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Abermarle, 249
Adams, Abigail, 274
Adams, John, 17, 23, 82, 85, 112, 132, 192, 243, 252, 305, 347
African Americans, 12-15, 48, 61, 72, 76, 78, 193, 199, 356-358; see also slaves
Aiken, George D., xv-xvi
Alatamaha River, 69
Albermarle, 250
Ali, Hyder, 313-323, 328-331, 334, 336, 338
Allen, Ethan, 135, 143
Alliance, 286-287
Alligator, 89
Amherst, Jeffrey, 228
Angaska, 198-202
Appalachian Mountains, 129-130, 167-168, 184
Arctic Ocean, 270
Arkansas Post, 197-199, 201-203
Arkansas River, 189, 197-199
Arnold, Benedict, 66, 140, 143
Asgill, Charles, 352
Ashley River, 30, 81, 89
Astrée, 268, 271
Bacon, John, 351
Baille, 286
Bald Eagle Creek, 154
Barbary Wars, 287
Barges, battle of, 283
Barney, Joshua, 279-282, 313, 355
Barnwell, John, 80
Barry, John, 286-287
Bay of Fundy, 276
Bay of Honduras, 245
Beall, William K., 162
Bengal Gazette, description of Edward Hughes and, 321
Berbice River, 229
Berry, Mary, 213
Black Brigade, 77
Black Dragoons, 78
Black Pioneers, 77
Black River, 245-247
Blue Ridge Mountains, 182
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 7-8, 251, 307, 316, 323
Book of Negroes, 357-358
Boone, Daniel, 167-171, 178-179, 182
Boone, Nathan, 168
Bouëxic, Luc Urbain de, 264-267, 301, 303, 306, 332
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, 239-241
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 132, 159, 162-163
Braddock, Edward, 17, 94, 167
Bradt, Andries, 174-176, 384n6
Brandywine, battle of, 17, 40, 66, 82, 94, 282
Brant, Joseph, 138-139, 142-143, 147, 162, 178, 205, 208
Brant, Molly, 127, 134, 138-139, 141, 145
Brereton, William, 94-95, 107-110
Brewton, II, Miles, 74
Brick House, 55
British East India Company, 312, 314
Brown, Thomas, 204
Bryan’s Station, 169-170, 175
Bull, William, 118-119
Bunker Hill, 50, 227
Burgoyne, John, 174, 345
Burke, Edmund, 221-222, 225, 243, 316
Burke, Thomas, 58
Burkhart, John, 180
Butler, James, 102
Butler, John, 146-147, 166, 174
Butler’s Rangers, 142, 144
Butler, Walter, 138, 142-146, 166
Cagey’s Strait, 282
Cagigal, Juan Manuel de, 251-255
Calcutta Gazette, Suffren’s captains and, 333
Caldwell, Billy, 172
Caldwell, William, 147, 157-158, 163-164, 166-167, 169-172, 175-176
Calloway, Colin G., xvii
Campbell, John, 193, 196
Cape Fear River, 50, 55
Cape Town, 56, 72, 325-326, 332
Cape Verde Islands, 325
Cap Français, 238-239, 242, 268, 270
Carleton, Guy, 48, 71, 78, 114-117, 143, 164, 234, 343-350, 352-357, 359-360
Catawba River, 11
Catcher in the Rye, 122
Cesar, 202
Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 313, 321, 329, 332
Charles III, 292
Charlestown, British evacuation of, 12, 19, 37, 44-45, 48, 79-80, 102, 106-107, 114, 117-120
Chehaw River, 29, 108-109, 377n20
Chernow, Ron, 112
Cherokees, 54, 89, 91, 99, 102, 129, 149, 167, 182-184, 186-187, 204, 207
Chesapeake Bay, 13, 19, 51, 279, 282, 287
Chickamauga Creek, 183
Chickamaugas, 183, 186-187
Chickasaws, 149, 189-191, 193-194, 196-199, 202, 207-208
Choctaws, 69, 72, 189, 193, 206-207
Churchill River, 270-271
Church of England, 61
Claraco, Antonio, 253-255
Clarke, Alured, 61-63, 68-72
Clark, George Rogers, 177-180, 186, 194, 384n17
Clark, William, 179
Clinton, George, 139-140
Clinton, Henry
Benjamin Lincoln surrender and, 19
Charles O’Hara and, 9-10
concern about Charlestown and the rest of the South, 32
concern of French attack on New York and, 13
defeat at King’s Mountain and, 35
defeat of Whig armies in the South and, 40
Leslie’s strategies and, 47-48, 75, 104
Lippincott’s extradition and, 352
neglected New York’s defenses and, 346
New York prison ships and, 347
ordering O’Hara to the Caribbean and, 213-214
ordering troops from Halifax to fortify Penobscot and, 274
promising freedom to escapees from the rebels and, 76
refugee problem and, 37
urging London to send “a superior fleet” to America and, 21
war of finger-pointing and, 343
Cockburn, James, 227-228
Coëtnempren, Armand Guy Simon de, 230-231
Colbert, James Logan, 191, 193-197, 199-202, 385n7
Coldstream Guards, 9
Collier, George, 274, 285
Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site, 90
Combahee Ferry, 108-109, 376n14
Combahee River, 29, 107-109, 376n14, 377n20
Comte de Grasse, 18, 25, 231-233, 236-242, 249, 260, 264, 266, 274, 325, 334
Comte de Kersaint, 230-231
Continental Congress, 3, 82, 385n8
Cooper, James Fenimore, 168
Cooper River, 110
Coote, Eyre, 314-315, 318-321, 323, 328, 332, 336
Córdoba, Don Juan de, 301, 303, 305-306, 397n41
Cornstalk (Hokoleskwa), 136
Cornwallis, Charles
absence at surrender and, 20-21
Alexander Leslie and, 35-36
anniversary of surrender and, xvi
Anthony Wayne and, 67
attempted rescue of, 231, 260
capturing of Rutherford and, 54
Charles O’Hara and, 9, 11-12, 32, 311
defeat of Tipu Sultan and, 338
defeat of two Whig armies in the South and, 40
Francis Marion and, 93
James Henry Craig and, 50
John Laurens and, 19
Marquis de Lafayette and, 16
moving north into Virginia and, 35
slaves and, 116
surrounded by the rebel and French armies, 14
Cornwallis, Edward, 276
Cowan’s Ford, 11, 35
Cowper, William, 267
Craig, James Henry, 50-52, 54-58, 61, 75, 104-105
Crawford, John, 164
Cree Indians, 270
Creek Indians, 36, 68-70, 89, 127-128, 149-150, 183, 187, 202-203, 207
Creighton, John, 276-277
Crillon, Louis de Balbe, 292-294, 301-302, 307
Croghan, William, 151, 153
Cropper, John, 282-283
Cruzat, Doña Anicanova Ramos de, 195-196
Cuddalore, battle of, 320, 323, 328, 330-331, 333-339
Cumberland Gap, 168
Cumberland Island National Seashore, 122
Cunningham, John, 100
Cunningham, William “Bloody Bill”, 99-103
Daniel Boone, 168
Darby, George, 299
d’Arçon, Jean-Claude-Éléonore, 300-304
Darwin, Charles, 271
Deane, 285
Declaration of Independence, 86, 133
Delaware Bay, 278-280, 282-283, 287, 313
Delaware Indians, 130, 136, 149-151, 157-160, 162, 169, 173, 179
Delaware River, 156
Demerara River, 229
Denny, Ebenezer, 30
DePeyster, Arent Schuyler, 157, 163-164, 174, 176-177, 180
desertion, 14, 18, 36, 71, 75, 80-81, 83, 114-115, 166, 178, 298-299, 349
Despard, Edward Marcus, 247-248
d’Estienne, Thomas, 320, 323, 326
Deveaux, Andrew, 254
Digby, Robert, 235
Don Juan (Byron), 168
Douglas, Charles, 235
Dragging Canoe, 183, 187, 385n4
Draper, William, 294
Drinkwater, John, 296-297, 300, 302, 307
Dubreuil, Jacobo, 198-203
Duc de Lauzun, 286
Duke of Richmond, 343
Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment, 77
Dunmore’s War, 130, 159, 161, 166, 173, 177, 180, 186, 189
Dutch Curaçao, 225
Dutch East India Company, 312
Dwight, Timoth
y, 354-355
East Florida, 24, 35-36, 59, 62, 102, 119, 189, 203
East India Squadron, 322
Egg Harbor tavern, 351
Eliott, George Augustus, 297-302, 304, 307, 396n11
Eliza, 120
Elliot, Gilbert, 7-8
Emistisiguo, 70
Engageant, 268, 271
English Channel, 234, 259, 264
Eutaw Springs, battle of, 93
Fair American, 280
Falkland Islands, 190
Fallen Timbers, battle of, 122
Fanning, David, 56-59, 98
Fauquier, Francis, 131
Feltman, William, 30
First Anglo-Mysore War, 314
Fish, 160
Fitzmaurice, William Petty, 4
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 10
Floridablanca, José Moñino de, 191
Floyd, John, 180
Fort Carlos III, 197-199, 203
Fort Dalling, 247
Fort Fincastle, 173
Fort Frontenac, 140
Fort Jefferson, 194
Fort Johnson, 91
Fort Kijkoveral, 229
Fort McIntosh, 153-154
Fort Montague, 253-254
Fort Moultrie, 122
Fort Nassau, 253-254
Fort Niagara, 143, 166
Fort Pitt, 150-158, 160-161, 165-166, 173-174, 176-180, 205
Fort Prince of Wales, 269-271
Fort Quepriva, 247
Fort Randolph, 136
Fort Stanwix, 140
Fort St. George, 312
Fort St. Joseph, 192
Fort St. Philip, 292-293, 295
Fort Sumter National Monument, 122
Fort Ticonderoga, 66
Fort William, 312
Francis Marion National Forest, 103
François-Claude-Amour, 225-227, 231, 233, 236, 238, 242, 246, 274
Franklin, Benjamin, 3-5, 23, 46, 65, 79, 82, 85, 130, 153, 187, 242, 266, 285, 292, 305
Franklin, William, 79
Fraser, Thomas, 102-103, 107, 234, 236
French and Indian War, 17
French East India Company, 332
French Martinique, 219
French Revolution, 7, 231, 251, 307, 338
French Saint-Domingue, 219, 233
French West Indies, 219, 225
Gage, Thomas, 33, 228
Gálvez, Bernardo de, 190, 192-196, 201, 246-248, 251-253
Gálvez, Matías de, 246-247
Ganey, Micajah, 97-98, 103
Garrison Library, 308
Gaspée, 39
Gates, Horatio, 54, 90-92, 117
General Monk, 280-281
General Washington, 280
George III, 3-5, 22-23, 61, 133, 217, 244, 265, 295, 297, 304, 343-344, 365n13
After Yorktown Page 47