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Her Accidental Hero (Bad Boy Billionaire Brothers Box Set)

Page 30

by Holly Jaymes

  I kissed her again, my tongue dancing with hers. She had the softest, sweetest tongue. I kissed her jaw and down her neck. I took my time as I was determined to taste every inch of her body. When I was done, I’d have discovered everything about her. Her body would be imprinted in my mind and soul.

  I sucked on one nipple and then the other, loving how her body arched to offer me more. She was so responsive to everything I did to her. It was like playing a musical instrument, and the sounds she made as I played her were the sexiest, most beautiful music.

  I worked my way lower, kissing her hip bone, leaving her belly button. Then I moved to the gorgeous nest of ginger curls.

  Pushing her thighs open wider, I took in her sweet pink pussy, wet just for me. I dragged my tongue through her plump pink lips, loving the taste of her, “You taste so sweet, Hallie. I can’t get enough.”

  “Yes, Nate,” she urged me on, her voice breathless.

  I was determined to make her come, at least once, maybe twice, so I devoured her with my mouth. Sucking, licking, thrusting, flicking, all of it pushing her up and up until her body contracted and sweet pussy juice coated my tongue. Wanting more, I started over again until she was writhing and gasping under my mouth.

  She came again, hard with a loud cry, “Nate!”

  To hear my name escape her lips was like heaven. Letting her catch her breath, I continued my journey down her body. I gently sucked on her inner thigh, leaving a small love mark. I kissed behind her knee and down to her ankle. I made the return trip along the other leg, stopping at her pussy again to give it kiss, before moving back up her body.

  I was so fucking hard now, chances were good I was going to come the minute I entered her body. I settled my hips between her thighs as I took her hands in both of mine and brought them over her head, “Hallie.”

  She opened her pretty green eyes and stared back at me. I kissed her, this time soft and sweet.

  When I lifted my head again, she reopened her eyes. With my gaze holding hers, I nudged the head of my dick into her, “I want to go slow, but it’s quite possible this will be quick.” When it came to Hallie, I didn’t have as much control as I’d have liked. As many times as I’d had her, it was still always a surprise when I was unable to rein in my need.

  “I want you, Nate.”

  A part of me wanted her to mean she wanted me the man, but I understood she only meant my body. I pushed in, gritting my teeth as her hot tight pussy gripped me.

  “Fuck, so good,” I gasped as inch by slow inch I slid inside her.

  Finally, I was completely inside her. Our gazes held. It was like every part of me was now a part of her. Body. Mind. Soul. I was lost in her. No doubt about it. I loved her.

  She squeezed my hands, and I wanted to believe she was feeling it too. The power of this moment. I could have stayed there forever, except my dick had other ideas.

  I withdrew and pushed in again, trying to keep the rhythm slow and steady, wanting to draw this out as long as I could. But with each slide inside her, the friction grew, and the need for release with it.

  “More, Nate…please more,” she begged, who was I to deny her.

  I picked up the pace, moving quicker, deeper. Her hips rocked up to meet mine as together we sought ultimate bliss.

  “Fuck…I’m going to come…” I couldn’t wait any longer. My dick was going to explode.

  “Yes…now…I’m coming,” her voice was ragged with moans. Her body arched up to me as her pussy clamped down hard and tight on my dick. A blinding white light blasted behind my eyes as my orgasm shot through my body.

  I let out a loud feral growl as I pumped inside her. I felt possessed by her. Our bodies moved in sync until the last bit of my cum emptied inside her.

  As I lay over her, my heartbeat thundering against hers, it became crystal clear that while my goal had been to make her mine, the truth was, she’d just made me hers.

  Book 2: Chapter 14—So Happy and Yet So Sad

  Chapter Fourteen: So Happy and Yet So Sad


  How was it possible to be blissfully happy and incredibly sad at the same time? Both emotions whirled through me as I lay in the dark in the early morning the night after Nate touched me in a way I’d never been touched before.

  I wasn’t a virgin when I met Nate, and while I wouldn’t say I had a ton of experience, I had enough to know the way he touched me last night was different. Not just different from the way he’d touched me before, which had been many different ways. What he’d done to me last night had been so completely different from any of the few other men I’d been with. It was the perfect end to a perfect day. A day in which I fell even deeper in love with Nate, and therein lay my problem. As happy as I was with him, I knew falling for him was only going to lead to heartbreak. While I believed Nate enjoyed his time with me, I also knew that our time together, at least our intimate time, would come to an end. Even if we continued a sexual relationship after our fake marriage, eventually, he’d lose interest and move on. He may not be a shallow horndog as I’d once thought, but he wasn’t a man who wanted to make a long-term commitment in his personal life.

  But it was hard to keep my emotions in check. The day before had been perfect from start to end. I’d woken and found him out in the pool, swimming, as I did nearly every morning. His gloriously naked body gliding through the water. When he got out, all his beautiful ornate tattoos glistened as the sun shone down on his slick wet chest. I wanted to run my tongue over every inch of him.

  We ate breakfast on the porch, and he asked me what plans I had for my house. I showed him the new additions to my house book, and later that morning he drove me to a home improvement store where we gathered additional paint swatches, flooring and backsplash samples, and more. It was so sweet, and at the same time sad because all this stuff was for when our charade was over, and I was in my own house again.

  Later, as we drove to his mother’s home, I was nervous as a woman in love would be when meeting the family. I wanted his mom and brothers to like me, which was ridiculous since all this was fake. While at his family’s home, I’d learned more about him, and I fell even harder and deeper for him than I’d already had. There was definitely more to him than just building a successful business and womanizing.

  His brothers liked to pick on him, but he picked back, and underneath it all was love and respect. I suspected that raising four boys wasn’t easy, but his mother did so with grace. It was clear all her sons adored her. Their father’s absence was felt as well. Pictures of him adorned the home, and I could see Nate and his brothers all took after him with their dark hair and eyes, broad shoulders, and even the tattoos.

  Yes, this house was full of love from everyone, including me. I wasn’t pretending about my pride in him when I shared how well his presentations for the IPO were going. Or when I looked at him talking privately with his mother, and a powerful swell of emotion moved through me. It was clear now that I’d fallen head over heels for him. I loved him.

  Feelings weren’t something people could control. All I had power over was how I responded to those feelings. As much as I wanted to see where they’d lead, I had to remember that my relationship with Nate was a business deal. A deal with benefits.

  Last night, he’d taken advantage of those benefits in a way he never had before when we arrived home. If I was a woman prone to romantic notions, I might have thought Nate was making love to me. His kisses and touches were so soft and tender. The way we were connected - our hands, our bodies, our mouths, it was like two souls fusing into one.

  Fortunately, I was smart enough to know not to believe in a future with him. But that didn’t take away from the disappointment I felt, or the realization that while I knew this was just sex for him, for me, it was more. I’d fallen in love with my fake husband.

  I watched him as he slept beside me. I studied the intricate detail of the tattoo on his pec. It appeared to be angel wings with a date about two years ago. It had to be in honor o
f his father and was yet another item to add weight to the depth of my feelings for him.

  I drew the sheet down his body, marveling at his long thick cock. It was hard, and I wondered if he was dreaming about me. Some dreams could come true. I moved down and licked the tip of his dick.

  He let out a moan, “Now there’s a good way to wake up.”

  I smiled and showed him just how good waking up could be. I couldn’t tell him how I felt about him, but I could show him. I could love his body and bring him pleasure even if I couldn’t give him the words.

  He returned the favor in the shower as we got ready for work. I savored every second of it. I wanted to remember every touch and every sigh so I could revisit them in my memory when all this was said and done.

  For the next couple of weeks, we settled into a schedule at home and work. He continued to bring me to his family dinners on Sundays, and each time, I felt more a part of them. It was bittersweet because I knew with the stock offering coming soon, my time with them would end. Sometimes I felt guilty for lying to them. It didn’t feel fake with Nate or his family, but I knew it was.

  When the IPO was done, I’d still see Nate at work, but it would be different. It wasn’t just the sex that would stop, but all the time together hanging out, swimming, cooking…the domestic activities we did now, those would stop too, and my heart ached at the idea.

  In retrospect, we shouldn’t have started our physical relationship as it had changed things, and I wondered how it would work when we were back to just being boss and assistant. Occasionally, especially after he gave me a tremendous orgasm, I would have a moment to wonder if we might keep seeing each other once the IPO and fake marriage were over. But then I had to remind myself that while Nate was a nice man who I believed enjoyed spending time with me, he wasn’t a man to settle down.

  I wanted to invite him to meet my parents, except that we weren’t real. The only reason I was meeting his family was that they’d heard about us. We had to play along. But my family had no clue about this marriage farce or my falling for Nate. I had guilt about that too. I’d never kept so many secrets from my family before.

  Our last dog and pony show was in Seattle. Like the others, it went extremely well, and on the way back, I tried to be happy that the IPO would be a success. But the truth was that I was sad. The end of Nate’s and my relationship was near. Once the company went public, he wouldn’t need a fake wife. At least not for very long.

  “We haven’t talked about how our fake marriage is going to end,” I said as our plane crossed back to the east coast.

  He stared at me for a moment, then with a quick shake of his head said, “We’ll need to wait a little bit after going public.”

  I nodded, “I guess it wouldn’t be good for the stock if you were immediately in the middle of a fake divorce.”

  “I know the faking and being away from your family is hard. Is there something you need to help make it easier?”

  Another bonus for Nate was that he’d be worried that this fake marriage was taking a toll on me.

  “I’m not complaining, Nate,” I told him. If he only knew the real difficulty was that I was in love with him. I wanted to tell him how much I enjoyed being his fake wife. How I loved his family and wished he’d come meet mine.

  “It’s just a few weeks more, a couple of months at the most,” He said it like he was reassuring me.

  I gave him a wan smile, to let him know I was okay with that even though my heart was crying inside.

  Having a deadline forced me to think about beginning the transition from where we were now to where we’d be when this deal ended. I was a fake wife, and I needed to remember that. In return, I was going to get my home rebuilt. When this was said and done, we’d be back to boss and assistant. The sooner I weaned myself from him, the better. What better way to do that than to focus on my home and how I was going to tell my parents that I wanted them to move in with me?

  It wouldn’t be easy to change my focus since I was so easily distracted by him, but I needed to face facts and prepare. It was time to call around to get bids from contractors to start the work on my home. I pulled out a notepad and a pen and got to work making a list of things I’d need to do to get started. If I was lucky, watching my home return from the ashes would offset the feeling of loss I’d feel when Nate and I were done.

  Book 2: Chapter 15—The Beginning of the End

  Chapter Fifteen: The Beginning of the End


  I was strangely not ready for the opening day of the Stock Exchange that included the official offering of Sloane Labs’ stock. If I was honest, it wasn’t just the worry that the IPO would fail. It was that this day was the beginning of the end for Hallie and me. More and more, I wanted us to stay together, and yet, over the last few weeks, I felt her pulling away from me. Our days and nights were the same, but something had shifted, and that something made me hold back from telling her my true feelings. She was focused on her home, and it was all I could do to keep her from driving out to it to get started. Instead, I told her that I’d have all the money and resources for her when the IPO was done. I wondered if she resented my asking her to put off her home rebuild until after the IPO, and that was why she seemed a little distant.

  Regardless of the reasons, today was an important day for Sloane Labs, and I needed to focus on that, not on my heart. We were in New York on the Stock Exchange floor as the opening day of the IPO had arrived. Unlike all our other trips, this one had taken some convincing to get her to travel with me. It was another thing that had me questioning her feelings. She was a part of this. She’d been integral in bringing it to fruition. Why wouldn’t she want to be there on the first day Sloane Labs stock would be available for sale?

  “We started this together, Hallie. Let’s finish it together,” I said, feeling like I was practically begging.

  A sadness swept over her face at my words, and I wanted to think maybe she was sad that our time together would be over soon. But I dismissed that idea. If she wanted to be together, she’d have readily agreed to come to New York for the opening. Instead, I felt like she was ready for this deal to be done so she could move on to fixing up her home. If that was the case, I’d let her go, but I still wanted her to see the IPO through with me.

  “It would be strange if my wife wasn’t with me,” I hated to bring this back to our fake marriage, but I was feeling a little desperate.

  That seemed to do the trick, and she agreed to come with me to New York for opening day. The difference this time was we traveled with the IPO team, including Dave, who agreed to keep the fake wife thing a secret.

  “I can’t figure out if that constitutes fraud,” he said when I explained to him about Hallie.

  “It’s not fraud,” I scoffed at him. I didn’t know the legal aspects of our arrangement, but I knew my feelings weren’t fake. I may not have a piece of paper that said we were married, but that didn’t mean I didn’t love her.

  We’d gotten a VIP tour of the New York Stock Exchange, which surprisingly had a lot more to it than just the trading floor. There were historical artifacts, such as Civil War Bonds, artwork from Andy Warhol, and a wall where bell ringers could sign their name. There was even a private dining area.

  I’d been able to arrange for us to ring the bell for the opening of the day’s trading. It was something I thought Hallie would get a kick out of, but like most other things lately, she didn’t seem particularly excited about it.

  On the morning of the offering, we stood on the famous podium below the bell.

  “You want to ring the bell?” I asked Hallie as we waited for the exchange to open.

  “You should do it,” came her quiet reply.

  Excitement and energy filled the room as the day of trading got ready to open. I was with Hallie and the IPO team, all celebrating the fruition of a goal. When the moment came, I pressed the button that rang the bell, and a flurry of noise and activity began as the traders on the floor began to call out.r />
  I’d worked hard for this day, but I found myself not able to focus on it or enjoy it as I should with the uncertainty about Hallie never far from my mind. Why couldn’t I just tell her how I was feeling and ask her to stay? Probably because the few times I’d started to, she brought up her parents and house, and finally being able to provide for them. I admired how dedicated she was to them, and I couldn’t get in the way of that.

  “You must be thrilled,” Dave said as we all flew back to Virginia after the opening. “Sloane Labs made over two-hundred million today.”

  “I can’t wait to put it to good use,” I replied. I was happy, even as I was torn inside. Not about the money. No, the money would go into research and development to find ways to prevent and cure disease. But it put me one step closer to losing Hallie.

  I had a long history with women. I’d respected all of them and cared for many. But what I felt for Hallie had me feeling unsettled and nervous. Usually, by this time in a relationship with a woman, I felt ready to move on. With Hallie, I was desperate to find a reason to keep her close. A few weeks back - on the trip home from Seattle - I’d told her we needed to continue our fake marriage a little longer after the opening so as not to impact stock prices. Of course, except for the investors we saw during the dog and pony shows, most people didn’t know I was married and wouldn’t notice if I divorced.

  She accepted my idea that we’d need to carry on the charade a bit longer, but something in her demeanor had me feeling guilty about it. I’d agreed to build her home, and she was eager to get it done and care for her parents. I was keeping her from that.

  When we arrived back in Virginia, I considered driving her to her house so she could see that work had already started. In fact, according to Gabe, it was nearly completed. But I was too selfish to do it knowing that once I did, she’d leave and our fake marriage and our pretend life together would be over.


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