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Stephen (BOY: ISO Book 1)

Page 17

by Sean Michael

  Champ went into the underground parking and backed the truck up to the elevator. “We will unload everything, just in case. I wouldn’t want you to lose anything from the keep-it pile.”

  His eyes filled with tears, and he hugged his Daddy tight. “Thank you.”

  Champ hugged him right back. “I’ve got you, Stephen. I really do.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I love you.”

  “I love you too. That’s why we’re here, eh? We love each other.” Champ kissed the top of his head.

  “Yes. Yes, that’s why we’re here.” Together. God, he was happy.

  “Come on, then. Let’s get all this stuff in the elevator.”

  It took a few trips, but then it was up on the floor, ready to disseminate around the house.

  Champ grabbed his bag of pillows in one hand, and him in the other and led him to the bedroom. Then the bag was handed to him. “You do the honors.”

  He pulled out the pillows and put them on the bed.

  Champ stripped down as he was doing it, and then threw himself down onto the pillows once Stephen had them all on the bed.

  “Look at you. Are they comfy?” Champ looked comfy.

  “Get naked and come and see.” Champ opened his arms and made grabby motions with his hands.

  He pulled his clothes off and climbed into the bed, sliding up Champ’s body. Champ groaned for him, hands moving onto his back, holding on and encouraging him all the way up so they could bring their mouths together.

  “Daddy,” he whispered. “I’m home.”

  “I know. My boy is home where he belongs.” Champ kissed him again, long and hard, enthusiastically.

  His eyes rolled back in his head, and he sobbed, losing himself easily. Champ had him spanked and filled and thoroughly kissed. One hand drifted down to his ass, Champ squeezing it, making it burn.

  His toes curled and he moaned, licking at Champ’s lips in return.

  “Such a sexy boy.” Champ pushed against the base of the plug, making it rub against his gland.

  He shook his head, but he felt it, how sexual he was, how alive.

  “In this, you can’t contradict me because I know what I’m talking about.”

  “I can’t?” He groaned, his eyelids going heavy.

  “Nope. It’s the truth. Sexy. Sensual. Hot. Lovely. Amazing. Mine.”

  “All yours. I swear to god. All yours.”

  “I know. Every inch.” Champ spread kisses across his face.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Wickedness filled him. “Except my cock.”

  “Oh, it’s like that, is it, boy? I think it’s time to cage this traitorous cock of yours. Remind you of who is the Daddy here and who it belongs to.” Champ’s eyes shone with desire.

  He laughed—his soul was so filled with joy he couldn’t not. This was everything he’d ever wanted, to belong to someone.

  Champ beamed at him, gave him a quick kiss, then went to his closet where he rummaged around some before coming back. “I have this lovely metal cage. I will still be able to see your cock, even touch it, but it’ll remain small and untouched by anyone else.”

  “No fair.” He was just talking though. He wasn’t unhappy.

  “Nope, not fair at all.” Champ came over and offered him the cage, letting him look at it, feel it.

  “It’s very small, Daddy. I’m not.”

  “Not when you’re hard, no. But you’ll fit in it and when your cock tries to get hard, it will keep you small, mine.”

  He wasn’t sure, even soft, if he would fit, but he trusted Champ, and he would try for his lover.

  Champ took the cage back, then kissed the very tip of his cock before feeding it into the cage.

  His prick began to fill, swelling as soon as the cage touched it.

  “It doesn’t help if you’re so turned on by this, boy.”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m—” What? He wasn’t trying not to be. That would be stupid.

  “You don’t have to apologize for being turned on by the things we do, boy.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I’m so happy.”

  “That’s a wonderful thing. I’ve been thinking about your touching problem. And I’ve consulted with the boys and they’ve made us a potion that will shrink your sweet cock for a certain amount of time. Make it small and unable to fill. For when you’re at school.”

  “What?” That wasn’t possible. No way.

  Champ nodded. “It’s a thought. It would make it so you could concentrate on school instead of being bad and touching yourself.”

  “That’s your fault.” His cock wasn’t shrinking.

  “Then I imagine it makes sense for me to take care of the problem, wouldn’t you say?” Champ squeezed his cock.

  “I—” God, he was confused. “Daddy…”

  “What’s the matter? Talk to Daddy—you know you can tell me anything.”

  “Nothing. I’m just…It’s been a lot in a short time. I feel sparkly.” Dazed, a bit.

  Champ pressed their lips together. “You’re skeptical about the magic potion.”

  “In my world, magic isn’t real, but…neither are dragons.” Or real happily ever afters.

  “And yet here I am. And I promise you that magic is as real as I am. Maybe not exactly as you think of it, but it is real.” Champ slid their lips together again. “This right here is its own kind of magic. Can you feel it?”

  “I can. I can feel you everywhere. I swear.”

  “You see? Magic. It’s as real as you and I are.” Champ pressed against his body, warm and strong and so very good.

  He relaxed, trusting and quiet in his soul.

  Champ rocked their bodies together, giving him long, drugging kisses all the while.

  Soon the cage was forgotten, the world was his dragon.

  The gentle rocking was both soothing and arousing, the two feelings twisting together and holding him in their thrall.

  “Love you,” he sang. “Love you. Love you.”

  Champ added his own words to the song. “Adore you, boy.”

  He was soaring with pure joy.

  He was going to come again, Champ slowly but surely driving the pleasure through his body.

  “There’s no more in me, Daddy. I’m empty.”

  “You’ll come again for me, boy.” Champ sounded so sure. “And then I’ll fit you in the cage.”

  “I’ll try.” He didn’t think so. He just didn’t think he could. He felt safe and happy, right here.

  Champ didn’t seem to be in any hurry, body moving sinuously against his, the kisses continuing to be overwhelmingly wonderful. He stayed there, every so often letting himself moan.

  Champ slid a hand down to his balls, stroking them lovingly.

  “I’m going to shave you, boy. I like the idea of you bare for me.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Champ nodded. “Yes, that sounds perfect. The way you say it as well as the words themselves. Pure and simple and everything.”

  “I’m yours. All yours.” And it was all he craved, to belong to someone totally.

  “Yes. My boy. Mine.” Champ stroked his balls again, then traced the veins in his cock and rubbed the tip of it.

  He nodded, groaning low. He couldn’t come again. He couldn’t… Still, the touches were intoxicating, Champ seeming to know just where and how to touch him to bring the most pleasure.

  “Daddy, I’m empty…”

  “Not even close, baby boy. And I’ll prove it to you by emptying you out completely.” Champ grabbed the lube and slicked his fingers up. The next thing he knew, the plug was being eased out of his ass.

  He loved Champ, but he was relaxed, easy, sated and happy, but not needing.

  Champ eased two slick fingers into his ass and pushed them deep. Holding his gaze, his Daddy touched his gland several times.

  Stephen groaned, his eyes closed as he relaxed further.

  “I’m going to milk every single drop of come from your body, boy. You’ll be completely empty by the time I’ve d
one with you.”

  “Daddy….” His eyes rolled back in his head.

  “Yeah, your Daddy’s got you. And once you’re empty, your pretty little prick will fit perfectly in my cage.” Champ continued to touch his gland, the touches gentle, almost not there. “Then, Sunday evening, I’ll show you my new trick.”

  “New trick…” He felt his body respond.

  “Uh-huh. A wicked little potion that will keep you small and unable to get erect. All your orgasms and all your pleasure will be with me only.” Daddy sounded so pleased. “You’ll be able to focus on school and not your cock, and then all weekend, we’ll play and play.”

  It sounded too good to be true.

  “Don’t look so skeptical. Dragons. Magical, remember? You’ll see.” The pressure from Champ’s touches continued to build, his cock dripping with pre-come.

  “Dragons. Magical… Oh, that’s so warm, Daddy.”

  “It’s good, mmm? You’ll pour out all that you have inside you. You’ll give me every single drop that you have.”

  “I already have. I have.” He wasn’t lying.

  “And yet more is dripping from you. I mean every single last drop. You’ll be able to wear the cage all night and all day tomorrow without having any problems.”

  “All night?” He shook his head, but his cock throbbed.

  “And all day tomorrow. I might take it off the next day.” Champ pushed hard against his gland and a large glob of thick liquid dripped out of his prick. “Mmm…look at that. You’re coming for me. You’ll do it again, I think.”

  “But I didn’t…” Oh god. So wild.

  Champ pressed their mouths together, tongue sliding between his lips. His Daddy tasted so good and he found himself sucking on Champ’s tongue. It filled him with his lover, his heartbeat, his dragon.

  Champ groaned. “I love your taste.” Then he swooped down and licked a line through the come dripping onto his belly.

  “You—” He half moaned, half laughed.

  “Did I surprise you, boy?” Champ licked his belly once more, then licked at the tip of his cock. Those touches to his gland continued unabated.

  “Y-yes. Yes. Yes, Daddy. I need…I need a break. Please.”

  “We’re almost done. Just a few more dribbles left inside you.”


  “Trust me, boy.”

  He nodded. Yes. Yes, he would. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good boy. You make me so proud.” Champ pressed in another finger, spreading him farther, pushing harder.

  He whimpered, his body trying to pull away and his mind trying to keep him still.

  Champ’s free hand landed on his belly, helping to stay in place as even more liquid dripped out of his prick. “We’re almost there, boy.”

  “Al-almost. God…Please, Daddy.” He was a little worried.

  “I’ve got you, boy. Don’t worry about it and give yourself over to me. Don’t think about it all, just let me have you.”

  Tears slipped from his eyes—not sorrow, just overwhelmed emotion.

  “See? I’ve got you.” More fluid dripped from his cock and Champ slid his fingers away, then patted his belly. “And we’re done.”

  He curled in on himself, holding his legs to his chest and hiding.

  “Stephen. Are you hiding from your Daddy? If you’re upset or scared or uncertain you should turn to me.”

  “I—” He didn’t know what to say, what to do.

  Champ drew him in his arms. “I have you, boy. You have to trust in that, in me.”

  “I do. I’m trying. I don’t know what to do!”

  “Shh. Easy, my love.” Champ held him closer and rubbed both hands over his skin, moving slowly, easily. “I have you. I really do. You don’t have to do anything at all.”

  Stephen let himself melt, let himself relax into Champ’s arms with a sob.

  “There you go, boy.” Champ pressed kisses over his face, lips so gentle wherever they landed.

  “I’m sorry.” He panted, his breath slowing.

  “You’ve never done this before and you panicked. It’s going to be okay. I won’t let you be lost.”

  “I feel silly. Like I overreacted.”

  Champ tilted his head so he could look into Daddy’s eyes. “All your reactions are valid. Your feelings are valid.”

  He nodded, but he wasn’t so sure.

  “Say it, boy.”


  “Say it. Your feelings are valid.”

  Stephen’s cheeks blazed. “My feelings are valid.”

  “Now say it like you mean it. Like you believe it. I believe it.”

  “Daddy…” He sighed. “My feelings are valid.”

  “It’s true, hmm? However you feel is how you feel. You need to remember, too, though, that I can take anything and hold it for you.”

  “I just—it was just very big.”

  “You’ll become used to very big. Because everything we do is and will be.” Champ held him cocooned and warm.

  “I—” Oh. He could do it. He could. Champ would hold him.

  “I’ve got you, boy.”

  You’re safe. I won’t let you go.

  He tilted his head. So weird. It was like hearing Champ inside him.

  Gentle kisses dropped over his head, and Champ petted him. “See? You’re safe. It might be big, but it’s good.”

  “I am. It is. I love you, huh?”

  “I love you too. Now. Let’s get this cage on you.” His touches felt good on his cock, but this time, his prick didn’t grow from that pleasure. It was exhausted, and so was he.

  There was something reassuring about having the metal around his cock, keeping it small and soft. He didn’t have to worry. He could just snuggle in.

  And his Daddy’s arms wrapped around him, holding him close and safe, just like the cage held his cock.

  Chapter Eighteen

  They’d indulged themselves for three days, but now it was time for Stephen to go back to school. It was time to try out Berny’s magical potion.

  Stephen was making tacos, singing to himself and being—adorable.

  He was looking forward to trying the potion, to seeing the effects it had on his boy.

  “Are you hungry, Daddy? I promise this will taste good?”

  He’s so dear. “I am and I’m sure it will—it smells delicious.”

  Stephen beamed. “I hope so.”

  “I can’t believe you need to go back to school tomorrow. The last few days have gone by so quickly.” And Champ knew in his head Stephen would be finished with school soon enough, but any time away from him seemed interminable.

  “Just for four days, love.”

  “I know. I have something to help you keep your hands to yourself.”

  “The cage, Daddy?” Stephen almost—almost didn’t pout.

  “I do believe we’ll include the cage, but I have something that will dial back the need—let you concentrate on your schoolwork.” It really was an elegant solution.

  Stephen didn’t answer, just got busy pulling down plates to serve them.

  His boy was going to resist to begin with, but he knew Stephen would like the potion once they started using it. Champ knew his boy didn’t want to get in trouble, and at the moment the no-touching rule was a problem.

  Not only that, but his lover was passionate about his work, his art. He wouldn’t deny Stephen the chance to finish his schooling.

  “This looks delicious. Almost as delicious as you.” He loved to give Stephen compliments, to boost his boy’s self-esteem. They were all truths too.

  “Thank you. I—I don’t cook a lot of different meals, but the ones I do taste good.”

  “We can order whatever we like whenever you don’t feel like cooking. And maybe there could be classes to learn more things.” It was something they could do together. He wasn’t averse to cooking himself.

  “There are neat videos on the web too. We can have a ball.”

  “Yes, I was thinking the same thi
ng. You and me, learning together. It would be a joy.” Everything with my boy is a joy.

  “Sure. I’d love that.” Stephen was willing to play, to learn, to submit.

  “I’ll see what I can find. Maybe we can make Sunday afternoons our adventures-in-the-kitchen time.” Whether they did things via online courses, had a chef come in for an hour or two, or something else, he would make it happen.

  “I’d like that. I don’t mind cooking and I like learning.”

  “Consider it done.” It would be good for them, build character to have to keep their hands off each other for an hour or two.

  “Cool. Supper’s ready.” Stephen brought the plates over to the kitchen table.

  He sat, then drew Stephen down into his lap. “Let’s get messy together.”

  “I love eating with you like this.” Stephen offered him a gentle kiss.

  He accepted it and deepened it but didn’t get lost in it. They needed to eat first. “I like eating like this too.”

  “Well, have a bite of your taco now. You’ll like them.”

  “They certainly smell good.” He took a bite, the taco shell crunching satisfactorily.

  Stephen watched him, gauging his enjoyment.

  “Oh, I like the sudden spiciness and then the cooling of the sour cream. It’s very exciting.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.” Stephen kissed his cheek, obviously pleased.

  “You’re very welcome, boy. Now your turn to take a bite, hmm?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Stephen took a big, eager bite, moaning low.

  “Nice.” He took a bite from the taco Stephen was holding, nibbled at his boy’s fingers while he was at it.

  “Hungry dragon,” Stephen teased, stroking his lips.

  “So very hungry for my boy.” He bit and licked at Stephen’s fingers.

  “Mmm…eat your tacos, Daddy.”

  He chuckled. “I’d rather eat you, you know? Or your tacos.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Mmm…tacos.” Stephen handed him another.

  “They are good. But I would also say mmm… Stephen.” He took a bite out of the taco, enjoying the flavor explosion in his mouth.

  Stephen’s pleasure suffused him, his boy so happy with him. He always wanted Stephen to feel this way. It was a good goal.


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