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Page 13

by K. L. Savage

  I don’t know how she can be so calm about death. I know I’ve killed dozens of people, but when death is close to home, it scares the hell out of me. When she said we had to keep fighting, I knew she was right.

  No matter what, Seer’s vision cannot come true.

  I’ll fight, tooth and nail, skin and bone, blood and guts, until I’ve given all of me to make sure she has breath in her lungs. I won’t stay silent and watch her die. I won’t be the guy on the outside looking in and watch his world pass him by.

  She looks fucking hot with her hair cascading over her breasts. It’s better than all the dreams I’ve ever had of her. My cock is throbbing, pulling against the thin material of my onesie. I should be embarrassed for her to see me like this, but for some odd reason, she likes it. She sits up, her long luscious strands of hair still covering her round tits, and her pink beads poke through, hard and waiting to be plucked. Her hands skim down my arms, tracing the outline of my tattoos, pausing on the one that looks exactly like her.

  She doesn’t ask.

  She doesn’t need to.

  Her nails tickle as she gently rakes them up my arms before coming to the middle of my chest. A shiver runs down me. She works with the buttons, unclasping them one by one. With every inch of skin exposed, she kisses my chest. She works her way down, her lips getting lower and lower until she’s at the last button.

  My hand moves on its own accord, taking one side of her hair and throwing it over her left shoulder. I want to see her. All of her. When her breast is exposed, I have to hold back a groan. Of course, they are fucking perfect. Round, perky, nipples that are red and remind me of those candy Jolly Ranchers I love so much.

  Her skin is soft, creamy, and flawless. The light from the stars is so bright, and the half-crescent moon hanging in the sky shines, giving Mary an ethereal glow.

  Reaper spent a shit ton of money on the retractable roof because Sarah mentioned something about stargazing with him, and of course, he went all out.

  I’m glad I get to use it for my benefit.

  She traces the ridges of my abdomen, lifting her lashes so her eyes meet mine. She’s turned me into a goddamn sap just like the rest of the guys that are in love with their ol’ ladies. Her hands grip the lapels of my onesie and slide them down my arms. The material hangs on my hips, and Mary kisses her way up my stomach, my muscles bunching from the softness of her lips.

  When she’s almost eye-level with me, she tilts her chin up, so our gazes catch. It has me sucking in a stunned breath. She is so gorgeous.

  I’ve only ever fucked before. It was only ever about getting in and out, a temporary relief for the permanent pain I felt, but I don’t want that with Mary.

  She’s the permanent fix.

  And I’ll fight like hell to make sure this love isn’t temporary. I won’t let it die in two weeks. I finally have my chance at happiness. I’m no longer alone.

  I grip her chin and bring my lips to hers. It’s almost painful kissing someone so damn perfect because, at any moment, I know that I might not be able to feel perfection again. Our kiss is lazy and languid. We take our time exploring each other’s mouths. Our tongues fight for dominance, which has me smiling against her mouth. I don’t expect anything less from her.

  My cock throbs painfully, keenly aware of what is about to happen. I push her down against the blanket, never once breaking the kiss. She pushes the onesie down my legs, and my cock slaps against her leg, heavy and dripping with precum.

  “Do you have a condom?” she asks, making every fucking ounce of lust I’m feeling screech to a halt.

  “Where would I put a condom? In my onesie pocket? I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

  “You should always be prepared.”

  I pin her against the floor, the bickering turning me on more than it should, and I decide a condom would have never mattered. “I’m not fucking you with a condom, Mary. We’ve had a barrier between us for far too fucking long, and I’m not about to feel this cunt for the first time with latex. I’m going to own you, raw. And you know what you’re going to do?” I press my hand between her legs and roll my thumb over her clit. I can’t wait to bury my face between her legs.

  “What?” She has a hard, defiant glint in her eyes as she meets my challenge.

  “You’re going to lay back and get the fuck over it.” I plunge three fingers inside her channel, not bothering to stretch her or get her used to me.

  She’ll never be used to me.

  And no amount of prep will change that.

  Her nails dig in my shoulders, and she whimpers, relenting to me, giving me control. Fucking finally. Is that all it takes to get her to listen to me?

  What a hardship.

  “You’re so tight, Hellraiser. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock,” I say, watching her tits bounce, and I continue to finger fuck her.

  Her eyes squeeze shut as if she’s in pain, and I stop. “Are you okay?” I should have thought about how sex with me would feel for her. I’ll be the first after her father. “We don’t have to—”

  “—No, I want you so much. You feel so good. I’ve never felt so good before. Don’t stop.”

  I pull my fingers out of her warmth and bring them to my mouth, licking the sweet nectar. I nearly fall on my ass when her hand wraps around me, giving me a tight pump. I groan, closing my eyes as she has her way with me. Her fingers slide up and down the Jacob’s Ladder, and I’m trembling with how good it feels. Not a lot of women play with the piercings, which is a shame. The bars heighten the sensitivity. I get they can be intimidating, but Mary doesn’t fucking hesitate. She tugs on the hoops, and the cry that leaves my mouth bounces off the gym walls, singing my pleasure back to me.

  “Did this hurt?” she asks, rubbing me with one hand while pulling on the hoops with the other.

  I can barely breathe. I think I could come just like this. “Yes,” I answer.

  “Do you like pain?”


  She twists the hoops, and the skin screams for her to stop, but my balls pull tight. I grip her shoulder and hold my orgasm back. I don’t want to come. Not yet.

  “Do you think you deserve it?”

  “Yes,” I answer honestly, and her hand leaves my cock. “What? No, come back. Keep doing that.” I grab her hand, but she yanks it away, and right as I look down, she’s kissing the head, dipping her tongue through the hoops. “Oh, fuck.” My head falls back onto my shoulders, and I stare at the starry night, enjoying her soft kissing on each bar she finds.

  “You don’t deserve pain, Knives.” Her words are soft puffs of air that dance over the sensitive flesh. “If you want pain because you like it, that’s one thing, but I won’t give you pain because you think you deserve it. That’s not pleasure, Knives. That’s torture. I don’t want to torture you.”

  “You are. Right now, you’re torturing the hell outta me—” my words are cut short when she sucks the tip into her mouth, lapping her tongue along the slit. “Oh, fuck. Sweetheart, you feel so goddamn good.” She’s trepidatious as she takes me to the back of her throat. It’s obvious she’s never done this before, and hell, if that doesn’t have me wanting to spill down her throat and watch my cum drip from her lips.

  She gags, chokes, but them hums, then grips my ass to pull me closer. Her nose is buried in my trimmed patch of hair as she sucks me, her tongue licking and playing with the piercings like she’s experimenting with a lollipop.

  I’ll be her goddamn sucker anytime she wants. “Fuck, Hellraiser. Is this what I’ve been missing out on this entire time? I thought the only thing this mouth could do was bitch.” I bury a hand in her hair and close my eyes, enjoying the hot mouth taking me better than anyone ever has before.

  She bites down in response to my words, and I grunt, getting the picture that it is her way of telling me to shut up. “Do that again,” I say, surprised that I liked getting my cock bit.

  I can tell she’s confused by the wrinkle appearing in her
forehead, but she does it anyway, and the bars rub together from the pressure, then her tongue twirls around me, and I’m fucking lost. Tingles spread down my spine, and the threat of pouring down her throat is becoming a real possibility.

  But I want to be inside her.

  I pull out of her mouth and shove her to the ground, covering her lips with mine. Her mouth is red, swollen, and spit is everywhere. It’s a sloppy kiss, but knowing her mouth is wet from sucking me has me manic.

  I nudge her legs apart and settle between them, pressing my cock between her folds, I rock. She cries out as the piercings rub over her clit. I can’t help the smirk that appears on my lips. As much as I want to be inside her, I want to feel the slickness of her lips hugging me while I bring her to orgasm fucking her clit.

  “Knives. Oh my god.” Her body jerks, and her hands fly above her head. It’s like she doesn’t know what to do with her body.

  I glance down, watching the tip peek from between her sheath with every rock. I speed up, needing her to orgasm before I slide inside.

  I’m not ashamed to admit this, but I’m not going to last long. I’ve never felt this intensity before with someone. It’s always been about sex, never about anything else, and with Mary, it’s everything else.

  “Knives!” My name reverberates in the room. It’s music to my ears to hear her voice crying out for me over and over again while she comes. Her back arches, her mouth falls open, and her legs shake around me as the hold she has around my hips weakens.

  “Fucking finally,” I growl, and this time when I rock back, I thrust inside. The balls from the piercings rub against her velvety walls, and I have to give myself a minute to calm down. If I move, I’m going to come.

  And there is no fucking way in hell I’m going to have this end that quick. I want this moment to last all fucking night. Or for the next two weeks. If she’s in bed with me for fourteen days, then nothing can happen to her, right? Just mind-blowing orgasms.

  “Move,” she begs, her fingers digging into the flesh of my ass.

  “Not yet.” I lower myself onto my elbows and steal another kiss.

  “I said move, damn it.”

  “And I said no,” I huff.

  “I want to feel you.”

  “I’m going to come. Do you want that? I don’t want this to end so damn fast, but you seem to have a negative effect on me!”

  “Then fuck me through it!”

  God, she really pisses me off. “You want to be fucked?” I flip her over onto her stomach and hold her head down. “Then I’ll fuck you.” I pull out and slam home. Her ass shakes from the constant pounding. “You want to feel me fill you up? You want me to lose control?”

  “Yes! Fuck yes, I do,” she moans, thrusting her ass back.

  Her pretty puckered hole winks at me, and without a second thought, while I’m driving into her vise of a cunt, I stick my finger into my mouth. I let it go with a pop, rim her hole with my fingertip, and her hips stutter.

  I’m not going to give her time to give me any more of her mouth. She’s going to shut the fuck up for once in her life and take what I give her. I shove my index finger knuckle deep. “I’m going to take this ass too. Every fucking hole, Hellraiser. I’m going to stretch you out and ruin you for everyone else.” Sweat drips into my eyes, and my hair falls over my forehead. I stare down at where we are connected and love how my dick is shining with her juices.

  She rises up and hooks her arm around my neck. “You feel so good. I love your cock. I love the piercings,” she gasps on a heavy breath.

  She’s out to kill me.

  I spin her around, keeping us locked together, and bite her bottom lip. I’m fucking angry with how much I want her. I’m not close enough. This isn’t enough. I growl as I let go, then, like a savage, seal our lips. I fall to my haunches, grip the meat of her ass, and use the new leverage to grind her against me.

  She whimpers, and I moan; her sounds are a symphony playing down my throat. She groans with every rock, every thrust.

  And I come.

  My body becomes rigid, and I toss my head back and shout, relishing in every spurt coating her insides. She falls against me just as her inner muscles spasm, and her teeth lock onto my shoulder as she stifles her own cries while she orgasms.

  I don’t stop either.

  I fuck her through it and hold onto her tightly, letting my forehead fall against her chest with every up and down motion of her pussy.

  I can’t lose this. I can’t lose her.

  I wake up in my bed, and if it wasn’t for the soreness between my legs, I would have thought last night was a dream. I can’t remember how I got here, but I’m not going to question it because the night I had with Knives is something that can never be explained, just felt. The intensity we shared, the passion, the sweat…

  I’ve never been so slick in my entire life

  I yawn, stretching my arms over my head, and groan when certain spots on my body hit me with a pinch of pain. I’m definitely bruised.

  It was worth it.

  I sit up and notice I’m alone. His side of the bed is cold as I lay my hand against the pillow. He’s been gone a while, then. I’m not too sure how I feel about that. Waking up alone after the night we shared, I don’t want it to be devastating, but it is. Maybe I was just another girl to him, after all?

  “So stupid.” I fall backward and sink into the pad of my mattress. My eyes burn, and I press my palms against my eyes to hold back the tears. I should have known better. A biker like Knives doesn’t do relationships. He has club whores and anyone he wants, really. Not that the club whores are something to be worried about right now, since none of them are around. It’s been too dangerous, and they don’t want to risk getting killed like their friends.

  I thought they were my friends too, but the moment things got rough, they bolted, and I realized I’m nothing like that. Sure, I ran away after dealing with my dad, but that’s different. I would never run away from my family. My real family. Whores aren’t family, are they? That’s why none of the guys ever touched me. I was more to them than that, and it makes me happy knowing I had a place to call home this entire time I was trying to find a home.

  The only person that’s been missing is Becks. She has been gone a while now, but at this point, I’m starting to wonder if she’s ever coming back. She seems like the nomad type, not to stay in place for too long because she gets restless. I miss her, and I hope she’s doing well since I haven’t heard from her.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  I put my arm down from my eyes and gape at Knives, who is holding a tray of food. The smell of coffee and bacon has me sitting up, clutching the blanket to my chest. “I thought you left.”

  “I did leave,” he says, tilting his head in confusion. “I wanted to make you breakfast. I can’t say it will be good. There might be an eggshell in the eggs, but I tried.”

  I love him. He’s so different from what I thought he was. “You didn’t have to do that,” I say, scooting over to make room for him on the bed.

  “I wanted to,” he says, placing the tray on my lap. “You deserve breakfast in bed.” He pushes my hair off my shoulder, then tucks it behind my ear before tapping the tip of my nose with his finger.

  “Well, if I eat an eggshell, I’m sure it will taste so good.”

  “Aw, I hope you choke on it.”

  I gasp, taking the fork and pretending to stab him in the arm. “Brat.”

  “I’m kidding. There is only one thing I want you to choke on, and it sure as hell isn’t breakfast,” he lowers his voice.

  I shove his shoulder, and he slips off the bed, landing on the floor with a hard thump. “Oh my god, Knives. Are you okay?” I move the tray to the side and slip off the edge of the mattress. I land on his lap, straddling him, and lean down to give him a kiss. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to shove you off.”

  “Sure you didn’t,” he grunts, laying his tattooed hands on my hips.

  “I really didn’t.
What can I do to make it up to you?”

  He opens one eye, the intense color of ice freezing my veins as he deliberates. “Well,” he starts to say, before rocking against my sore center. I moan suggestively when I feel his erection, right as my damn stomach grumbles.

  “That’s embarrassing. Way to ruin the moment, right?”

  “No. My woman needs to be fed. I think we might have skipped dinner last night, but make no mistake, when you’re done, I’m fucking you, Hellraiser.”

  I bite my lip, then slide off his lap and climb back on the bed, swaying my ass in the air to drive him crazy.

  “Don’t tempt me,” he growls, slapping my ass to get me to sit down, but that only makes me hotter. “You’re going to be the death of me. Eat your food.” He picks up a piece of bacon and shoves it in my mouth. I moan in appreciation as the salt bursts over my tongue, along with a hint of maple.

  “There you go again, making those fucking noises. Is the bacon really that good?” He takes a bite and nods. “Okay, it’s debatable.”

  I laugh, scooping up a spoonful of eggs, and just swallow. I don’t want to risk biting into an eggshell. If I do, I might not be able to eat the rest of my breakfast. We fall into a comfortable silence, eating our food, and enjoying small touches between each other. Every now and then, he will place his hand on my knee or feed me a grape, and those little gestures, the small ones that everyone overlooks, are everything to me.

  A man like Knives doesn’t give his touch away to anyone, not like this.

  “When you said you thought I left, you really meant that you thought I left.”

  I take that moment to bite down on a damn eggshell. But I don’t make a face, I don’t gag, I hold my breath and swallow, because he took time out of his morning to make me food. I grab the coffee and sip, washing down the hard bits and pieces of the shell. I nod, then push the eggs around the plate. “I know, I shouldn’t have, but I woke up, sore and happy, then I felt for you, and you weren’t there.”

  He places two fingers under my chin and forces me to turn my head. “Listen to me,” he says, his hair wet from a shower. He is out of his onesie now, dressed in faded blue jeans, a t-shirt, and his cut. “I’m not going anywhere. I need you to believe that.” He slides his hand over mine, and I love the differences. My skin is naked compared to his. He has a large red flower on one hand; his knuckles are decorated in traditional stars and letters.


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