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Power Couple: A Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Nashvegas Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Laramie Briscoe

  “What are you doing?” I question, my voice deep with what is the almost relaxed sleep you go into once you’ve been swimming.

  “Posting a picture to my Instagram of the hottest husband ever.” She blows me a kiss as she sits up, crossing her legs in front of her.

  My phone dings, telling me I’ve been tagged in something. Out of habit I grab it immediately, checking it. It’s the picture she just took with a heart emoji under it, along with the words – Love this guy so much! I got super lucky!

  Immediately, I flash a smile just reading the damn words. God this woman has me in every way she can. I quickly comment on post. Pretty sure I’m the lucky one. Love you, babe!

  After she reads what I’ve commented back, we kind of just stare at each other for what feels like forever. “I never counted on this.” I run my fingers through my hair. “I knew you were different, but I never counted on how I feel about you.”

  “Me neither.” She leans in closer.

  Just close enough for me to grab one of her braids, pulling her to me so that our lips can meet. I’m contemplating finding a way to get her below deck with me when I hear a voice clearing behind us. Groaning, I tip my head back, surprised to see RJ and Montgomery standing there.

  “So we’re hungry, and we figured everybody else is too. We’re gonna do a late lunch if that’s cool?”

  I’m looking at the two of them, trying to figure out if they are okay. Both of them look relatively unscathed, and RJ has an ease about him I haven’t seen in months. “Sounds good,” I answer for the both of us just as Mom and Dad come in out of the water. He says the same thing to them, our parents agreeing lunch would be a great idea. As the two of them leave to go prepare it, the four of us look back and forth at one another.

  “What the fuck just happened here?” Dad asks, running a towel over his head.

  “Fuck if I know, I’m trying to figure out if they’ve been replaced by pod people or if they’ve just fucked it out.”

  “Everett James!”

  I will always know that voice anyone. “What, Mom?”

  She sighs. “Can you please be less like your father?”

  Bri giggles as she looks between us, before she’s stopped with words only a mother can throw out.

  “Laugh it up, Bri, just wait until you have one, just like these two.”

  And while it once would have scared me, imagining Bri pregnant with my child doesn’t phase me. In fact, I find myself wondering just what in the hell that would actually be like.

  Not nearly as scary as I thought.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The gentle sway of a tour bus is one of the most comforting feelings and sounds for me. It’s always made me feel safe, even safer than I felt at home. Being on tour, performing in front of crowds, following my husband. These are the things that make me happy now.

  Especially since I’m wrapped tightly in his arms this particular morning. The past few weeks have been magical. We haven’t even had an argument, which I’ve been waiting on. Being with each other in close quarters, usually brings out the worst in people, but he and I? We just seem to enjoy it.

  Maybe it’s because we don’t know each other that well, and we’re still on our best behavior. Maybe it’s because we really get along like this. It’s still way too early to tell, but I’m willing to wait it out and see which one it is.

  On the bedside table, my phone pings with a text message and EJ’s alarm blares loudly. He groans, not letting go of me.

  “How can it be time to get up already?”

  His groggy voice makes me smile. “You have interviews today, remember?”

  “How could I forget?” He presses his mouth into my neck. “Still, I’d rather stay here with you than do all this busy work bullshit.”

  Entwining my fingers with his, I squeeze tight. “I’d rather be here with you too.”

  For a few moments I allow us to enjoy each other’s company, before I move.

  “Is you moving your way of telling me it’s time to quit being lazy and get the fuck up?”

  “Exactly,” I laugh. “But I’ll do you one better. I’ll make you some coffee and breakfast.”

  “Sausage and biscuits?” He turns so that we face one another, his eyebrow quirked up in interest.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “And eggs,” he adds as he gets up, stretching to his full height.

  I let my eyes travel across his broad shoulders, then down his trim waist to where sweatpants are tied loosely. They catch on his hips, making me wish we had time to mess around. “If that’s what you want.”

  “It’s not all I want,” his eyes shine brightly. “But it’ll have to do.”

  “Go on,” I toss the blanket at him. “The quicker you get started, the quicker I’ll make your breakfast.”

  “I’m holding you to it,” he gives me a wink before he turns around, heading out of the bedroom and toward the bathroom.

  When I hear the door close, I get up, dressing in case I run into one of the other guys, or the bus driver. It’s not usual that they change busses in the middle of the night, but it’s also not unheard of. Pulling my hair up in a quick ponytail, I head for the kitchen.

  As I’m about to leave the bedroom, my phone dings again with a text, which reminds me of the one I got earlier. Leaning across the bed, I grab my connection to the outside world and slide my finger along the bottom to unlock it. It pops up with a text message from Madison. She and I haven’t been talking as much as we normally do, but we’re both trying to find our places in each other’s lives now.

  Me being married.

  Her still being my manager, but having to work with Grey Skies manager. It’s put us into a weird spot, but we’ll always be close, no matter what.

  M: I got an email from your parents. They’re asking why the payment normally deposited into their account isn’t there.

  B: With the marriage, we had to rework how some things are being done, and that account was closed.

  M: So what do you want me to tell them? Eat shit and die?

  Madison really is my best friend, and I’m lucky to have her. She knows how to make me laugh, even when sometimes it feels like the hardest thing in the world to do. Often it feels that way with my parents.

  B: Tell them I’ll be meeting with them soon to discuss future payments.

  M: Mom and Dad are gonna be real mad about that, but I can’t wait to deliver the message myself. What’s your game plan, Bri?

  B: I don’t know yet, but when we get back home, I’m going to contact an attorney and see what I need to do about getting away from them. It’s not good for my marriage, and I’ve needed to cut ties for a long time.

  M: Agreed, just let me know what you want me to do, and I’ll make it happen. How’s married life on the bus?

  B: Thank you! Better than I imagined it would be. I’m fixing to make EJ breakfast.

  M: Look at you, being all domesticated and wifely.

  B: I kinda like it, to be honest. It makes me happy to make him happy.

  M: I’ve seen your IG pics, it looks good on you!

  “What’s got you smiling like that over there? Who are you talking to?”

  I must have been chatting with Madison for longer than I thought, since Everett’s already out of the shower. “Madison, and we’re talking about you. I’m telling her that making you happy, makes me happy.”

  He walks over, circling his arm around my neck, dropping a kiss onto my forehead. “Is that all you were talking about? You looked upset for a few minutes there.”

  “My parents,” I pull away from him, starting on the breakfast I promised. “They’ve become accustomed to me giving them money every so often, and the account that money came out of, is one we got rid of when we signed our prenup. They’re asking where the money is, and I’m not telling.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest as he watches me put the biscuits on a pan, turn on the oven, and get the sausage goin
g. “Is this something you feel strongly about? Will they cause issues?”

  “They could,” I shrug. “But it’s time I stop taking care of them. The contract they had with me, was null and void when I turned twenty-one, or so I think it was. It’s something I’m going to have to look into when we get back to the states.”

  “Contract? Your parents had a contract with you?”

  My face pulls into a tight smile. “I wasn’t of age when I signed my record deal. I got the shit end of the stick, I’m finding out, especially when it comes to family having their hands out for a piece of the pie.”

  “Babe, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I give him a brave smile. “What doesn’t kill ya makes you stronger.”

  “Or so Kelly Clarkson says,” he smirks.

  “See, I knew I could teach you a thing or two,” I impulsively reach over, hugging him tightly around the waist. “Thanks for being you, Everett.”

  “With you, there’s no one else I’d rather be.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “You’re burning up,” Bri fusses over me a week later, as we’re lying in the back of the tour bus. “You should cancel the show, Everett.”

  “Can’t.” I snuggle up to her, wanting nothing more than to share in her warmth. “These things are planned out long in advance, you know that better than anybody.”

  “I wish we had a thermometer.” She fusses, pressing the back of her hand to my forehead. “Then I could tell how high the fever you’re running.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I cough into the crook of my elbow. “You shouldn’t be here with me, you’re gonna get sick too.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone, and you aren’t fine. Your face is flushed, but your cheeks are bright red, and your eyes have a glassy look about them. I’m gonna go talk to Knox, see if he can get a doctor in here before you go onstage.”

  I don’t want her to go, all I want is for her to stay right here, hold me tight, and remind me that everything will be okay. I almost ask her not to go, but then I see it.

  The fear in her eyes.

  The need to do something for me.

  For the first time I realize letting someone love me, also means allowing them to take care of me, even when I don’t want them to. She leans in, kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll be right back, and hopefully we can get you fixed up.”

  “Love you.” I hold onto her hand for as long as I can, but when I hear the sound of her exiting the bus, I close my eyes and allow sleep to claim me. At least there I don’t have to think about how bad my throat hurts, or how dizzy I am.

  “I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to make it through the whole thing.” I cough loudly before taking a sip of the hot toddy someone’s made me. My voice is scratchy as fuck, but at least I don’t think I’m running a fever anymore. Pumped full of fluids and some sort of shot, it was supposed to be a miracle worker. Right now I’m not feeling like much of a miracle.

  “Did the shot help at all?” RJ asks as he has a seat next to me.

  “A little, my throat isn’t as sore as it was, but three festivals in three days? After all the fun we had on the boat, I screamed and laughed a lot, which I shouldn’t have done. It’s just a lot, especially with the sets being almost two hours. We’ll see how it goes.” I clear my throat, wishing I fucking felt better.

  To be honest, I can’t remember when I felt this bad last. Probably when I was a teenager who had the flu.

  “If you can’t make it,” Bri grins from where she’s sitting across from me braiding her hair, her eyes glowing with interest. “I can always come out as a replacement.”

  “Oh my God, yes!” RJ pumps his fist. “That would be epic, because you know your wife would probably kill it harder than you.”

  Amused, I glance over at her, watching as she puts her long hair into what I’ve learned are Dutch pig tail braids. Don’t even fucking ask how we got on that conversation. All I know is she said it keeps her cool and her hair off her face. What the hell, I kinda like it too, it shows off her elegant neck and strong jawline. “You think you can take over for me, babe?”

  “Ohhhh yes.” She gives me a confident nod, a smirk spreading across her face. “For a good number of the songs anyway. There’s definitely some I can’t do, but the majority? I got this.”

  That confidence is probably the sexiest thing about her. “Better dress cool then, it’s gonna be hot out there tonight, especially if you’re under the lights.” I give her a wink as I get up to go start my vocal exercises. No matter what people think, screaming isn’t easy, and it does take a toll. As do the late nights and the traveling.

  “Don’t worry, I will!”

  An hour into the set and I know I’m in trouble. My voice cracked on a few of the last notes, and when I open my mouth to hit the last one of this song, there’s nothing. Absolutely nothing comes out. It’s the worst feeling to have for the lead vocalist of the band. Part of me wonders if I should call it quits on this set, or if I should let Bri come out like she said she would.RJ laughs as he looks over at me, playing a riff on his guitar. “Did you lose it, big brother?”

  I point to my throat, holding the mic up to my lips. “I think I did,” I squeak out, my voice gravelly as fuck. The crowd is screaming, and I take a minute to swallow, and try to gather what I have left, but there’s not much at all. If I don’t watch it, I’m going to hurt myself further.

  “Luckily for you,” RJ takes over for me. “We do happen to have someone who knows a thing or two about singing backstage. Now she may not be what you’re used to…” he teases.

  The crowd screams even louder. I think they’re getting the hints we’re dropping. “Marrying up really helps, when things like this happen,” I whisper-speak, as the crowd quietens. “Would it be okay if my gorgeous wife comes out and does a few songs? Maybe she can get us through to the end?”

  They cheer so loudly I can feel it in my body, the force of their excitement so great that I literally take a step back. Knowing they’re cheering for her makes me so fucking proud of the woman I married, to know they love her as much as I do? I’m not only proud of her, but I’m proud of them too. My people, the fans, our extended family. They’ve welcomed her with open arms in a way I never could have imagined. Turning around to where I know she’s standing to the side, I crook my finger at her. “C’mere.”

  She gives me a flirtatious grin, as she comes out on stage, waving. I notice she’s wearing in-ears, and I love that my sound guys have taken care of her, bringing her into the family. Her jeans are black, skin-tight, and ripped in all the right places. She’s wearing a Grey Skies shirt, tied up at the waist, showing off the abs she works so hard on. Her hair is still in those braids, and as she brings her hand down, I see her rings twinkle in the lights. It makes me want to beat my chest, yell to the world that she’s mine. But I don’t have to because the way she looks at me, the ring on her finger, says it all without words.

  “You okay?” she asks as she gets close enough so that I can hear her.

  “Yeah, it’s just gone,” I whisper as I point to my throat. “You got this?”

  “I do,” she assures me, putting her arms around my waist, standing on her tiptoes to give me a kiss. Bringing the mic up, she speaks. “Why don’t you go over there and sit down, Everett? Me and these amazing people are gonna have a great time.”

  The crowd roars their approval. Smacking her on the ass, I walk over to sit on the riser next to the drums, turning my in-ears down so I can hear her. RJ walks over to her, a huge smile on his face. He points down to the set list, and they spend a few moments discussing something, then RJ starts to play the riff of one of our more melodic rock songs. This will fit her voice perfectly.

  “This one good with you all?” she asks the crowd, standing in the middle of the stage.

  As I watch her, I wonder if I look as small as she does, standing in front of a crowd this size. But as I watch, she holds them in the palm of her hand. It’s obvious
she’s watched me a lot, more than I realized. She holds the mic to the crowd on the same parts I do, uses a lot of the same ad-libs I do, and interacts with RJ a lot like me too. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more pride in her than I do in this moment. She ends the song, holding the last note for even longer than I do. The crowd loses their shit, and I want to stand up, tell everybody that’s my damn wife.

  “So y’all know I can’t do the screaming that EJ does, but there is someone here who can,” she teases them as she makes her way over to where I sit. “I think I’ll sit this one out with my husband, while my father-in-law shows you how it’s done.”

  Surprised doesn’t even begin to cover it as I see my dad come out, looking like he did when I was a six-year-old watching him perform from the audience for the first time. Bri has a seat next to me, I put my arm around her neck, dropping a kiss on her cheek.

  “This is the coolest fuckin’ thing in the world,” I tell her as I watch my dad sing the songs I wrote.

  I know I’ll never forget this night as long as I live.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “No, no, I like that,” I tell my brother as he plays the chord progression on his guitar again. The melody is something I’ve never heard before, with our music. Light an airy love on a summer’s day if there ever was a sound that would describe it. “That’s nice. We need to get somebody to sing harmony on this though.”

  RJ gives me a look with a raised eyebrow, his mouth screwed in a smirk. “You know, you have one of the best female singers in the game today, back there in your bed.”

  Glancing at the clock, I see that it’s only two in the afternoon. She’s probably awake, just trying to give us our time to write. She should be awake; I don’t think I wore her out too badly last night. I do my best to suppress my grin. “Let me go see what she’s doing.”


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