Natalia (Hades Riders MC Book 3)

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Natalia (Hades Riders MC Book 3) Page 4

by Belle Winters

  I paused with my hand on the refrigerator door. “And what’s the problem with that? Your shit is fucking awesome, I’ve told you that.” I was so confused.

  “That’s just so much pressure! Besides you guys, the only person who’s worn anything I’ve made was Bull, Cutter, and Jianna.” She complained.

  I chuckled as I pulled a bottle of wine out. Abee made her way to the cabinets for glasses. “You see, it’s all in her head. Do you know how many hits those pictures got? Not to mention these people were salivating over you guys because… let’s face it. Have you seen your husband? But, really, they’re going gaga over the outfits. We could charge these people, you know that right? What I’m talking about here is making money babe. Why not get paid for doing what you love? You need to get over yourself honey, cause we’re doing this.” James said so matter of fact.

  Abee groaned again. “Who the hell would pay? We’re nobodies, and even if they did decide to pay us it wouldn’t be much.”

  I laughed as I filled glasses. “Well you would want to start out charging really reasonable prices. Talk to them, get ideas of what they’re looking for then you have to calculate the expenses on your side. Whatever you charge has to include the price for the material then you tack on the labor price to that. That’s where you’d have to really sit down and consider what’s reasonable. You can’t charge them Dior prices, then they’d just go out and get Dior instead. You’d have to work up a sizable clientele list before you start to actually see some substantial cash flow.” I explained.

  James was gaping at me. “What the fuck? How do you know that?”

  I shrugged. “I learned it in one of my business classes a long time ago. The information stuck with me clearly.” I laughed. “It was actually one of my more interesting classes in my opinion.”

  Abee chimed in. “You studied business?” I nodded. “How the hell didn’t I know that?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I know it’s hard to tell. I mean I don’t really do shit and I never talk about it.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Well, why not?”

  I sighed. “I guess I’m ashamed.” The look she gave me had me taking a step back. “Not like I’m ashamed to have an education. I mean I’m ashamed I went through everything I did. I got it to give myself a better life and then I did nothing with it. I just let Bull take care of me. I guess… it kind of makes me look like a bigger fool than just thinking I was purely ignorant.” I explained.

  Abee shook her head but I didn’t notice the determined gleam in her eyes. “How about I make the both of you a deal?”

  I’m not going to lie; I was more than a bit intrigued. “You’ve got my attention, please continue…” I urged.

  Her eyebrow cocked and the look that took over her face terrified me. She was spending way too much time with Lucifer. His habits were rubbing off on her, she looked like pure evil. “Well… James wants me to indulge him and help him with his Ponzi scheme. The only way that you could ever pull off something that elaborate is if you have the brains, and let’s face it… James and I are pure fashion. You, my dear Nettie seem to have brains down in spades and I’m more than fucking anxious to pick your brain to pieces.”

  I held up a hand. “Hold the fuck up… I’m not sure where you’re going with this and how I’m supposed to take this.”

  She chuckled evilly. “You did think that James had a good idea, didn’t you?” she asked.

  I nodded hesitantly. “Well yes, but – “

  She banged a hand against the tabletop before tossing her drink back. “Well then it’s settled. I will help James with this harebrained idea of his, and you will help us manage this business.”

  I bit my lip as I thought it over. My first instinct was to argue but I stopped myself and actually thought about it. It would give me something to do; I’d be able to finally use what I learned and what better way than helping my friends? It didn’t really look like there was anything in her offer to lose… so I shrugged. “Ok, fine.”

  James head snapped my way. “Was it really that easy?”

  Now I was offended. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He laughed. “The face you made then your response didn’t match. You looked like you were going to give us hell.”

  I laughed. “Well I was, then I figured there was nothing to lose. I was actually thinking I needed to get a job or something. This will help, at least in the meantime… you know, when you guys need me.”

  James grinned. “Trust me, we’ll need you. I have faith and a feeling that this is going to be awesome.”

  Abee rolled her eyes. “Yea sure James, keep dreaming.”

  We had a few glasses to drink and I decided to finally broach the subject. Even though Bull and I discussed it, and I’d agreed with him I was still unsure. Thinking about it though… if I needed to crash here with James it wouldn’t be that big of a deal and I’d at least have a reliable roommate. Not one who makes plans with me and ditches me minutes later.

  “So, I was thinking… how’d you feel about crashing here?” I asked James.

  His head snapped around so fast I got whiplash. “Huh?” he asked clearly confused.

  I chuckled. “You heard me you fool… so?” I gestured to my home. “You’d be close to us, nice neighborhood. I can crash here with you or with Bull. Jianna is – “

  I was cut off when he squealed loudly. “Bitch… you fucking kidding me? Can you help me pack and get in here today?”

  We all laughed at that one. “Someone is pumped.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’ve been thinking to ask you since we knew about Lucifer’s plans, but I was hesitant. You’d already been out of your house willingly I wasn’t sure if you’d be up to a roommate so soon. You know… want time to yourself and all that.”

  I opened my mouth to respond with something snarky when my phone rang grabbing my attention. I looked down at the screen and saw Bull flash across the screen. My mood instantly mellowed as I sent the call to voicemail then drained my cup.

  “Trouble in paradise?” the little nosy bastard asked me. Maybe rooming with James wasn’t such a great idea, he might find out all my deep secrets then I’d have to smother him with a pillow in his sleep.

  “Beat it James, I’m hanging with you guys. If it’s important he knows how to use the texting function on his phone.”

  Abee tried to hide her smile by taking a sip of her drink, but our buddy here James… “riiiiiiiiiiiiiight…” he commented dragging the word out for an eternity.

  I picked up a napkin and threw it at him. “Fuck off.”

  Fuck. His grin was not at all reassuring that he would just let it go. “So, I take it there’s a little more than that going on… hmmm?”

  I sighed. “Yea… he just left me hanging today so he can eat shit.” I said. It was the honest to God truth, just not the whole truth.

  That seemed to placate my nosy little bugger though. “Oh, fuck him then, that’s a real shit thing to do. You should totally kick his ass.” He took a sip of his drink and then his expression turned devious. “ORRR, you can make him strip and parade around the house naked for us. That’s totally an option.”

  I burst out laughing. “You little fucking horn ball! His dick doesn’t swing your way and he will never do that, so get the idea out of your head now mister.”

  He sighed and shrugged. “It was worth a try… the man is absolutely drool worthy honey. I would love to see him naked.” He looked down and dipped his finger in his glass twirling it lightly before taking another sip and putting it down. He peeked over at Abee and shrugged. She blushed instantly before he even said anything. “But you know… Abee, you can totally make Lucifer do it. He’s a fucking walking hard on! Please make my fantasy a reality.”

  She choked on her drink. “You’re impossible! You know that, right?” she asked.

  He groaned. “You bitches are no fucking fun. I need new friends that’ll make my life enjoyable. Only the straight men in this world look l
ike your men!” he was clearly frustrated.

  I laughed but I hid the tingle in my body. He’d said your men… as if Bull was actually mine. God how much I wished he were. But then again thinking back to earlier the voice in the back of my mind screamed my reality to me… wake the fuck up you stupid bitch! He’ll never, ever be yours!

  “How about we throw on a movie?” I offered.

  James squealed. “Oh, how I love movie dates, sure thing Hun.” He drained his glass and gave Abee an evil smirk. “Let me go ahead and confirm that we’re going to design the dress first.”

  She groaned in response and I could only laugh. Those two were the worst together. He popped out his phone while Abee and I went ahead to pick out a movie.

  The movie was at the end when James finally joined them looking both annoyed and exhausted. “Holy hell.” He muttered.

  I chuckled. “What’s the matter diva?” I asked.

  He shook his head and turned to Abee. “Can I see your tablet, so I can make a sketch?” he asked.

  Abee nodded and dug threw her bag and pulled it out handing it over. James sat back and sighed. “That bitch is cray, cray… like for real. She spent the first fucking 30 minutes going on and on about all of her failed attempts trying to find the perfect dress in whatever the fuck stores. Then when I was able to change the subject she described everything and nothing about what she wanted. If I ever met a confused heffa, it would be her. And then, I tried helping her by throwing ideas and shit at her and she knew fuck all about anything for someone who claimed to be an expert on cuts and shit from her ranting… she fucking drained the hell out of me. I finally got her off the phone after getting her measurements that she had only from how many damn fittings she had on dresses that just wouldn’t do and said I knew exactly what she wanted.” He rolled his eyes and scrubbed a hand down his face. “Honestly, I’m taking her photo and measurements and I’m going to create something that I fucking like and that bitch better love it. I put up with too much in that one phone call for anything less.”

  By the time he was done with his rant, I was in tears. He was the fucking best when he was stressed out, he could bitch someone out like the best of them. “This is what you wanted bro, suck it the fuck up.” I said in between a snort and chuckle.

  He shot me a death glare.” Bitch, I know where you sleep… don’t make me…” he threatened.

  That only made me laugh harder. “Oh yea, I’m shaking in boots. Please don’t hurt me gangsta, I don’t want no problems.”

  “Bitch.” He mumbled, and I was now on the verge of bursting. I love this man.

  My bell went off and I frowned. I was still gathering my energy to get up to answer when I heard the front door open. I looked at Abee and rolled my eyes. “Your man has no fucking shame… stalker much?” I said jokingly.

  She turned fifty shades darker as she blushed deeply. “Shut up.” She muttered.

  I stuck my tongue out at her playfully before she broke out into a mischievous smile and her eyebrow arched in challenge. My laughter died in my throat, that reaction couldn’t mean anything good. I opened my mouth to see what the fuck she was up to and it died when it was answered before I had a chance to get the words out.

  “Nettie?” that was definitely not Lucifer… it was absolutely Bull.

  I felt my throat instantly dry and my earlier jealousy and anger rise up in my chest. What the fuck was he even doing here? He was too busy for me before! I decided to ignore him and turn my attention to James. “It really couldn’t have been that bad.” I stated.

  He gaped at me as though I was crazy. His eyes going back and forth between me and I would assume Bull behind me. I could feel his presence there, but I hadn’t actually turned around to see where he was or acknowledge his presence. He cleared his throat twice before answering me; I could see his confusion and his lingering curiosity in his gaze. He surely couldn’t have forgotten what I’d told them earlier before. But then again, Bull was a scary son of a bitch, so I can see why he wasn’t totally on my side while in his presence. “Yes, it really was.”

  “Net…” Bull stated again.

  I continued to ignore him. “Well, this is what you signed us up for, so you best to get used to this shit and suck it the fuck up. It ain’t gonna be the last time.” I told him seriously.

  He gulped so fucking hard I could see his Adam’s apple bob furiously. He opened his mouth as if to respond and clamped his mouth shut at the same time I heard heavy footsteps. Then a hand wrapped around my arm. “What the fuck?” Bull asked, and I could hear the confusion in his voice.

  I’ll be the first to say this is the first time that this have ever happened. But then again, that was the first time I ever felt like an afterthought to him. When he was Jackson, I was his first priority… well for the most part. He fucking cared about me and my feelings. But then again, he doesn’t know how I feel about him…

  Fuck that, I’m totally in the right. He’d never, ever fucking blow me off for anyone or anything else unless it was important. Especially when we make plans which is rare as fuck. And the memories of what I just saw and felt… feel are too raw and fresh in my mind. Abee and James seemed too hesitant to intervene, but I still wasn’t going to fucking cave on this. He crossed the invisible line and he isn’t dumb enough to not know that shit.

  When no one spoke, his grip on me tightened and he dragged me unwillingly to my feet. I finally turned to him and scowled. “Can you get your hands off of me? You’re going to bruise me.” I said flatly.

  He cocked his head to the side and his hand tightened for a moment and he chuckled. “Oh please…” he said jokingly.

  What the shit? “I’m serious.” I stated plainly.

  His expression went blank and he stared at me as if he couldn’t quite figure me out. “I was looking for you… called you; I thought something happened to you.” He explained.

  I laughed without humor. “Not really your fucking problem though.” I stated defiantly.

  That’s when I saw it… I hadn’t realized he’d been on edge borderline pissed until those words escaped my mouth. He knew I was intentionally avoiding him and he was supposedly concerned. His anger rose up to the surface so fast I wanted to take a step back, so I wasn’t victim until my own reminded me that he didn’t have the right. “In the kitchen…” he muttered as he released me and started to go.

  When he released me, my feet had a mind of their own and wanted to do as he said but my brain and heart stopped me. Fuck this shit. I sat back down on the couch. Both Abelie and James were both gaping at me and I heard the instant that Bull realized I had no intention of following his command. The click clacks of his shoes stopped against the tile. I leaned down placing my elbows on my knees ready to finish my conversation with James and Abee when I was literally pulled away.

  Arms wrapped around my middle from behind the couch and I was lifted onto strong broad shoulders. As much as I wanted to fight I let it carry me like a fireman and I enjoyed the feeling of the body encasing me. I didn’t fight it; I just accepted it… until I was placed down.

  “What the fucking fuck Net?” Bull asked frustrated.

  I cocked an eyebrow involuntarily in confusion. “What’re you pissed about?” I questioned.

  “I fucking called you and – “

  “And I fucking ignored it.” I finished for him.

  He scowled. “Why would you do that?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “You were busy before… who am I to interrupt?” I said, and I could hear the bitterness sweep into my voice myself.

  He looked baffled. “What?” he asked totally oblivious.

  I shook off my bitterness, just so I could give him a neutral reaction. “I was busy.”

  He frowned. “You never ignore me, what were you up to?” he asked accusatory.

  “Shit.” I said and walked to the refrigerator for a distraction.

  I pulled out a bottle of water and popped the cap to take a sip. I chanced a peek at him over the bottl
e and he was eyeing me. He didn’t seem so much mad, but confused. “What shit Net?” he asked.

  I shrugged but didn’t offer any explanation. He ran a hand through his hair and cocked his head and I figured he was contemplating his next move. He bit his lip before shrugging. “Do you want to go back to the house and watch that show?” he offered.

  I couldn’t help it, I scoffed. “That offer has expired. I already made new plans, I have company. You can go ahead and watch it though.”

  His head snapped back as if I’d hit him. “Seriously? What the fuck?”

  I sighed. “Look, we were kind of busy. I’m going to stay here with Abee and James to finish what we were doing, I’ll catch you around.”

  His mouth opened to respond, then he hesitated and snapped it shut. He stared at me for all of five quick seconds before turning around and casually leaving. I stayed in my spot until I heard the front door open and close before I released my breath. I gave myself a couple of minutes to get myself composed before I went back to the living room to join my friends.

  Chapter 4

  It’s been a week and I have yet to return back to Bull’s house. Abee batted her lashes at Lucifer, and of course he went and got some of the guys from the club to help him move James into my place. After the first night, Bull approached me about why I didn’t come home, and I brushed it off. He hadn’t brought up the subject since and has actually put some distance between us. There was now a wall building between me and Bull. Right now, it was made of straw that could easily be blown down, but I could see it just as easily turning into bricks. What made it worse was that I wasn’t sure if that’s what I really wanted. Would us finally having drawn a hard line help me get over what I feel for him, so I could just be fucking normal.

  I walked into the kitchen and immediately halted at the bare back right in front of my face. That was definitely not James. I stood back and waited as the guy rummaged through the fridge. Eventually, my patience ran out and I cleared my throat.


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