her lovely face.

  “Um, okay. I’ll try.” She draws the words out slowly, her confusion bringing a smile to my face, easing some of the ache in my chest.

  “I have some business to attend to. I’ll be gone for a few hours, and I want you to stay here while I’m gone.” I chance another glance.

  “So you’re leaving?” Her frown is still in place.

  “Just for a little while,” I say, rubbing the side of her arm in an attempt to comfort her.

  “And you want me to stay here because?”

  Fuck, here it is. I knew it would come to this. She couldn’t make it easy for me, could she? Nope, I had to go and fall in love with the most stubborn woman around. And you love it, Grant, admit it.

  Every fucking moment, I think to myself, except when I’m saving her from the mafia or herself. The heaviness in my stomach returns. Hesitantly, I angle myself into a better position. Our gazes meet, neither wavering as my muscles tense, readying for the fight I know is coming.

  “Because if you stay here then I know you will be safe. If you leave—”

  Kylee cuts me off mid-sentence. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Her eyes blaze, igniting with anger.

  “You said you would try to listen. So can you at least let me finish?”

  “Not when you’re being a complete fucking moron. I am an adult. Who survived on her own quite well without you, might I add. So explain to me exactly why I can’t leave here without you, master?” I smirk at her use of the word master, which was the absolute dumbest thing to do.

  “So you think this is funny?”

  “No.” I sigh. This is the opposite of funny. It’s a goddamn nightmare.

  “Then what exactly was it in my statement that seemed to amuse you, Alexander? Hmmm?” Alexander? She never calls me that. Why in the hell is she acting like an entitled princess? Fuck that.

  Growling, I lurch forward, hovering over her. Grasping a handful of Kylee’s hair, I draw her head back until she’s peering up at me with large eyes that are full of wonder.

  “I’m getting sick and damn tired of your attitude. What did I tell you, Kylee? Hmm?”

  “What are you talking about?” she snaps, struggling to break free.

  “Sit still. Do not move unless you are told to. Do you understand?” Kylee stills, the power in my command freezing her where she sits.

  “I said do you understand?” My commanding tone deepens, dominance radiating from every word.

  “Y-Yes,” she squeaks.

  “Good,” I say, releasing her hair and taking up my previous position on the love seat. Kylee follows my every move with enlarged eyes.

  “Now, we are going to finish this conversation like adults, and you’re going to stop acting like a spoiled brat. Am I clear?” Kylee blanches, frowns, and opens her mouth to say something.

  Holding up a hand, I retort, “I told you that I would relinquish control to you when you were in front of them. I also said that when we were alone you needed to remember who was really in control. What that means, Kylee, is in this relationship we will communicate and talk things through rationally. You’re not thinking clearly, and yes, you’re acting like a spoiled fucking brat. And don’t ask me where you got that shit from either because I have no damn clue. I have half a mind to spank your ass because of it.” Desisting, I give her a stern look.

  The one I receive in return nearly bursts the zipper right off my pants. Kylee pins me with a smoldering gaze, one filled with desire and lust. Well, hell. Running a hand through my hair, I let out a shaky laugh.

  “Why are you laughing?” she asks with a slight pout to her voice.

  “Because we have the worst damn luck.”

  “We do?”


  “O-Okay,” she says, drawing it out a little longer than necessary.

  Laughing, I pull her close, kissing the top of her head. “I’d love nothing more than to toss you down and have my way with you right now, but I really have to go.”

  “Oh.” Her pout becomes more pronounced, causing me to grin wider.

  “Promise me something,” I mumble into her hair. She stiffens in my arms.

  Sighing, I pull back, looking into her eyes. “It’s not that you can’t take care of yourself. I am fully aware of that. It’s just that I would feel much better if I were with you if you decided to go anywhere, especially if you decided to see anyone from that family.” I put extra e
mphasis on family.

  Kylee’s features fall as she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth. Shit. It looks like she had something planned for the day. Seizing the moment, I continue, “Knowing you’re safe will put my mind at ease while I’m conducting business. Besides, how would you feel if the roles were reversed?” It’s a low blow tossing in the “how would you feel” piece, but I really will try anything at this point.

  Releasing her lip, she looks at me pointedly, stating, “That was a low blow and you know it.” Damn, busted.

  Taking her hands in mine, I plead, “Please. You don’t want me to be distracted while I’m out there, do you?” Poking my bottom lip out, I give her my best pouty expression, which probably looks more like a wounded animal than anything else.

  Kylee groans. “Fine. Just stop pouting already. It really isn’t your thing.” The stronghold on my heart loosens, and I drag her to me.

  “I promise whatever it was you were going to do, we’ll do it as soon as I get back. Okay?” I let her go to look into her eyes again.

  Nodding, she replies, “Okay,” then quickly averts her eyes, casting them somewhere in the distance.

  “Hey,” I coo benevolently, tilting her chin in my direction. Dark color blossoms, shading Kylee’s cheeks.

  “You’ve lifted a huge weight off my chest. I feel like I can actually focus on what I needed to do so I can get back to you now.”

  Smiling timidly, she nods in understanding. Placing a gentle kiss on her lips, I’m lost in the sensual taste she has to offer for several minutes before I retreat and come to a stand. Walking toward the door, I hesitate, turning at the last moment.

  “Kylee,” I call.


  “Be naked when I return.”

  Her pupils expand, absorbing her irises completely. A seductive grin extends the breadth of her luscious lips. Winking, her tongue darts out, wetting her lips, tracing them slowly before she replies, “Hurry back.”

  Biting back a groan, I adjust myself before turning and making my way out of the house and to the SUV. It’s time to get this show on the road. After a quick pit stop to change vehicles, I settle in outside of Sang-Hyun’s busiest front to await his arrival. As the hours continue to pass, my patience begins to wane. Something needs to give. Leaning forward to stretch, I catch movement out of the corner of my eye.


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