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The Ups and Downs of Being Super

Page 8

by Katrina Kahler

  “Well, it’s another tricky power, but one I’m sure you can handle.”

  I smiled at the idea of being able to make people do my bidding. Now that could come in all sorts of handy.

  Mom put one hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. “I recognize that look. Your great grandma looks like that before making people cluck like chickens.”

  My smile grew. “Yeah, now I understand how she does that cool trick. It’s like hypnosis.”

  “No, it’s way more powerful than hypnosis. A hypnotized person won’t do anything against their will. A person under pheromones’ influence will do pretty much anything to please. You have to promise to be careful if that develops more.”

  I nodded. “Check! Got it, Mom! You can count on me. What other powers can I get?”

  She looked at me. “The list is pretty long and extensive. There’s the basic freeze breath. Some of our great grandmothers could move things with their minds and even make themselves fly. One could scream and shatter rock. One even had acid burps.”

  “Gross,” I said. “I wish there was a manual.”

  Mom stood up. “Actually, I have something better.” She darted away at super speed. Less than a second later, she sat by my side holding a book. “It’s nice to finally be able to show you my true self,” Mom said. She handed me an old leather-bound book. I opened it up. The title page said: A History of the Strong Women.

  “Each of the last 19 Strong women has left notes in this book. It’s a history of us…”

  I started flipping through the pages. The first ones were dated 1650. I knew from doing a genealogy paper at school that 1650 was when our first ancestors arrived here. Not only in this country, but in Starlight City. My great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandma was one of the original founders of this city. Even though I hardly ever bragged about it, I still felt proud of it. Wendi told everyone how her family had been here for 300 years. I knew she’d have a fit if she learned mine had been here longer. Either that or she’d call us all losers for not being able to get out of this city. With Wendi, you can never win. That’s why I never brought it up. I was just happy to know we’d been a part of this city from the start. Now holding this book in my hand, I felt closer to my ancestors and prouder than ever.

  Mom stood up. "Okay, today is an extraordinary occasion, so I'm cooking your favorite meal tonight!”

  I sniffed myself. I did have a bit of nervous odor about me. “Should I take another shower?”

  She shook her head. “Nah, it’s just us Super Strongs tonight. Much rather have you spend the time hitting the books, or maybe even have a night off!”

  “That sounds good!” I grinned.

  Just as she left my room, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jason.

  JASON> Man you were AWESOME!

  LIA> Thanks, Jason.

  JASON> I knew you could do it! I knew you could!

  LIA> I’m glad one of us did :)

  JASON> Lia! U were super b4 U were super!

  LIA> UR dad doesn’t seem to think so….

  JASON> He thinks Lia is excellent. It’s just he’s not used to the other part of you. Don’t worry…he’ll come around.

  LIA> I hope so!

  JASON> Trust me. C U tomorrow for our walk to school.

  LIA> Wouldn’t miss it for anything! If you need any help with your French homework, let me know :)

  JASON> Oui Oui (that means yes yes)

  LIA> Ha! Ha!

  A wonderful day…

  Mom cooked my favorite chicken casserole with broccoli on the side. Some kids found it weird, but I actually loved broccoli, especially smothered with my mom's cheese sauce. Mom assured me that when cooked, broccoli wouldn’t make either of us lethal.

  I told her about my fart and how I’d clobbered a herd of cattle. “You should have seen them, Mom. They dropped like they were fleas. And then I had to double check they were still breathing. Thank goodness they were okay. I’d hate to be responsible for harming a herd of cattle!”

  She laughed and told me, all in all, I had handled everything well. She also said that as I matured, I would learn more control. Mom explained that she could hold her gas in now and only risked letting it escape when she was in a safe zone on her own somewhere. She said she’d also used it once at the cinema. A bunch of people in the theater wouldn't stop talking, so she released a silent fart. She put the entire place to sleep for the duration of the movie.

  I laughed so hard at that story. It was the funniest one she had told me so far! After that though, we talked about normal things: school, work, friends, boys. Although, I changed the subject back to school when she asked if I had any crushes. That was just too embarrassing. But like Mom said, we may be superhuman, but we're human first.

  Because it was a special day, Mom let me off having to clean up the dishes. So, I went to my bedroom to check my Facebook news feed. There were heaps of comments about Super Teen from kids at school, as well as lots of other people I didn’t know. Most of them were really positive…

  Wow! She's terrific.

  To think we have a superhero here in our town!

  Nice to see her saving the day.

  I wish I had her powers.

  Glad she saved Henry and the boy!

  Man, she is fast.

  Did you see how high she can jump?

  Her disguises are cool!

  I especially liked that one. Of course, there were some negative comments as well, and Wendi's name was attached to a couple of those.

  That girl is so over-rated! And besides, she seems dangerous!

  A couple of other people were also unimpressed…

  Kids these days shouldn’t take the law into their own hands.

  One of the Hansons claims she beat him with super foot odor – gross.

  But that was what some people thought was the best superpower of all. A few even wished they had super foot odor themselves because they could have so much fun with it. Krista commented that she’d love to have the shoe store all to herself! Hmm, that was a good idea.

  I went to bed reasonably pleased with myself. It had been a crazy day. It may very well have been the best day of my life. I learned I could make a difference in the world. A big difference. Sure, it might be tempting some time to knock out the mall and go on an incredible shopping spree. But I knew I could fight back those temptations and do the right thing. Well, at least do the right thing more often than not.

  I drifted off to sleep. I dreamed of leaping up into space and looking down on Earth. I noticed a big green asteroid heading towards our planet. I flew to it and caught it, stopping it in its path. Then I pushed the giant green rock back out into space. I flew back down to Earth to be greeted by a huge parade. Everybody loved me.

  Suddenly, I woke up and smiled. Now that was a cool dream. I wondered if I could ever get that powerful…able to fly in space and stop asteroids. Wow! Before I could ponder the idea for too long, I heard a noise coming from downstairs. Looking over at my phone, I saw that the time was 2:22 am. I sat up and listened.

  Pat, Pat, Pat…it was the sound of footsteps downstairs. They weren’t Mom’s footsteps. Too heavy. Not Shep, because he was asleep on the floor by my bed. The person was trying to be quiet, but they couldn't muffle their steps from my super hearing. I stood up, tossed on a robe and headed down the stairs.

  There in the living room, stood a man holding a flashlight.

  “Dude, you picked the wrong house to break into!” I said.

  The man turned his flashlight on me. “No, wait!” he said. “This isn’t what it seems…I’m a friend!”

  The man did look sort of familiar. I leaped towards him. I landed right in front of him. “Sorry, friends don’t break into their friends’ houses.”

  The man smiled. “My, you truly are amazing!”

  I grabbed his big flashlight and squished it in my hands. “Talk. Or you’re next!”
I growled.

  The man’s smile grew. The smile somehow made me feel at ease like I had seen it before.

  "Look, buddy. I don't know what game you're playing, but you're not going to get me to like you!"

  “But…” he said, holding up a hand. “You’re needed…”

  I tapped him on the forehead, and he crumbled to the ground. “Sure I am, buddy!”

  The lights in the living room popped on. I turned, ready for anything. I saw Mom coming down the stairs. “What’s going on here?”

  I lifted up the man’s unconscious body. I showed him to Mom. “I caught this jerk breaking into our house!”

  Mom strolled toward me. Her eyes popped open. She knew this man. She smiled at me. “I can’t believe it…” she said.

  “What?” I asked, shaking him like a rag doll. “You know this creep? I can tell you know him!”

  Mom nodded. “I do know him. I used to know him quite well. You do too, in fact.”

  She bent down and gently touched him on the forehead. “He has aged, but that’s to be expected.”

  “Is he a bad guy?” I asked, even though Mom didn’t seem to be treating him like one. “He made me feel some emotions. It was weird.”

  “No, he’s not a bad guy. I believe these days he works for the government,” she explained.

  “Mom, who is this guy?” I asked.

  She looked at me and answered. But never in a million years did I expect the words that came from her mouth.

  “Lia, this is your father….”


  To be continued in Diary of a Super Girl – Book 2.


  Want to read about some Strong women in history?

  The History of and Words from the Strong Women…

  Born in 1650: Alice

  Talents: Super Strength

  Accomplishments: The first

  Words to Those Who Follow: Be true…

  Thoughts: My parents wanted a boy, what they got was a girl stronger than any five boys. I had to keep my strength secret so people wouldn’t think of me as a witch. Perhaps I am a witch of sorts. But I take pride in knowing in my heart, I am good. When I married, I took my husband’s name as that was the way in our time. Hopefully, it will not always be the way, but I will always be a Strong woman. When my daughter, Constance was born, it was the happiest moment of my life.

  Born in 1675: Constance

  Talents: Super Breath

  Accomplishments: Used breath to put out fire

  Words to Those Who Follow: Love your parents…

  Thoughts: I am forever grateful that my mother was here to help me understand my powers. I cannot imagine what life must have been like for her growing up without having somebody to mentor and teach her. My father is also an amazing man. Not many blacksmiths would readily accept having a woman who is far stronger than they are. I only hope my husband will be as understanding. Sadly, my husband, while being a good man, would never understand a woman who is stronger than he. Regardless, I must marry so I can have a child as I wish to be a mother.

  Born in 1694: Joan

  Talents: See-Through Vision

  Accomplishments: Worked with healing herbs

  Words to Those Who Follow: We must live on…

  Thoughts: These powers of mine… I’m never sure if they are a curse or a blessing. I can see into people… I can see-through walls… I fear I may be a demon sometimes. But then I find a person under a heavy tree branch, and I save them, and I understand these powers can bring good into the world. My husband is a doctor and a good man. He is fascinated by my abilities. That’s what he calls them, not powers. He tells me I can help people. I believe he is right. It is the turn of the century. Such a fantastic time for my daughter to be born.

  My heart is broken… my dear husband has passed away, taken by the sickness that has taken so many others. My daughter, Desire, and I seem unaffected. That means we can help the sick without fear. I guess that is good. We must witness so much sadness. Our powers are a blessing and a curse.

  Born in 1713: Desire

  Talents: Moving Objects with Thought…

  Accomplishments: Worked as a nurse

  Words to Those Who Follow: Passion and compassion go hand in hand…

  Thoughts: I decided I could best help the world as a nurse. I wish I could be a doctor, but this world is not ready for a female doctor. If this world knew what I can do, they would be terrified of me. I am blessed with my mother’s see-through vision. That, along with my other ability, is an excellent tool in aiding the wounded and sick. My voice also seems to bring comfort to people. That gladdens me.

  Born in 1732: Mary

  Talents: Acid breath

  Accomplishments: Studied the law on her own

  Words to Those Who Follow: Without Law, there is chaos...

  Thoughts: My mother and grandmother have been such an amazing help to me. Without their guidance, I do not know where I would be today. I decided to help defend the poor and the defenseless as they are the ones who need me the most. But since I cannot display my abilities in public, I use the rules of law to defend them. I love the law; it is fair to all. I cannot call myself a lawyer, but I am happy in the knowledge that I grasp the law as well as any man. Oh, the acid burps are such a nuisance. Hopefully, none of my daughters will get those.

  Born in 1751: Rose

  Talents: Super Leap

  Accomplishments: Freedom Fighter

  Words to Those Who Follow: Freedom is everything…

  Thoughts: What an exciting time as our country fights for independence from the Brits. I must fight as male and in disguise, but the expressions on the redcoats’ faces when I bend their weapons is priceless. I say boo and they run like little children. I am glad my daughter, Remember, will grow up in an independent country.

  Born in 1770: Remember

  Talents: Super Intelligent

  Accomplishments: Inventor

  Words to Those Who Follow: Your brain is as powerful as your brawn…

  Thoughts: I work with an amazing man named Franklin. He is a fantastic inventor and has a mind almost as sharp as mine. The great thing is, he takes my ideas seriously. Though I cannot receive public credit for my accomplishments, Ben gives me much credit in private. He wishes he could tell the world about me. I tell him most of the world does not think like him. The day Ben passed from this Earth was one of the saddest of my life. I felt gladdened that he did get to meet my precious Sarah. I continue my work… I live for my Sarah and my work.

  Born in 1789: Sarah

  Talents: Super Breathing

  Accomplishments: Helped bring yoga to the United States

  Words to Those Who Follow: Grow your mind and body…

  Thoughts: Though we live in a new century, I do not find it very different from the old. Great Grandmother Mary says she sees changes, changes for the better. But change takes time. Time is one thing my mother and I and all the other women in our line, do have. We do have trains that take us from place to place. I know that is progress. Today I heard that man duplicated God and made lightning. Some think it is a foolish endeavor. I find it amazing. I have not yet turned this book over to my daughter because I am still a young woman. Even so, I have bared the passing of two husbands. One, because of war, the other due to infection. Part of me longs to fight the tyrant Napoleon. With my abilities, I know I could crush his army. Of course, I would expose myself to the world. Is that such a bad thing? Mother insists it is. The world is not ready for us. It may never be. Still, my daughter, Katherine needs me.

  Born in 1808: Katherine

  Talents: Heat Vision

  Accomplishments: Taught meditation

  Words to Those Who Follow: Think before you act…

  Thoughts: I sadly take this book far too soon. My mother passed away saving people in a massive fire. While the fire did not burn her skin, her lungs ran out of air to breathe. Grandmother says even we must breathe.

  Born in 1827: Humility

  Talents: Super fart

  Accomplishments: Writer

  Words to Those Who Follow: Words have power…

  Thoughts: My mother gave me this book and told me she hopes I will do more with our gifts than she did. I told my mother it is never too late to give to the world. Mother smiled. She told me she was a thinker, not a doer. I own something called a photograph of mother and myself. These are truly amazing times.

  I read the book, Frankenstein, today. I read the entire manuscript in one sitting. Funny, I felt sorry for the monster. Reading that story has caused me to want to share my words and views with the world. I am glad that many find my stories of interest and amusement. Oh, beans and super strength are not a good mix!

  Born in 1846: Becky

  Talents: Super Charm

  Accomplishments: Artist

  Words to Those Who Follow: Look for the best in people while preparing for the worst...

  Thoughts: I joked with my mother about joining the Naval Academy. I do love the water. I could certainly outdo any of the males there. My mother told me that would not be wise. I married a naval officer instead. He is a good man, a kind man. Though I am not sure, he would ever accept my abilities. A large log fell onto my husband’s leg today. I removed it with ease. He passed away knowing the real me. He told me he wished I had shared my gifts with him sooner. Men, they can surprise you. My art helps me cope.


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