Learn Easy Ways To Control Anger
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In order to manage any problem, you need to know the cause. Similarly, in order to manage stress you should try to find out the reason. Once you find out the reason it will become easier for you to manage it.
Though the level of stress may vary from person to person and situation, the ways to manage it are similar. Here are a few tips to manage stress:
Exercise - Usually stress response puts us in a defensive mode. It makes us feel over protective of our self and it gets us prepared to fight or flee. If we react accordingly in a positive way then our mind and body will be in sync, which will indeed help us reduce stress. By developing a habit of working out regularly, we can actually cut down the synthesis of stress hormones.
Meditation- People, who meditates on a regular basis, tends to be more in control of oneself. There are several meditation techniques that are aimed at reducing anger and stress. You can try them out to get relief from stress. All you need to do is practice the techniques daily for 30 minutes to get lasting benefits out of it.
Talk to someone- At times, all you need to do is open your heart to someone. You can express how you fell to a loved one or someone you trust. You may feel like you are burdening them with your talk , but most people will feel good about the fact that you trust them and feel comfortable to share your feelings with them.
Take a break- At times all you need is some time off, away from the source of your stress. It can be studies, work, relationship etc. By shifting your focus and concentrating on something new you will redirect your brain to something new and interesting. Thus when you return back, you may find a whole new perspective to the existing things.
Time management- Most of the time unfinished tasks and multitasking can cause stress. The best way to deal with it is to list the tasks that you have to perform and try to keep a deadline on every task. This way you will be able to save time, complete more work and get rid of the stress.
Laugh – Try to read something funny or watch a funny video. At times these small funny things can help you reduce stress and make you feel better.
Cry- At times it’s good to fell week and get hold of your real emotions. Crying is never a sign of weakness; it actually helps release the tension that builds up within you.
Eliminate certain substances from your life- Consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarette, over use of pain medication etc can become the reason for your stress. Thus it’s important to reduce the consumption of these substances.
Do something that you love- At times all you need is a piece of cake or a shopping spree to feel better. You should do something you love every once in a while to make yourself feel special.
These methods are easy to follow, however at times you may develop depression due to prolonged stress. In such cases these methods may not be effective enough to make you feel better. Thus, if you think you are falling prey to stress, then it’s best to talk to a professional. Valley Anger Management is one such organization that offers stress management classes that can be of great help to you.
This book is a simple attempt to show you that managing stress or anger is not at all difficult. All you need is self control. However, at times it may become difficult for you to control yourself, but that’s when the tips can come handy.
Anger is an emotion, thus it’s best to treat it like one and express it. Once anger starts building up it becomes difficult to gain control over it and it can become aggression. So, by taking certain simple measures you can control anger like:
Deep breathing
Working out
focus shifting
humor and laughter
Similarly, you have to accept the fact that stress is normal. You will feel stressed from time to time, but that doesn’t mean you will try to reduce it by harming yourself by indulging in activities that are detrimental. You can try out several techniques like, meditation, time management, taking some time off etc to reduce stress level.
However, the response to anger and stress is different among different people. Some of you may find that the tips are providing miraculous results but some of you may find just a positive change. “They say practice makes a man perfect”, thus if you want to get the best out of this book then it’s best to follow the tips on a regular basis so that it develops into a habit.