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The Wedding Spell

Page 26

by Donna Fletcher

  “Promises, promises,” she teased.

  He leaned up and over her. “I promise to start at the top,” —he ran a finger slowly over her lips— “and deliberately work my way down slowly.” His finger ran down her body to teasingly demonstrate ending snugly between her legs.

  She squirmed in pleasure before raising her hand to lovingly touch his face. “Promise me one thing.”

  Sebastian bent down and invaded her mouth with a kiss like a warrior of old, stealing her breath and her voice. He then captured her face in his hands and looked directly into her wide, stunned eyes and told her what he knew instinctively she wished to hear and what he wished to openly and proudly admit.

  “I will love you throughout eternity and beyond time, passed all boundaries and beliefs, you are mine.”

  Ali gasped at his stunning acknowledgment, sighed over his loving declaration, and cried out her own. “Oh, Sebastian, I love you so very much.”

  His grin was playful, his touch loving. “My sweet witch, when I finish with you, you are going to love me even more.”

  “Promises, promises,” she said and shivered when his head descended down to her breast and her nipple disappeared into his mouth.

  Sebastian had proved to be an exceptional lover; at least Ali believed him to be. He was now proving he was beyond exceptional. He was extraordinary.

  No, he was magical.

  His touch enticed, enthralled, and encouraged her to surrender completely to his consummate skills and to his own overwhelming love for her.

  He touched, he teased, he tormented with his fingers, his lips, his tongue causing her immense pleasure. And as he worked his way with deliberate slowness down her stomach with kisses and intimate touches, she shivered with anticipation.

  Ali not only relished the exquisiteness of his physical love, but she basked in the feeling of his emotional love. His touch was not only limited to pure physical pleasure. It was complimented by the intensity of his impassioned emotions.

  To feel your own love is grand but to feel your partner’s love is simply breathtaking and Sebastian gave her this.

  She felt the restraint he held on his desires, raging powerfully within him, and yet he kept them in control, giving to her, loving her slowly and methodically so she would enjoy.

  She gasped wistfully as his mouth intimately claimed her and all reality was lost.

  He, this time, taught her the true meaning of magical love. He whisked her away to a place where pure passion reigned. Where reality was not even a memory where time stood still, and where lustful love hit a fever pitch.

  Nothing existed but the two of them and their need, their overwhelming need to unite, copulate, climax... to come together as one.

  His name spilled in an anguished cry from her lips. She could take no more. She needed him inside her, filling her with himself, with his strength and with his love.

  She cried out to him again, and he came to her, his body moving over her and his mouth finding hers.

  “I love you,” he said harshly against her mouth as he bruised her lips with rough kisses.

  She fed on his hunger, eager for his taste and eager for him. “Please, Sebastian,” she whispered, “please.”

  Her soft pleas fueled his already primitive need and he moved to enter her.

  Ali never imagined that a forceful thrust could be delivered with such a gentle pleasure. But he managed to enter her like a warrior who conquered with determination and tender caring.

  His loving possession of her brought tears to her eyes and he gripped her hands with his to stretch them up and over her head, and as he moved with powerful strides inside her, he urged her to surrender to him.

  “Make magic with me, Ali.”

  And she did.

  Their movements became one, each understanding, accepting, and loving the other.

  Ali’s eyes fluttered open and closed and as their rhythm intensified, escalated out of control, her eyes caught sight of a falling star, burning brightly as it fell toward earth.

  As the star burst... so did they. In an explosion of complete and total magical surrender. They were finally one.

  A cool, comforting air rushed down from the heavens and wrapped around the lovers who had yet to regain control of their emotions.

  Their hands remained firmly clasped together, neither attempting to release the other. This time this uniting or reuniting had been too long in coming to fruition and neither wanted to surrender the special moment.

  They lay enjoying, relishing, and refusing to relinquish each other. They were whole and they liked the feeling of completeness. It not only satisfied the body, it nourished the soul.

  Nature’s creatures provided them with a soothing symphony that no mortal music could compare to, and the brilliant stars in the night sky twinkled more brightly and frequently offering them a canopy of beauty to gaze upon.

  Magic surrounded them, love embraced them, and Mother Sky smiled down upon them.

  Sebastian made the first move, gently easing himself off her to her disappointment, which she was certain to register with a distressful sigh.

  He stretched out beside her. “The night isn’t over.”

  She moved next to him, resting her head on his chest and placing her leg intimately against him.

  He slipped his arm around her and patted her backside. “After tonight your backside may just be permanently tinged green.

  She laughed. “There you go promising again.”

  “There is a promise I want you to make me,” he said.

  The seriousness of his tone caused her to look up at him. “Anything.”

  He playfully slapped her backside, “find out the promise before you agree to it.”

  “I trust you completely. You wouldn’t ask anything of me that I wasn’t capable of giving.”

  His eyes shined with intense love and she almost cried.

  “You never cease to amaze me,” he said. “You love without thought or conditions.”

  “True love—”

  “Magical love,” he corrected.

  “You finally understand.”

  “It took me long enough.” He stopped her before she could reply. “Don’t tell me that I’m only mortal.”

  She giggled. “You really do understand.”

  He shook his head. “This spell thing can get a bit confusing, but if I study and research—” He stopped speaking when he felt her body rumble with laughter. “Am I being too reasonable again?”

  She kissed him on the chin.”Reason all you want; in time you will need only magic.”

  He gave thought to her statement and was about to ask what she meant when he realized they had become distracted from the original question.

  “The promise,” he said.

  She sat up cross-legged beside him, anxious to hear what he had to say.

  Her hair raged wildly around her face and shoulders. Blades of grass poked out from between the blond strands, and her lips, curled in a beautiful smile, were red and puffy from his ardent kisses. She was a picture of seduction.

  And he had a hard time— he stopped his thoughts. If he continued to focus on her, he would lose all rational thought and—

  His glanced over her again. Her nipples were hard, that word insisted on popping up in his thoughts. But her nipples were hard and rosy and probably sensitive from his insatiable desire to feast on them.

  And then there was the way she sat crossed-legged, offering a faint intimate peek of—

  “Damn,” he muttered and sprang up, grabbing her about the waist and dragging her across his lap to perch on him.

  “I want you again,” he said, burying his face in the sweet earthy scent of her wild hair.

  She hadn’t noticed her breathing was rapid. “I want you too.”

  He looked surprised. “Not too soon for you?”

  “Not soon enough.” She laughed.

  He attempted to move off him.

  She stopped him. “I want to be on top this time.�

  He grabbed her face in his hands and planted a lustful kiss on her lips while his tongue wickedly attacked hers. When he finished, he said, “With pleasure.”

  Ali pushed him back and proceeded to have her way with him.

  She tormented him, thoroughly enjoying herself while learning about her own power of control. She wanted him as badly as he did her, but she also wanted to give him the same insane pleasure that he had given her.

  When Sebastian reached the point of no return, he grabbed her and begged her to finish him off.

  She laughed and did exactly that, lingering in the power she held over him, shared with him, experienced with him. She watched him climax, his eyes shutting tight, his moans reverberating out into the night, and she felt him buck and push and press against her as he emptied every last ounce of his strength into her.

  Only then did she release her own need and as powerfully as he did, his muscled arms holding her tight, guiding her and helping her share in the beauty of their fulfilling climaxes.

  Exhausted they once again stretched out in the sacred circle.

  When rational thought finally returned and his breathing normalized, Sebastian once again recalled the promise he wished to speak to her about.

  “Did your wish ever come true?” she asked, delaying his query.

  He turned on his side, bracing his elbow on the ground and resting his head in his hand. “Did yours?”

  She nodded, moving into the same position as he so they faced each other.

  “Mine did, too,” he admitted. “I finally believe.”

  She smiled. “I wished the same for you... to believe.”

  “I believe,” he sang out.

  “What do you believe?”

  “That you love me with your whole heart and that no spell caused me to feel this way. I fell in love with you of my own free will. Of course, you being an audacious seductress helped.”

  She playfully slapped his arm. “I was attracted to you. I couldn’t help myself. You tempted me.”

  “I tempted you?” He laughed. “Think back, sweetheart, who has been defending himself against a seductress?”

  “Without much success,” she teased.

  “What can I say, you’re too skilled. I had no choice but to surrender. And I suggest you keep practicing your skills on me so we keep you in tiptop shape.”

  “Tiptop shape for whom?” she asked innocently as if she had no idea.

  “Me,” he said thumping his chest and suddenly recalled the promise. “Remember that—”

  He stopped short. Ali was running her leg along his and her tiny toe bell was ringing an erotic chime.

  “Not fair,” he complained, suddenly struck by the potency of the scent of their lovemaking. It drifted like an aphrodisiac in the warm night air.

  “Keep that up and you know what will happen,” he warned.

  “Promised again?” she said softly.

  Promises, damn, but he had to get to that promise soon; he had to, but right now...

  He reached out and pulled her to him. “This time I’m on top.”

  She smiled. “We’ll see.”


  It was almost dawn, the sun near to breaking in the distance. Ali and Sebastian lay in the sacred circle wrapped in each other’s arms, feeling replete and depleted.

  They had loved the night away. Time and time again finding themselves drawn to each other. Their need seemed never ending, a constant that was always there and always would be.

  Forever and always.


  Ali yawned. “Come to the house with me and we’ll have breakfast. I’m starving.”

  He hesitantly asked, “Are you cooking?”

  She gently punched him in the stomach. “Don’t love me enough to eat my cooking?”

  “You’re asking a lot there, sweetheart.”

  She ran a finger over his lips. “I only ask for your love.”

  “You’ve got that,” he said and once again recalled the promise. This time he refused to be distracted. “About that promise?”

  She nodded and sighed. “I promise I won’t cook.”

  He caught her chin in his hand and turned her face to look directly at him. Cook as much as you want. I’ll keep the medicine chest stocked with relief aids.”

  She smiled, her love for him radiant in her green eyes.

  “The promise I want from you has nothing to do with cooking.” He stood, reaching down to help her up.

  Ali stood, anxiously waiting for him to continue.

  He took her hands in his, brought them to his lips, and kissed them lightly. He brushed several wild strands of her honey-blond hair off her face, gently kissed her lips, and said, “I love you, Alisande Wyrrd. I love you for who you are and who you will always be. And I want you to promise me to be my wife forever and always.”

  She cried out in joy and threw her arms around his neck and before planting a big, mushy kiss on his lips, she said, “Not long enough, mortal.”



  Ali was excited. It was her wedding night, a time for making memories and magic. She had prepared her large brass bed herself, decorating the wide headboard and footboard with fresh white flowers of all varieties and sizes and green ferns sprinkled with fairy dust so as to give the illusion of being in the heart of the woods.

  The memory of their night in the sacred circle still brought a sigh of pleasure to her lips and probably always would. She wanted to once again connect with nature and recreate the peaceful tranquility of that evening.

  She had made the bed with fresh white sheets. The numerous pillows were trimmed with delicate Irish lace. And of course she had filled the room with white candles of all shapes and sizes. The hundreds of flickering candles reminded her of the stars that winked so brightly in the night sky and has bathed Sebastian and her in their beauty.

  She was pleased. She had recreated the best qualities of nature for their night of love.

  And for herself? She smiled, looking herself over in the closet door mirror.

  “Natural. Sebastian’s favorite,” she said and ran her hand down her naked hip and over her flat stomach. Soon his hands would be on her, caressing her intimately, exciting her with his familiar touch and becoming one with her. And together they would love the night away again and again. She sighed and shivered in anticipation.

  She heard her husband approach from the next room and hurried into bed, pulling the lace-edged sheet up to her waist and striking a seductive pose against the pillows.

  She smiled with delight. It had been such a glorious day. The wedding had been perfect, her relatives having graciously accepted Sebastian into the family. Wonderful food was enjoyed, an abundance of dance and song had filled the air and a generosity of spirit and camaraderie was shared that she would long remember with love and gratitude.

  And now there was tonight, their first time together as husband and wife. More memories to make, a future to plan, and a lifetime to share.

  The door opened and her husband walked in, naked and superbly male. He looked so deliciously sinful that she had to stop herself from jumping out of bed and jumping him. She didn’t think she would ever tire of wanting him. Her passion for him was insatiable and her actions at times incorrigible. But then he never denied her, and he often tempted and teased her, his own desire equal to hers.

  And now he truly belonged to her. With the exchange of their vows today he legally became hers. She had husband.

  My husband.

  She liked the sound of it in her head and on her lips.

  “My husband,” she said and summoned him seductively with the crook of her finger. Just a little energy to the tip, and she could have him in bed beside her in no time, but he had warned her about using her powers on him.

  He stood where he was near the end of the bed and raised a stern brow. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Don’t you want to be here next to me in bed?” she asked
coyly, patting the empty spot beside her.

  His smile warned and his look turned lethally sensual. “That I do, but of my own accord, under my own steam, walking on own two feet. Not floating through the air.”

  “Then join me,” she invited with an alluring softness and slowly peeled back the sheet to reveal—

  “I almost forgot,” she said suddenly and yanked the sheet back over herself, to Sebastian’s disappointment.

  “Forgot what?” he asked, grabbing a tight rein on his rampaging male hormones.

  “In that wood cabinet in the corner,” —she pointed to an old scarred piece of highly polished furniture— “is an old book, the Wyrrd family record book. Please bring it to me, but be careful— it has grown worn with age.”

  Sebastian did as she asked, cradling the weighty books with care in his strong hand and gently skimming through the faded pages. He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes fixed on a page. He studied it, reading it over and over again and still not believing what he saw.

  “Is this birth date of yours correct?”

  She nodded with a smile.

  Sebastian read the date. “December 21, 1652.”

  “I guess I’m a little older than you expected.”

  He joined her on the bed, handing the book to her. “Give or take a few years, though I must admit you have maintained your age well.”

  He kissed her then and not a simple kiss. A kiss that announced he was ready and impatient.

  He watched as she carefully entered their names and their wedding date, glancing at other recorded dates on the page, dates in history that he had merely read about. But Ali had actually lived through them.

  “What is the relative life span of a witch?” he asked, his mind suddenly scrambling in thought.

  She heard the concern in his voice as she placed the family record book down on the night table beside the bed. She shrugged as she turned back to face him. “I’m not sure, quite old, I would say.”

  She reached out for him, and he took her hand, moving to meet her in the middle of the bed.

  She ran a slow, teasing finger along his lips. “There is no need for you to worry. We will share a long life together.”

  He kissed and playfully nipped at her finger. “Need I remind you that I am but a mere mortal with a mere mortal life span? Which at one time I thought was long enough, and now I see I haven’t even begun to live compared to you. Nor do I cherish the thought of dying old in your beautiful arms.”


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