Page 5
Her body jerks and I work my tongue faster, my fingers pumping in and out of her, helping her reach the climax she deserves.
I’m still in awe as I watch her skin flush a darker pink, her walls close tightly around me, everything about her absolutely perfect. “Beautiful,” I mumble against her.
She lies back on Jamie, but we aren’t finished yet, and I scoop her up in my arms, carrying her limp body to her bedroom, kicking open the door before laying her down on the bed gently.
She gazes up at me, her pretty eyes dazed, pushing the sweaty strands of hair away from her face.
Jamie stands beside me at the end of the bed.
“Are you okay?” I ask her and she nods.
“Ready for more?” Jamie says. I can hear the grin in his voice. Abi looks between us and I think I see a little uncertainty there, but she nods, biting her lip. I guess maybe it’s the fact that there’s two of us. I’m pretty sure this is her first time with more than one partner, and I can’t forget the relationship we have had over the past few years. What I just did takes us well out of the realms of stepbrother/stepsister into something a whole lot raunchier.
Jamie begins to shuck his clothes and Abi watches. She licks her lips and I know then that she wants this. I loosen my belt and drop my pants, toeing off my socks. When we’re both naked, Abi looks pretty stunned. Jamie holds his cock at the root.
“You think you’ll be able to handle us?” he asks. It’s a fair question. We’re definitely at the upper end of the scale when it comes to size.
Abi shakes her head. “You…you’re both…”
“Big,” Jamie finished for her.
“Huge,” she says in awe. Then she burst out laughing. “Are you serious with those?” she slurs nodding at our cocks.
I shake my head at her, kneeling on the bed and make my way towards her. “Nah, we’re joking,” I whisper in her pretty ear.
Jamie climbs next to her on the other side. “Ignore my brother,” he says. “We take our cocks very seriously.
We all chuckle until Abi’s hands wrap around both of us at the same time. Her strokes are firm and we moan simultaneously. I’m not expecting her to be as forthright as she is.
“Damn,” she mutters. “You don’t know how long I’ve thought about this.”
She has?
I glance across at Jamie who raises his eyebrows. I guess it’s not only us who’ve been thinking things that should be forbidden all this time.
I can’t keep my hips still. The way she’s holding me makes me want to thrust. I can still taste her pussy in my mouth and I want to feel that soft wetness around my dick.
Jamie makes a move to kneel between her legs. I watch him touch her, every caress makes my dick swell until I can’t take it anymore. Abi lays back, letting go of my cock and kissing my brother slow and deep. He pulls back and gets himself into position. I watch her face as he works his way inside her; the way her cheeks flush high along her cheekbones and her eyes flutter closed. A soft moan leaves her lips.
“That feel good?” he asks and she nods, then her eyes turn my way, searching.
“Jared,” she says.
I make my way closer and she shows me what she wants.
This is what sharing is all about. As much as I want to bury myself inside of her pussy, I can wait and enjoy her mouth.
I let out a hiss as she gently runs her fingers along my balls and tilt my head back, lost in how warm her tongue is as she strokes my rigid cock with it. It’s more than I ever thought it could be, and I tangle my hands in her hair just to have something tangible at reach, just to believe that this is really happening.
As she works her perfect mouth up and down my shaft Jamie fucks her. I watch the pleasure on her face and enjoy the way she whimpers around my cock. I notice the signs- the squirming, her cheeks flushing more, and realize she’s so close again.
Jamie yells out, releasing deep inside of her, thrusting hard against her one last time.
Determination takes over, and all I can think about is feeling her around me.
As soon as he pulls out of her, I turn and pull her into my lap, not bothering with any words as I sit her squarely down on my cock, her warmth encasing me completely.
I know I won’t last long because her mouth felt so good, so I kiss her breasts and hold her close as I fuck her. She moans louder as I get closer, feeling frantic. Abi’s head tilts back and I’m already there, the both of us crying out loudly as we come at the same time, my hips holding her in place as I shove deeper. I can’t even explain just how perfectly we fit together. All the times I fantasized about this moment have never come close.
Her head droops against my shoulder and I can feel her breath against me. Jamie’s moved behind her, and he drops a kiss on the back of her neck.
She wraps her arms around me, holding me like I’m her anchor, but in reality, she’s mine.
I don’t want to let go of her. Not now, not ever.
My skin is on fire. It’s like being sandwiched inside of a solid furnace, either side of me practically baking under the sheets. Sweat has plastered bits of my hair to my forehead and the nape of my neck, and in my groggy state all I can think about is crawling out of bed and turning the shower on.
But the furnace groans, turning closer against me on one side, and my eyes fly open.
Jared is curled up on my left, while Jamie has his arm tucked up under my head on my right, and neither of them seems to be awake. Yet.
My eyes flutter shut again, and flashes of everything that happened last night permeate my morning brain fog one by one.
I had sex with Jared and Jamie.
I had sex with both of my step-brothers.
It’s hard not to hyperventilate in between them like this, slowly realizing what we did. A strange mix of mortification and awe swirls around inside of me, spreading across my nerves like a blanket of beautiful and dangerous buzzing creatures. There’s no going back now, not with them lying naked with me in my bed. I carefully peek under the sheets with my free hand. Yep. Definitely very naked.
I remember Jared’s hands in my hair, meeting my kisses with the kind of passion that spun my head around…how Jamie ground against me, the sharp jab of his hipbones as his breath ghosted across my bare neck…the way they practically worshipped by body, one fabulous touch after another…
I just had the best sex of my life. With my step-brothers. I reach up and touch my lips in amazement, still kiss-bruised from the action they saw last night. The smile inches across my face briefly, until the reality of the day crushes me in a single fell swoop.
How am I going to live this down? I’ve never done anything like this before, and there’s just no way something this…this big…won’t find its way to the light of day.
It takes me a minute to gather my nerves, but I try to edge my way back from Jamie’s reach, but end up accidentally backing up into Jared. I freeze in place when his warm brown eyes slowly open, finding mine easily. The lazy smile that spreads across his face is almost enough to keep me here with them, but I know it doesn’t work like that, and when Jared leans forward and his soft lips start to brush against mine I have to yank myself away from him.
“No,” I mutter, struggling to cover myself up as Jared’s eyes drop to my naked breasts. “No, we can’t do this.”
“Hm?” Jamie mumbles until I can feel his presence looming up behind me, his hand slipping to cup my partially covered hip.
“What’s going on, Abi? Are you okay?” Jared asks, sounding genuinely concerned.
I pull myself up to a sitting position, trying my hardest to cover myself up, my cheeks flushed red. “Yes, yes, I’m all right. It’s okay. I mean I had a great time with you guys, but y’know. It was a one-off.” I’m already scooting up until I’m pinned against the headboard, feeling trapped. “We can’t do this again. I mean, we’re…”
“Don’t say we’re family, Abi,” Jamie says. There’s an edge of ann
oyance in his voice.
“In our parent’s eyes, we are.”
“Not in mine,” Jamie says.
“Or mine.” I turn to Jared and his expression is too hard to read.
No one seems to move. But I need everyone to move, to give me some time to process what all this means and what I need to do now. “I think I need to get a shower and have some time to myself to think about things.”
The guys keep looking between me and one another, the gears turning. I nudge at them politely to move out of the way and pull the rest of the sheets up behind me as I start to pick my way over Jamie’s solid body, not wanting to wait another second. Another second would have me gawping at how amazing their bodies are. Another second would have me tempted to just slide back between them for another ticket to heaven.
Oh god.
Jamie’s brow is furrowed, and I can tell by the way his eyes narrow at me that he wants to argue that I’m wrong so badly. Jared notices too and holds up his hand. “We better get dressed, then,” he says calmly. I’d expect nothing less from him.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” I add, making a beeline to my own bathroom, nearly slamming it shut behind me.
I check out my reflection in the mirror, examining every square inch that I can, looking for something, some kind of sign that I might just be dreaming this whole thing up. But I’m real. This is real. I groan, cradling my head in my hand as I lean up against the bathroom counter cluttered with makeup.
“Oh God, Abigail,” I moan to myself, “What did you get yourself into?” I’m a fraud, though, because I remember being the one to kiss them first. I remember telling them that it was exactly what I wanted and needed. I remember being the one who started it all.
Slipping on my sweatpants and a gym shirt still doesn’t do enough to keep me from feeling so overexposed when I step out of the bathroom. With both of their backs turned away from me, carrying on a heated argument via whispering, Jared and Jamie give me a full view of their toned backs, the wide arcs of their shoulders tapering down to chiseled and well-defined obliques that even my personal trainer would be jealous over. I had those marbled smooth bodies under my hands last night, exploring them both every chance I had. I never realized they had it in them the way they seduced me. Jamie, sure, but the quiet and careful touch of Jared balanced out Jamie’s brash fiery personality. Truth be told, they were amazing in bed, more than I could have hoped for. All they wanted to do was to please me. I’ve never experienced anything like it.
My mind blurs some of the images together because of the wine, and I stumble as I nearly trip over the pile of dirty clothes on the floor. Both Jared and Jamie turn and face me at the same time, and I have to steel myself from the feelings that tumble around inside me. It’s the expressions on their faces. I want to go to them, to make it right, but that’s the very last thing I should be doing.
“You have to swear not to tell anyone what happened between us,” I blurt out loud, immediately clapping my hand over my mouth. I shouldn’t have said that because I know they wouldn’t. They’re good men. Not like Cody and his friends, bragging all the time about who they fucked with all the details.
Even so, no one can find out about this, especially not our parents. The thought of my dad finding out leaves my skin feeling itchy and tight. “I’m sorry…I know you won’t tell anyone,” I add, taking in a deep breath, “but no one can know.”
Jamie’s eyes go wide, giving him away, but Jared keeps the same cool expression on his face.
“Of course,” he says, nodding slowly. With a nudge in his brother’s direction, he adds, “We should probably be going.”
Stupid tears well up in my eyes as I pull my arms across my chest and give him a quick nod, watching as the two of them leave. I can hear Jamie muttering something to Jared but can’t quite make out what he’s saying. Whatever it is, it doesn’t sound good.
Once I hear the front door shut behind them, I stare around my room, feeling like I need to do something, anything, to get rid of this feeling. I pushed things too far. It was me, and then I hurt their feelings in the process. They’ve always been there for me in some way or another, and here I am, taking all that for granted.
I used them. That’s how it feels.
When my body finally starts to feel like my own again, I tidy up the bedroom, trying not to imagine an overlay of last night’s events. Jared’s wide grin as he laid me down on the bed here, Jamie’s shirt being tossed over the back of the chair there. I run my hand along the length of my other arm, imagining for a split second that I was allowed to do these things with them, and that no one would bat an eye in my direction. I bite my lip and sigh. The truth is that there’s no point in pretending. It only makes things worse.
As I’m fixing the sheets on the bed, I get a whiff of them, the clean scent of their soap and the hair gel Jared uses to tame down his hair, and something saltier. The scent of pure sex.
Something twinges inside of me, but not in a good way. I think back to right before I felt Jamie inside me, trying to recall what happened in the moments before. Kissing. Touching. A lot more of Jared than I’d ever seen or felt before. And then…what?
Oh no. Oh no, oh no. My mouth goes dry.
We didn’t use protection. Neither of them put on condoms, and with me not being on birth control since the last pill made me feel sick there was no barrier between me and them.
My stomach roils as I collapse to the bed, holding my head in my hands. All this, topped off with a wonderful hangover, no less.
“FUCK!” I shout, so unlike myself and more like some angry teen, balling my fists into the sheets and mattress. I can’t let myself think about that. It will only drive me crazy, all that watching and waiting. Besides, it had only been once, right? I roll my eyes at myself. Sure, once. As in one night, total. There had been plenty of chances after the first time Jamie and then Jared was inside of me.
I think back to the way the guys greeted me with lazy smiles this morning, seeming so at ease and relaxed. Hadn’t I felt that way too, at first? I could have just let myself be in the moment for now, and enjoy it before I have to get back to the real world.
The way they made me feel last night. My god, I’ve never felt that way before. Like every nerve in my body was being tuned to a frequency that shot me off into the stars. It wasn’t just the way their thick, muscular bodies moved against mine in perfect synchronization, or even how utterly full and complete I felt between the two of them as they had their way with me over and over again. It was the things they whispered against my skin. It was in the way Jared curled his fingers behind my neck and looked me straight in the eyes, and in the way Jamie took his time exploring every inch of my body with his mouth, never rushing. They treated me like an absolute queen, and I loved it.
Even in the drunken haze that clouds some of the finer details, I can remember thinking how amazing it all was, how I never wanted any of it to stop. I smile in spite of myself, looking out the window.
But like a sledgehammer to a concrete block, guilt breaks over me as I think about what something like this could do to our family. What if something like this ruined our parent’s relationship?
Neither Jared, Jamie, or I would ever want to do that to them, and I would be hard-pressed to find any two people more in love than my dad and Natalie.
I roll away from the window and the light pouring in, feeling too many ways to properly process. Just as my eyes feel too heavy to keep open, regret sinks into my brain. Regret that I don’t live in the kind of world where I could see where whatever this thing between the three of us might lead.
I lean back on my heels, inspecting the lineup of the piping. The last time I was here at Miranda’s place, her six-year-old, Cassie, had managed to gunk up the kitchen sink with some homemade slime concoction. This time it’s a backed-up garbage disposal.
I inspect it one more time, just to be sure, and flip the switch by the sink, turn on the fauc
et and let both run, listening to the loud whirring. Everything seems good now. Simple enough fix.
I didn’t have to take the extra job today but to be honest I needed the distraction. after the way everything went down with Abi a few days ago, it’s all I can do to keep my focus off of her.
The back-door creaks open, and I see a little gap-toothed smile and a pair of big blue eyes watching me.
“All right. Let’s have it.”
Cassie comes bounding in, her blonde ponytail swinging behind her. I move away from the sink and let her get a good look, unable to stop myself from cracking a smile even as she walks slowly around me with a staged serious expression on her face.
“Hmm,” she says, tapping her chin. All she needs is a pipe and a detective’s cap. “You’re wearing the same shirt as always. It’s too hard to tell. Can you say something again?”
“Something again.” I grin.
“Uh!” Cassie pretends to stomp her foot down. “It’s not fair. You sound the same, too!”
I lean down until we’re almost eye level. “But if you had to guess…”
“Jamie?” she replies half-hopefully.
“Nope, try again,” I wink at her.
“Did he stump you again?” Miranda asks, coming in from the backyard as well.
I stand back up and wipe my hands on my rag and point to the open cabinets under the sink. “All fixed.”
Cassie huffs. “I never know which one you are!”
“Don’t feel bad, Cassie. My own mom doesn’t always know which one I am, either,” I tell her, closing the cabinet doors.
“Bet my mom knows which one you are,” she mumbles back, her arms folded across her chest.
“That’s because I’m the one footing the bill,” Miranda replies, tickling under Cassie’s arm until she grins at her again.
“Thanks for coming out on such short notice. Again,” she sighs, shaking her head.