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Lord Robert and his bride (The Duke's Brothers Book 2)

Page 6

by Fiona Miers

  “Allow me to send you back to Kinsley Hall.” James said. “There is a carriage waiting outside.”

  Freddy reached for his dinner jacket on the sofa and threw it over his shoulder rather theatrically. He glared at Robert as he passed him, bumping his shoulder purposely.

  Robert’s jaw clenched as he turned and watched James escort Freddy towards the front entrance where the carriage waited.

  As soon as they left the room, Robert exhaled slowly, his fists easing at his sides. He ran his fingers through his dark hair and sighed in agitation. As much as he did not wish for Freddy to return to Kinsley Hall, he most certainly would have beaten him to a pulp if he had stayed at the estate for a moment longer.

  Robert was not certain whether James’ interruption was a good or a bad thing. Either way, he could not stand the sight or the mere thought of Freddy Montclair.

  It was clear that the wastrel was not aware that Julia had approached him for assistance against Freddy and his demanding ways. He was also not aware that Arabella wished to take legal action against him to ensure he did not bother her or set foot on her property ever again. It certainly did make things easier, as now Robert could focus his energy on Arabella and Julia’s safety.

  “Are you all right, brother?”

  Robert turned around and looked at James, who stood in the doorway.

  “My well-being is debatable,” Robert answered. “But it is not my main concern at this moment. Arabella requested I assist her in ensuring Freddy does not bother her at the estate ever again. Or demand money from her.”

  James sighed. “This would certainly not be the first time he has done so, as he so bluntly and shamelessly expressed last evening.”

  “Charles must be livid,” Robert said.

  “He was. Emma managed to speak with him and calm him down. There was already one fool disrupting the evening. He need not be the second.”

  Robert nodded quietly.

  “What is on your mind?” James asked as he walked closer.

  “I wish to speak to Arabella about Freddy. I want to assist her personally.”

  James’s brow furrowed. “It is unlike you to do that. You usually send someone unbiased to speak to the person requiring assistance. You are not a solicitor.”

  “I am well aware of my practice, James. Protocol is the foundation I built my career as a barrister on. Normally I would not personally meet with a client, but this is a different situation. A situation much more serious than I initially thought.”

  “How so?”

  “Freddy’s actions and demands towards Arabella are unreasonable and unacceptable, but the manner in which he treated Julia last evening was unforgivable. I fear she may be in physical danger with him on the premises. I must ensure he leaves and never sets foot there again.”

  “And how will you do that, brother? You cannot be at Kinsley Hall permanently. Or do you intend on riding there until matters are sorted out?”

  For a moment, it did not seem as outlandish as it ought to and as he glanced at his brother, James laughed in exasperation.

  “You were truly considering it,” James said.

  “I was not. I am merely considering all options, and which would be the best for Arabella and Julia,” Robert said in his own defence.

  “Or perhaps for you.”

  Robert’s brow furrowed and he stared at James. “What in heavens do you speak of?”

  “These differences in your manner of working... does this have something to do with the lovely Miss Julia?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “I have known you your entire life, Robert, and not once have you deviated from the rules, regulations or protocols. You have never adjusted your schedule or your manner of working. You send a neutral party to speak with clients and never do so directly. You do not involve yourself completely in their troubles. Yet with Arabella, you are determined to throw your rulebook out of the window. Why is that?”

  Robert sighed and straightened his shoulders. “When she came here to meet with me, Julia’s story seemed timid and I informed her that I would select a solicitor suited to Arabella’s particular needs. I did not regard it as a dangerous and volatile situation. After what I saw last evening and how aggressive Freddy appeared towards both Arabella and Julia, I realized the significant danger these two women are in. And it is my duty to keep them safe.”

  “And it has nothing to do with her beautiful dark hair, her alluring blue eyes and her delightful and intoxicating smile?”

  “Do not be ridiculous, James,” Robert said curtly. “I do not possess the energy or the time to woo a woman at this moment. It is the furthest from my mind.”

  “My apologies, brother,” James said with a grin. “I have one more question.”

  Robert’s jaw clenched and he asked, “And that is?”

  “How did you manage to speak to her so fluently and without a hint of a stutter?”

  The smirk on James’s lips brought forth a new wave of annoyance within Robert and he narrowed his eyes at his brother. “Unlike you, I can remain professional at all times. She is a client, and that is all there is to it.”

  “Of course,” James said with a smug grin.

  Robert was not in the least bit certain he had convinced his brother that Julia was not the reason for his adamance, or that she was, in fact, merely a client.

  In all truthfulness, he was not convinced either.

  Chapter Ten

  Arabella was casually seated on the chaise by the open window, allowing the fresh air to stream in. A steaming cup of tea was on the table beside her, and her relaxed demeanour was very much welcomed by Julia.

  Freddy’s presence at Kinsley Hall caused Arabella to become tense and guarded, as well as protective of Julia. But now that he was visiting a friend all morning and due to return much later, there was ease and peace on the estate. Wisely, Arabella had requested a manservant stand outside the door once Robert arrived, in order to prevent Freddy from barging into the sitting room if by some chance his visit was cut short.

  Julia was not certain why her heart pounded so heavily in her chest, but it did not take Arabella long to notice her stressed appearance. Especially since she nervously paced the length of the private sitting room at the estate.

  “I was under the impression that you would be more at ease with Freddy’s absence, Julia,” Arabella said.

  Julia bit her lower lip and stopped walking. She turned to Arabella and her brow furrowed. “What do you mean, Great-aunt?”

  “You seem tense. More than usual.”

  “I am merely worried about the entire situation, that is all. What else would I be tense about?”

  “I am not certain, but does it have something to do with Robert Melton?”

  Julia lowered her gaze and could not seem to look Arabella in the eyes. “Of course not. Why would I be tense about Robert’s visit to the estate?”

  Arabella chuckled and straightened herself. “He is a lovely young man. If I were his age, he would not stand a chance.”

  “Great-aunt,” Julia said with a scoff. “That was rather unladylike.”

  “I am not dead yet, my dear.”

  Julia sighed and clasped her hands together. “You are right. He is lovely. And his presence is comforting.”

  “Then why are you more rigid than the breakfast table?”

  “I am not certain, Great-aunt. When I was at the Duke’s estate speaking with Robert about what ails us, he set me at ease. He encouraged me to speak without uttering a single word. He made me feel secure and safe, and it was the very first time we had met.”

  “If you ask me, I am convinced that there is a reason for that,” Arabella said smugly.

  “Great-aunt, you have never believed in love for as long as I have known you,” Julia said.

  “It does not mean it does not exist.”

  Julia narrowed her eyes at Arabella and studied her at length. “I am rather perplexed at this moment. I never knew you had such thoughts.”<
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  Arabella fobbed her off and sipped her tea. “A lady’s first season is not as important as most young ladies think.”

  Julia cocked her head and was rather stunned at how easily her great-aunt managed to steer the conversation in a different direction.

  “Most young ladies do not receive an offer during their first season, and if they do, it does not result in marriage. If I were you, I would not be too concerned. You are a beautiful woman and the right man will notice,” Arabella said and sipped her tea. “Perhaps he already has.”

  “If you are referring to Robert Melton, I highly doubt that, Aunt.”

  “Why do you say that? He seems very protective of you. He danced with you on several occasions, he punched Freddy at the soiree, and if I am not mistaken, did he not kiss you while escorting you to the carriage?”

  Julia’s cheeks heated instantly as she was reminded of the kiss between herself and Robert. It had been brief, and she had not known what to make if it.

  Had she caught Robert’s eye in the manner she had wished? Or was he merely protective of her because of the situation? Perhaps he had kissed her because the moment had swept his reasoning away? He had punched a man, after all.

  “Robert is a fine gentleman and in my opinion, would make a wonderful husband.”

  “I had not thought of him in such a way,” Julia lied. “Certainly, he is handsome and came to my aid. But I do not wish to be swept away by my feelings and lose all common sense.”

  “You are much too smart for that to happen, my dear,” Arabella said. “Perhaps if you put more effort into engaging his attention, things would escalate quicker.”

  “But do I wish it to?”

  “What do you mean? A moment ago, you said that he was a handsome man.”

  “And he will remain so, of course,” Julia said and approached her great-aunt. “What I mean is, I have never given getting married much thought. Despite my mother’s constant efforts to introduce me to notable men, it is not something I have wished for. I do not feel the need to have a man in my life to complete me. If I fall in love—and you might not agree with me on this—perhaps I shall think differently.”

  “Indeed,” Arabella said with a knowing smile.

  Julia sighed. “Robert will soon be arriving, and I think it best for the time being, to focus on the problematic situation at hand one issue at a time.”

  “You are right, my dear. For now, Robert will merely be our legal counsel. He will find a suitable solicitor to rectify this situation in which we find ourselves. Thereafter, we can focus on other things.”

  Julia sighed. “Thank you, Great-aunt.”

  “However, it won’t hurt to accept any invitations we receive from the duke and duchess.”

  “If they were to include us as their guests. After the disastrous happenings caused by Freddy, I very much doubt we will be included in future soirees,” Julia said with a sigh.

  “You underestimate yourself. As far as I know, the duchess adores you, and she was rather concerned when we left. She even sent me a letter to ensure you were all right.”

  “She did?” Julia asked.


  “Why did you not tell me?”

  “The letter was addressed to me.”

  Julia forced herself to slow her pacing and wrung her hands. “I should not direct my frustration at you. I apologise. I am in awe of Emma’s grace.”

  “She is a delightful young woman,” Aunt Arabella agreed. “She has been kind to me and never a harsh word has been spoken. I also imagine that she witnessed the attraction between you and Robert, especially during one of your many dances.”

  Julia rolled her eyes. “It was not many dances. You do love to exaggerate, Aunt Arabella.”

  “It was more than enough to see that you made an impression on the young barrister,” Arabella said with a smile.

  “May I ask a question?” Julia clasped both hands behind her back.

  “Of course,” Arabella said and sipped the last of her tea before placing the cup and saucer on the table beside her.

  “Why are you being so persistent about me pursuing Robert? I was under the impression you shared my opinion that men are not crucial for survival in this world.”

  “Oh, my dear girl. Of course, they are not crucial, but I cannot deny what my own eyes saw.”

  “And what is it that you saw, Great-aunt?” Julia asked and stared down her nose at the woman before her.

  “I saw a smile on your face that I have never seen before. You were happy and content, even more than you have been in the times you spent here at the estate with me. I saw a radiant and confident young woman in a beautiful gown dancing and laughing with a very handsome and successful young man. The attraction between the two of you was undeniable, and it is not something that could be misinterpreted or faked,” Arabella said, speaking slowly. “And in my opinion, it would be a crying shame if it was not pursued.”

  Julia’s stomach quickened with nerves and she dropped her arms down beside her.

  “But what if he does not reciprocate?” Julia asked.

  “There is more to lose in doing nothing than doing something,” Arabella said. “Chances such as these are not frequent. Trust me, I know this better than anyone.”

  Julia glanced at Arabella, whose eyes seemed sad and filled with regret. As Julia opened her mouth to ask Arabella to share what she had in her heart, a knock sounded on the door. Arabella cleared her throat. “Enter.”

  The door opened and Freda appeared in the doorway. “Robert Melton has arrived, my lady.”

  “Send him through, please. Thank you, Freda.”

  Freda nodded and as the door opened all the way, Julia drew in a slow, deep breath.

  Chapter Eleven

  The servant led Robert through the halls of the estate, and he was quite surprised when it was not the usual route to the downstairs parlour. When he had met with Arabella in the past, it was mostly on the terrace or in the parlour.

  Admittedly, he was quite nervous to meet with Arabella, as he knew Julia would be present as well. He had not spoken to or seen her since their kiss, and the doubt in his mind had already begun to sink in. Had she been offended by his kiss? Had he crossed a line?

  He certainly hoped she did not think he had taken advantage of the situation and Julia’s vulnerability. If this were indeed the case, he was more than willing to apologise for his behaviour.

  For the kiss, he could not apologise, as he was the furthest thing from sorry. But if she was offended or believed he had taken advantage, then yes, he would apologise.

  He did not wish to jeopardise any possible future he might have with Julia.

  Robert silently scolded himself for thinking such things. He’d never shown any interest in marrying, for the sole reason that he had assumed he wouldn’t find a woman with whom he could comfortably speak. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he would speak so fluently to a woman as beautiful as Julia. Not to mention, have the courage to kiss her.

  Perhaps it was a sign that he was not as inadequate of a man as he thought. Maybe Julia brought out the best in him and helped him reach his deeply buried confidence?

  In the very short time he had known her, which some might consider not adequate to become familiar with someone, he had become very protective of her. It was a rather odd feeling for him, as he had never experienced it before. It was both terrifying and welcome. Overwhelming, yet completely natural.

  The maid stopped in front of a closed door and he noticed another male servant stood nearby, as if guarding it. The door was opened for him and Robert entered with a nod.

  As he stepped inside, a strange feeling erupted in his stomach as he saw Julia in a lavender hued day dress, her dark brown hair pinned to the side, with twirled locks hanging over her shoulder. Her smile was welcoming, as was Arabella’s.

  The old woman approached him with outstretched arms, and he allowed her to embrace him.

  “Robert, I am glad you have co
me,” Arabella said.

  “As am I,” Robert said and glanced at Julia. “Good afternoon, Julia.”

  “Good afternoon, Robert. Thank you for agreeing to meet with us in person. It is not usual practice for a barrister to meet with their clients, I understand.”

  “Indeed. It most certainly is not, but after what I witnessed, I am willing to bypass the usual methods. This is a serious matter and should be treated as such.”

  “Thank you, Robert. Do have a seat.”

  Robert nodded gratefully and joined Arabella and Julia around the low table, where he was seated on a sofa across from the two women. He retrieved his notebook and opened it. For a moment he glanced around him and his brow furrowed.

  “Is something the matter?” Julia asked.

  “It is rather strange to be in this room. I have not been here previously,” he said.

  “Only the fortunate have seen the walls of my private sitting room,” Arabella said with a gleeful tone in her voice.

  “Then I shall count myself lucky, Arabella,” Robert said, uncertain where his new-found confidence emanated.

  “Indeed. My sitting room also gives us the privacy we desire,” Arabella said.

  “I understand.” Robert said with a nod. “I presume that is why there is a servant standing sentry. To prevent any interruptions.”


  “Should we be expecting interruptions?” Robert asked carefully.

  “Freddy is visiting an acquaintance of his and is expected home much later, although his actions are rather unpredictable. I cannot even depend on his word,” Arabella said bitterly.

  “Then we should get started,” Robert said.

  “Wonderful. This situation with Freddy has indeed gotten out of hand. I have given him money on a few occasions prior, but I am no longer willing to do so. He may be my grandson, but he is taking advantage of my kindness and my patience with him is running very, very thin.”

  “I can only imagine, Arabella,” Robert said, and glanced at Julia.

  A hint of a smile formed on her rosy lips and Robert’s heart stuttered. Her soft, shiny hair cascaded over her shoulder instead of tortured into tight curls like most young women wore. Her eyes twinkled as she returned his gaze, her lips parting ever so slightly. She was truly a beauty, and Robert was now even more infatuated with her than before.


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