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A Billionaire's Christmas (The Carolina Series Book 4)

Page 16

by Jill Downey

  Griffin stood up angrily. “You fucking idiot. Do you have any idea of the position you’ve put Penelope in? She’s been nothing but generous and kind to you! This is your payback? Poaching is a felony; there’s a steep fine and possibility of prison. Did you consider that? Trophy hunters are the scum of the earth. I’m not sure there is a way to redeem yourself in my opinion.”

  Penelope said, “How old are you Levi?”

  “Twenty-one ma’am.”

  “Old enough to know better,” Tyler snarled.

  Walt considered that, then said, “Some grow up faster than others. I believe he’s tellin’ the truth that he feels bad, but I’ll leave it to your discretion Penny. He can pack his bags and be gone today if that’s what ya decide.”

  “I need time to think about it, Walt. Levi, I have a question for you. Do you feel bad because you were caught or because you realize it was wrong?” Penelope asked.

  “I’m not going to lie to ya. When I got that five hundred, it felt pretty good. It seemed like a prayer had been answered. I was able to get my truck fixed and no one was the wiser…all I had to do was to drive a couple of guys to find some elk then look the other way. Then later, it hit me. That I was biting the hand that fed me and I started to feel bad.”

  “I’d be more inclined to believe you if you’d come to us yourself,” Griffin said. “But you didn’t… you’re only manning up because you were caught.”

  “I started to tell Walt…a couple of times, ask him! I told him I wanted to talk to him about something then I backed out.”

  “That’s true,” Walt confirmed.

  Looking at the ground Levi said, “Are ya going to turn me in?”

  “I’ll need some time to think about it. I’m assuming the poachers are long gone?” He nodded.

  “Please ma’am, I’m beggin’ ya, I got nothing. I can’t afford no record.”

  “Cry me a river,” Tyler said. He stood up and grabbed Malena’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “I’ve heard enough. Let’s go Malena, the room is starting to smell bad.”

  “Wait!” Malena said. “I’ve met Levi’s mom. She is a very nice person. She was here visiting him one day and helped me find my necklace after I’d lost it in the barn. I was very upset because it was from my mom. She seemed like a very sweet person. I believe that should matter.”

  Penelope looked thoughtful. “I’d like to meet her.”

  “What?” Tyler sputtered. “What difference should that make?”

  “I think it matters quite a bit. I want her to be here to discuss this together. Have you told her about this?” Penelope asked.

  Levi nodded his head dejectedly. “Yeah. She cried.”

  “Unbelievable!” Tyler said, then he grabbed his coat and stormed out of the house.

  “Irrazonable!” Malena muttered.

  “Come back tomorrow with your mom. Until then you’re suspended without pay until I make my decision,” Penelope said

  “Thank ya for at least thinkin’ about giving me a chance,” Levi said.

  “I’ll bring him and his mom by tomorrow,” Walt said. “Sorry about this Penelope, Griffin.” He stood and walked to the door. Putting his hat back on, he turned and said, “I guess when all is said and done, I’ll vouch fer him.”

  “I’ll certainly take that into consideration Walt. Thanks for bringing this to us. See you tomorrow,” Penelope said, as he took his leave.

  “Fuck!” Griffin said. “Why do I feel like the bad guy here?”

  “Because you saw what I saw. A scared kid that made a huge mistake and knows it.”

  “I feel kind of sorry for him,” Malena said. “I’m going to go find Tyler. He is so ardiente…fiery.”

  “Yes, he’s very protective of the people he cares about. You can mess with him but not with the people he loves. That’s our Ty,” Griffin said.

  Malena sighed. “Si. I’ll leave you two alone to discuss this. I’m sorry you have this to deal with after such a wonderful holiday.”

  “In some ways all I’m feeling is relief. We know who, what and why. There isn’t some ring of poachers stealthily sneaking on the land regularly,” Penelope said.

  “True. I didn’t think of it like that.”

  “I’ll fill you and Ty in later, after Griff and I have talked it over.”

  “Good luck,” Malena said.

  “Thanks for your input. Somehow knowing he has a sweet mother changed my perspective. It was helpful.”

  “Too bad Tyler doesn’t agree. He is so angry with me.”

  “He’s not mad at you Malena!”

  Her dark eyes were shadowed with worry as she shrugged her shoulders and left to search for Ty.



  Malena raised her hand to knock on Ty’s cabin door then hesitated, reminding herself that she hadn’t done anything wrong. Then why was she feeling so tense inside. Her belly felt like a coiled spring. She hated conflict and Tyler’s outburst had left her feeling vulnerable. She had witnessed his protectiveness when he’d confronted Levi in the tack room, and she wondered if his reaction today wasn’t partially due to that previous incident.

  She took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened and then he was standing there. He took her breath away every time. His blue eyes blazed with emotion as he motioned for her to step inside, his silence speaking volumes.

  Malena stood just inside the door, her neatly clasped hands belying the internal firestorm stirring beneath her calm demeanor. Keeping her eyes lowered she said quietly, “Are you angry with me?”


  “Of course.”

  “A little.”

  “Why? I was only voicing my opinion.”

  “I don’t get how you can defend that jerk! He was inappropriate with you for starters, then he sold out Penelope and took advantage of her trust for five fucking hundred dollars.”


  “How can you think that having a ‘sweet’ mom can make it all better? It’s ridiculous.”

  Malena flinched. “Has no one ever forgiven you? Did you not tell me that you got in big trouble when you were a teen?”

  “That’s different. I was only hurting myself and I was still in high school.”

  “Different… really? And your ‘sweet’ mother…I guess her feelings didn’t count.”

  Tyler looked thoughtful then said, “Look Malena, I get what you’re trying to say but taking the life of another living being just to hang its head on the wall is sick. It’s not like it died to feed a family, it died in vain. So, don’t compare selling a little dope to that.”

  “I’m not comparing your actions. I’m saying what if you’d been written off for your mistakes. How did you feel when your grandfather was judging you? It scares me that you’re so black and white… It makes me wonder why you’re being so defensive.”

  “Because I love Penelope and he’s a douche bag, that’s why.”

  “Are you sure it’s not because you see yourself in him? Maybe it’s yourself that you need to forgive.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Ty think about it. If Penelope is willing to forgive him why should you hold onto it?”

  “Malena, maybe it’s a guy thing. I feel protective, it makes me crazy that he scared you and that he fucked with Griff and Pen.”

  “Carino, I love how brave you are. I love that you want to keep me safe. But I don’t want your emotions to cloud your compassion. Everyone deserves a chance to be forgiven and to grow from their mistakes.” She took a step towards him and touched his chest. “Even you.”

  Tyler closed his eyes, raking his hands through his tousled hair. “I don’t know…maybe you’re right. Maybe I do still blame myself for my past. I was an arrogant asshole. I hurt my mom, the only person in the world who loved me and believed in me. I disappointed her and let her down. I still feel ashamed when I think of how hard she worked to raise me right and I let her down like some punk-ass loser.”

o, is there no possibility of redemption for Tyler Anderson?” Malena asked quietly.

  He scrubbed his face roughly with his palms. “I don’t know. I’m not sure I deserve to be forgiven. I’m not even sure how I got to be standing here, with a full plate of people who care, and a beautiful woman looking at me with so much compassion that my heart is about to break.”

  Malena threw herself into his arms and wrapped them around his waist hugging him tight. “Ty, mi amor. You are such an amazing man. You deserve everything good that is coming your way.”

  His voice was choked. “I hope so, I really do.”

  “If you can put yourself in Levi’s shoes for even a moment, he didn’t know he had options…he said nobody had ever helped him before…maybe after this he’ll know to ask for help, that there are good people in the world. It could be the thing that turns his life around.”

  “Yeah and he could screw them over again.”

  “We can’t control what he does with this opportunity, but we can choose compassion and give him a chance. If I know Penelope, I think she’ll give him that.” Tyler rested his cheek on the top of her head, silent. She let him be with his thoughts.

  He moved and she felt his warm breath by her ear as he whispered, “I get it.”

  She leaned back in his arms so she could see his face. “Tyler, I never had any doubt that you would.”

  He swooped down and softly kissed her lips. “Gracias, Malena.”

  “De nada.”



  Penelope yawned and stretched her arms over her head. “I think I may finally be recovered from the Bennett family Christmas. And it only took a week.”

  Griffin was changing Savannah’s diaper and getting her ready for bed. He leaned down and kissed her belly. “Da da da da,” Griffin said, encouraging her.

  Their daughter complied, repeating, “Da da da.”

  “You’re a brat.” Penelope used her hip to push Griff aside and take over. “How’s my perfect little baby…hmm? Can you say mama...mama…mama?”

  “Ba ba aba ba da da da.”

  “I give up, you little stinker.” Penelope slipped on her onesie and snapped it up.

  “Ma ma ma ma.”

  Penelope squealed excitedly. “Oh my God! Did you hear that? She said it!”

  “What? Ba ba? She says that all the time.”

  Penelope’s green eyes were sparkling with joy. “Your Daddy is jealous Savannah. Can you say mama again? Ma ma ma.”

  “Da da da da…” the baby cooed.

  “Savannah, I think the holiday’s gotten to your mama. She’s hearing things.”

  “Ma ma ma ma…” Savannah replied.

  Penelope jumped up and down clapping. “I’m going to grab my phone to record this…I have to send it to everyone. I need proof, watch the baby,” Penelope said, then flew out of the room. When she returned, she was able to capture the momentous occasion for all to see.

  “Listen and weep,” she said, holding up her phone and pressing play. Griffin flashed his gorgeous smile, making her heart do funny things.

  “I concede,” he said.

  Penelope cupped her ear. “I didn’t quite catch that, could you say it a little louder?”

  “I said, I love you Penelope Winters.”

  “You could have let me have a few minutes to gloat. You play dirty Mr. Bennett.”

  He picked up the baby and carried her to the crib. “We don’t have a clue what Mommy is talking about do we?” He handed the baby a teether and wound up the Disney mobile, and the tinkling sound of “When You Wish Upon a Star” played.

  “Night little one,” Griffin said.

  Penelope reached down and stroked her fingertips lightly across her baby’s face. “We love you to the moon and back. Sleep tight.” Savannah’s eyes drooped as they left the room.

  Penelope had just finished brushing her teeth and was sitting at her vanity reading over her text messages. The video she’d sent to the family of Savannah saying ‘mama’ was a hit.

  “Your mom said ‘Congratulations,’ and Ella texted, ‘It’s about time’ with a bunch of heart emojis. Faye said, ‘Give my condolences to my baby brother.”

  “You women always stick together. Come to bed babe,” Griffin said, pulling back the covers and patting the mattress.

  She plugged her phone into the charger and then crawled in beside him, burying her nose against his neck. “Hmm, man smell...yummy.”

  He pulled her on top of him and rubbed his palms up and down her back, then cupped her bottom. “All in all, I think Christmas was a major success thanks to you. And we have a year to recover, now that it’s been decided it’ll be an annual event.”

  “I give full credit to Josie. She deserves an award. She said coming from a big family prepared her.”

  “She is amazing,” Griffin agreed. “And so are you.” He tweaked the tip of her nose.

  “I don’t think I’d change a thing. You know, your mom offered to help with Savannah if we need it, after the filming starts.”

  “I’m glad babe. I told you before, she can be difficult but underneath it all, she’s a good person.”

  “Do you think we made the right decision about Levi?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m comfortable with it. Just the threat of future legal repercussions should be enough to deter him, but I actually believe he feels remorseful.”

  “Me too. And his mom is lovely. Honestly that sealed the deal for me.”

  “Along with Walt’s endorsement.”

  “Even Ty! Malena has cast some sort of spell on our nephew. She is so good for him.”

  “We Bennett men somehow always manage to come out smelling like roses…we’re lucky in love I guess.”

  “And Faye and Jesse are married now…I just can’t believe it.”

  “Enough about the rest of the world, we haven’t even celebrated you getting the Nellie Bly part yet.”

  “The flowers were enough. They’re beautiful. And yes, I might have landed the dream part, but even more importantly…how the heck did I ever manage to land the perfect man?” She looked at him, meeting his burning gaze as he devoured her.

  “Make love to me,” he said, his voice husky.

  She buried her fingers in his thick dark hair, pulling his lips to meet hers in answer.

  He cupped her full breasts, his thumbs lazily circling her erect nipples. His blue eyes smoldering, he said, “I can’t believe that I’m the guy that gets to make love to such a goddess. I’ll never get enough of you Penelope. Don’t ever stop loving me.”

  “Never…” she said before surrendering to her husbands skilled lovemaking.



  Six Months Later

  Malena pulled her bikini straps back up and stood, the white sand warm between her toes. She was ready for a dip in the azure blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea of Capri. She took her floppy hat and sunglasses off, throwing them on her lounger. There were quite a few topless sunbathers but she wasn’t quite that self-confident yet; maybe another time.

  Tyler would meet her here after he finished with his photo shoot. She couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. From the cliffs and rocky coastline, the blue grottos, the coves and inlets with small protected beaches, it was utterly enchanting. Luxurious yachts, anchored off the coast, dotted the horizon.

  The night before they’d been serenaded with Italian love songs as they were guided through the Blue Grotto on a small rowboat. The natural neon light show was otherworldly, a phenomenon of light passing through a hole in the cave wall then through the water. It was magical.

  She was aware of some appreciative glances as she sauntered to the water’s edge. Tyler had been teaching her to appreciate her body…she felt sexy and beautiful; it was unfamiliar yet exhilarating. It made her feel powerful…in a good way. She appreciated her sensuality as the gift that it was.

  “Malena! Wait for me.” She turned when she heard Tyler calling to her. Her heart leap
t in her chest as she caught sight of him undressing. Six feet of Perfection. Bronzed, six-pack abs, defined pecs, inked deltoids all day long, strong thighs, and when he finally reached her, blazing blue eyes that rivaled the waters of the Blue Grotto. Delicioso!

  “You’re blushing. What’s going on behind those beautiful dark eyes?” he teased, swooping down to kiss her open mouth.

  “Haciendo el amor contigo.”


  She giggled. “We can wait until we get back to the villa.”

  “Malena, did you miss me?”


  “Babe, this photo shoot was wild. The location was on the edge of a cliff, only a thousand feet down to my death. Gabrielle is afraid of heights and we had to pose for quite a few photographs there. She was trembling so much I felt sorry for her.”

  “Poor Gabrielle.”

  “She was grateful that I wasn’t nervous. I guess I helped calm her down a little.”

  “Just so that’s all you did.”

  “Is mi querida jealous?”

  “Who wouldn’t be? She’s beautiful, you’re equally gorgeous, you’re both half naked…”

  “And,” he interrupted her, “all I could think of was getting back to you.”

  She looked up at him through her lashes. “Promise?”

  “I promise. You are it for me. It’s as if I conjured you up in a dream and brought it to life. You’re the most exquisite creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. And your body in this thong bikini? Bellissima! I mean it.”

  “Querido, let’s get into the water.”

  “Where you go, I will follow.”

  She grabbed his hand and they walked out into the water together, the sunlight warming their skin as they eased into the cool sea. Ty released her and dove under, popping back up further out from shore, shaking the water from his head as he rubbed his eyes.

  He called to her, “Come on out.”


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