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Protective Instinct

Page 6

by Katie Reus

  When she slid her hand down the front of his pants, he groaned again. “Tell me again why I can’t touch you?”

  She bit his chin playfully before brushing her lips over his. “Because I said so, Alpha.”

  “I don’t sense any respect in that word.”

  She snorted and nipped him again. God, he loved the way she played with him. It didn’t matter that they were bonded now, some days he still expected to get up and find out this was all a dream. When she raked her teeth against his neck, that dominant nature inside him welled up, was ready to take over and flip her onto her back right on the living room floor when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

  Ana paused then pulled back, but remained straddling his lap. “Grab it, it could be important.”

  There was no censure or disappointment in her words. One of the many, many things he loved about her. She was the perfect Alpha’s mate. Hell, the perfect mate period. She understood the nature of his position and always supported it. Just as he supported hers. The give and take sometimes felt almost synchronized. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve her, but he was holding on to her forever. Frustrated at the interruption, he fished the phone out and tensed when he saw Erin’s name.

  She’d already checked in with him. If she was calling again it meant something had happened. “What?” he demanded, answering on the second buzz.

  “Scented a vampire in the area. Maybe two. Hard to tell with the wind though. I sensed power, too. Not as strong as you or me but there was some decent power in the air.”

  Connor frowned. Vampires. “What did Larissa say?” The newest member of their pack was an ancient vampire, bonded to Aiden.

  “She and Aiden both agreed. The trace of something was in the air but…it wasn’t there long, so…” Erin sighed and he could practically see her frustrated expression. He could certainly hear it in her voice. “It might have been an old scent.”

  “On our property?” he asked dryly, not looking for an answer.

  She sighed again. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Keep Teresa and Ryan in the cabin with two packmates inside at all times. Mix up the shifts, I don’t care how you do it.” It would be harder to make it appear like Ryan and Teresa were alone this way, but his pack’s safety was more important than anything.

  “How’s Rafael and his team?”

  “Settled in, no movement that I’ve heard of.”


  Connor had a feeling he knew exactly what Erin meant.

  “If this is a vampire thing… Teresa is connected to Natalia,” Ana said, speaking for the first time. Her thoughts mirrored Connor’s.

  “That’s what I was thinking,” Erin said. Even over the phone they’d have no problem hearing each other, not with their extrasensory abilities.

  “Me too.” Connor would have to put in a call to one of The Brethren now. “Check in with me in a couple hours. For the next twenty-four hours, let’s make it a regular thing.” It might be overkill but he didn’t care. If his brother’s mate wasn’t expecting so soon he’d be out there with them right now. But as it was, he wasn’t leaving Liam—who was a ball of stress. It was like the male had completely lost his mind with worry.

  “Sounds good. Now spend some damn time with your mate.” Erin was chuckling as she hung up.

  Ana’s mouth curved up wickedly. “That sounds like a plan to me.”

  Connor settled his hands on her hips, rolling his erection against her. Unfortunately she had jeans on, but he’d soon remedy that. “I need to make a call first.” His voice was strained as he spoke. God, he didn’t want to do anything but sink inside his bondmate. Duty called though.

  “Calling Juhani?”

  Yeah, she knew him well. He nodded.

  “Good. Maybe there’s no connection, but…” Trailing off, she slid off his lap.

  He immediately wanted to tug her back on top of him, but this couldn’t wait. Natalia had killed a high ranking vampire a few months ago—in self-defense—and The Brethren had made it clear that was the case and there would be no retaliation from vampires. If anything, vamp and shifter relations had strengthened since that incident, but Connor knew how immortals could be. Someone could have waited a few months to strike, targeting Natalia’s sister, or her sisters. It would be a calculated move to hurt Natalia by harming her family. Before he called Juhani, he started to ask Ana to call her cousins and warn them to be on alert, but realized that was exactly what she was doing as she pulled out her own cell phone.

  Smiling at how in tune they were, he made the call to Juhani. Tomorrow morning he’d make sure the sisters had guards whenever they went off the ranch.

  * * *

  Natalia cracked open an eye at a buzzing sound. Her phone. It was five in the freaking morning, who could be texting her…

  Panic exploded inside her as she jerked upright, her sheet falling to her lap as she practically dove for her cell. It could be Teresa. When she saw Aldric’s name on the caller ID she calmed. Sort of.

  His text was brief. Downstairs, didn’t want to knock and wake everyone. Can you come down?

  Her heart rate tripled, making her curse her stupid giddiness at the thought of seeing the male, but she quickly shot off a text telling him she’d be right down. She still brushed her teeth and splashed cold water on her face first. Even if she and Aldric were simply friends, she was going to have minty breath. Just in case.

  Forcing herself to calm down, she opened the front door. A cool breeze rolled over her, the sun not up yet so everything smelled dewy and fresh. Her wolf wanted to shift and play despite the early hour. The smile that had started to pull at her lips immediately faded when she saw the duffle bag at Aldric’s feet. “Is everything okay?” She stepped outside, pulling the front door shut behind her.

  He rubbed a hand over his short hair and nodded. She tried not to watch the way the muscles in his forearm flexed as he moved. “Yeah, got called away for a bounty hunting job. Last minute thing and the money’s good.”

  Disappointment punched through her, but she was also pleased he’d come to tell her. “How long will you be gone?”

  A half-shrug. “Week probably. Two at the most. The Brethren hired me for this one.”

  “Take me with you.” He’d taken her on some local jobs and she figured he’d probably just picked those up because he liked to keep busy. But they’d been so much fun. And as of last night she knew that Jayce and Kat had been called away on one of Jayce’s enforcer missions. So now two of her best friends, Kat and Teresa, were gone. She wouldn’t mind getting away too. Especially if it was with Aldric.

  “I…can’t.” His expression seemed neutral, almost carefully so. Maybe that was her imagination though.

  She wrapped her arms around her middle, inexplicably hurt by his rejection. “Why not?”

  “It’s too dangerous.” There was no give to his words.

  For some reason it pissed her off. She wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like he had an obligation to take her. Still, she felt…hurt and angry. Her wolf snarled, clawing at her insides, demanding more from him. “I’m a shifter, I can take care of myself.” When he didn’t respond, she continued. “Come on, you know we’ll have fun together.” Smiling, she stepped closer to him and tried not to inhale that dark forest scent of his too deeply. It always made her just a little bit crazy.

  “No.” His jaw tightened and she couldn’t get a read on him at all. “I just came by to tell you, but I can’t waste any more time.”

  She stilled. “You’ve taken me in the past. Is this job different?”

  His wolf flickered in his gaze, his big body going still for a long moment. Something crackled in the air, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Or what she’d said to cause it.

  “Aldric?” She touched his forearm and before she could blink he had her pressed against the front door.

  A quick gasp escaped a split second before shock pulsed through her. But she arched into him, the action instinctual. Like breat
hing. She wanted to rub her breasts against him, to strip down and feel all of him against her. Skin to skin. It wasn’t like she had much experience with males, but she knew what she wanted. Aldric.

  He bent his head down to her neck, running his nose along the column and breathing deeply. It was strange and sensual at the same time. A shiver rolled through her, making goosebumps pop up all over her arms. Now she couldn’t even pretend not to be aroused. He wasn’t touching her with his hands, but had them against the door on either side of her head.

  For some reason her wolf loved being caged in by this sexy, powerful male.

  “I let you boss me around occasionally because I find it sexy and charming.” His voice was a deep, sexy growl, more animal than man.

  Let her? Natalia’s throat was too tight to form any words though, her heart clattering against her ribs.

  He continued, his lips and warm breath a whisper along her jaw and throat as he moved to the other side of her neck, as if he wanted to smell all of her. “But I won’t explain myself further about this job. So don’t think you can use your charms to get what you want. Don’t. Push. Me.”

  She hadn’t even realized she had pushed him. Hell, she could barely breathe right now. Not because he was pressed against her, he was barely touching her, but because of his sheer sexual power. Feeling more than a little confused, she tentatively reached up and trailed her fingers down his chest. Which was unfortunately covered by his shirt. It was a shame to hide all the hard muscles she stroked over.

  A shudder racked him as he buried his face deeper against her neck and groaned. She felt the scrape of his canines against her skin and couldn’t help the slight moan that escaped. Her nipples tightened automatically and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if he ran his tongue over them. At that thought, heat pooled between her legs.

  She heard the sound of scratching and realized he’d clawed the door. To restrain himself? Before she could think or react, he pulled back, leaving her feeling lost. Moving with the speed of a lethal predator, he grabbed his bag and was gone.

  Natalia’s heart raced an out of control rhythm as she stared after him, the staccato beat wild. It took a few long moments for her to be able to move again. And when she looked back at the door she saw the deep grooves he’d carved into the solid wood. What the hell had just happened between them?

  Chapter 8

  Two days later

  Teresa rolled her neck once as Erin steered the SUV up to the ranch’s gate. She’d thought getting away with Ryan would end up bringing them closer together, but after that initial scare, there had been no more unusual scents—and they’d been inundated with packmates 24/7, so no private time. It had given her that distance that she’d needed in a sense. At least physically. But she still ached for him, more and more each second that passed.

  Three of their packmates had been sure they’d scented vampire, potentially more than one, so they’d changed the original plan and had multiple packmates in the cabin at all times.

  Teresa and Ryan hadn’t been near them when they’d latched onto the scents two days ago so she couldn’t be sure what they’d smelled. But she trusted her pack, especially Erin since she was an enforcer.

  Larissa jumped out of the vehicle, moving wicked fast with her vampiric speed, to unlatch the gate for them. On the drive back Ryan and Aiden had opted to ride together so he was in the vehicle behind them. Maybe it was stupid to feel hurt, but she couldn’t help feel that he’d chosen to ride with someone else. She certainly hadn’t been about to call him on it in front of everyone. It was embarrassing enough as it was that he hadn’t wanted to ride with her.

  She glanced at Erin. “Do you think…” Teresa started, then felt silly for bringing it up.

  “What?” the redhead asked.

  “It’s been months, but what if the vampires you guys scented—”

  “Are related to what happened with your sister?” Erin finished.

  Teresa blinked, feeling even dumber for not realizing that sooner. “You’ve already thought of that.”

  Erin nodded as Larissa slid back into the SUV. “Yeah. Connor’s got guards with your sisters wherever they go and has put in a call to The Brethren. They’re putting out feelers to see if any rogue vamps might be stupid and come after our people.” There was an edge to Erin’s voice, as if she relished the thought of slicing up anyone dumb enough to come after them.

  Immediately relief suffused Teresa. She was thankful someone was thinking clearer than her. Jeez. This is what a male did to her brain. “Do you know where my—”

  “Your sisters are all on the ranch now.” Erin shot her a sideways glance, a smile tugging at her lips, as she pulled into the parking structure.

  “Don’t be smug.”

  Erin’s smile grew. “It’s hard not to be when I’m so awesome.”

  “Awesome, or obnoxious?” Larissa asked from the backseat, her voice dry.

  The question made Teresa and Erin both laugh. Teresa was glad the vampire had adjusted so quickly to being part of their pack. It was amazing, really, considering how ancient she was and all she’d been through. Having a bondmate made all the difference though.

  At that thought, some of the darkness lurking in Teresa’s mind resurfaced to dig at her. Clawing away at her and making her doubt herself. As she slid out of the SUV she expected to see Ryan getting out with Aiden but Aiden was alone. She frowned when Aiden gave her an almost guilty look.

  “He said he had to take care of something,” Aiden muttered, looking sheepish. “Got out at the gate.”

  The words sent disappointment spiraling through her. Maybe it shouldn’t bother her, but it seemed weird that he’d just disappeared like that without saying anything to her. The past two days had been strained between them though, with very little physical contact. After three months of nothing but that, she knew it was hard on him too. She knew her packmates had picked up on the strain between them. It had been obvious and had made for some awkward times.

  “I don’t know why I’m continually surprised by the stupidity of your gender.” Erin looked at Aiden, her lips pulled into a thin line as Larissa smothered a smile.

  He held up his hands, his expression affronted. “Hey, I’m not the stupid one.”

  “Right now,” Larissa murmured to her mate.

  Normally the comment would have made Teresa laugh but she couldn’t even muster a smile. She just left the parking structure and headed home. She wanted to see her sisters.

  Once inside her home, she inhaled the scent of her family and jasmine tea someone was making in the kitchen. Rosa, if she guessed right.

  “Rosa?” Teresa called out as she slid her boots off by the front door.


  “Where is everyone?” she asked as she entered and found just Rosa.

  Her sister looked different somehow. Her face was practically glowing as she turned one of the knobs on the stove to off. “Natalia and Gloria are at December’s. How are you? How was the trip? Ana told us that it might have something to do with vampires.”

  “Yeah.” She’d explain all that later. “What’s going on with you?” Teresa pulled down two mugs, both adorned in blueberries. She handed one to her sister.

  A flash of pleasure then guilt flickered across Rosa’s face. “Rafael wants me to move in with him.”

  “That’s great…isn’t it?” She wasn’t sure what the conflicting emotions rolling off her sister were right now, was finding it difficult to pin down one scent.

  Rosa sighed before pouring them both drinks. “We’ve only kissed but we’ve been talking a lot since he and his packmates moved here,” she said as she sat at the sturdy table near the window.

  Teresa joined her, wrapping her hands around her warm mug. She blocked thoughts of Ryan, wanting to focus completely on her sister. “Is he pressuring you or something?” What she knew of the alpha shifter she liked, but her sister was a beta. There were definite differences between them. Sometimes it
was just a physical difference, but in Rosa’s case she was physically weaker and had a softer, more submissive personality.

  To her surprise, Rosa snorted. “No. If anything I think he’s been extra careful because I’m a virgin.”

  Teresa nodded. All three of her sisters were virgins, which wasn’t so out of the ordinary for their age as shifters, since they were all in their late twenties/early thirties. She certainly wasn’t a virgin, but she was decades older than them. “So what’s the deal then?”

  “I love him. I know that. He’s talked about mating and bonding, though I told him we needed to wait on the bonding. It’s just…what if all this build up, all this time we’ve spent getting to know one another doesn’t transfer to the bedroom?”

  “Then you take it to the shower. Or the floor.” Teresa couldn’t help the smile tugging at her lips.

  Rosa blinked then burst out laughing. “Am I being stupid?”

  “No. I get the fear, but I’ve never known love and attraction not to translate to great sex. Not for shifters, anyway.” She didn’t know how it was for humans, but she assumed it was the same. “You’ve kept this little relationship between you and Rafael locked down pretty tight, huh?” Teresa wasn’t exactly surprised given Rosa’s personality. She was so private.

  Rosa’s cheeks flushed pink as she shrugged. “I wanted to be sure first. He’s so sexy I thought maybe at first, I don’t know, I was reading too much into the way he was talking to me. Then I realized he was courting me.”

  Teresa would have rolled her eyes, but knew her sister was being serious. It shouldn’t be a surprise to Rosa since she was so sweet and smart, but Teresa understood having insecurities. Especially right now. “If he makes you happy then I’m happy. When do you plan to move into his place?”

  “Soon. This week, hopefully.” The flush was brighter now and Teresa could guess what her sister was thinking about.

  “I’m sure we can round up some packmates to help you move your stuff. I…I knew this day would come. I just can’t believe it’s here.” Silly tears pricked her eyes as she pulled her sister into a big hug.


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