After Yorktown
Page 49
Thomas, John, 86
Thompson, Benjamin, 95-97, 346-347
Thomson, Charles, 5
Tierney, John, 157-158
Tilden, John Bell, 30
The Times, capture of Charles O’Hara and, 6
Tipu Sultan, 334, 337-338
Todd, John, 170-171
Todd, Levi, 170-171
Toles, Oliver, 101
Tories, xvii
a “system of plunder and cruelty” practiced by, 52
Alexander Gillon and, 251
Alexander Leslie and, 71, 88, 113
Anthony Wayne and, 68, 71-73
attack on ninety Whigs and, 55
David Fanning and, 56, 58, 98
Francis Marion and, 92, 103
Griffith Rutherford and, 52, 55
Henry Clinton and, 140
ill treatment of, 43-45, 54, 58, 120, 359
Indian atrocities and, 133
James Jackson and, 63, 68-69
John Butler and, 146, 166
John Cropper and, 282
John Laurens and, 106
John Sevier and, 186
Marine Anti-Brittanic Society and, 251
Marinus Willet and, 140
Micajah Ganey and, 103
Nathanael Greene and, 67, 113
on Butler’s death and, 146
passing laws against and, 353, 359
prisoner exchange and, 113
Simon Girty and, 169
slaves and, 87
using dogs to track Tories and, 89
Wheland raid and, 284
Whig army in South Carolina and, 53
William Cunningham and, 98-102
William Seymour and, 81
torture, 44-45, 51, 100-102, 133-134, 152, 160-164, 214, 218-219, 261, 315
Trail of Tears, 208
Britain declaring war on Holland and, 223
Central-American settlements and, 247-248
Chickasaw Nation and, 201
Clark and Irvine’s two-pronged expedition into Indian country, 179
David Fanning and, 98
Francis Marion and, 103
Franklin and Jay exchanging peace treaty documents in Passy and, 3
George III and, 3
giving Florida to Spain and, 59
giving away Indian land and, 205-206
Hyder Ali and, 314, 316
Indian alliance and, 208
Iroquois giving land up and, 130, 135, 167, 208
Jamaica and, 250
Maroon freedom and, 218
Micmacs and, 273
Nathanael Greene and, 46, 120-121
new power on Indian land in the Mississippi Valley and, 189
reaching preliminary treaty and, 4-5, 201, 307, 355-357
returning Bahamas to the British and, 253
Seven Years’ War (1763) and, 216
Spain’s war with Britain and, 291
St. Kitts and, 233
territorial disputes in Maine and, 275
treaty of alliance with France and, 259
Treaty of Mangalore and, 338
Treaty of Paris (1783) and, 3-6, 206, 307, 337, 355-356
Treaty of Peace between Spain and Great Britain, 202-203
Trincomalee, 313, 321, 326-330, 332-333, 335-336
Trincomalee Harbor, 321
Trois Rivières, 65
Tubman, Harriet, 108, 376n14
Tullidiph, Mary, 32
Turk’s Island, 249-250
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 129
Turner, John, 160, 180, 195
Turner, Jr., John, 161
Tuscarawas River, 150
Tybee Island, 71
Tydiman, Hester, 97
Umfreville, Edward, 269-271
United Brethren Church, 150
University of Leyden, 297
U.S. Constitution, 253
U.S. National Park Service, xvi
Ushant Island, 263, 265, 267, 308
Valley Forge, 45, 66, 139, 155, 207, 282
Vancouver, George, 288
Vashon Island, 288
Vashon, James, 287
Vaughan, John, 223, 228, 235
Videau Bridge, 94
Videau, Joseph Henry, 94, 375n21
Vietnam War, xv
Ville de Paris, 239-242
Villars, Luis de, 199-201
Vimeur, Donatien Marie Joseph de, 9, 16
von Rumford, Count, 347
Wadboo Creek, 102
Walley, Zedekiah, 282-283
Wambaw Creek, 96-97
Ward, George Atkinson, 99
War of 1812, 172, 181, 208, 281
War of the First Coalition, 6
Warren, Thomas, 81
Washington, George
accepting implicit French terms and, 16
African American soldiers and, 78
attacking the Iroquois and, 139
attack on Penobscot and, 275
Battle of the Saintes and, 266
besiege New York as “a probable operation” and, 5
black soldiers and, 86
Britain’s new “pacific disposition” and, 346
British evacuation of New York and, 359
comments on Willett and, 140
delaying the evacuation and, 354
demanding Lippincott’s extradition and, 352
dismissing the Continental army and, 360
ending the mutiny and, 349
furlough of most of his army and, 356
Great Dismal Swamp and, 29
John Laurens fighting duel and, 83
Laurens defeat in South Carolina and, 86-87
learning military skills and, 39
learning of Lauren’s death and, 111
mixed record as commander and, 17
morale visit to the Mohawk Valley and, 147
naming Greene quartermaster general and, 40
naming John Laurens as Whig representative and, 19
parole of prisoners and, 347-348
preliminary peace treaty and, 355
reinforcements sent to Greene and, 60
returning escaped slaves and, 357
views on Native Americans and, 130, 132
Wayne’s over-the-top personality and, 65
wealth of, 17
Willett’s winter raid and, 147-148
William Crawford and, 155
Wayne, Anthony, 36, 60, 63-73, 80, 118, 121-122, 208
Weems, Mason Locke, xvi
West Canada Creek, 145
West Florida, 189, 192-193, 203, 246, 251
West Indies, 21, 91, 102, 213-220, 223-224, 226, 229, 234, 237, 243-244, 249-250, 266, 268, 281, 285, 293, 299
West Point, 66, 117
Wheeling Creek, 173
Wheland, Jr., Joseph, 284
White Eyes (Koquethagechton), 136
White, Philip, 352
Whitney, Eli, 121
Wilks, Mark, 314, 319, 333-334, 336, 399-400n21
Willett, Marinus, 139-148
William IV, 249
Williamson, David, 151, 155, 158-159
Wilmington, 24-25, 31, 35-36, 43, 47, 50-55, 57-58, 75, 80, 104
Wolfe, James, 343-344
Wolf River, 195
Wood, James, 101
Woodmason, Charles, 184-185
Wraxall, Nathaniel, 243, 364n3
Wyandots, 149, 157
Yale University, 354
yellow fever, 29, 42, 281
York Factory, 269-271
York River, 13
Yorktown, 364n5
America’s reaction to surrender and, 23-24
as “a hotbed of disease” and, 20
British occupied peripheries and enclaves, 35
Dutch reaction to Britain’s defeat and, 23
George III wanting to continue war and, 4
Lord North’s reaction to defeat and, 22
Nathanael Greene’s strategy and, 40
O’Hara’s retreat to, 76
Paul, Françoi
s Joseph (Comte de Grasse) and, 231, 233, 260
Pierre André Suffren and, 325
siege of, 14, 16, 20
strategy to rendezvous in, 18-19
surrender terms and, 19-20
Washington’s preparations for continued fighting and, 25, 30
Zambo people, 245
Zane, Betty, 175-176
Zane, Ebenezer, 173-176, 384n9
Zane, Jonathan, 173
Zane, Silas, 173
Zeisberger, David, 149-153