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Bleed Me (Haunted Roads Book 3)

Page 14

by India R. Adams

This woman is the other half of my soul.

  She giggled. “I’m making you fall in love with me, ain’t I?”

  “Yeah, babe. You’re kinda fucking killing me over here.”

  “I will never forget that first day I saw you.” Appearing as peaceful as I had ever seen her, Justice gently swirled her arms through the water while she stared at the clear blue sky.

  I stared at her burgundy laced breasts, wet and succulent, while remembering that day at the compound. Her sitting on her Harley like a queen of the club. “You blew me away.”

  Her moving arms caused her body to slowly make a circle as if remembering… “You kept turning, in that lost circle, so overwhelmed.”

  I blew out air, not even liking to think back to that desperate moment. “But then I saw you.”

  “Yeah, I found you, but the truth is, you found me, too.”

  “Thank God.”

  “What was that? I don’t know. There was just this immediate… pull to you.”

  “A fuckin’ miracle, if ya ask me.”

  Her eyes closed as if swooning like a girl. So unlike Justice. “You looked so young, but your eyes screamed wisdom.” As one of her circles made it possible, she gazed at me. “One glance and I knew you were an old soul—that you were special.”

  “Only someone as crazy as you could find my fucked-up ways ‘special’.”

  She groaned, “That’s what makes us perfect for each other.”

  “Are you gettin’ all sappy on me?”

  Still floating on her back, Justice gave a slight kick in the water to glide her body toward me, head first. “I am a girl, ya know.”

  Staring at her body, a slow-moving missile of sex appeal, I wiped my mouth, a-fucking-gain. “Oh, I know it.”

  “That’s the third time I’ve heard you hungry for me today.”

  I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her floating body to me. “It’s been here, all along. I swear it.” With my legs spread, I guided her between my thighs, her shining dark hair swirling around in the water, glass eyes shining against the sun’s reflection. I was in awe. “Jesus Christ, you’re beautiful.”

  Staring up at me, looking absolutely stunning, her chest began to pant. A wet little tongue licked those fantastic lips. “Giver… You’ve never kissed me.”

  There were very few things I wanted more in life—at that very moment—than to kiss that gorgeous creature, but I cautiously shook my head. “I’m afraid if I do, I will never find the strength to stop.”

  Her eyes filled with tears that eventually overflowed into the water bathing her. “Do it. Fall into this oblivion…” she whispered, “with me.”

  There are magnificent moments in our lifetime. And this was one of the best for me.

  Guardedly, because I knew I was about to lose my heart forever, I leaned over Justice and pressed my lips to hers. The kiss was soft. It was priceless and full of more love than I have ever known… But I guess girls like to hear that shit. With emotional trembling lips, she smiled. “Do you love me, Giver?”

  I couldn’t help it. I smiled so deeply I could feel it through my whole damn body. “Yeah, babe. I love you like the moon loves the night.”

  More tears fell from her glassy eyes, but this time they were happy tears. “James?”

  So deep in a peaceful mindset—feeling as if my world was finally making sense—my thumb caught one of her tears as I kept smiling. “Yeah?”

  “I’m going to fuck you now.”

  “‘Bout time.”

  Not wanting to miss one second of this insanely erotic moment, I sat there, watching her roll over in the water, her cat eyes piercing as if preparing to stalk her prey. I’d never been so happy to have my life on the line. Whether she was going to bite, lick, or wound me irrevocably, I was all in, ready for the ride.

  Up to this point, Tucker and I only had young women as our conquests. We had been the hunters, thinking we were capturing the prize.

  As I’ve said, I didn’t know shit.

  Now, being hunted by an older woman, who had not one qualm over what she wanted, my tongue was practically hanging out of my mouth. I was so turned on. Justice stood on the rock below my dangling feet, and this time I was doing the opposite of trying to get away.

  The sun’s rays danced on her glistening skin as she reached behind and unhooked her bra to expose two natural mounds of luscious mind-altering goodness. “Do you like what you see?” I may have made some odd ‘I have no self-control at the moment’ grunt because she laughed. “Back to caveman talk?”

  Who the fuck knows what I said next? My brain had pretty much shut down. All my blood was in my dick. I had been secretly so crazy for this woman, and now she was naked in front of me, looking like she had waltzed right off a centerfold? Good night. I was totally fucked.

  She knew it, too. She toyed with me. “When I say you can, I want your dick to drench me from the inside—”

  With my eyes rolling into the back of my head, I held up a hand. “Finish that sentence and it will be too late.”

  Her free laughter was even sexier than her body. “I haven’t even touched you—”

  I held up my other hand. “Or that sentence.”

  More. Fucking. Laughter from the divine. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Not even close. I’ve imagined what you would look like under those clothes. Can’t lie; even rubbed a few out to that picture in my head. Real life? If my hand even gets in the vicinity of my dick, it’s gonna blow. It don’t even have to touch it. No joke.”

  Proud of herself, she kept smiling. “What if I touch it?”

  At that very crucial moment, my dick screamed in my head, If you fuck this up, I will shrivel up and fall off just to teach you a lesson. Since that mutiny sounded like the worst kind of alternative to any man with a pulse, I gave the most honest answer I could come up with. “That would be a dream come true.”

  Seeing a tough, hot biker chick ‘swoon’ is rare, but it’s something everyone needs to experience. It’s fucking delicious, like salted caramel dripping off the sweetest apple.

  Standing between my thighs, she told me, “You have to kiss me while I do it.”

  I smirked, so fucking ready to delve into the mouth I had dreamt of. “Might be the shortest kiss of your life.”

  Her head flew back with her next laugh.

  Finally recovering, she said, “One minute with you, James, is better than the longest bike ride.”

  I almost hissed. Justice had told me long rides were how she survived life. Her motorcycle was her best friend, always patient and willing to move forward.

  Now, I was losing my breath for a totally different reason. Justice had just told me how important I was to her. I was her everything.

  “Babe.” My hands grasped her perfect face. “This is a moment for you to remember. This is when you captured my heart and consumed me whole. This is the very moment you convinced me that I am worth patience and time and the hard work it will take to search my past and learn to forgive and forget. It won’t be easy. Truthfully, I’m scared of it, but this is the moment you taught me to try anyway.” I pressed my lips to hers. “Tell me you’ll remember this. No matter what this fucking life does to us.”

  With an edge of desperation, she kissed me. “I hear you.” She kissed me. “I love you.” She kissed me. “I’ll always remember.” She kissed me…


  Justice’s sweetness turned into aggression. Delicious motherfucking aggression. Her mouth opened, her tongue dipping and exploring, driving me wild. I tried to be a gentleman. I tried to give orders to my hungry hands, denying them purchase, but all I could convince them to do was linger in the air. They just hovered near her naked hips, waiting.

  It is very possible to think they knew Justice better than me.

  Breathlessly, she pulled her mouth from mine. “If you don’t fucking touch me in the next two seconds—”

  Wham! My hands slammed onto her ass cheeks, grabbed a healthy handful, and pulle
d her in. Oh, Jesus. Her naked hips and pelvis pressed against me were like life-saving paddles to my chest. Her skin, her smell—otherworldly. I had no idea one certain girl could feel so flawless.

  She moaned, “I have waited so long to feel your touch on my skin, and the first time you do, it’s that perfect?” Then she kissed me as if it was the last time she would ever have the chance.

  While trying to swallow her whole, I yanked on her ass, demanding she straddle me. She did so uncompromisingly. As soon as her sensual core slid over my clothed hard-on, we both groaned into each other’s mouths. Only a piece of material was in our way—

  Bzzz… Beep… Bzzz… Beep…

  “No!” we both screamed at our phones, then laughed about how we may never get to fuck. It was pure torture and something we would have chosen over anything, except our club. Without our brothers, there would never have been a Justice and me. No one else would have taken a chance on me. Church Eyes would not have been in my life.

  Dripping wet, we stared at our cell phones. Both read, Club. Stat.

  Taking no time to dry off, and barely fully clothed, we raced home. Saint had just pulled in and was parking when we slid up next to him. Jamie snug to his back, I knew I would see her worried hazel eyes as soon as she removed her full helmet.

  Jamie nor Justice were permitted to wear half-helmets like the men did. Prez’s orders. He claimed ‘pretty’ didn’t belong smeared along the concrete. Wrecks were a part of a biker’s life, no matter how good a rider you were. Too many other elements on the road to interfere with your expertise.

  Turning off his bike, Saint asked, “You know what’s up?”

  “Not a clue,” I answered, Justice already running for the door.

  Through the entrance, and running down the stairs, Jamie was breathing hard behind me. She was quietly asking Saint, “Are we going into lockdown?”

  Lockdown, from what I was told, was when our peaceful hideaway became a full-out underground bunker as if we were going to war. Jamie sounded like she had experienced it before and was alarmed.

  Every time Saint spoke with her, his voice was full of strength and sincerity to keep her calm. “Not sure yet, Pretty Girl, but I got you.”

  At the bottom of the stairs, I was surprised to find the Barn full of brothers, all staring at us, not saying shit. With the way they were glaring, I stepped behind Justice and grabbed her shoulders, not sure if I needed to pick her up and run back up the stairs.

  Standing at my side, Saint lifted his chin. “Lynx, we good?” Gently, he took hold of Jamie’s hand that was playing with longer hair that didn’t exist. It was a nervous habit of hers. When she got worked up, she would forget her hair was not as long as it once was. It was haunting to witness.

  It didn’t shock me that Lynx spoke to Saint first; they were tight as fuck. Saint was like a son to Lynx. Maybe that is why his scowl softened slightly when he answered, “We’re good, kid. Bring Pretty Girl over here and have a seat.”

  Immediately, I looked for Dagger. He was already watching me, his hand low, telling me to settle. I took a deep breath. That man wouldn’t lead me into danger.

  As Saint guided Jamie away, he peered over his shoulder and mouthed, “What’d you do?”

  I had no fucking clue until I heard a sniffle.

  Justice’s and my head swiveled to the right, right where Brat was standing with a crying Sapphire. Ah, shit. In my hands, Justice’s shoulders caved.

  We both regarded Lynx again and waited.

  He shook his head, totally frustrated. “I knew somethin’ was up with this sudden ‘claim’ of Saph.”

  My eyes raced back to Brat. My head tilted, not with confusion but with warning. I was silently saying, You fuckin’ with me?

  “Uh, huh,” sneered my President. “Brat has asked to claim Saph. What a coincidence, since Elle just saw her pukin’ this morning.” He adjusted his stance, resting his hands behind his back. “Giver, I’m talking to you only. Anyone else pops off at the mouth, I will pop you with a bullet.” No one said shit. Prez was eerily pissed. “James Fucking Gunn Dalton, seeing how you have also made somewhat of an unofficial claim today—on your Road Captain, none-the-less—mind telling me what the fuck is going on here? Your bunny is jumpin’ ship.”

  I stepped around Justice to face this lashing without her in the line of fire. “I have no quarrels with Brat claiming Sapphire if she wants to be with him.” I struggled with what else to say, not sure how much Lynx wanted to discuss in front of the whole club.

  His grey eyes squinted. “But you have quarrels.” It wasn’t a question. It was Prez reading me like his sister did.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Understanding my hesitation, he explained, “Saph becoming an official member of this club is family business. Once this is done, we would all protect her with our lives. Therefore, all present have a right to know what they’re protectin’. Feel me?”

  My chest pinged. That is something Diesel would say. “I feel you.”

  “Good.” Relaxing a hair, he took a seat next to his supermodel Old Lady. “Speak.”

  Brat took a step forward. “Lynx—”

  Lynx was back to his feet, gun pointed at Brat so fucking fast, it was mindboggling. The members behind Brat stepped aside, totally confident Lynx would back up his threat.

  Not lowering his gun or relaxing his impressively tense arm, our Prez growled, “Listen here, you snot-nosed dumb-shit, I ain’t no fuckin’ fool. If I’m gonna be taken from my Elle while protectin’ yours, I want to know what I’m laying down for. If you go down for my Old Lady, you went down for the oxygen in your President’s lungs. The blood that keeps his heart beating.” Air crackled in the heated moment as our Prez summed up Elle as literally his life force. “Brat, can you say the same?”

  Elle didn’t move or react. She only observed Brat as if studying his next move. She didn’t seem fazed by her man’s commitment to her. It was nothing she didn’t already know or offer him in return.

  Maybe Brat was worried about getting shot, but he just stood there. He didn’t declare what Saph was to him. I felt so bad when she cringed, wiping more tears.

  “Saph, you okay?”

  Lynx didn’t scold me for talking. In fact, after she shyly shrugged, he lowered his gun and demanded, “Answer the only one inquiring about you.”

  She hiccupped a cry, appearing so scared and confused. “G-Giver, I don’t know what I did wrong. I-I thought I was being so careful.”

  Saph’s tiny little body was trembling, and that pissed me off, so I kissed Justice to make it clear where my heart was to all watching me, but then went to the little girl who didn’t deserve any of this. As soon as I was close enough, I shoved at Brat’s chest, called him a pussy, then took Saph in my arms. “I’m so sorry, girl. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Her arms wrapped around me so fast, I knew I had made the right move. “Brat had me take a test. I don’t understand how it happened.”

  Lynx took a seat next to Elle and propped his boots on the table. “Now we’re gettin’' somewhere.”

  Exhaling, in preparation for how angry everyone might be with me, I faced my Officers, who had conjured together, except for Justice, who was still where I had left her.

  Still holding Saph, I said, “This does not change what Justice is to me. She’s my Old Lady.”

  Saph’s wet puffy eyes peered up to me. “Oh my gosh!” With her arm still around me, Saph wiped her nose. “Justice, I’m so happy for you.”

  Even though she was in dismay, Justice was kind and smiled. “Thank you, Saph.”

  Lynx pointed to Saph. “You’re wantin’ Captain, yet holdin’ another.”

  I darkly chuckled. “Oh, Prez, that’s just me fucking up as usual.”

  Dagger went to say something, probably to tell me I was wrong, that he didn’t believe I was a fuck-up, but Lynx lifted his hand to stop him. “So, whatever the fuck is going on here is your fault?”

  Not exactly. “Yes.”
/>   “Giver—” tried Justice, only to be silenced by her brother.

  Lynx asked me, “How did you fuck up this time?”

  I lifted my chin. “I had sex with Sapphire.”

  He shrugged. “She’s your bunny. You can fuck her, even if you have an Old Lady.”

  My eyes popped from their sockets. “And get killed? No thanks.”

  Laughter finally broke the tension. Even Justice laughed, nodding in agreement. She would’ve chopped my dick into pieces. End of story.

  Lynx gestured between us. “So, you fuckin’ Saph wasn’t even a cheat?”

  I leaned back as if appalled. “Hell no.”

  Lynx lit a cigarette. That was a sign he was getting frustrated again. “You have two words to tell me what I want to know.”

  I had no choice but to say, “Saph’s pregnant.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Figured that one out, jackass.” He blew smoke into the air above him. “I have ears and eyes everywhere. I know who’s been puttin’ this bunny to use and who hadn’t until last month.”

  My heart began to race. As much of an asshole Brat was, I didn’t want to throw him under the bus.

  Prez added, “She hadn’t come up pregnant ‘til now. So, that either means you have super sperm that found the one percent chance of this pill’s failure, or someone tampered with the birth control.”

  Sapphire’s sweet eyes beheld Brat. “But I take my pill every night. Even if I get drunk—” Her arm dropped from my waist, and her mouth fell open as her mind put together the pieces. Ever so slowly, she looked back to Lynx, then swallowed, valiantly willing to take the fall. “Maybe I made a mistake after all.”

  From under his long blond hair, Lynx glared, testing her. When she didn’t cower, his head fell backward. “That fucker.” Since he spoke as if Brat was no longer in the room, I peered to my right, then jolted to notice he was already gone. Tiredly grumbling, Lynx put his cigarette out in the ashtray. “Dagger, if you don’t shoot me the next time I decide to take on a spoiled—”


  It was the second time I had heard a gunshot that day. This one was even more alarming because of the deafening silence afterward. It was gut-wrenching, so unlike Justice’s valiant attempt to save my life. This time, after hearing the gunshot, it was as if I could feel his soul leaving the earth. As my ears listened, I could feel my heart pounding from the inside out. I stood there in shock, realizing I had just tried to make the very same decision only hours earlier.


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