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Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three

Page 13

by Barron, Melinda

  Right now he knew they needed Dawson’s skills, but he felt bad that he was, as Chase had pointed out, using stolen information to get what they needed.

  Marcus was back sooner than expected and had brought enough food to feed an army. Marcus, Amanda and Cecily were unpacking it now. He could hear their laughter, and it made him smile.

  The fact that Cecily was in danger made his blood boil. If—when—they caught the person responsible he just might throttle them himself. He pushed that thought aside, though, because he knew that whoever was threatening Cecily was the same person who had taken Leah’s life.

  He didn’t know why. He couldn’t imagine why. He’d never handled any sensitive cases during his time as a lawyer. He didn’t practice criminal law after a few disastrous attempts. Instead he’d done contracts, wills, and helped with researching deeds for property that people were trying to buy. He couldn’t imagine someone would be so upset over something he’d done that they’d killed Leah, and would try to kill Cecily, too.

  “Randy and Hero are on their way up.”

  Dylan’s voce drew Ethan out of his thoughts.

  “I had a feeling that might happen,” Ethan said. He was on the deck, staring out at the expanse of land. “I’m not sure what he thinks he can do. I’m also not sure he should leave Shawn on his own. I don’t trust people right now.”

  “You have workers there,” Dylan said.

  “One of which might be a murderer,” Ethan said.

  “One of your new workers is a woman?”

  “No...” Ethan continued to stare at the grass, and he didn’t complete the sentence.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” Dylan said.

  “Nothing,” Ethan said. “Well, what if there’s more than one person in on this?” He shook his head. “I’m just trying to complicate matters, I’m sure. I need to concentrate on the why, and then maybe we’ll figure out who.”

  “I have a feeling Dawson is about to figure out who.”

  Ethan took a swig from his beer. “I just don’t understand what the hell is going on.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” Dylan said. “So did she tell you?”

  Ethan looked at Dylan and frowned. “Tell me what?”

  “I guess not,” Dylan said with a laugh. “It’s one of the reasons Randy and Hero are coming up. I told Randy. Amanda wants to tell Hero.”

  “Tell her what?” Ethan asked, and then it dawned on him. “Is Amanda pregnant?”

  “Yup,” Dylan said. “Cecily figured it out earlier. I figured she’d told you. Of course there was hardly time for any of us to talk about it, what with everything that’s been going on.”

  “Congratulations!” They shook hands, and as they did, Ethan couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be a father. He and Cecily had not really talked about it. Maybe they should. Of course they should wait until this was done. Thinking about a family with Cecily reminded him of their meeting with her parents in two days. They had a meeting with the real estate agent tomorrow and had told her they wanted to see both commercial property and homes. Ethan had made sure she knew they were looking for something with property. He didn’t like the idea of having neighbors in his backyard.

  “Who built your tree house?” Ethan asked.

  “A friend of mine named Ross Harrison,” Dylan answered. “You want one, too?”

  “I don’t want to copy your design, but I like the style. After we purchase a house, I might want to talk to him and see what he might be able to come up with.”

  “I’ll give you his number.”

  At that time, Amanda announced that dinner was served. Seconds later, Dawson came out and placed a photo on the table. “Do you know this woman?” he asked Ethan.

  Ethan picked up the picture and stared at the dark-headed woman who looked out.

  “No, I don’t,” he said. “Who is she?”

  “She’s the one who got out of the car at the bank after she tried to push Cecily into traffic at Tate’s.”

  “I’ve never seen this woman before,” Ethan said. He watched as Cecily limped over toward them. She took the picture from him and examined it. “Do you know her?”

  “No,” Cecily said. “She doesn’t look familiar at all.”

  “How far do you want me to dig?” Dawson said. “I have her address from her driver’s license. I can do a background check if you want.”

  Ethan took the photo back. He took one more, hard look, and then said, “What’s her name?”

  “Miranda Stoddard.”

  Once again Ethan shook his head. “That name does not ring any bells. I have no clue who she is.”

  “I’ll dig and see what I can find,” he said. “It might take a while.”

  “Dinner’s ready,” Amanda said. “Do you want to eat with us, Dawson?”

  “I’ll fix a plate and then go back to work,” Dawson said. He turned toward the kitchen, but then stopped. “On second thought, it might be better if I do this at my place. If this woman is tech savvy and has set up firewalls, I might need some of my computers at the house. Plus, I don’t want her to trace your IP. Does that work for you?”

  “Sure,” Ethan said. “But stay and eat. After we’re done, we’re going out tonight.”

  “We are?” Cecily asked.

  “Yes, we’re taking a car she hasn’t been near, and we’re going to see Lady Samms at The Lady’s Playground. I think it will be good for all of us to enjoy a little playtime.”

  * * *

  “Is this casual dress, or play dress, or… other?” Cecily turned toward Ethan as they walked toward the tree house. “Going by last night I would say casual dress. But it begs another question, too. Are we going as observers? You said we needed playtime.”

  “I’m taking my whip,” he said with a mischievous grin.

  “What whip?” His words stopped her in her tracks. “Are you telling me that when we packed to come here, in a hurry, you packed your whip?”

  “No,” he said. “But I knew Dylan had one in his shop, and while you were taking a shower this afternoon I snuck down there.”

  Cecily thought about it for a few moments. They had shared the shower at first, but he’d gotten out, and after she’d bathed, she went and soaked in the hot tub to soothe her sore muscles. She’d woken up in the bed with him beside her, asleep. After that they’d dressed, and he hadn’t said anything about going to Dylan’s warehouse to gather things for tonight.

  She’d stared at him, wondering how she’d gotten so lucky to find a man who she’d hit it off with from the moment they’d met. They were in the house now. Cecily followed him into the bedroom.

  A whip was curled up on the bed; it was made of black leather and she guessed it to be about three feet long. It hadn’t been there when she’d left the room earlier. Cecily shivered as she imagined it kissing her skin.

  There was something else on the bed, something that didn’t make her smile.

  “You expect me to wear that?” She pointed to the bright-red leather mini dress that lay next to the whip.

  “It’s your size.” He stretched out on the bed, his back propped against the headboard, his interlaced fingers propping up his head. “Put it on.”

  “You expect me to breathe in this?” She picked up the slick material. “It’s skin-tight.”

  “It comes in black, too,” he said. “I prefer the red, though. “You have boots to go with it, lacy ones that tie up the front. I’m disappointed they only had your size with three-inch heels. I wanted the six-inch heels. But given your injuries earlier in the day, I suppose the three-inch ones are better for you.”

  “I’m gonna look like a hooker.”

  “If I’m lucky,” he said, and then he laughed. “You know I love to see you in sexy outfits. I don’t know why you’re having a problem with this one.”

  Cecily picked up the dress. “This isn’t even long enough to cover my pussy.”

  “Put it on,” Ethan said. “That wasn’t a request.”
/>   She knew that, but that didn’t mean she wanted to wear hooker clothes tonight.

  “Why is tonight’s visit different from our last club visit?”

  “Are you questioning me?”

  “No, Master Ethan,” she said. “I’m stalling.”

  “Hoping I’ll change my mind,” he said. “Well, look at it this way. If you don’t get that dress on in five minutes, you will stay here, naked with your nose in the corner, while we go visit The Lady’s Playground.”

  At a different time, when there wasn’t a madwoman making their life a living hell, she might believe him. But there was a part of her that wondered if maybe, just maybe, he might do it even with Miranda Stoddard out there. There was the added thought that she wanted to see the club.

  “Crap,” she said as she started to strip off her clothing. “It’s probably going to take me five minutes to wiggle into this thing.”

  Ethan took out his phone. She watched him tap the screen, then he held it up for her to see—a stopwatch, and it was moving.

  “Not fair! Not fair!” Cecily started to move faster. They’d played this game before. If she didn’t do what he wanted in a certain amount of time, she didn’t get what she wanted—either the game they were going to play was cancelled, or in one case he tied her up and made her sit in the public play area and watch everyone else play, and then go to bed without any supper, so to speak.

  The dress was as tight as she’d thought it would be. She pulled it on over her feet and pulled it up, until she got to her hips, where it stopped. She pulled and yanked, and jumped up and down, jarring her injured knee.

  “Ouch, ouch, ouch,” she said as she finally moved it over her hips. She’d taken her panties off when she started and knew there was no way she was getting this skin-tight dress on over her bra. She shed it as quickly as possible, then wiggled and jumped more. Finally the dress was up, and she thanked the stars above it was tight enough to keep her boobs in place, and she didn’t have to worry about putting it over her shoulders, since it was off the shoulder.

  She sighed in relief and fell back on the bed.

  “You’re missing something,” he said. He held out the phone. “You have a minute and twenty seconds left.”

  “Missing something?” she sat up and looked around. There was no belt, no jewelry… the boots! She looked around and saw them near the dresser. She hurried across the room, grabbed them and went back to the bed. They laced up the front, and as she worked on the first one, she knew there was no way she would make the five-minute limit. But she didn’t stop. When they were in place she stood and admired them.

  It was one piece of large suede with intricate rose designs cut into each boot. The front laced up from toe to knee with red satin.

  “They are beautiful,” she said.

  “They are ordering your size with the six-inch heels, in black.”

  Cecily smiled as she turned her feet from side to side. She cried out in surprise as Ethan pulled her backwards onto the bed. He kissed her, hard, and she opened her mouth and took his tongue, savoring the taste of him.

  He straddled her and kissed her again. When the kiss broke, he held up a thin red collar. “To complete the outfit,” he said. “Well, that and one more thing.” In his other hand he held up a thin chain.

  Cecily licked her lips. Ethan was so right. They needed to play tonight. They both needed the release.

  Chapter 11

  Whereas Cassidy’s was all velvet furniture and Old English charm, The Lady’s Playground was all glass and chrome and modern flare. It was so modern that Cecily felt as if the names were mixed up.

  Lady Samms met them at the door, wearing black leather pants and a leather vest that showed off her obviously enhanced breasts. Her long blonde hair was wrapped around her head like a crown, and her bright blue eyes held laughter.

  “Welcome, Randy,” she said as she hugged the Silver Creek owner. Then she turned to Hero. “And to all your friends, especially your slave, or is she just a submissive?”

  Cecily opened her mouth to defend her friend, but Ethan tugged on the leash that ran between her collar and her slave ring. Her future husband knew her too well.

  “That sounded awfully judgmental,” Randy said. “Not all of us need slaves.”

  “Some of us savor the gift of submission from our ladies,” Ethan added. “My Cee gives of herself completely, and with pure joy. I accept it with, I hope, the proper gratitude that honors her gift.”

  “Wonderfully put,” Lady Samms said. “Sometimes I let my own desires flow out without thinking.” She bowed ever so slightly to everyone else as Randy made introductions.

  When they made it to Ethan and Cecily, she eyed Cecily’s outfit, and winked at her. “Your submissive is marvelously dressed, Master Ethan,” she said. “I understand you’re a virtuoso with a whip.”

  “I’ve been known to crack one,” he said. Cecily knew he’d left the whip he’d brought with them at the coat checkroom. He planned on using it, she knew, but he’d said he wanted to check things out first. Taking the whip with them at first would make everyone focus on it, and he didn’t want that.

  “Let me show you around,” their hostess said. “We’re very casual here. The private rooms are booked ahead of time, and of course the guests are on the honor system that there will be no penetration. It’s legal, true, but we prefer they keep their sexual activities to their homes. We want them to focus on submission, or total slavery, here, whether it be from submissives, or slaves. We welcome all.”

  Cecily wanted to say that it didn’t sound as if she did, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

  “What do you think about a new club in town?” Ethan asked.

  “We turn people away all the time,” Lady Samms said. “To me a new club would be an advantage to all. Different clubs offer different things. Once a couple, or a single, finds what they want in a club they will want to go there. I would welcome a new club. I’m sure many of the other owners feel the same. Let me show you around.”

  As they walked the main room, Cecily made sure to take in as much of the surroundings as she could. The tables were all chrome and glass, and the chairs looked extremely uncomfortable. There were no sofas like there had been at Cassidy’s. There were spanking benches and St. Andrew’s Crosses set up, and a few pieces of furniture that Cecily had never seen before.

  She was sure Dylan and his company stocked these places. She made a mental note to ask him about the one that looked as if it might cut a person in two.

  “Don’t dawdle,” Ethan said to her as he tugged on her leash. It tugged on her clit ring, and she said a silent prayer that he would retrieve his whip soon and use it on her ass.

  As they got closer to the piece of furniture that had confused her, she realized she’d just looked at it wrong. It was a rack that was doubled over so a submissive’s ass and thighs would be on display, and ready for a sound whipping.

  “Do you offer classes here?” Ethan asked.

  “No,” she said. “We send newbies that want to learn to Cassidy’s, or to Fredrick’s. Both of those places have excellent teachers. I understand you have excellent classes at Silver Creek, too. I’d love to spend a weekend there sometime. My husband would enjoy it, I believe.”

  “May I get personal?” Ethan asked.

  “By all means,” Lady Samms said.

  “Your husband, is he your submissive?”

  The Domme chuckled. “We fight for the right to be on top,” she said. “Sometimes literally. We both have slaves that serve us, but we also like to play together. Sometimes it’s fun to see who comes out on top.”

  Cecily could only imagine the two of them fighting for the right to be on top. And once their battle was finished, did the loser keep their end of the bargain? Did they really submit, or did they top from below? It would be an interesting thing to witness.

  “I can see the wheels turning in each and every one of your brains,” Lady Samms said with a laugh. “I hate to disappoint
you, but they’ll just have to keep turning. I don’t talk about my personal activities. Now, shall we continue the tour?”

  Her words came out harsh, but there was a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. Cecily lowered her face to hide her smile.

  “Now, we have five different stage areas for people to scene, and there is, of course, a good space for spectators in each room.” She started to walk, and the group fell into step behind her.

  “She’s fascinating,” Hero whispered to Cecily. “I can practically see Randy’s brain moving a mile a minute trying to analyze her.”

  “I doubt she would submit to much probing,” Cecily whispered back.

  “Quiet you two,” Ethan said. He tugged on the chain stretched between Cecily’s clit and neck. She was afraid he was becoming too attached to this particular piece of jewelry, and he might have her wear it more often than she’d like. She felt very exposed with it on, but she supposed that was the point.

  “Off in la-la land?” Ethan asked.

  “No, Sir,” she answered. “Forgive me, Sir.”

  “We’ll see,” he replied. “Now, keep up.”

  “As you wish, Sir,” she said.

  “You need to obey your master,” Lady Samms said.

  “I obey my master,” Cecily said. “What we do together is none of your business.”

  Cecily was sure she heard Hero gasp. She looked toward Ethan, whose eyes were wide with obvious surprise.

  “We demand respect from our submissives in this club,” Lady Samms said.

  “So no brats allowed?” Cecily asked. “Do we have to fill out profiles to play here? Only subs who follow two steps behind their masters, or mistresses, are allowed?”

  Cecily shivered under Ethan’s gaze. He’d narrowed his eyes just a bit, and she remembered the whip in the cloakroom, waiting to be brought out. She had no doubt Ethan wanted to use it here. She was used to having an audience when Ethan whipped her, but this place was totally different, and it made her more than a little nervous.


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