Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three

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Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three Page 18

by Barron, Melinda

Ethan jerked the phone out from under her hand. “We’re doing it my way, end of discussion.”

  “You’re being a jerk,” she said.

  “And you’re being childish,” he said. “This my way or no way thing will not work for me.”

  “I want to catch her, Ethan!”

  “And I want to keep you safe,” he said, his voice much calmer than hers. “Cee, I love you, remember? I already lost Leah to this woman. I don’t want to lose you, too.”

  “Damn you for being so calm,” she said. “But I ask you, if we don’t do this, how long do we have to wait? When we’re working on the house, do I have to worry about her showing up as one of the workers? How long to I have to keep looking over my shoulder?”

  Ethan shook his head. For a moment they stared into each other’s eyes before he said, “Damn you for bringing up good points.”

  “Please, Ethan,” she said.

  “Fine,” he said, eventually. “Text Chase and tell him we’re leaving at one tomorrow. I’ll let Randy and Shawn know we’ll be there around four or so, depending on when we get away.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I appreciate you thinking I’m smart enough to make a plan.”

  “Right,” he said. Cecily playfully slapped at his hand.

  “Oh, are you being a naughty girl, slapping at your master?”

  She did it again, then cocked her head and batted her eyes at him. “It’s been days since my master has paid me any notice. How else am I going to get any attention?”

  “Not tonight, Cee,” he said. “We need to pack, then go and see Dylan and Amanda. Perhaps we should take them to a really nice dinner tonight, to thank them for putting up with us for so long.”

  “Do we want to go to Capp’s? Or somewhere else?”

  “I hear the owner of Capp’s is a naughty submissive,” he said.

  “Really? I heard he was a nasty Dom who flitted from woman to woman.”

  “Your brother needs to be tamed,” Ethan said. “How about we skip Capp’s and do one of the shrimp buffets on the strip. I could use a little surf and turf.”

  They decided on a place, and Cecily shot Amanda a text. Their hostess readily agreed, and they made a plan to leave about eight.

  “It will be crowded by then, but that gives us time to pack, and then get cleaned up,” Ethan said. “Now, my naughty little submissive, let’s talk about your need to be attended to so often.”

  Cecily pouted. “What exactly are you saying?”

  “That you are trying to control things, and that, sly fox, is not very—well, very sly. You need to learn to be a little more stealthy.”

  “How about if I bare my ass and lay across the bed? Is that being stealthy?”

  “Not exactly,” he said. “But I could use a blowjob.”

  “I’m always happy to help in that department,” she said. It was on the tip of her tongue to say she wanted a spanking to go with it, but that would be too overt. She stayed silent and hoped that he would know what she needed.

  “On your knees, sly fox,” he said.

  Cecily obeyed, although she was disappointed that he hadn’t told her to get naked first. That was not a good sign. He walked around her, remaining silent.

  “How’s your ass, by the way?” he asked. “You should still be feeling a little bit of discomfort from the whipping I gave you the other evening.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, even though she did still have a few welts on the tenderest part of her bottom. But she hoped saying she was fine would fool him into giving her a spanking, even if it was just a tiny one.

  “You’re a bad liar,” he said. “When we get home tonight, you’ll face the consequences of that.”

  He stepped in front of her, and her mouth watered as he started to undo his jeans. She licked her lips, and when he pulled out his cock, which was fully hard, she leaned toward it.

  “Wait for permission,” he said. He stroked himself, and Cecily groaned in need.

  “Hands behind your back,” he said.

  She made sure to obey as quickly as possible. She wanted this to be perfect, even if it was just a blowjob.

  “Do you want my cock?”

  “You know I do,” she said.

  “Insolent little whelp,” he said. “If you’re going to be naughty, you’re going to kneel there and watch while I jerk myself off. Now, do you want to change your answer?”

  “Yes, Master Ethan, Sir,” she said. “I want your cock. I want to taste it. I want to give you pleasure. Please, Master Ethan, Sir.”

  “That’s my good sly fox,” he said. He stroked her hair gently and she settled into his touch, closing her eyes and savoring the contact. When he grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, she yelled out in response.

  Before she could say any words, though, he slapped his hard dick against her lips repeatedly. Her eyes watered, not from the pain of what he was doing, but from the memory of the first time he’d done it. It was two days after they’d met. He’d shown up at her apartment and told her he was going to take her. Then he’d spanked her mouth with his cock, just like he was doing right now.

  Cecily kept her eyes closed and moaned softly as he slapped his dick against her cheeks, against her mouth, against her nose.

  “The first time I did this to you, you put up a little fuss,” he said. “I remember you saying, ‘Ouch, ouch, not there. Let me suck it.’ Isn’t that what you said?”

  He stopped slapping her with his dick, and Cecily said, “Yes, Master Ethan, I did.”

  “I wasn’t your master yet,” he said. “But it wasn’t long after that, was it?”

  “A mere month, Master Ethan, Sir.”

  “Lust at first sight that turned into love,” he said.

  “Yes, Master Ethan, Sir.”

  “Now, close your eyes and keep your mouth shut. I’m almost ready for you to suck me.”

  Cecily moaned and groaned under his rough touch, and when he ordered her to open her mouth, she did it gladly. She knew this was not going to be a gentle blowjob. She opened as wide as she could, and he shoved himself inside her. He grabbed hunks of hair on both side of her head and fucked her mouth so hard she thought she was going to lose her lunch.

  Then, suddenly he let go of her hair and stepped back. “On the bed, ass up, you slut.”

  Cecily scrambled to obey, and when he lifted her skirt, and pulled down her panties, she closed her eyes and readied herself to take him. He fucked her pussy as roughly as he’d done her mouth. Cecily scratched at the quilt and groaned in bliss.

  “Do it for me, nasty woman,” he said as he pumped her. Cecily pressed her thighs together, putting pressure on her clit. It didn’t take long. Because he’d ordered it she cried out, screaming for more as he pounded into her. His groans and grunts told her he’d come, too. As always, when he withdrew she felt empty. She loved having him inside her.

  He ran his fingers over her bottom and said, “You still have a few welts. But not as many as I’d thought. I need to do better next time.”

  “Yes, you do, Master Ethan,” she said with a giggle.

  “Impertinent little chit,” he said. “I’ll deal with you later. Now, go shower and get changed. We’ll pack when we get back from dinner.”

  Cecily stood and saluted him. “Yes, Master Ethan.”

  “We’ve got to work on your attitude,” Ethan said. “Now get cleaned up. I’m hungry.”

  Cecily didn’t tell him they still had a few hours before dinner. Instead she followed orders, hoping her sly attitude would get her spanked later in the evening.

  * * *

  They played a few hands of blackjack before dinner. Cecily had a run of good luck, and she won almost a hundred and fifty dollars before the buzzer in Ethan’s hand went off to tell them their table was ready.

  Once they were seated, Cecily fanned out her winnings on the table.

  “Looks like dinner is on you,” Ethan said with a laugh.

  “We really want to thank you for lett
ing us invade your tree house,” Ethan said. “We’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”

  “We’ve enjoyed the excitement,” Dylan said. “Not that we’re happy Cee is in danger, but it has definitely been a twist in our lives. I hope you find that woman soon.”

  “So do I,” Ethan said. “And I hope Chase has enough evidence to arrest her.”

  They ordered steaks to go with the buffet, and when the waitress was gone, they filled their plates. Cecily enjoyed the company and the food, and she was happy that she and Ethan would be living in Vegas and running Silver Creek II.

  “There is still the matter of telling my mother,” she said.

  “That we’re eating steak and shrimp?” Ethan asked.

  “No, I was thinking about running Silver Creek II, and how I would tell my mom.”

  “Simple, you tell her you’re working at Capp’s, and leave it at that,” Ethan said.

  Cecily took a drink from her wine, and she knew he was right. “Okay, okay. I’m over thinking it.”

  “Yes, you are,” Ethan said. They ate a little more, and when Cecily realized the wine had run through her she excused herself. She expected Amanda to go with her, but she’d just filled her plate with cheesecake, and said she wanted to eat, first.

  Cecily made her way to the restroom, pleasantly buzzed and ready to go back to the tree house, and hopefully get spanked and fucked again. She went to a stall and did her business. When she came out, she made her way toward the sinks when someone stepped out from the stall at the end.

  She stopped in her tracks, and it took her a few moments to realize she knew the woman standing in front of her.

  It was Kate Hubert, and she had a knife in her hand.

  “I’ve made a few plans of my own,” she said. “And you’re going to do exactly what I say, or I’ll kill Ethan this time, and you’ll get to live with the pain.”

  Chapter 15

  Cecily’s mind whirled as she stared at the knife in Kate’s hand. How had this happened? How did the crazy woman know they were going to be here tonight? They hadn’t driven the rental, or Ethan’s car. They’d come in one of Dylan’s cars, and they’d checked it first for a tracker. There hadn’t been one.

  She needed to keep Kate on guard until Ethan questioned why she was taking so long, and came to investigate.

  Or sent Amanda to investigate. Pregnant Amanda. That thought chilled Cecily’s bones. She needed to take charge of the situation, and do it fast.

  “You obviously didn’t plan things very well. We’re in the middle of a public restroom. Someone will be here soon.”

  “The door’s locked,” Kate replied.

  “Yeah, because a woman who has to pee is just going to stand outside a locked door and do the dance.” Cecily wiggled her hips. “She’ll go in search of someone who can unlock the door. I’m willing to wait for them.”

  “You’ll do what I say, now!” Kate wiggled the knife at her. “You’re going to unlock the door and we’re going to walk out together, with you in front and the knife at your back. Move it.”

  Cecily’s hands shook. Ideas ping-ponged through her mind as she tried to decide what to do. Finally she said, “Yeah, that’s not going to work for me. What was your Plan B?”

  “Move it!” Kate screamed, her voice full of fury. “You will do as I say!”

  “There is only one person I obey, and that is Master Ethan.” Cecily shrugged.

  Kate snorted in derision. “Your precious Ethan killed my sister.”

  “I heard it differently,” Cecily said. “You can’t blame him for her choices.”

  “I can!’ Kate screamed, just as someone knocked on the door. “He brought her into his deranged lifestyle, and it killed her. He doesn’t deserve to be happy while my sister is in the ground.”

  Her voice rose with each word, until Cecily felt the mirrors would break from the sound pressure.

  “You need to calm down,” Cecily said. “Listen, this needs to end. You killed a woman.”

  Someone knocked on the door again, more insistent this time.

  “And I loved it,” Kate said. “I loved the shocked look on her face, and I loved the feel of the gun in my hand, and I love the fact that she’s six-feet underground. I deliver flowers to her grave and I laugh.”

  “You need help,” Cecily said.

  The knocking on the door became a pounding.

  “This is how it’s going to work,” Kate said. “You’re going to unlock the door and you’ll lead the way out, with the knife at your back. Then we’ll go outside.”

  “Where you’ll knife me in the crowd.” Cecily shrugged. “Yeah, that’s not going to work for me.”

  “Do it! Do it!”

  “No.” Cecily wanted to rush her, to take her off guard. The woman was furious, her face redder than the sun. “I’m sure you’ve seen TV shows, or movies, where the person in danger is told to do something, and they do it, and someone comes and saves them. I’m planning on saving myself. You will do as I say, Kate. Put the knife down. We’ll open the door and find security and take care of things.”

  Kate laughed. “Yeah, that’s not going to work for me.”

  Outside the door, a man yelled, “Get security, get someone to open this door, now.” Cecily sighed in relief. That voice belonged to Ethan.

  “Your lover is here to rescue you,” Kate said. “I guess my plans will have to change and I’ll just kill you here.”

  Kate rushed at her, but Cecily had anticipated the move. She sidestepped the lunge and stuck out her foot. Kate fell to the floor and Cecily dropped on top of her. Cecily made to grab for her hand, and noticed it was empty. She must have dropped the knife somewhere. Cecily looked around for it, but couldn’t find it.

  “Stay back, stay back,” a second male voice said from outside the door. “If you try to go in, I swear I’ll arrest you. Let me do my job.”

  The cops were here, and Cecily knew Ethan well enough to know the officer was threatening him. She wanted to laugh, to tell him to obey the law. Instead she kept her focus on the woman beneath her. She pressed her weight into Kate and the woman bucked, knocking Cecily off balance. Kate growled in anger and bucked again. This time Cecily was ready for her. The door burst open, and a man in uniform stood there, a gun pointed at them.

  “She tried to kill me!” Kate screamed. “Arrest her!”

  “We know what’s going on here, Mrs. Hubert,” the officer said. “Detective Chase Murphy is on his way. I’m to hold you here until he arrives. Miss Blackthorn, please stand up.”

  Cecily stayed where she was until the officer repeated the order. She stood and moved back as the cop and Kate tussled until she was in cuffs.

  “Arrest me, I don’t give a damn,” Kate said. She glared at Cecily. “You’ll be dead soon, and I’ll be laughing.”

  “Babe,” Ethan said from the doorway. He held out his hand and she went to him. “You okay?”

  “You didn’t come in,” she said. “I’m impressed that you followed orders, and that you got the cops here so fast.”

  He pulled her into a hug, and she settled her head against his shoulder.

  “I didn’t get them here, Chase did,” he said.

  Cecily pulled away from him and said, “What?”

  “Chase showed up at our table a few moments after you left for the restroom,” Ethan explained. “He said Dawson had been trying to get ahold of us, and when that failed, he called Chase. Dawson’s traced the IP address that broke into our system. It came from inside Silver Creek.”

  “From whose computer?” she asked.

  “Mine,” Ethan said. “Whoever did it broke into the house.”

  “Son of a…” Cecily turned to watch the officer as he read Kate her rights. The woman was watching them, a smile on her face. Beside her she felt Ethan stiffen. For a moment she thought he was going to launch himself at his wife’s killer. But he didn’t. He stayed where he was, and when the officer walked her by, he locked gazes with her.

ur lifestyle killed my sister,” she said. “I pray the woman next to you dies soon, and you suffer for the rest of your life.”

  “You killed my wife, literally,” Ethan said. “I hope you rot in prison.”

  “Coming through,” Chase said. He looked around the room and then did the ‘come hither’, motion with his fingers. “Clear out all these people,” he said to an officer who appeared. “We don’t need an audience.”

  Then he turned to Kate. “Whom are you working with?”

  “Up yours,” Kate said.

  “Nice,” Chase responded. “Take her to the station and hold her for the murder of Leah Pratt. Contact the DA. Tell him we have our woman and want an indictment as soon as possible.”

  The officer said, “Sure thing, Detective.”

  As they walked by, Cecily said, “You should have planned better. You got flustered and this is how it ends. You really should have planned better.”

  “Like your plan to use yourself as bait?” Kate laughed. “So overdone.”

  When they were gone, Ethan said, “How did she know that?”

  “Either there’s a bug somewhere in our stuff, or whoever she was working with told her.” Cecily’s hand started to shake. Her stomach started to do flips. “We have to have another plan.”

  “Are you okay, baby?” He stroked her shoulder.

  “I think I’m going to throw up.” Cecily put her hand on her stomach.

  “It’s nerves,” Chase said. “Her shock kept her on top of things before, but now her nerves are taking over.”

  Cecily knew he was right. She pushed away from Ethan and ran to the restroom. She barely made it in a stall before she lost her surf and turf.

  * * *

  The house seemed different knowing someone had been in there, snooping through their things, putting a bug in places so he, and Ethan knew it was a he, could keep track of them. He wondered how long it had been there? Since his relationship with Cecily had started? As hard as it was to believe, he knew that was probably true.

  Chase would be here soon. It had been a week since the incident with Kate Hubert. They’d yet to identify the person she was working with, despite Dawson scrubbing the computers and security feed, and Chase running background checks on all the new hires. They all turned out clean.


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