Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three

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Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three Page 19

by Barron, Melinda

  “That means someone has been able to hide their true self,” Chase had said to Ethan. He’d called on Ethan’s new phone, which no one knew about except for Cecily, Marcus, the Silver Creek three, and Chase. Everyone else was still using his old phone.

  “Tell me about your old workers,” Chase said.

  “Well, there’s Hector and X, but there is no way it’s them,” Ethan said. “They have a stake in the company, and there’s Martin, and Jake, and Steve.”

  “I need last names,” Chase said. Ethan rattled them off, and then the phone was silent. “Wait, did you say you have investors?”’

  “We tried to get investors,” Ethan said. “We needed some cash. We asked Marcus, and a friend of his named Tom something or other. I’m not sure what his last name was. He’s been here a few times since then.”

  “Was he there the weekend someone tried to break into the system?”

  “I have no clue,” Ethan said. “I’d have to check the books.”

  “Do it,” Chase said. “Then call me back.”

  Chase disconnected, and Ethan called Marcus.

  “What’s up, stealthy future brother-in-law?” Marcus asked with a laugh.

  Ethan chuckled, and then asked, “That friend of yours, Tom. What’s his last name?”

  “Does this mean you’re looking for investors again? Cool. His name is Tom Davis. He is rich, and he has lots of money to spend.”

  “How long have you known him?”

  “Maybe a year and a half,” Marcus said. “He came into Capp’s and enjoyed it so much he asked to meet the owner. Then I saw him at the coffee shop near my house…” Marcus’ words drifted off. “It was only a few days later. We sat and talked, and we became friends. Just one of those… son of a bitch! The bastard used me. I’m going to wring his neck.”

  “No, no,” Ethan said. “Don’t do anything. Don’t say anything. Let me talk to Chase and set up a plan, to make sure this is the guy. He can run him and see if he has a connection to Kate Hubert. I’ll keep you informed. You may need to put on your acting shoes to fool him.”

  “Would that be before or after I kick his ass?” Marcus said.

  “Get control of yourself,” Ethan said. “I’ll call you back soon.”

  Ethan texted the name to Chase, and then he went into the bedroom to check on Cee. She lay on the bed sleeping. He thought about waking her and letting her know the latest development, but he decided to leave her in peace. All of the workers, who were now cleared as far as he was concerned, knew to watch for something out of the ordinary.

  Tom Davis, he said to himself as he locked the door and got into his cart. “After I get my hands on you, you’ll be breathing through a tube for the rest of your life.” He made it to the office and checked the books, not the electronic ones but the paper ones they had for guests to sign in, which Shawn said gave the resort class and style. He flipped to the weekend of the cyber break-in and ran his fingers down the names until he came to Tom Davis.

  “Rat bastard,” Ethan said. He called Chase and gave him his findings.

  “So far, Davis doesn’t know what we’ve found out, and Kate Hubert is not talking,” he said. “I say we set up a weekend for potential investors and invite him. Something tells me he’ll come.”

  “And then what?” Ethan asked. “He hasn’t really committed a crime, as far as I can tell.”

  “Cybercrimes are punishable by law,” Chase said. “So is being an accessory to attempted murder.”

  “Is there a connection between Davis and Hubert?”

  “Yeah, he’s her boss,” Chase said. “He’s a CPA, and she works for his firm. Not sure how he got involved in everything. I’ll ask him after I arrest him. Hopefully he’ll tell the truth.”

  “You can’t arrest him without proof,” Ethan said.

  “Which I’ll get when we set a trap during the investors weekend,” Chase said. “Cee had a good idea when she proposed that. We’ll just use it to catch a different perp.”

  * * *

  “At least my idea is being put to use, just in a different way,” Cecily whispered in Ethan’s ear. “I’m glad he’s coming. I’m glad Chase will be here. I’m glad it will finally be over.”

  “Chase is certain Davis will sneak into our house during the party to steal my computer, and to take the bugs he left behind.”

  “Hopefully he’s right,” Cecily said. They were in their bed, nestled together. But they hardly talked about things unless they were whispering in each other’s ears. “We have a house to close on Monday, and I’d really like to wrap all these things up.”

  Ethan kissed the tip of her nose. “Tonight’s scene will last a while, giving Davis the chance to sneak out.”

  “I can go for that,” she said, “although I’m not sure my bottom agrees with me.”

  “It’s been weeks since your last one,” he said. “Don’t be a wimp.”

  “Chase will be waiting for him here?”

  “Chase, Randy, Shawn, and Hector,” Ethan whispered back. “He won’t get away with anything tonight.”

  “What if we’re wrong?” she asked.

  “We’re not.” He kissed her lips, and she savored the taste of him. “Hubert hasn’t confessed, but they found a room in her house that laid out all her plans, that showed…”

  He stopped talking, and Cecily ran her fingers up his arm. “That showed how much she wanted Leah dead. There were plans for the murder.”

  Ethan’s voice broke, and Cecily stroked his arm once more. “I’m so sorry this has brought back such bad memories for you.”

  “It has,” Ethan said. “But it has also reminded me that life is short, and is not meant to be wasted. You would have liked Leah, and she would be happy that I am moving on with my life.”

  Cecily smiled. “Let’s talk about the house, shall we? I’m nervous about this ‘Just call me Watson’ guy’s plan for gutting it. Do you think that’s the right idea?”

  “I do,” Ethan said. “He doesn’t have any other project to work on, and he’s promised us to be done in four months’ time. Until then we’ll stay at the tree house while the crew we’ve hired renovates the warehouse we bought for Silver Creek II.”

  “If we hadn’t sold my condo so fast, we could have used it,” Cecily said.

  “And have to stay silent while we played.” Ethan shook his head. “No, thank you.”

  They had stopped whispering while they discussed building plans, because it was something everyone knew about. “I want the herb garden built,” she said. “And when the season is right, I want a vegetable garden.”

  “You’ll be able to stay working at Capp’s if you want,” he said.

  “Well, Marcus has already found someone to help him run the place.” She turned over onto her back. “I have to say I’m a little jealous about it, but I would never tell him. He seems to be quite taken with this woman. Her name is Vanessa, and she’s a Cordon Bleu trained chef, which leaves me in the dust.”

  “Maybe it won’t work out,” Ethan said as he turned onto his back, too. “He may be begging for you to come back in a month’s time.”

  “Doubtful,” Cecily said with a giggle. “Now, what do I get to wear tonight?”

  “The black boots that came in,” he said. “And the black leather harness that leaves your beautiful body open for all to see.”

  “I love that idea,” she said. “Thank you, Master Ethan.”

  “You’re welcome my sly fox.” He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I think you deserve a reward for the scene we’re doing tonight. What would you like it to be?”

  Cecily nestled against him. “How about the use of the toy you just bought from Dylan?”

  “My sly fox, I like the way you think.”

  * * *

  They had a reception for possible investors in Silver Creek II before the scene planned for the public play area. Chef had outdone himself on the appetizers, but Cecily was too nervous to eat much. She’d put on her best face w
hen Ethan had introduced her to Tom Davis. She’d wanted to slap him. Instead she’d lowered her gaze as a good submissive would and said it was nice to meet him.

  Now, as they talked business and amounts of money needed to help get Silver Creek II off the ground, Cecily stood with Shawn’s wife Autumn, Hero and Amanda.

  “I’m jealous you’re going to be whipped,” Amanda said. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for the baby, but I really would like a scene or two before I get too large, but Dylan refuses.”

  The women all laughed. “You’re wearing some pretty sexy clothes, though,” Autumn said.

  “For now,” Amanda said, and they all laughed again.

  “What is this naughty foursome giggling about?” Ethan said as he came over. He had a leash attached to his belt. He unhooked it and snapped it onto the ring on Cecily’s temporary collar. He hadn’t talked about getting her a permanent one and that saddened her. She supposed it was because they had so much to talk about that he hadn’t had time. She hoped he did it before they got married, which had been set for early spring. To her it would be a perfect gift.

  “Now, ladies and gentlemen, the public play area is not far from here. My naughty sub and I will lead the way. Please follow us so you can see a sample of what we will be teaching at Silver Creek II.”

  Ethan tugged on the leash, and Cecily fell into place behind him, her hands clasped behind her back and her head lowered. She wouldn’t have the chance to see if Davis followed them, or if he stayed behind so he could break into their house again.

  They started down the path, and then into the public play area. Guests were already gathered. Hector and X were on the stage, and when Ethan led Cecily up the stairs, they secured her to a frame that had been set up, her arms above her head, her legs stretched wide.

  “Thank you, Hector, and X,” Ethan said. The couple left the stage, and Cecily realized they had left her facing the crowd, which was different.

  “Most of you know that Cecily and I will be married in six months’ time,” Ethan said. “Then we’ll move to Vegas to run Silver Creek II.”

  The crowd applauded and Cecily felt as if she were beaming.

  “But I have one thing I’ve never done with my future wife, and that is offer her a collar, one that she will wear when we are not out in public, one that signifies her submission to me.”

  “Master,” she whispered. Cecily watched as Ethan walked to the side of the stage. Randy handed him something wrapped in black velvet. As he walked to her, Ethan unwrapped the collar. It was thin black leather. He held it up for her to see and her eyes watered.

  There were three O-rings, and in the middle of them were two silver engravings. One said, in small letters, “Ethan’s naughty submissive.” The other one said, “His sly fox.

  Ethan held it up to her face. “Do you accept my collar, my sly fox?”

  “I do, Master Ethan,” she said. Then she dropped her head and kissed it.

  “I promise to care for you, to guide you, to use you as I see fit, and to bring you pain that turns into pleasure, to guide you into subspace as much as possible, and to fill your mouth, your pussy, and your welted ass with my cock.”

  “Thank you, Master Ethan,” Cecily said, as tears flowed down her face. “I promise to accept all those things, and to serve you as best I can.”

  “I accept your gift of submission,” he said.

  “I accept your dominance over me,” she said.

  He attached the collar around her neck, and Cecily started to cry in earnest. She had not expected this tonight. It was the perfect addition to what, she prayed, would be the end of their troubles. When the collar was in place, Ethan kissed her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too,” she said.

  He took a step back and picked up his whip, which had been on a table to the right of the stage. Hector and X turned the frame, so Cecily’s ass was toward the front. When they did, she saw Chase appear in a back doorway. He nodded to her, and to Ethan. She knew exactly what that meant. Tom Davis had fallen for the trap. It was over.

  Seconds later the whip started to crack around her, the sharp sound making her tense and fight against her bonds. When it kissed her ass, Cecily cried out in pain.

  A second one came, and then a third. Each strike reminded her of Ethan’s words, that he would give her pleasure and pain, that he accepted her gift of submission. It reminded her of her own words, too, that she accepted his dominance over her.

  As he expertly abused her ass, Cecily rubbed her thighs together. He hadn’t given her permission, but she wanted to come, wanted to feel the release while she, for the first time, wore her master’s collar.

  Ethan whipped her harder, as if he knew what she was doing. When she came, she soared, feeling as if she were lifting into the clouds. The world swirled around her, and she jerked against her bonds. As she came back to Earth she thought about tonight, about using the fucking machine Dylan had made for them. She would have a dildo in her pussy, and Ethan’s cock in her ass, pounding into her welted bottom. She still wasn’t a huge fan of taking it up the butt, but Ethan loved it, and she did it for him.

  When the whipping stopped, with nothing but the sound of it being cracked around her body to bring her back down, she relaxed against the frame. Seconds later, Ethan was behind her, rubbing her ass.

  “That was an easy one,” he said. “And you came, you nasty little slut.”

  “Yes, Master Ethan, I did.” She took a deep breath. “And I am your nasty little slut.”

  “My sly fox, and my naughty submissive, just like the collar says,” Ethan said. “Now, let’s go back to the house. My dick needs your asshole.”

  “As you wish, Master Ethan.” She moaned softly. “I’m yours to do with as you please.”

  “Yes you are, my sly fox. Yes, you are.”

  The End

  Melinda Barron

  Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and temples, discover Mayan ruins, play in castles towers, and explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all from the comfort of her home by opening a book.

  Melinda loves to lose herself between the pages of a book. The only thing she loves more is creating stories from the wonderful heroes and heroines that haunt her dreams and crowd her head. She believes love is for everyone, not just those who are a size 2. Her books are full of magic, suspense and love, in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

  Mel currently lives in the Texas Panhandle, with two cats, and a file stuffed with new ideas to keep her typing fingers busy, and your heart engaged.

  Mel also writes as Maura McMann .

  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Melinda Barron and Blushing Books!

  Single Titles

  Evelyn’s Journey

  Lily's Lessons

  Playing the Part

  Secret Alliance

  Fantasy Honeymoon

  Uncovering the Past

  A Christmas Package

  Searching for Pandora

  Ready to Obey

  Muriel’s Adventures

  Calliope’s Master

  Silver Creek Resort

  Buried Treasure, Book 1

  Her Dream Dom, Book 2

  Ethan’s Naughty Submissive, Book 3

  Rakes of Mayfair Series

  His Virgin Widow, Book 1

  His Disobedient Thief, Book 2

  His Little Problem, Book 3

  His Curious Imp, Book 4

  His Party Guest, Book 5

  His Lady Brat, Book 6


  Heart and Home, The MacAllister Brothers

  Scary Spanks

  Love of a Cowboy, Vol. II

  Holiday Heat

  Dominating His Valentine (Dangerous Beginnings)

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