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Havelok the Dane

Page 5

by Charles W. Whistler

no peril," said Hodulf scornfully; "your skin shall not be somuch as scratched---ay, and if this is well done it will know amaster's dog whip no more."

  I heard my father chuckle with a thrall's cunning laugh at this, andthen he said eagerly, "Well, master, what is it?"

  "I will tell you. But first will you swear as on the holy ring that ofwhat you shall do for me no man shall know hereafter?"

  "What I do at your bidding none shall know, and that I swear," answeredmy father slowly, as if trying to repeat the king's words.

  "See here, then," said Hodulf, and I heard his armour clatter as hedismounted.

  Then the footsteps of both men shuffled together for a little while, andonce I thought I heard a strange sound as of a muffled cry, at whichHodulf muttered under his breath. I could see that they took somethinglarge from the saddle bow, and set it on the ground, and then they spokeagain.

  "Have you a heavy anchor?" asked the king.

  "A great one."

  "Well, then, tie it to this sack and sink it tonight where tide willnever shift it. Then you may come to me and claim what reward you will."

  "Freedom, and gold enough to buy a new boat---two new boats!" said myfather eagerly.

  Hodulf laughed at that, and got on his horse again. I saw his tall formlift itself against the dim sky as he did so.

  "What is in the sack?" asked my father.

  "That is not your concern," Hodulf answered sharply. "If you know not,then you can tell no man, even in your sleep. Put off at once and sink it."

  "It is in my mind," said my father, "that I had better not look in thesack. Where shall I find you, lord, when the thing is in the sea? For asyet I have not heard your name."

  I think that Hodulf had forgotten that he would have to answer thisquestion, or else he thought that everyone knew him, for he did notreply all at once.

  "You may ask the king for your reward," he said, after a little thought,"for this is his business. Now you know that it will be best for you tobe secret and sure. Not much worth will your chance of escape fromtorture be if this becomes known. But you know also that the reward iscertain."

  "The king!" cried my father, with a sort of gasp of surprise.

  I could almost think that I saw him staring with mouth agape as would asilly thrall; for so well had he taken the thrall's part that had I notknown who was speaking all the time, I had certainly had no doubt thatone was there.

  "Come to Hodulf, the king, and pray for freedom and your gold as a boonof his goodness, saying naught else, or making what tale you will of ahard master, or justice, so that you speak naught of what you have done,and that---and maybe more---shall be granted."

  "You yourself will speak for me?"

  "I am the king---and think not that the darkness will prevent myknowing your face again," Hodulf replied.

  There was a threat in the words, and with them he turned his horse androde away quickly northwards. I heard the hoofs of his men's horsesrattle on the road as they joined him, before he had gone far.

  When the sounds died away altogether, and there was no fear of hiscoming back suddenly on us, my father whistled and I joined him. Healmost started to find how near I was.

  "You have heard all, then?" he said.

  "Every word," I answered, "and I like it not. Where is this sack hespoke of?"

  It lay at his feet. A large sack it was, and full of somewhat heavy andwarm that seemed to move a little when I put my hand on it. Still lessdid I like the business as I felt that.

  "More also!" quoth my father, as if thinking of the king's last words."If that does not mean a halter for my neck, I am mistaken. What have wehere, son, do you think?"

  "Somewhat that should not be here, certainly," I answered. "There wouldnot be so much talk about drowning a dog, as one might think this to be."

  "Unless it were his wife's," answered my father, with a laugh.

  Then he stooped, and I helped him to get the sack on his shoulders. Itwas heavy, but not very---not so heavy as a young calf in a sack wouldbe; and he carried it easily, taking my spear to help him.

  "The thrall is even going to take this to the house of Grim themerchant, whom the king will not know again, though he may see in thedark," said he; "then we shall know how we stand."

  We met no one on our way back, for the town had gone to sleep, until thewatchman passed the time of night with us, thinking no doubt that we hadfish or goods in the burden. And when we came home a sleepy thrallopened to us, for all were at rest save him. And he too went his way tothe shed where his place was when he had stirred the fire to a blaze andlit a torch that we might see to eat the supper that was left for us.

  Then we were alone, and while I set Arngeir's weapons in a corner, myfather put down the sack, and stood looking at it. It seemed to sway alittle, and to toss as it settled down. And now that there was light itwas plain that the shape of what was inside it was strangely like thatof a child, doubled up with knees to chin, as it showed through the sacking.

  "Hodulf or no Hodulf," said my father, "I am going to see more of this."

  With that he took a knife from the table and cut the cord that fastenedthe mouth, turning back the sack quickly.

  And lo! gagged and bound hand and foot in such wise that he could notmove, in the sack was a wondrously handsome boy of about the size ofWithelm; and for all his terrible journey across the king's saddle, andin spite of our rough handling, his eyes were bright and fearless as helooked up at us.

  "Radbard," said my father, "what if Hodulf had met with a thrall who haddone his bidding in truth?"

  I would not think thereof, for surely by this time there had been nolight in the eyes that seemed to me to be grateful to us.

  Now my father knelt down by the boy's side, and began to take thelashings from him, telling him at the same time to be silent when thegag was gone.

  And hard work enough the poor child had to keep himself from screamingwhen his limbs were loosed, so cramped was he, for he had been boundalmost into a ball. And even as we rubbed and chafed the cold hands andfeet he swooned with the pain of the blood running freely once more.

  "This is a business for mother," said my father, on that; "get yoursupper, and take it to bed with you, and say naught to the boys in themorning. This is a thing that may not be talked of."

  Now I should have liked to stay, but my father meant what he said, and Icould be of no more use; so I took my food, and went up to the loftwhere we three slept, and knew no more of what trouble that night mighthave for others.


  Now after I had gone, Grim, my father, tried to bring the child round,but he could not do so; and therefore, leaving him near the fire, hewent softly to call Leva, my mother, to help him; and all the while hewas wondering who the child might be, though indeed a fear that he knewonly too well was growing in his heart, for there would surely he onlyone whom Hodulf could wish out of his way.

  As he opened the door that led to the sleeping room beyond the highseat, the light shone on Leva, and showed her sitting up in bed withwide eyes that seemed to gaze on somewhat that was terrible, and atfirst he thought her awake. But she yet slept, and so he called hergently, and she started and woke.

  "Husband, is that you?" she said. "I had a strange dream even now whichsurely portends somewhat."

  Now, as all men know, our folk in the north are most careful in thematter of attending to dreams, specially those that come in troubledtimes, holding that often warning or good counsel comes from them. Icannot say that I have ever had any profit in that way myself, being nodreamer at all; but it is certain that others have, as may be seenhereafter. Wherefore my father asked Leva what this dream might be.

  "In my dream," she answered, "it seemed that you came into the housebearing a sack, which you gave into my charge, saying that therein laywealth and good fortune for us. And I would not believe this, for yousaid presently that to gain this the sack and all that was therein wasto be thrown into the sea, which seemed fooli
shness. Whereon I cast itinto a corner in anger, and thereout came pitiful cries and wailings.Then said I that it were ill to drown aught that had a voice as of achild, and so you bade me leave it. Then I seemed to sleep here; butpresently in my dream I rose and looked on the sack again, and lo! roundabout it shone a great light, so that all the place was bright, and Iwas afraid. Then you came and opened the sack, and therein was awondrous child, from whose mouth came a flame, as it were the shaft of asunbeam, that stretched over all Denmark, and across the sea to England,whereby I knew that this child was one who should hereafter be king ofboth these lands. And on this I stared even as you woke me."

  Now Grim was silent, for this was passing strange, and moreover itfitted with his thought of who this

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