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Her Accidental Hero (Bad Boy Billionaire Brothers Box Set)

Page 54

by Holly Jaymes

  “He didn’t offer any,” my mother said.

  “But he thinks our daughter would use her body to get some.” He shot up from his chair, knocking it back. “How he could think that about Hope. It makes me sick. He should know better.” He righted the chair and stormed out of the room.

  “I’ve upset him.”

  My mother moved a chair to sit closer to me. “It may not have been the smartest move to sleep with Mitch, but there’s no crying over spilled milk. Just know that over time, this will get better. Mitch is angry now, but you two will figure things out around the baby even if you aren't a couple.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because babies have a way of bringing people together. I feel like I know Mitch well enough to know that he’ll do what is best for the baby. He’ll calm down, and you’ll figure out a working relationship around the baby.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, mom.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.” My mom hugged me. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so comforted by her embrace as I did I that moment. Turns out kids always needed their parents, even grown-up ones. I hoped my child felt as loved and accepted by me as I did by my parents.

  Book 3: Chapter 22—The Final Shoe Drops?

  The Final Shoe Drops


  Several times during my drive back home after seeing Hope, I’d considered turning around and confronting her again. Why hadn’t she told me about the baby? What did she want from me? Why wasn’t I good enough for her and the child?

  “I loved you.” That’s what she said. It was past tense. When did it change? Was it when she found out she was pregnant?

  Or was this all a part of her plan? I felt like I’d known Hope’s character considering I grew up around her as Parker’s friend. But Gwen taught me that I was a poor judge of women. I’d trusted her too. Thankfully she never ended up pregnant.

  But Hope was pregnant and whether on purpose or by accident, I was going to be a father. I was determined to be a great one, like my own father. I’d take my child hiking and teach him or her to appreciate nature. We’d make s’mores, play games, and go visit cool places. I’d be there to listen and support my child. I’d go to every parent-teacher conference and activity.

  Speaking of which, I wanted to be there on doctor’s visits. I’d need to let Hope know about that, but I’d wait to reach out until I wasn’t so fucking pissed off. I was angry, but stress probably wasn’t good for the baby, so I’d need to control my animosity toward Hope.

  I also had to expect Parker to show up sometime soon demanding answers as to why his sister was pregnant with my child.

  That night, I lay in bed, feeling angry, annoyed, and so fucking hurt that I couldn’t sleep. On Sunday, I spent my run and most of the day trying to figure out a way to avoid my weekly family dinner. I didn’t want to show up in an emotionally vulnerable state as all my brothers all radar for that type of thing. I didn’t want Nate and Gabe on me trying to get me to share my feelings, or Will hassling me for letting a woman get to me.

  I also wasn’t too keen on my mother knowing I’d gotten a woman pregnant. She would probably be disappointed, not just that I’d not been careful enough, but that it was with my best friend’s sister. She’d probably think I had been too hard on Hope, as my mom seemed to like her.

  The problem with not going to dinner was that it would be like sending up a flare that I was in trouble. It would likely bring more attention to the complete destruction of my life than showing up and trying to put on a brave face would.

  Because it took me a while to finally decide to go, I left later than usual to head down the mountain to my family dinner. I’d fucked up my life. I had no choice, suck it up and deal with the consequences.

  When I arrived, I saw that all my brothers’ cars were already there. I could smell the grill going, which meant Will was probably cooking. Great, my other brothers were going to hassle me about that too.

  “At least I’ve got you, huh, Duke.” I scratched Duke’s head. He gave a bark and licked my hand.

  “Come on. I know you want to see George.” I got out of the SUV and had just opened the front door, letting Duke run in when I was stopped.


  I turned and saw Parker storming up the path. The look on his face and clenched fists at his sides told me he knew about Hope and me and the baby.

  I turned to face him. It was just another thing I had to suck up.

  I waited for him to start yelling, so I was surprised when his fist landed on my jaw, knocking me back into the house. Who knew both he and Hope had such violent tendencies?

  Because he deserved one hit, I let him have it. But when he stepped into the house with his arm cranked back again, I shoved him hard back out the door.

  “You son of a bitch!” he roared at me. “You fucked my sister. What friend does that, huh? Do you know what you did?”

  “Only because you let it slip. Hope sure as hell didn’t tell me.” Jesus, I hoped to hell my family didn’t hear this.

  “I trusted you to look out for her, and instead, you fucked her.” He brought his fist back again.

  “You sure you want to do that?” Will’s voice came from behind me.

  Next thing I knew all my brothers were standing behind me.

  “Your brother was fucking my sister,” Parker yelled, but he lowered his hand.

  “That’s what people do when they love each other,” Gabe said. I nearly rolled my eyes.

  “Love? You don’t love her. If you did, you’d be there, taking responsibility.”

  “I will now that I know.” I stepped closer to him. “I will absolutely take responsibilities for what is mine.” That I knew for sure. Even if I had to go to court, I’d be involved in my child’s life.

  He stared at me for a moment, until the lightbulb went off. “You try to hurt my sister, and you’ll be sorry.”

  “What the fuck is he talking about?” Nate asked.

  “Were you in on it too, Parker?” I was riled up now. He had some nerve showing up on my doorstep threatening me. “Is this yours and Hope’s elaborate plan to get my money to save your family?”

  “You’re a fucking bastard.”

  “Your sister said the same thing when she slapped me. You both seem to have no problem using violence to express your anger. Not a good situation for a child, don’t you think?” I said, walking toward him.

  “What did he say?” Will asked.

  Parker looked like he was going to hit me again, but he thought better of it as he scanned my three brothers backing me.

  Inside I was raging and at the same time so incredibly sad. Parker had been my friend since the first day of rec soccer when we were in kindergarten. While most of the families in his neighborhood wouldn’t have given me a thought since I came from a lower social class family than theirs, his had accepted me. We’d been friends for nearly twenty-five years. While I was angry at him, I knew this was all my own doing. I should have never touched Hope.

  “Why’d you do it, man? he asked.

  I shrugged because I was too tired and mentally drained to do anymore. “Because I loved her.”

  “Finally, he admits it,” Gabe said.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Will asked.

  Parker scoffed. “I don’t believe you.”

  “There’s nothing I can do about that.” I turned and walked between Will and Nate as I headed into the house.

  “Mitch?” my mother said from the kitchen doorway.

  “I just need a minute.” I headed straight to the bathroom to splash water on my face. This clusterfuck was getting worse by the minute. I needed a moment to settle before I went to face my brothers and my mother.

  I looked in the mirror. “Who the fuck are you?” I wasn’t able to answer that. I splashed water on my face, which cooled me down but didn’t do anything to fix the torment ravaging my heart.

  I opened the door and stepped out half expecting my brothers and mother to be sta
nding there waiting for an explanation. Instead, the hall was empty. At least they weren’t going to crowd and bombard me with questions, at least not in the hallway.

  My mother appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. “I made them go out back,” she said clearly knowing that I’d expected them there. “Come with me.” She held out her hand and walked me to the front door.

  It was a cold November day, but she sat on her porch swing and patted the seat next to her. I was a good, dutiful son who needed to come clean to his mother, so I sat.

  “Now. What’s going on, Mitch?”

  Where the fuck did I start?

  “I take it Parker didn’t know about you and Hope?” she prompted.

  “No one was supposed to know about Hope and me,” I said.

  “It was hard not to. It was clear you both cared about each other.”

  I shook my head. “Not on her side.” She probably only told me she’d loved me yesterday to try and make her not seem like a shallow person.

  “Of course on her side.”

  I looked at my mom.

  “Honey, I could see it in the way she looked at you. We all could.”

  “I couldn’t.” Had I been wrong? Then I remembered the most crucial part of this entire issue, which was that she hadn’t told me about the baby. If she loved me, she wouldn’t have hidden that from me.

  “It’s a sad fact of life that men are denser about these things. Ask Gabe and Nate,” my mother said.

  They’d already told me as much.

  Deciding I needed to let everything out, I said, “There’s more.”

  “I’m listening.” She took my hand. I felt like I was a kid again when I’d fallen down or been disappointed by life, and she was there to love and support me.

  “Hope is pregnant.” I couldn’t look at my mom, but I heard the surprise hitch in her breath.

  She was quiet for a moment. “You know, your father and I used to wonder which one of you would have an unplanned pregnancy. I always thought it would be Will, but your dad’s money was on Gabe.”

  I closed my eyes. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, mom.”

  “Mitch!” Her stern voice had me jerking my gaze to hers in a Pavlovian conditioned response. “I am not disappointed in you. If you were sixteen, then maybe. But you’re a grown man with means and a heart the size of the moon. I know you’ll do what’s right. What I’m sad about is that something somewhere seems to have gone wrong with you and Hope.”

  I nodded. “She didn’t tell me about the baby. Parker accidentally let it slip during our golf game yesterday, but at the time he didn’t know about Hope and me. Clearly, he does now.” I wiggled my jaw feeling the soreness of where Parker took out his anger.

  “Why wouldn’t she tell you?”

  I leaned back on the swing, dropping my head back, feeling so fucking tired. “I don’t know.”

  “You must have some idea.”

  “Maybe it was a plan to get me to pay money. Her dad is about to lose his business, and she’s trying to start a business.”

  “Oh Mitch, you don’t really believe that do you?”

  I lifted my head. “Why not? She spent three weeks with me, and while some of it was very nice, she never missed a chance to suggest that I was wasting my life. She might have cared for me, but I wasn’t good enough to be with her. And yet, I gave her everything she needed to start a business, including proprietary software, backing her loan. What did I get? She left and then acted like I was nothing, and kept my child from me.”

  “If she was using a baby to get money, wouldn’t she have told you about it?”

  Okay, so maybe my reason was off. “I don’t know what to think, mom.” I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger.

  “Did she know how you felt about her? Maybe she was afraid you’d be mad or think she did it to trap you.”

  “She had to know I felt something. And even if I didn’t, I deserve more than being ignored and kept in the dark about my own child.” I looked at my mom. “I trust all the wrong people.”

  “Oh, honey.” My mom put her arm around me and pulled me close like a mom comforting her son, even though I was so much larger than her. “I don’t think you misjudged Hope.”

  “Why would she keep that from me?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s a reason that could be acceptable and forgiven. You need to talk to her.”

  I nodded. “I’m sure you're right. I think that my past is affecting my judgment. Of course, Hope must have an explanation. She's dealing with a lot too. I'll definitely be a great dad to my child regardless of what happens.”

  “I know you will. And I know you’ll be a wonderful father. It will be so nice to have cousins for Annabelle and Nate and Hallie’s baby.”

  We sat for a moment, then my mom got up. “I’m cold, and I should check in on the others. You were late, so Will is grilling.” She made a face. “If you wanted to make it up to us, you could order some pizza.”

  I smiled, glad to have the ability to feel humor. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She went inside, letting me sit to get myself together and to order pizza.

  Book 3: Chapter 23—Things Get Worse

  Things Get Worse


  Parker was now very late and not responding to calls. My mother was starting to get worried that something had happened to him.

  “Maybe he’s driving,” I said. “It’s not always safe to be on the phone when driving, especially in the traffic around here.

  “It’s not like him to be late and not call,” my mother said.

  That was true, but right then I heard a door slam. I went to the window and saw Parker’s car outside.

  “You can stop worrying. He’s here mom,” I called to her. When I saw Parker, though, I knew something was up. He looked agitated.

  I met him at the door. “What’s wrong?”

  “You were sleeping with Mitch.”

  “Parker!” my mother shouted tersely. “You don’t talk like that in this house.”

  “But she was.”

  “Yes, I know. She told us.”

  His angry gaze whipped to me. “You told them, but not me?”

  “I told them just now. How’d you find out?” How was it everyone was learning my secrets before I had a chance to tell them myself?

  “I overheard you telling mom and dad. Then I left to kick his ass for touching you.”

  I glared back at him. “This wouldn’t be an issue if you kept your big mouth shut. I told you not to tell anyone about the baby until I was ready. But you told Mitch.”

  “It was a slip of the tongue to someone I thought I could trust.”

  “I thought I could trust you,” I blurted back.

  “As far as I can tell, none of y’all can trust each other,” my father said. “Mitch was with Hope, and both you kept it a secret. Parker knew about the baby but told his friend. You knew about the baby but didn’t tell Mitch.” My father shook his head. “Y’all are getting what you deserve.”

  “That’s not helpful,” my mother said to him.

  “He says you’re after his money,” Parker said.

  “Tell me you don’t believe that,” I said daring him to be an asshole to me.

  “No. Then he said you slapped him.”

  I turned away, regretting having lost my temper. “I was offended that he thought I got pregnant on purpose to get his money.”

  “Good lord,” my mother gasped.

  “Well, good going sis, because now he thinks we’re all violent and not a safe place for his kid.” My brother stalked toward my parents’ liquor cabinet.

  “What?” Mitch thought I’d be unsafe? Except Parker said, “we’re all.” “What do you mean we’re all?”

  Parker poured a drink. “I clocked him one good.”

  My mother gasped. “He could have you arrested.”

  I closed my eyes, wondering how this got so out of hand.

  “Who’s getting arrested
?” my father asked, entering the room.

  “Nah, instead his brothers showed up ready to kick my ass.”

  “You hit him at his mother’s house?” My mother looked mortified. Then she got angry. “I raised you both better than this. For heaven sake, Hope, you’re going to be a mother. Stop being so petty and selfish.”

  I felt the words like a slap. A slap I knew I needed.

  “And you, Parker, grow up. You don’t have a monopoly on Mitch. You both were his friend, and your sister loves him, so get over it.” She gave us both a disgusted glare and then walked off.

  “Love? You love him?” Parker clearly hadn’t been impacted by mother’s impassioned lecture.


  He laughed. “You too are a piece of work. You love him. He loved you, and this is what comes of it? Tearing the family apart. And a booboo baby.”

  “You take that back,” I snapped. “Never ever call my baby an accident.”

  He leaned toward me. “That’s what it is.”

  “So were you both.” My father gave us the same disgusted look that my mom had given us. “If either you could do the math, you’d know that. You were born a month premature, six months after your mom and I married.”

  I did the math. Parker and I were born after eight months of pregnancy, but my parents had only been married six.

  “Your mama and I loved each other and have made a good life, but I’d be lying if I said we weren’t scared to death when we learned about the pregnancy. We loved you and did our best, and this is what we get?”

  My brother closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Hope. This is not the baby’s fault. But I wasn’t kidding about Mitch. He has rights, and after today, he might exert them.”

  “Not my baby.” I put my hands over my belly. “Why, Parker? Why did you have to go hit him?”

  “He was fu—sleeping with my sister. He betrayed me, Hope. And you betrayed him.”

  “You betrayed him too.”

  “What? You’re crazy.” He poured another drink and downed it.

  “That’s enough for you, son.” My father said with a nod toward the liquor. “I’m going to check on your mother.”


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