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Captive 0f The Vampires (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 4)

Page 14

by Liv Brywood

  Eleonore is two dozen feet away. A multitude of vampires block my path to her. Rage boils anew within my belly. I become a whirling dervish of fiery death, lashing my fire whips in wide arcs, and destroying every vampire within range.

  The cave is soon thick with smoke and the ashes of the undead. But there are too many of them. They aren’t frightened by death. Instead, in an effort to protect their queen, they throw themselves at me in droves.

  Frantically, I swing the whips around me to create a virtually impenetrable shield, but the sheer weight of their numbers overwhelms my magic. Inch by inch, the dying vampires are getting closer and closer to hooking a claw or fang into my vulnerable flesh.

  Eleonore’s cackle of triumph is cut short by a sudden roar from the cave entrance. A blast of heat washes over the room, and dozens of vampires scream. Eleonore’s head snaps back toward the entrance. Her feral eyes widen in shock.

  Help is here!

  Rejuvenated by the arrival of the cavalry, I fight on with greater purpose. Eleonore can see that she will lose, so she transforms into a bat. I quickly lose sight of her as she blends into the hundreds of bats that are flying out of the cave.

  Bastian, Kael, and Cobalt enter the chamber as I dispatch the remaining vampires. I force them to coalesce into one spinning cyclone of fire and rage. The cyclone expands until it explodes. Sizzling bodies smash against the walls.

  I collapse from the effort.

  “Azealia!” Bastian—in human form—runs to my side first. As he paws at me gently, worry knits his brow.

  Soon Kael and Cobalt are by my side too. They take turns stroking me and caressing me, telling me that I’m safe and that they will all take care of me. I’ve never felt so alive.

  I turn toward Bastian and our lips meet. We kiss with the desperation of long-separated lovers. He pulls me closer and I can’t stop thinking about how close I came to death. The press of his powerful body against mine is equal parts comforting and exciting.

  Not to be outdone, Kael pries me away from Bastian. I kiss him passionately until his tongue entwines with mine. As the kiss deepens, his hands slide down my naked back to cup my ass.

  Cobalt inserts himself between us to claim me as his too. Desire flashes through me like lightning, blinding me to everything but their hands and mouths.

  The three men suddenly jolt. As I pull back to find out what’s going on, their eyes glaze over with a sheen of silver.

  Sheer terror floods me with adrenaline. I jump to my feet and back away. I don’t want to have to hurt them.

  Kael takes the first step toward me.

  Oh no! This can’t be happening!

  Have I doomed these men because I allowed myself to love them?

  There’s nothing I can do but flee. As I shove past Kael, he tries to grab me. I jerk away and run. I don’t dare look behind me, but I hear them coming. And if they shift, there’s no way I’ll be able to outrun them.

  Chapter 18


  No, no, no, no!

  I duck under a skeletal tree branch. I’m too fast and it’s too dark to see how big the branch truly is. It nearly takes my eye out. A thin rivulet of blood slips down my cheek as I run blindly through the forest. I don’t know where I want to go, I only know that I want to get away. Nowhere is safe anymore. Cobalt will be able to fly anywhere. Kael and Bastian can scent my trail. And the tracker!

  I rip the tracing necklace from my neck and toss it aside. Desperate to escape them, I pour magic into my senses. Light from the crescent moon binds to faint starlight to illuminate my path. It doesn’t help much, but I can see larger roots poking up from the forest floor now, so I’m less likely to trip.

  Branches snap and rustle with the sounds of pursuit. I focus long enough to count the footfalls. They’re in human form. Can they even shift when they’re possessed? Maybe not. This could be an advantage.

  Foolishly, I cast a look over my shoulder to see how close they are. Their eyes flash silver in the dark forest. Three distinct pairs. I can’t tell Kael from Cobalt from Bastian, but that isn’t my biggest concern right now. If any of them catch me, I’m dead.

  I wish I’d never summoned them. This wouldn’t have happened to them. I should’ve listened to my instincts and handled Eleonore and her vampire horde alone. Maybe I would’ve died, but at least the men would’ve been spared.

  As I run toward a low branch, I get an idea. I use the tree’s limb to swing up its gnarled trunk. I doubt the guys will lose my scent, but this might buy me some time. I scramble up to the highest branch capable of supporting my weight.

  Cobalt reaches the tree first. He’s glaring up at me, eyes shining like liquid silver. I wonder if he can see me, or if someone else is looking at me through his eyes. I shiver at the thought.

  As he climbs the tree, I use a wind spell to fly to the next one. I keep going until I can’t see their eyes through the branches. Eventually, I drop back to the ground.

  For a moment, I’m alone. But within seconds, they are on my trail again. I have to do something to slow them, but I don’t want to hurt them. I know it’s not Kael, Bastian, and Cobalt chasing me, but it’s still their bodies. Their souls are trapped, but they’re not gone. If I kill their bodies, I’ll be killing their souls too, and I can’t lose them. I can’t snuff out the lives of the men I love.

  As I run, I cast a sheet of ice behind me. I can’t stop to aim properly, but I hope I’ve created a slippery ice barricade between us.

  Unfortunately, their heavy footfalls crunch over the ice, shattering it and rendering it ineffective.

  Damn it!

  I cast a fireball over my shoulder. My aim is purposefully off the mark. I don’t want to kill them. Moon Goddess above, please don’t make me kill them. I’d surrender to Eleonore before I let that happen.

  My heart pounds so violently in my chest that I fear it’ll crack a rib. My fireball did nothing. They’re still coming for me. If I’m the most powerful witch in history, then why can’t I stop them?

  A thought forms in my mind. Under any other circumstance, I would’ve considered it repulsive, but it might be the only way to save them. If I’m powerful enough to control a shifter in their beast form, then I should be able to force Kael, Bastian, and Cobalt to shift under my control. This might break the vampire queen’s possessive hold on them.

  I whirl around and throw up an energy wall. It’s sloppy and weak, but I don’t need it to hold for long. The men crash into it head on. Cobalt summons his magic and lashes out against my forcefield. His magic isn’t nearly as strong as mine, but if he weakened it enough, the others would be able to slip through.

  Digging in, I harness the darkest powers in my arsenal. Despite my self-inflicted exile, and reputation for being a cold fish, I’m a gentle witch. The spells I cast are largely for protection and peace. To take control of another soul requires dark magic, and while I’m not completely unfamiliar with it, I choose not to practice it. This will stain me, but it will be worth it if I can save my men.

  I reach out with shadowy tendrils of twisted magical energy and send them right through Cobalt’s chest. His heart wrestles against my magical grip. He struggles and the vampire possessing him fights back, but I win. Even though Cobalt’s roaring with pain, I keep going in an attempt to force a graceless transition.

  Suddenly scales appear. Wings unfurl. The connection between Cobalt and his possessor severs. I want to weep with joy, but I still have so much to do.

  I weave a protective barrier around his mind. If someone wants to take control of him again, they’ll have a hell of a barricade to get through.

  Now, I have to hold him steady while I transform the other two.

  Bastian’s next. He’s known me for ages. He’ll subconsciously recognize the feel of my magic. Hopefully, he won’t fight me too hard. I extend another tendril of dark magic towards him.

  Is it dark magic if it’s done out of love?

  He doesn’t fight my hold as hard as Cobalt did, but th
e monster inside him still fights with all her might.

  Once Bastian is in my magical grip, I compel him to transition into bear form. When the vampire is successfully pushed out, I weave a protective shield around Bastian.

  I steal a glance at Cobalt. He looks dazed, but he’s not fighting me. I retract the dark tendril from him but leave the protective barriers in place around his mind.

  Kael’s going to be the real challenge. I take in a breath. My power, as limitless as it sometimes feels, is waning. I should’ve tackled Kael first.

  When I send a third tendril out, he fights me with all his might. Adrenaline rushes through his body. He can’t calm down enough to recognize whose magic is invading him. The pure Alpha power inside him fights anything and everything for control. I can’t outmuscle him. I need to try something else.

  I attack the link of possession that’s directly attached to his mind. Lashing out with magical strike after magical strike, I drive a spike of magic so deep into the connection that, for a fraction of a second, I see directly into Kael’s soul. I sense an unfailing loyalty and an unquenchable thirst for power. My presence is enough to startle the vampire. When the connection weakens, I strike again.

  The telepathic link breaks. I shift him quickly, and then weave a protective spell around him. Desperate for more magic to fuel their protections, I drop the forcefield and pour that energy back into the men. I maintain the magic until I feel Eleonore finally retreat.

  She’s gone.

  A moment ago, the forest felt sinister and oppressive. Now, it’s become a peaceful refuge covered by a blanket of stars.

  My hands are still outstretched toward the three shifters. A dragon, a wolf, and a bear stand before me. Their eyes are as clear as a scrying pool. I retract my control over Kael, Cobalt, and Bastian, but leave the protective spells in place.

  “Change back,” I say breathlessly. “Make sure your mind belongs to you.”

  One by one, they shift back. Their eyes are clear. Their limbs move as they direct them to move. I nearly fall to my knees with exhaustion and relief.

  “It’s gone. There was something in my head. It’s gone. What happened?” Cobalt asks.

  “I had to take control of you,” I explain. “All three of you. I forced you to shift to break the possession. I’m so sorry.”

  “We were possessed?” Bastian asks.

  “Eleonore took over your minds and ordered you to hunt me down. I didn’t have a choice.”

  “We hunted you?” Kael works the muscles of his jaw and clenches his fists. “Where is she? I’ll find her and rip her heart out.”

  “Take it easy.” My breath comes in hard puffs as my energy drains away. “Possession takes a toll on the mind and body.”

  “So does force-shifting three people. We have to get her home,” Cobalt says.

  “I’ll carry her, it’s less physically demanding to ride a bear,” Bastian says.

  “Good idea,” Kael says.

  Seeing them agreeing with each other puts a smile on my face. I can’t muster the energy to do anything more. After Bastian shifts, Cobalt lifts me and settles me onto his back. Kael shifts as well, but Cobalt stays in his human form.

  “They’re probably looking for us. If I fly above the tree line with my wings out, everyone will know where we are.” I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or not, but I murmur in acknowledgment anyway.

  Bastian feels like a giant, furry rocking horse as he lopes through the forest. Kael walks alongside us. Every so often, his coarse fur brushes against my arm. Cobalt runs to keep up with the others.

  I allow my eyes to close. My magical reserves have been deeply drained. For the first time ever, I’m acutely aware of my limitations. My limbs don’t feel like they’re attached to my body.

  Eventually, the scent of the forest changes. I can tell when we’re getting close to my home. Wild lilac perfumes the air, while the sage bush Bastian planted last week soothes my senses.

  Cobalt scoops me up in his arms and carries me into my cottage.

  “Take me to bed,” I whisper. When he sets me down, I add, “Stay with me.”

  “Now’s not the time for that.” He moves my hands away from his chest. “You need to rest.”

  “I need to replenish my power.”

  Kael and Bastian walk into the bedroom. They’re still naked after having shifted back. Through lowered lashes, I look from one beautifully sculpted man to another. My heart aches because I almost lost them. But I didn’t. They’re here, and my body’s eager for their touch.

  “Make love to me,” I murmur. “Help me regain my power.”

  Kael doesn’t hesitate. He’s in bed beside me with his lips on mine. Seconds later, the other two men join. We’re in a tangle of limbs and their lips are everywhere. I lay back into the crisp sheets and revel in their love. I need them in my life, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it happen. I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Eleonore, but for now, we’re safe. We’re together. And we’re in love.

  Chapter 19


  The next morning, we’re back in the cave, looking for clues as to where Eleonore may have gone. I want to revel in the love my guys gave me last night, but I can’t, not as long as she’s alive. She’s a threat to us, to our relationships, and to our future. We can’t let her go back into hiding because then we’ll never be safe.

  “There’s nothing left. Everything is ashes. How are we supposed to get a scent?” Kael kicks a pile of ash into the air. It showers down and blows around us like a dust storm.

  I understand his frustration. However, I do have a solution.

  “Don’t worry. There’s a trace of her magic still present. I can use that to find her.”

  “Magic. Hmph.” Kael crosses his arms over his chest. He seems upset that he can’t contribute to the efforts to locate the vampire queen more directly.

  “Take it easy, friend.” Bastian puts his hand on Kael’s shoulder. “We’d have a hard time tryin’ to track flying prey anyway.”

  Kael still has a sour expression, but his posture relaxes. I’m happy that my men are finally getting along. It seems like they’ve worked out their issues. They’re getting along, and it makes my heart sing.

  “I got a good whiff of that nasty fanged monster. I’ll know her scent when we do run across it,” Kael slaps a fist into the palm of his hand and looks to me. Determination furrows his brow. “I can rally the wolf pack. There’s strength in numbers.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Bastian nods.

  Cobalt’s handsome face twists into a worried frown.

  “I’m not certain I agree,” he says.

  Kael’s eyes narrow a bit, but he allows the dragon shifter to speak.

  “Eleonore has already proven she can easily ensnare the minds of shifters. If we attack her en masse, we might be gifting her new soldiers. Then we’ll be up against vampires and shifters.”

  “I wonder how far her control reaches. Miles, at least. And she could have other powers we don’t know nothin’ about,” Bastian says.

  “I might be able to answer that for you. When Eleonore bit me, there was a connection. She stole my magic, my memories, my secrets, as well as my blood.”

  “How does that help us now?” Bastian asks.

  “It helps…” I flash a smile at him. “…because the connection was a two-way street. I managed to glean a few tidbits of information from her mind as well.”

  “What was it like? Being inside her head,” Kael asks.

  My mouth becomes a thin, tight line as I struggle to recall the chaotic jumble which existed within the vampire queen’s mind.

  “It’s—it’s hard to describe. She’s been alive for centuries, and like most beings her age, memories are largely nonlinear. However, I did get a general feel for her power. And I know that the scuffle in the cave cost her most of her minions. Only the elite guards survived.”

  “A scuffle?” Cobalt shakes his head.

was all out war,” Kael says. “Which is why we need the strength of the pack behind us. Do you want to try fighting her with just the four of us, or do you want the whole pack on our side?”

  “Cobalt, I understand your concern, but I would feel better if we had greater numbers backing us up,” I say.

  “Keep in mind that I can’t order the pack into a situation this dangerous. No one signed up to battle a centuries old vampire queen who can ensnare your mind,” Kael says.

  “Then what are you going to do?” Bastian asks.

  “I don’t know. Ask for volunteers, maybe.” Kael shrugs.

  “Then I suggest we head to the den and see who wants to join us,” I say.

  The men nod, and then Kael gestures toward me.

  “I’ll shift, and you can ride on my back,” he says.

  “What?” Cobalt laughs. “Why should she crawl along the ground when she can soar through the skies on my back.”

  “You’d probably drop her.”

  I roll my eyes and stroll over to Bastian, who remains removed from their impromptu argument.

  “Will you carry me on your back?”

  Cobalt and Kael stare at us, their jaws on the floor. Bastian smiles and shifts into bear form. I take handfuls of his shaggy mane and pull myself onto his back. I glare at Kael and Cobalt, hoping that I’ve made my point.

  When we reach the wolf pack’s den, Bastian stops in front of the entrance. Several wolf shifters come out to greet Kael. They eye me warily. Thanks to Kael’s possessiveness, they consider us their pack leaders. It’s an honor that I neither want, nor need. Kael can lead his pack without my input.

  “Gather the pack,” Kael says. “We’ll meet in the great room in five minutes.”

  When the group is assembled, Kael addresses them.

  “As many of you already know, our mountain territory has been invaded by a powerful creature from across the ocean.”

  Some of them nod, but most of the pack waits with rapt attention.


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