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Fractured Slipper

Page 23

by Adrienne Monson

  Cynthia jumped and glanced throughout the house like a bunny looking for a predator. She came outside and closed the front door, stepping close enough that Felicia could smell dirt and lye wafting from her. “What do you know about that?”

  Tess and the two guards eyed Cynthia. Felicia could see speculation stirring in their expressions.

  “We have the same godmother, Lady Ella de la Roche. She explained everything.”

  Cynthia’s complexion paled to match her light blonde hair. “What do you mean to do with this information?” The girl glanced back at the house. “My stepmother will beat me when she finds out.”

  Felicia shook her head. “I certainly didn’t come to tattle on you.” Seeing the perfect complexion on Cynthia, and her large blue eyes, Felicia knew she could never match up to this beauty. Even if Felicia looked her finest, she’d still be considered wanting next to Cynthia in her rags.

  The girl’s head snapped up and her eyes narrowed as she studied Felicia’s face.

  Felicia’s throat suddenly felt tight, but she forced herself to get out the next words. “I am here to help you meet the prince.” She then explained about how her foot was the one who fit the glass slipper and she didn’t want to force the prince to marry someone he didn’t love.

  Cynthia’s tongue darted out before she responded. “That’s mighty noble of you, Milady. Most women in your position would probably never tell the prince they know where I am so they could still marry him.” She glanced suspiciously at the guards. “Some would even try to kill me so he’d never be able to find me.”

  “I don’t know if I’d call it noble,” Felicia looked aside. “Just trying to do the right thing, I guess.” But her heart pulsed and she realized she resented being here. She resented this young woman for being what the prince wanted. For being more than she could ever measure up to.

  “Does the prince really love me as you describe?”

  Felicia clenched her jaw against the pain thrumming in her chest and forced a nod. Blinking at Cynthia, she noted the thoughtful expression and how the young servant glanced back at the house. “Do you return his devoted affection?” The question was difficult to utter and she steeled herself for the response. But even if Cynthia doesn’t love him, does that mean that I want to be his consolation bride?

  Cynthia plucked at her skirt. “How could anyone not return affection to a prince?” She met Felicia’s gaze. “He would rescue me from my dire situation. How can I deny something so fortuitous?”

  Frowning, Felicia’s forehead wrinkled as she studied the other woman. “But he is not the only means of relief from your predicament. You know that, don’t you?” She thought back to Lady Ella saying how she kept trying to get Cynthia to move in with her. “If you don’t love Bastion, you can be our godmother’s companion and travel with her.”

  Cynthia wrinkled her nose. “I love Lady Ella. She has been the only one in my life to show me love and caring since my father died, but I couldn’t accept her charity.” She shrugged. “I did for one night, and that ended up being more of a fiasco than I could have imagined.”

  Frustration mingled with perplexion rippled through Felicia. “You truly believe that staying here and being abused is a better choice than living with our godmother? Lady Ella is a good woman. She would take you in out of love, not charity.”

  Folding her arms across her stomach, Cynthia’s expression shuttered tighter than Felicia’s best corset. “The prince would be taking me in out of love. He would not take me to his castle out of charity. That’s what I want.”

  Felicia took a step back from the girl’s forceful tone. Out of habit, her face turned to indifferent politeness and she nodded. “Certainly. I shall report back to Prince Bastion. You can expect him to come here at first morning’s light.”

  The rude exterior Cynthia exhibited melted away and she smiled while bowing her head. “You are most generous, Milady. I will never forget your kindness.”

  “You’re mixing up the meanings of charity and kindness,” Felicia snapped before she could reign in her tongue.

  Cynthia stepped back. Felicia felt guilt rise up at the wary expression on the girl.

  No more words could be uttered, but Felicia managed a stiff nod before retreating to her horse. Her heart sank when they arrived at the castle. This would be her last night residing here. Her last time to see Bastion.

  Chapter 14

  As soon as Felicia entered the castle doors, a young servant ran to her. “The prince has been looking for you for hours.” He turned to another servant to fetch the prince to the blue receiving room and then led Felicia straight to it.

  Her breath hitched as she contemplated why Bastion was so intent on speaking with her. There was an intensity emanating from the servant, like something important was going to happen.

  Unable to sit, she paced the large room while she waited for the prince. It felt as if a lifetime had passed before he finally entered, though she knew it was likely only a few minutes.

  Bastion came directly to her, a fire shining from his blue eyes. “Where have you been?” He hugged her tightly.

  Felicia gasped at the unexpected embrace, then relaxed and rested her head on his shoulder, breathing him in and savoring the moment.

  “I had thought you ran away because of what my mother said to you.” He reached up and stroked the back of her head, loosening the pins in her hair.

  Pulling back, Felicia met his gaze. “I’m not the sort to run away, Bastion.” He smiled, and it warmed her to the core. “I visited my godmother.” She was about to explain everything, but Bastion took over the conversation.

  “Of course, I should have guessed.” He grabbed her hand and led her to a chair, then helped her sit. “I can tell you highly favor her.”

  “Yes. We’re very close.” She frowned. “Though there is some news that she neglected to share with me until this afternoon.”

  “I’m sure you’ll work it out.” Bastion knelt in front of her and began pulling on her glove.

  “Bastion? What are you doing?”

  He grinned as he continued to release each of her fingers, letting the air caress her skin. “You’ll see.” Her hand bared, Bastion brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed along their length.

  The sensation of his full, warm lips over her naked skin tingled all the way to her toes and Felicia closed her eyes. “What’s gotten into you?” It came out breathless and not at all censuring as she’d intended it.

  “Felicia, there’s something I want to ask you.” Bastion released her hand to pull a small pouch off of his belt. He upended it into his hand to reveal a delicate ring showcasing a large sapphire surrounded with little white diamonds.

  Felicia froze, wondering if she were hallucinating her deepest fantasy. Drat, I’m turning into my father. Blinking, Bastion was still kneeling before her, holding the ring for her to see. “Oh my,” she breathed. “Bastion, it’s magnificent.”

  She saw his fingers tremor as he slid the glorious ring onto her finger. “Felica, will you marry me?”

  He said it exactly how Felicia would have fantasized. The moment was perfect, with his large hopeful eyes drinking her in. But Felicia wasn’t her father – she knew better.

  “Bastion, don’t you intend this ring for another?”

  His hand closed over hers. “No,” he said firmly, staring into her eyes. “I do not.”

  The intent look he gave made Felicia’s belly quiver in a strange, pleasant way. In a way that made her want to believe him, but logic wouldn’t allow it. “What about your mystery princess?”

  “I stopped looking for her.” Bastion stood and pulled her up so she was once again nestled in his arms. “I have spent weeks scouring the countryside looking for a girl that I knew for only one night.” He pulled back and looked down at her, affection pouring off of him. “And then I came home to you. Felicia, I have been getting to know you. I see you and the way you handle my mother, the way you watch the king and how you learn politics s
o quickly. You’re more adept at ruling than I am and I’ve been raised for it my whole life.” He leaned toward her until their foreheads touched. “You’re perfect for me. More of my match than any stranger in a sparkling gown.”

  Each word resonated in her chest until hope and love enveloped her. Felicia swallowed down her emotions. “Truly?”

  “Truly.” Bastion pressed his lips to hers, lightly at first.

  Her mouth tingled at his touch and she moaned. Bastion returned the sound and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss until his tongue danced over her lips.

  Felicia pulled away, gasping. “Oh my.” She giggled. “I didn’t realize it could feel like that.”

  Chuckling, Bastion kept his hands around her waist. “Like what?”

  “Like…” she searched for the right words. “Like, I could be so alive and die happy at the same time.”

  Bastion smiled, his gaze warm. “I like this side of you. I haven’t seen much of it.”

  The comment pulled Felicia straight back to reality. Frowning, she pulled out of his grasp and turned. “This isn’t right.”

  She felt his hand on her shoulder, the warmth of his fingers seeping through the material.

  “I don’t understand.”

  She had to tell him. Knew that it was the right thing to do. She’d promised Cynthia that she would. And yet, being here with Bastion expressing his love for her changed everything. But he didn’t actually say he loved me, did he? She wondered if he was coming to accept the inevitable and was trying to make it seem like it’s what he really wanted. If he really wanted to be with me, he’d still choose me after I tell him of Cynthia’s whereabouts. And yet, she knew he wouldn’t choose her.

  “There is something I must tell you.” Her voice quivered.

  “What is it?”

  Her chest was tight and her shoulders stiff. But she turned to face Bastion, clasping her hands and doing her best to appear placid. “I found your mystery princess today.”

  Breath whooshed out of the prince and his mouth dropped open. “You found her?” He chuckled. “Why am I not surprised that after I look for weeks, you go out for one afternoon and find her.”

  Felicia wasn’t sure how to feel about his response. “She’s living as a servant to an abusive stepmother, Bastion. In Prevairy village. I believe she’s waiting for you to come and rescue her.”

  His smile slipped and he continued to watch Felicia. She wished to know what he was thinking. She couldn’t read his expression. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was contemplating something. But what choice is there to make? Of course, he’ll want Cynthia. The thought made Felicia want to curl on her side and wallow in depression, but she refused to let Bastion or anyone else see it.

  “I see.” His tone was sober, his manner calm. “Well, then, I shall go and take care of her at once.” He walked to the door but paused before opening it. “Please don’t leave the castle. Promise you’ll wait for me?”

  The agony she felt at his words was intense. The insult of him bringing home another woman and asking her to wait for him was like being pulled apart on the rack. “Of course,” she said stiffly.

  When he left, Felicia bent over and drew in a shaking breath. She needed to find Tess and have her pack up their things. She might have promised Bastion that she would wait until his return, but she’d leave as soon as that obligation was fulfilled.

  Chapter 15

  Felicia helped Tess pack up. Though it was servant’s work, it distracted her from the empty pit gnawing at her heart.

  Tess kept glancing at Felicia’s trembling fingers as they worked together, but didn’t say a word. The servant left to send a note to her father, so he’d be ready for their arrival. Felicia almost didn’t want to face him. She could already see the look of disappointment. It was tempting to stay with Lady Ella instead, but Felicia needed to get back to her life. The one boon was that her father had made some good investments from which he was already gaining an income. Soon, they’d be out of debt.

  There wasn’t much that she’d brought, and Felicia certainly didn’t want the beautiful gowns provided by the castle, especially the wedding gown that Tess had made. Let Cynthia have them all. We’re the same size anyway. The thought made her chest squeeze tightly and Felicia closed her eyes to stop the tears that wanted to erupt.

  “The defeated look of a gold digger,” the queen’s snide voice penetrated the room.

  Shoulders sinking, Felicia wondered if she kept her eyes closed, then maybe the old bag would go away. A rustle of skirts came closer, along with slippered footsteps. Apparently not. Steeling herself, she opened her eyes and saw the queen towering over her with a smug smile pasted on her tastefully rouged lips.

  “My servants told me the wonderful news that my son finally found his true love. That he’s bringing her to the castle as we speak.” She glanced at the bed and Felicia’s valise. “My thanks to clearing this room out so quickly. Honestly, I was expecting you to fight this.” The queen’s voice deepened with condescension. “Ah, but your daddy isn’t here to fight your battle again, is he?”

  A hundred different insults filtered through Felicia’s mind in rapid succession. She knew she could respond with a cutting remark, something that would hit deep. But to what end? The queen was right – she was defeated, just not in the way the queen meant. “Goodbye, Your Highness. Try not to poison this girl like you did with me.”

  The queen’s face went pale and she took a step back. “What do you mean?”

  Studying the older woman’s reaction, Felicia knew she’d been correct. If the queen hadn’t poisoned her, the woman would have retorted something rude. “I mean exactly what I said. If Cynthia is poisoned, I’ll not hesitate to send word to Prince Bastion of your involvement.” Without bowing, she stepped past the older woman.

  The queen placed a hand on Felicia’s wrist. Felicia was surprised to see her haughty exterior melted away. In its place stood a woman with fearful eyes and a pained expression. “I did not intend for you to die.”

  Felicia pulled her arm away. “What exactly did you intend?”

  Letting out a frustrated noise, the queen shook her head. “I’m not certain really. I was simply trying to make you miserable. One of my ladies gave me a tonic and she said it would make you sick for a few days. When I heard how close you came to dying…” She glanced away, but Felicia saw tears pooling before the older woman could hide it. Then she straightened and blinked, returning to her usual demeanor. “Well, I dismissed my lady and you are well, so there’s nothing more to discuss, is there?”

  Felicia stared at the queen, a mixture of pity and anger swelling within her. A petty prank almost killed her. The queen may have felt bad, but she certainly wouldn’t apologize to Felicia. She noted the lines around the older woman’s eyes. Those weren’t wrinkles of age, but of bitterness. Felicia resolved to never let herself become like that. “Let go of your hatred,” Felicia said softly. “You’d be surprised at how happy the king might make you.”

  A wrinkle formed between the queen’s eyebrows and she frowned.

  Shrugging, Felicia spun around and walked swiftly down the hall. She moved fluidly, now knowing the layout of the castle. Her gaze lingered on the hall that led to the throne room. She would miss the daily politics and sitting with Bastion. His sly glances and mischievous smiles. A sigh escaped and she quickened her pace.

  Felicia focused on the doors at the bottom of the stairs. She’d be out soon, back to her old life, just as she’d wanted. Only now, it was the last thing she desired. Sadness weighed down her steps but she plowed forward. The prince would be back soon. She’d wait for him as she’d promised, say goodbye, then be on her way. I just need to stay composed until then.

  Tess appeared with her valise. They were halfway down the stairs when the front doors to the castle opened. The cool night air drifted toward Felicia and toyed with the hair at the nape of her neck.

  The prince and his entourage entered. Bastion’s
gaze went straight to her, his eyes widening. Then he glanced at Tess, the luggage in her hands and his lips flattened.

  Swallowing, Felicia wondered how she’d be able to say goodbye without breaking into a fit of tears. But she wouldn’t allow Cynthia or the queen see her fall apart now.

  Bastion leapt up the stairs faster than a racing stallion, his eyes a stormy grey.

  “You’re leaving?” His tone was low, like he could barely contain his temper.

  Pushing down the urge to grab his hand and soothe away the hurt she saw in the set of his jaw, Felicia clasped her hands together. “Of course.”

  “You promised you’d wait,” he bit out.

  “Yes.” Felicia nodded. “I had planned to wait for you before I left.”

  His expression was flat while his blue eyes raged like a tempest. “Why?” he grated out.

  The tension rolling off of him made her shoulders tighten painfully. “I don’t understand.”

  “Why are you leaving?”

  She stared, her breaths growing shallow. “You’re going to make me say it?”

  It was his turn to appear confused. Then he narrowed his eyes while he folded his arms across his chest. “Yes, dammit. You will say to me why you’re leaving after I proposed.”

  Felicia’s gasp was drowned by several other’s. She hadn’t realized that Bastion’s servants were at the bottom of the stairs, watching them openly. She noted that everyone was still. The queen and the king were even watching above, leaning over the balcony and hanging on every word.

  Bastion leaned in close. “You said yes, Felicia. Have you changed your mind?”

  Blinking, Felicia wondered if she was dreaming. “But…” She leaned back and pointed a finger at him. “That was before I told you.”

  His hands came over her shoulders and she could tell his frustration was barely coiled. “Explain. Now.”

  The confusion and agitation rose within her until she pushed his arms away. “I told you where to find your true love!” she shouted. “And then you left. You left me and went to her.” Tears spilled over her cheeks and she dashed them away, cursing her emotions. “How could you expect me to stay after that?”


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