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The Siege of Jerusalem: Crusade and Conquest in 1099

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by Conor Kostick



  Albert of Aachen, Historia Iherosolimitana, ed. S. B. Edgington (Oxford, 2007).

  AC Anna



  e Alexiad, trans. E. R. A. Sewter (Middlesex,



  Baldric of Dol, Historia Hierosolymitana, RHC Oc. 4, 1–111.


  La Chanson d’Antioche, ed. S. Duparc-Quioc, 2 (Paris, 1977).


  Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis.


  Ekkehard of Aura, ‘Chronica’, Frutolfs und Ekkehards Chroniken und die Anonyme Kaiserchronik, ed. F-J Schmale and I. Schmale-Ott (Darmstadt, 1972).


  Fulcher of Chartres, Historia Hierosolymitana (1095–1127), ed.

  H. Hagenmeyer (Heidelberg, 1913).


  Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum, ed. R. Hill (London, 1962).


  Guibert of Nogent, Gesta Dei per Francos, ed. R. B. C. Huygens, CC LXXVIIa (Turnhout, 1996).


  Gilo of Paris and a second, anonymous author, Historia Vie

  Hierosolimitane, ed. C. W. Grocock and J. E. Siberry (Oxford, 1997).


  Monumenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores, Scriptores in

  Folio, 32 (1826–1934).

  OV Orderic



  e Ecclesiastical History, ed. and trans.

  M. Chibnall, 6 (Oxford, 1969–79).


  Patrologiae cursus completus, ed. J. P. Migne, Series Latina (1844–66).

  PT Peter

  Tudebode, Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere, RHC Oc.

  3, 3-117.


  Raymond of Aguilers, Historia Francorum qui ceperunt

  Iherusalem, ed. John France (unpublished Ph.D. thesis: University of Nottingham, 1967).


  Ralf of Caen, Gesta Tancredi, RHC Oc. 3, 587–716.

  186 A B B R E V IAT I O N S

  RHC Oc.

  Recueil des historiens des croisades, Historiens occidentaux 1–5

  (Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres: Paris 1841–95).


  Anonymous, J. France ed., ‘Th

  e text of the account of the

  capture of Jerusalem in the Ripoll Manuscript, Bibliothèque

  Nationale (Latin) 5132’ , Th

  e English Historical Review 103, 408

  (July 1988), pp. 640–57.


  Robert the Monk, Historia Iherosolimitana, RHC Oc. 3,





  e Social Structure of the First Crusade (Leiden,



  William of Tyre, Chronicon, ed. R. B. C. Huygens, CC 63

  (Turnhout, 1986).



  1 BD 16.

  2 BD 17; GN 331.

  3 AA 2–6; GN 121.

  4 AA 38, 254.

  5 EA 140; GN 118–20.

  6 EA 144.

  7 AA 50–2.

  8 RC 607; GF 7.

  9 GF 3.

  10 AA


  11 AA


  12 J. R. Jewett, ‘Arabic proverbs and proverbial phrases’, Journal of the American Oriental Society 15 (1893), 28–120, 91.

  13 AA


  14 AA 14, 38.

  15 AA


  16 GN 131; see also SSFC pp. 211–12.

  17 AA


  18 AC


  19 Dudo of Saint-Quentin, Libri III de moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum, PL 141, [Col.0651A].

  20 AC


  21 GF


  22 FC


  23 AA


  24 AA


  25 AA


  26 AA


  27 RA 21 (239); AA 112–14.

  28 AA


  29 AA


  30 GN 204; AA 120–4.

  31 AC 337–8; AA 124.

  188 N O T E S


  1 AA 126–8.

  2 RC 619; AC 340.

  3 GF 18–19.

  4 RC 622; GF 19; CA 2144–52.

  5 RC 623–4; AA 130; GF 21.

  6 FC 195–7, AA 130.

  7 GF 23; AA 138.

  8 RA 28 (241).

  9 RC 630–1.

  10 AA


  11 AA 170–6; WT 236.

  12 GN 135; CA 4050–118.

  13 GF 30–1; RA 41–3 (244–5); AA 216–20.

  14 RC 649; GN 254.

  15 GF 35–8; AA 232–8; RC 648.

  16 AA


  17 AA


  18 GF


  19 GF 46; RM 800; AA 268, 356.

  20 GF


  21 FC


  22 AA


  23 GF 33–4, 56–7, 63; FC 228; PT 74; RA 236 (282); AA 306, 308; GN 217.

  24 RA 236 (282); GF 57–8; PT 68–9.

  25 RA 89–100 (253–5), 229–30 (280–1), 254 (284).

  26 RA 203 (276), 257 (285); GF 65,;RM 823.

  27 AA


  28 FC 253; RC 667; AA 334.

  29 RA 263 (286).

  30 RA 270 (287).

  31 GF 80, BD 86, CA 4050–118.

  32 RA 270–1 (287).

  33 RA 282 (289).

  34 RA 283 (289).

  35 RA 289 (290).

  36 RA 289 (290).


  1 Ibn al–Athir, al-Kamil fi ’l-Ta’rikh, trans. D.S. Richards, 2 (Aldershot, 2006), 1. 13–14.

  2 Historia Belli Sacri, RHC III, p. 181.

  3 RM 791.

  4 Ibn al– Qalānisī, Th

  e Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades, trans. H. A. R. Gibb (New York, 2002), p. 149.

  N O T E S


  5 RC 651.

  6 RC 662.

  7 R. Ellenblum, ‘Frankish castles, Muslim castles, and the medieval citadel of Jerusalem’, in In Laudem Hierosolymitani, ed. I. Shabrir, R. Ellenblum and J. Riley-Smith (Ashgate, 2007), pp. 93–110.

  8 RA 306 (293).

  9 RC 684–5.

  10 RA 306 (293).

  11 RC 689; CA 3815–84; OV III 606–7. J. Regnier, Bulletin du Bibliophile et du Bibliothecaire (Paris, 1862), p. 1067.

  12 Ivo of Chartres, Letter 135, to Paschal II, PL 162 col. 144D; OV IV 287.

  13 PT



  1 RA 301 (292).

  2 WT 8.4; GF 88.

  3 RA 308 (293).

  4 RA 311 (294); AA 410–12.

  5 GF 89.

  6 RA 312 (294); PT 27.

  7 AA 412, 452; GN 274.

  8 RC 691.

  9 RM 865–6.

  10 AA


  11 GF 89; RA 311 (294); WT 8.7.

  12 WT


  13 RA 317 (294); AA 408.

  14 A. Bernard and A. Bruel (eds.), Recueil des Chartes de l’Abbaye de Cluny 6 (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1876–1903), 5. 51; L. M. Paterson and C. E. Sweetenham, Th e Canso d’Antioca.

  An Occitan epic of the First Crusade (Aldershot, 2003), pp. 41–2.

  15 Guibert of Nogent, Monodiae, ed. E.–R. Labande (Paris, 1981), 3.11.

  16 AA


  17 RA 321 (295).

  18 AA


  19 RA 322 (295).


  1 WT 8.6.

  2 RA 333 (297).

  3 RA 181 (271).

  4 AA 406.

  5 AA 134.

  6 Guibert of Nogent, Monodiae, 3.5.

  190 N O T E S

  7 AA 406; WT 8.6.

  8 RC 690.

  9 RC 689–90.

  10 AA 420–2; PT 107.

  11 Josephi historiographi Tractatus de exordio sacrae domus Hospitalis Jerosolimitano, RHC Oc.

  5, 405–421, here 409; W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum 3 (London, 1718), 2, 171–3.

  12 WT


  13 S. D. Goitein, ‘Contemporary letters on the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders’, Th

  e Journal Of Jewish Studies 3, 4 (1952), pp. 162–77, here p. 162.

  14 Quoted in Moshe Gil, A History of Palestine 634–1099 (Cambridge, 1992), p. 821.


  1 RA 331–2 (297); AA 98, 134; PT 50; AA 322, 356.

  2 RA 331–2 (297), RC 692.

  3 GN 310.

  4 AA 426; WT 8.6.

  5 RA 289 (290); RA 325–6 (296).

  6 RA 214–15 (278).

  7 RA 325–32 (296–7); GF 90; AA 412–14.

  8 PT 106; RA 332 (297); AA 414.

  9 GF 91.

  10 BD



  1 RA 287–91 (289–90); RC 683; AA 422.

  2 AA 422, 428; FC 1.xvii.12.

  3 AA 416.

  4 RF 645–6.

  5 AA 416–18.

  6 GN 7.3.

  7 RA 337–9 (298–9); AA 422.

  8 RF 647–8; BD 100–1.

  9 RA 299.


  1 RF 644–5.

  2 RF 645.

  3 RA 342 (299).

  4 AA 422–4; RM 868.

  5 AA 424.

  N O T E S


  6 AA 426; RC 692.

  7 RC 693.

  8 RA 343 (300).

  9 AA 428; GF 90–1; RC 693.

  10 RC


  11 AA


  12 RA 344 (300).

  13 GF 91; WT 8. 19.

  14 GF 91, 92; AA 438; WT 8.19, 8.24; Ibn al-Athīr, al-Kamil fi ’l-ta’rikh, trans. D. S. Richards, 2

  (Aldershot, 2006), 1. 21; Ibn al-Qalānisī, Th

  e Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades, trans.

  H. A. R. Gibb (New York, 2002), p. 48.

  15 AA


  16 RC


  17 AA 442; RA 345 (300).

  18 FC I.xxix.I (304); AA 432; WT 8.20; BD 103.

  19 S. D. Goitein, ‘Contemporary letters on the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders’, Th

  e Journal Of Jewish Studies 3, 4 (1952), pp. 162–77; M. Gil, A History of Palestine, 634–1099 (Cambridge, 1992) pp. 831–7.

  20 Al–‘Azimi in Carole Hillenbrand, Th

  e Crusades – Islamic Perspectives (Edinburgh, 1999),

  p. 64; Ibn al-Qalānisī, Th

  e Damascus Chronicle, p. 48.

  21 AA 432–4, RC 695–6, Ibn al-Athīr, al-Kamil fi ’l-ta’rikh, 1. 21–2.

  22 AA


  23 AA


  24 RC


  25 RA 347 (300); FC 1.xxix.4.


  1 WT 8.21.

  2 RA 348 (300).

  3 WT 8.23.

  4 AA 438–40; GF 92.

  5 S. D. Goitein, ‘Contemporary letters on the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders’, Th

  e Journal Of Jewish Studies 3, 4 (1952), p. 165; M. Gil, A History of Palestine, 634–1099

  (Cambridge, 1992), p. 831.

  6 GF 92; PT 110; BD 103; WT 8. 24.

  7 AA 440–2; BD 103; S. D. Goitein, ‘Contemporary letters’, p. 171.

  8 RC 699–702.

  9 RC 702.

  10 Bernold of St Blaisen (Constance), Chronicon, ed. I. S. Robinson, Die Chroniken Bertholds von Reichenau und Bernolds von Konstanz, MGH Scriptores Rerum Germanicorum nova series 14 (Hanover, 2003), p. 540.

  11 RA 351–2 (301).

  12 A. V. Murray, Th

  e Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, A Dynastic History 1099-1125 (Oxford, 2000), pp. 38–40; AA 112, 332–4.

  13 AA 142–4; GN 7.5.

  192 N O T E S

  14 RA 282 (289).

  15 RA 352 (301), AA 444–6, WT 9.2.

  16 Gregory


  Registrum I.9, pp. 13–15 (6 May 1073).

  17 RA 352 (301).

  18 RA 354 (301); WT 9.2.

  19 GF 92; FC; AA 446.

  20 RA 355 (301).

  21 RA 356–7 (301–2).

  22 FC I.xxix.4; AA 450–2.

  23 C. W. David, Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy (Cambridge, Mass., 1920), pp. 217–20.

  24 RA 358 (302).

  25 RC


  26 AA


  27 AA 464; Y. Lev, ‘Army, regime, and society in Fatimid Egypt, 358–487/968–1094’, International Journal of Middle East Studies 19, 3 (1987), pp. 337–65.

  28 PT


  29 AA


  30 RA 364 (303).

  31 RA 361–5 (303–4).

  32 GF 94–5; RA 368 (304).

  33 RA 369 (304); AA 460–2.

  34 GF 95–6; AA 464–6.

  35 PT 115; AA 468; GF 97.


  1 For example, in La Chanson de Jérusalem, ed. Nigel R. Th orpe (Tuscaloosa, 1991),

  Le Chevalier au Cygne, ed. G. C. Pukatzki (Tuscaloosa, 1971).

  2 OV VI, 162–3.

  3 Ivo of Chartres, Letter 135 to Paschal II, PL 162 col. 144D.

  4 J. Prawer, Crusader Institutions (Oxford, 1980), pp. 124, 140–1.

  5 WT 20.19.

  6 FC III.37.4, Fulcher of Chartres, A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem 1095-1127, trans.

  F. R. Ryan, introduction and notes H. S. Fink (Knoxville, 1941), p. 271.

  7 FC II.4.4

  8 B. Z. Kedar, ‘Multidirectional conversion in the Frankish Levant’, in Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages, ed. J. Muldoon (Gainesville, 1997), pp. 190–9.

  9 Ibn al-Qalānisī, Th

  e Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades, trans. H. A. R. Gibb (New York, 2002), p. 284.

  10 Conrad III to Abbot Wibald of Korvey, September/November 1148. MGH Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae IX, Conradi III et fi lii eius Heinrici Diplomata, ed.

  Friedrich Hausman (1969), pp. 356–7.

  11 WT


  12 WT 20.10, trans. E. A. Babcock and A. C. Krey, 2 (New York, 1943), 2.357–8.

  13 Bahā’ al-Dīn Ibn Shaddād, Th

  e Rare and Excellent History of Saladin, trans. D. S. Richards (Aldershot, 2002), pp. 19, 25, 244.

  14 Ibn


  al-Kamil fi ’l-ta’rikh, trans. D. S. Richards, 2 (Aldershot, 2006), 2. 395.

  N O T E S


  15 P. W. Edbury, Th

  e Conquest of Jerusalem and the Th

  ird Crusade (Aldershot, 1998), p. 58.

  16 Ibid., p. 62.

  17 Al-Athir,

  al-Kamil fi ’l-ta’rikh, 1. 333–4.

  18 P. W. Edbury, Th

  e Conquest of Jerusalem. p. 62.

  19 Ibid., p. 63.

  20 Ibid., p. 64.

  21 Ibn



  e Rare and Excellent History p. 78. Al-Athir, al-Kamil fi ’l-ta’rikh, I. 332–5.

  22 Martin

  Luther, Works, 55 (Philadelphia, 1955–86), 46:185.


  1 See J. H. Hill and L. L. Hill, Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse (Syracuse, 1962).

  2 Editions of the Gesta Francorum: J. Bongars, Gesta Dei per Francos (Hanover, 1611); RHC Oc. 3, 121–63; Anonymi Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum, ed.

  H. Hagenmeyer (Heidelberg, 1890); Anonymi Gesta Francoru
m, ed. B. A. Lees (Oxford, 1924); Histoire Anonyme de la première Croisade ed. L. Bréhier (Paris, 1924); Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum ed. R. Hill (Oxford, 1962), hereaft er GF.

  3 Conor Kostick, ‘A further discussion on the authorship of the Gesta Francorum’, Reading Medieval Studies XXXIII (2009), pp. 1–11.

  4 Editions of the Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere: J. Bongars, Gesta Dei per Francos (Hanover, 1611); J. Besly in Historiae Francorum Scriptores, IV ed. A. Duchesne (Paris, 1841); RHC Oc. 3, 3–117; J. H. Hill and L. L. Hill, Petrus Tudebodus, Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere (Paris, 1977). English translation: J. H. Hill and L. L. Hill, Peter Tudebode, Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere (Philadelphia, 1974).

  5 Editions of the Historia Francorum: J. Bongars, Gesta Dei per Francos (Hanover, 1611); RHC

  Oc. 3, 235–309; J. France, A Critical Edition of the Historia Francorum of Raymond of Aguilers (unpublished Ph.D. thesis: University of Nottingham, 1967); Le ‘Liber’ de Raymond d’Aguilers, eds J. H. Hill and L. L. Hill (Paris, 1969). I am grateful to J. France for permission to quote from his thesis.

  6 Raymond of Aguilers, Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Jherusalem, trans. J. H. Hill and L. L. Hill (Philadelphia, 1968).

  7 RA 5 (235); RA 11–12, 17 (237, 238); RA 202 (276); RA 100 (255).

  8 Fulcher of Chartres, Historia Hierosolymitana (1095–1127), ed. H. Hagenmeyer (Heidelberg, 1913). Earlier editions: J. Bongars, Gesta Dei per Francos (Hanover, 1611); PL 150, cols. 823–942B; RHC Oc. 3, 311–485.

  9 Birth year: FC III.xxiv.17 (687); III.xliv.4 (771). Chartres: FC I.v.12 (153); I.xiv.15 (215); I.xxxiii.12 (330). Sets out: FC I.vii.1–viii.9 (163–76). With Baldwin: FC I.xiv.2 (206). Missed the siege: GN 329; FC 16. Journeyed to Jerusalem: FC II.iii.12 (368); FC II.v.12 (383–4).

  10 Albert of Aachen, Historia Ierosolimitana, ed. S. B. Edgington (Oxford, 2007).

  11 P.


  Studien zu Albert von Aachen (Stuttgart, 1966), p. 89; AA xxiv–v.

  12 AA i.1 (2): relatione nota fi erent ab hiis qui presentes aff uissent. See also AA iii.2 (138).

  13 J. France, ‘Th

  e text of the account of the capture of Jerusalem in the Ripoll Manuscript, Bibliothèque Nationale (Latin) 5132’ , Th

  e English Historical Review 103, 408 (July 1988), pp. 640–57.

  14 See F. J. E. Raby, A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages, 2 (Oxford, 1997), I, 337–48.

  15 Th

  e 1611 edition in the collection of Jacques Bongars was based upon Paris, B. N. MS Latin 5513. Th

  is manuscript has been the subject of a study by N. L. Paul, who concluded that it


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