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Shielded Wrongs: A Dark Mafia Romance (Bellandi Crime Syndicate Book 4)

Page 20

by Adelaide Forrest

  In short, he was psychotic.

  "I don't recall saying that. I only recall saying I wasn't interested in fucking you. You gonna place my bet or not?"

  "Maybe you should wait in line like the rest. Since I am so unsavory to you."

  Enzo's chest rumbled with his warning growl. "I think you can place her bet or you may find yourself removed from the Underground, Massimo." The two men stared at each other for a minute that only ended when Massimo shook his head full of blond hair and grunted.

  He turned disappointed eyes at me. "I thought you liked the Underground. You certainly didn't protest when you took the ring yourself."

  "I like coming to fight night, but that doesn't mean I have to want this to be my life, or spread my legs like the women who come seeking a wild ride. I have my own wild ride," I said, tipping my ass back into Enzo's groin. "I'm far too territorial to be with a man who is regularly seduced in public," I teased.

  "Shame." Massimo grinned, tension bleeding from his face as his eyes landed on another woman. So easily distracted.

  A man like Massimo would never settle down, not when he had a veritable buffet at his disposal. He placed my bet, handing the cash to one of the bookies. He nodded his head at Enzo finally as he guided me through the doors to the arena. Stairs led down to the ring in the center of the enormous room, gold cage bars surrounding it to keep spectators from interfering.

  We passed by the Chief of Police smoking a cigar with a pretty girl perched on his lap, making our way around the domed arena until Enzo guided me to the reserved seating for Bellandis. Every other night I'd come, they'd remained unclaimed. We stepped into the box of seats, a very slight semblance of privacy offered by the walls that came up to the height of the seats. The view of the fight happening below us was remarkable, unrivaled by any of the spots where I'd tried to have the best view possible.

  "What was that Massimo said about you fighting?" Enzo asked as he tugged me into his lap despite the empty seats.

  "It was months ago. I only did it the once."

  "What possessed you to risk yourself in a fight where you could have been seriously hurt?"

  "The fighter got handsy with a woman the night before. She was scared out of her damn mind. Massimo said he'd take care of him, but I thought it might be more effective to have him publicly get his ass kicked by a woman. I'd seen him fight enough to know that I could beat him. So I did." I shrugged, because everything else was irrelevant.

  "And Massimo has a thing for you?" Enzo grunted, his breath tickling the skin of my neck as a warning.

  "I wouldn't go that far," I scoffed. "Massimo has a thing for pussy, is more accurate, and I think it surprised him that he liked watching me beat the shit out of Erik. He tried to be the dick waiting in my changing room when the fight was over. I said no and that was that. He's just dramatic."

  As the winning fighter danced around in the cage below us, the other one was dragged out unconscious. He'd only just been carted to his dressing room when the next fighter bounced into the ring. No gloves in the Underground, the tape wrapped around his hands contrasted his deep skin as he grinned around his mouth guard.

  Dental hygiene was important in fight club.

  Enzo's hand slid inside the slit of my skirt, his rough fingers kneading the flesh of my thigh while we watched the fight begin. "I don't like knowing that Massimo wants what's mine. This is my pussy, and I'll kill any man who dares to touch it."

  My hips slid back on his lap as my breathing came faster. The tease of those treacherous fingers on my skin set me on fire, and knowing that anyone who walked by the Bellandi box could see his hand disappearing inside my skirt only served to drive me higher.



  I slid my hand further between her thighs, my pinky finger brushing against the lace of Sadie's thong. "You're already wet, Carina," I murmured, touching my lips to her jaw. "You like watching them fight?" I asked, slipping my hand beneath the fabric to touch her smooth skin.

  The first fighter landed the first punch, striking his opponent straight in the nose while the crowd responded with a mix of cheers and complaints. Sadie leaned back against my chest, arching her back the way the stripper had when she'd given Sadie a lap dance. Slipping a finger inside her, I circled her clit with my thumb. "Yes," she gasped.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "The brutality. I like knowing they have all that power at their disposal," she moaned quietly, tucking her face into my neck to stifle the sound so that others nearby couldn't hear it.

  "Because you want to feel them rutting between your thighs?" I asked, anger and my own jealousy coloring my tone. I'd never share her, but I'd always do what I could to encourage Sadie's adventurous side short of that.

  "No," she denied. "I don't want them. I want to watch you wipe the floor with them, and then I want you to take me back to a changing room and fuck the rest of your adrenaline into me. I want you rutting between my thighs. Only you," she gasped as I added a second finger, locking her eyes on the fight below us as it devolved into a rain of fists.

  The opponent wouldn't have long if he didn't block better, not with the way he was letting the other guy pummel him in the head. "I can't deliver on the fighting," I said hesitantly. I held true to not wanting people to know what I was capable of, to the fact that being underestimated was the greatest asset a man could have when it came down to life or death. Eventually, I'd find a way to give her what she wanted, but it wouldn't be in the Underground with countless people watching. "But I can take you somewhere and fuck you. Do you want that?" I asked her, thrusting my fingers in and out of her tight heat until she neared her climax. If she said no, I'd get her off and wait until we got home to fuck her, but my Baby Girl would always know that I'd give her what she needed.

  Even if that was fucking her in a public place with the risk of being caught hanging over her head to add adrenaline to the mix for her. She constantly sought out her next thrill, even when it wasn't a conscious act on her part.

  It was my job to make sure she could have that and still be safe while doing it.

  "Yes," she moaned. "Fuck me, Enzo."

  Groaning, I drew my hand back from her skirt and lifted her off my lap. We left the Bellandi seating, descending the stairs toward the cage until we hit the ground level. The hallway at the back called to me, the place where the fighters changed and geared up for the fights.

  And fucked when they were done.

  Passing all those doors, we went for the end of the hall, and where it veered off into a separate dark hallway that went to the electrical room. Rarely used, it was just public enough to appease my thrill seeker without exposing her. The darkness and lack of lighting wouldn't let anyone see her even if they happened to look into the hall, so short of someone needing to access the electric equipment in the door behind us, we'd be safe.

  Turning to push her back into the wall, I took her mouth. Biting and licking at the seam of her lips until she parted for me, I tangled my tongue with hers in a frenzied kiss. I wanted to take my time with her. Wanted to lay her out in bed and make love to her, but the public locations of our trysts always seemed to prevent it.

  She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, uncaring about the lack of delicacy to our movements. She matched my energy, desperation in her touch as she groaned her frustration from being denied skin-to-skin contact. She could have my skin and my everything the day when she let me have her in a bed, but having sex with her in bed meant I'd have to leave her after. Until we had the conversation about my sleep and violent dreams, doing that felt wrong.

  I never wanted Sadie to feel used and abandoned, but eventually she'd come to understand just why I couldn't sleep in the same bed as her.

  Sliding my hand into her skirt again, I grabbed her thong and tugged until it ripped free. Swallowing the sound of her yelp as the lace bit into her flesh at the elastic band of the waist, I knew there'd be a mark the next day. In that moment, I didn't give a fuck.

ving her skirt out of the way, I groaned when her hand touched my cock through my slacks as she reached for my belt. Deft fingers unbuckled it, unzipping me and pulling me free. The cool air against my skin was a sharp contrast to what I knew was coming my way. Reaching around her to support her with a hand beneath each of her ass cheeks, I lifted and she groaned as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I drove home inside her.

  Like coming home, my cock always knew where to find her pussy.

  She gripped me like a vice, making my cock pulse within her while I devoured her mouth once again. Swallowing her cries as someone walked past the hallway to go to the bathroom at the very end of the hall, I relentlessly drove in and out of her. The brick at her back must have hurt and scratched her skin while she panted my name, but her hips still circled against me. Encouraging me to take her harder and harder. "Somebody could see," she gasped.

  "And if they do? What will they see, Baby Girl?" I asked, driving harder and deeper inside her until she whimpered.

  "Us having sex," she whispered, digging her short nails into my back even though my suit protected me.

  "They'll see me fucking my pussy. They'll see me taking what's mine, and you are mine, aren't you, Carina?" I asked, lifting her off my cock and dropping her so that her feet touched the ground. The cold air was a sharp contrast to the heat of her. Spinning her so that she put her hands against the wall, I shoved her skirt up to reveal her ass and bent my knees to give me the right angle, despite her height, and drove back inside her.

  Grabbing a fistful of the hair I obsessed over, I drew her head back so that I could watch her face as I forced her to take all of me. Each thrust struck against the end of her, drawing a gasp from her lips. "Answer me."

  "Yes. I'm yours, Lorenzo," she agreed. With deft fingers, she reached between her legs and stroked her clit until her pussy tightened around me with her looming orgasm. "Make me come."

  Her fingers brushed against my length as she stroked herself higher and higher, stoking a fire in my veins until I couldn't take it anymore. "Cazzo," I groaned.

  Sadie cried out her orgasm while the person walked back from the bathroom, passing by the hall and staring straight at us. As I flooded her with my release, I made sure to shield her from view with my body leaning over her. They shouldn't be able to see her face or her body because of the shadows, but I did everything I could to make sure of it.

  The person scurried along, probably all too familiar with the kind of things that happened in the Underground.

  "Do you think they saw?" Sadie asked, her voice trembling but not out of fear or embarrassment. It would be just like her to want to be watched, but I'd have a hard time taking it that far. As I pulled out, she spun to face me and straightened out her skirt. Immediately I regretted ruining her thong, wanting the cover it offered her pussy with those slits that neared the tops of her thighs. She grinned at me, full of mischief. "Maybe next time you'll stop and think before you ruin my underwear. Those were expensive."

  "I'll buy you new ones," I said, tucking myself back into my pants. Putting a still wet cock in my pants might have been uncomfortable with other women, but with Sadie it felt like a point of pride to know that I'd go back to the arena covered in her.

  Caveman? Maybe.

  Too bad I didn't have any intention of stopping, not even as I guided her back to the cage and up the steps so we could settle in to watch the rest of the night. My dick covered in her, me leaking out of her.

  All was right in my world.

  Sadie showed no shame for the cum that must have leaked between her thighs, walking with steps as long as she could manage as her thighs peeked out the slits on either side of her skirt. Heads turned as we walked, my fingers twitching against the small of her back as I kept my hand on her. Pale grey eyes met mine from the middle of the crowd on the top level; Murphy’s second-in-command studying me as my gaze halted on him.

  Sliding my arm around Sadie’s hip to curl her into my side, I didn’t look down at her as I angled my face so that she would be able to hear me over the roar of the crowd. “One of Murphy’s men is here.”

  She stilled, only resuming her path up the steps as I urged her on. We bypassed the VIP booth, following Sean as he turned on his tail and retreated out the doors at the top of the dome. “Do you see Massimo?” I asked, taking her hand in mine and guiding her through the crowd that hadn’t yet found their seats. She hurried to keep up with the pace that I set as we emerged into the concrete basement.

  Massimo was gone from the betting tables, nowhere to be seen throughout the cavernous space.

  “Were you looking for me, Lorenzo?” Sean asked from my right as I spun to face him. My hands twitched to go for my gun, but even in a Bellandi run operation like the Underground, there were far too many witnesses for me to rid the city of one of the parasites that infected it.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Sean?” I asked, glaring at the man. Sadie sensed my desire for my gun, her anxiety ratcheting up. Curling herself into me and playing the part of a needy woman, she slid her hands inside my coat. Her fingers brushed against my holster gently, unsnapping it subtly so that she could wrap her fingers around it.

  I didn’t know how quick a draw she would be or how good a shot she was, but just knowing that she accurately read the situation eased some of my tension.

  “I enjoy a good fight like most men,” Sean shrugged, his eyes drifting away from my face to study Sadie. “Is this one of Massimo’s new whores for the fighters? She looks far too small to handle them,” he chuckled.

  “You know exactly who she is, considering Tiernan ordered your boy to steal her from her apartment,” I warned with a growl, drawing his eyes back up to mine.

  “Ah, I’d heard rumors you were protecting the friend, but I didn’t realize getting your dick wet was a perk of the job. Perhaps I have underestimated Matteo, after all.” Sadie stilled against my chest, and I could practically feel her struggle to keep her mouth shut. “The things I could do with a perk like that...” he trailed off.

  “I’m sure your girlfriend would be thrilled to know what a lovely man you were,” Sadie snapped. I bit my tongue to restrain my laughter, hating how much the women talked to each other. Sean’s girlfriend had been part of the plot to lure Calla away from her security with deception and misplaced trust, so that they could use her to arrange a meeting with Ryker.

  Why Sean would be stupid enough to be complicit in that, I didn’t know. He was far too dumb to be anyone’s second-in-command, and if Tiernan had a man like Ryker at his disposal? Sean would quickly become redundant.

  “She knows exactly what kind of man I am, pretty girl. She’d welcome you to our bed with open arms. She has a thing for helping me teach defiant little girls where they belong.”

  “And where is that?” Sadie asked, her voice issuing a challenge even as I tightened my grip on her in warning. The conversation didn’t need to escalate.

  Not when I couldn’t tear him limb from limb.

  “On your knees for me. Choking on my dick,” he said with a lecherous smile.

  “Shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you. I can promise you when I do, it will be a permanent situation. She’s off limits,” I snapped, tucking Sadie behind me slightly.

  “Murphy always planned to kill her, but I think I’ll enjoy breaking her down bit by bit. Turning her into my little bitch. Maybe the first time I fuck her will be on your bloody corpse. She does look real good in red,” he sneered, grey eyes glinting as he thought about my woman in a way I’d never allow. “I’ll see you around, pretty girl,” he warned, turning and disappearing into the crowd.

  Everything in me itched to follow him and put him down like the rabid dog he was. It was only the reality that I’d be bringing Sadie into a dangerous situation that stopped me. “He talks a big game. Choking on his dick,” she scoffed, grinning up at me playfully to try to draw me back from the haze that threatened the edges of my vision. “I could probably use it to pick my tee

  I sighed a slight laugh, turning and guiding her back toward the betting tables to find Massimo and make it clear to him that all his men were to know Murphy’s guys were not allowed on site.

  No matter how much she might try to cheer me up, nothing would change one simple truth.

  It would be my bullet that ended Sean’s life, after I made him my bitch.

  Mike had won his fight, but that didn't mean that his face didn't show the signs of it the next night. To be fair, given the beating he'd taken that had nearly cost him the match, my respect turned up a notch that he'd still turned up the next night to help Sadie with her class.

  Women gathered in the gym in astonishing numbers. It made me realize just how many women in the city were unable to afford to pay for private sessions, but needed a way to learn how to defend themselves. I wondered if any of them sensed the danger looming within the city. The growing tensions that were hidden beneath the layers of sudden disappearances. Those same women probably expected the police to interfere to protect them, to investigate to find their missing sisters and friends.

  But the police were unequipped to deal with scum like Tiernan Murphy, and their only salvation would come in the form of a Bellandi war. My cell rang as Sadie stepped into the center of the mats we'd laid out to offer more space to the collection of women.

  "Okay, everybody grab a partner!" she shouted, turning her attention to Mike. He grimaced at her, looking pained at the prospect of Sadie using him as her dummy. She'd asked me. But as much as I wanted to be the one she put her hands on and threw to the mat, there were too many people in the building for me to be so preoccupied.

  I'd had to leave that honor to Mike, so I could keep an eye on the women, and the men volunteering. We knew without a doubt that Tiernan was not above using women to do his dirty work. Not after the way he'd used Sean’s girlfriend to keep an eye on Calla and assist in her abduction attempt.


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