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Redeeming Jenna

Page 2

by Kaely Steel

  “Not at all,” Dare said, blinking behind his glasses as if his eyes were tired. “But there’s more to it.”

  “There always is,” Jenna said. “So what’s the deal? I stay inside, out of sight? What if someone spots my rental on the road?”

  “The car has been taken care of,” Hart said. “We’re to keep you safe until such a time as any threat to your wellbeing has been eliminated.”

  Jenna stretched. “In that case, is there any more of that Prosecco?”

  I rose. “Certainly. Come and I’ll show you around.”


  The house was a fortress, albeit a comfortable one. The main floor comprised one open space with a enormous modern kitchen that flowed into a dining area and relaxing great room where a rock fireplace soared to the stories-high ceiling. The second floor had six separate suites, each with its own bath.

  I turned to Pierce. Damn he was yummy! Those green eyes of his looked at me with an intensity that I felt right through to my core. “Wulff said you’re off-grid but I see electric lights and hot water.”

  “We have our own system that provides whatever we need yet can’t be traced. Downstairs is the gym. We like to stay in shape,” he added. As if I hadn’t noticed.

  I followed him, admiring the flex of glut muscles in his gorgeous ass as he descended the stairs. This group’s idea of a home gym rivaled any exclusive resort, and included a pool and hot tub in an adjoining glass-covered pool area.

  “What’s over there?” I pointed through the window to shadowy outlines of several distant outbuildings.

  “Those are stables for the horses. Storage of other outdoor equipment. A couple of security bunkers.”

  “Good place to be in a tornado or an earthquake,” I mused

  “It’s meant to be a safe haven.”

  I faced him over a balance ball. “But seriously, what do you do all day?”

  “We have our routine.”

  “What am I supposed to do all day?”

  “Whatever you want. You are our guest.”

  I pondered his words, not overly proud that, to date, my life had been one of relative idleness and ease. A more-than-comfortable inheritance managed by Thor, my godfather, after my parents were killed meant I worried about very little other than the next party. It was that same careless ‘life is a party’ attitude that led to my impulsive Vegas marriage. Boredom is never a good reason to get married.

  “Will you all take turns keeping an eye on me?” I deliberately made my words provocative, fueling the chemistry between us.

  I was rewarded with a half-smile. “Do you need to be closely watched?”

  “I believe I do. I’m rich and spoiled you know.”

  Pierce looked at me in a way I found unnerving, as if he could see past my careless words to the scared little girl inside whose parents had died and left her alone.

  “Feeling alone in the middle of a crowd is a bitch.”

  I didn’t want to think about the truth behind his words. I’d always felt alone, and was forever trying to fill that emptiness with the next party, next boyfriend, next temporary address. “What’s your story? How did you guys all wind up here together, supposedly dead? Forming some sort of secret Robin Hood vigilante group.”

  A shadow of sadness passed over his face. “We’ve all lost something or someone we held most dear. We try to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen to others.”

  “What others?”

  He was deliberately vague. “Others who don’t deserve to lose like we did.”

  “And my elusive godfather has a say in all this?”

  Apparently he didn’t want to talk about Thor. “For a professional party-girl you ask a lot of questions.”

  “I have an innate curiosity. Like what might have happened if I hadn’t left Vegas when I did.”

  He patted my shoulder and I curled into the reassurance of his touch, craving more. “It’s good you left when you did. It’s good Thor sent you to us.”

  “To conveniently run out of gas right outside the ranch.”

  “You were being tracked,” Pierce admitted. “Your last fill-up was manipulated to achieve that result.”

  I raised a brow. That was some serious manipulation. “Did Thor also mess with my GPS?”

  “I believe Dare gets the credit for that. The technical side of things is his particular talent.”

  “And you, Pierce? What’s your particular talent?’

  “Finances are my department.”

  I filed that vague bit of information away as we returned to the main floor where Ledger was busy in the kitchen. I settled onto a stool at the large marble island where ledger pounded a huge raw piece of red meat. “I suppose one of you killed and butchered that?”

  He gave me a funny half-smile. “We’ve done worse.”

  “Pierce told me you have all lost the one thing you held most dear. I know Hart was in a fire. What happened to you?”

  “Loss can be interpreted in a great number of ways.”

  Which was not much of an answer. “I suppose.”

  He waved the meat mallet through the air. “Thor told us you’re all alone in the world.”

  I gave a couldn’t-care-a-less shrug. “My parents were scientists working on something top secret. Thor said they were killed because of whatever they discovered.”

  He raised a brow. “Something no one else wanted discovered?”

  “Whatever breakthrough they were working on died with them. I was in boarding school at the time. I never really knew them. After they died my life didn’t really change.” I bristled at the way he looked at me. I despised pity. “Save the poor-little-rich-girl look,” I said. “I’m better off than most.”

  “Have you always been this quick to jump to conclusions?”

  “I suppose.” It was easier than thinking too much. Over-analyzing was a bitch.

  Restless, I rose and moved to stare out the window. Darkness was falling, cloaking the surrounding mountains in a mysterious purple light. “How do you stand the quiet?”

  “I learned to listen.” He placed a hand in the general direction of his heart. “To what’s in here. You should learn to do the same.”

  I blew out a breath. Sounded to me as bad as over-analyzing.

  The silence was broken by a loud bang from upstairs, followed by the smell of smoke. Ledger grabbed a fire extinguisher and bolted up the steps two a time, me on his heels. I heard the others coming up from the lower level.

  Heavy black smoke was pouring from my room. Ledger blocked the doorway and I banged into him trying to see around him. “Shit, my phone!” The phone and cord were both a smoking mess. There was a black ring around the plug.

  The others crowded in behind me. Wulff gave me a disapproving look. “I told you there was nowhere to plug in your phone.”

  “Our system is on a completely different grid,” Ledger said.

  “Someone should have told me,” I grumbled.

  One by one they filed from my room, leaving me to deal with the charred remnants of my phone. Minutes later Dare returned with a trash bag and a broom.

  “You scrambled my GPS,” I said. “I don’t suppose you can salvage this mess. Contacts. Photos. Anything?”

  “It might not seem like it, but we’re on your side here.” His blue eyes looked at me sincerely from behind his glasses. On impulse I plucked them off his nose and held them up to look through the lenses. Prescription, but a really mild one. I handed them back.

  He took them and tucked them in his shirt pocket. Then he leaned in and kissed me.

  OMG I was not expecting it and double OMG was it ever spectacular!

  His mouth moved over mine in a way that was both exciting and familiar. As if I had found my way home after a very long time away. I deepened the kiss, leaned into him and clasped his head with my hands while our tongues met and mated like old friends. Friends who had missed each other desperately and lived for nothing more than this moment, suspended in time, devoid of past
or future. There was only us. Me and this man. And I needed more. Much more.


  Kissing Jenna was one of those crazy impulses that surprised even me. And the fervor of her response threw cohesive thought out the window. I floated in a haze of sensation of the here and now. Jenna needed me. And I would do whatever I could to satisfy that need.

  Her hungry kiss told me she sought reassurance that, crazy as her life seemed right now, it would work out all right. I matched her heat and fire in an effort to provide that reassurance. To let her know she was safe. To let her know I was here for her. I would do anything for her.

  She whimpered softly in my arms, even as she shook with need. If she needed reassurance that she was a desirable woman, then hell yes! I was man enough to rise to that challenge. All of us at G Force would be willing to take that on.


  Dare’s hands cupped my breasts. His thumbs brushed my nipples and the abrasion of my denim dress between us sent a stab of longing straight to my V Zone. I unzipped the front of my dress; his mouth eagerly replaced his hands. I whimpered for a second, my lips abandoned, then purred at the wet warmth rushing through my limbs as he suckled my breasts. They were full enough that I could push them together, and he obliged by cleverly licking and sucking both nipples at the same time.

  I felt a rush of warm moisture at the juncture of my thighs and pressed them tightly together to soothe the ache that had been there since I first arrived to be exposed to these five yummy men, but the longing only intensified. I felt myself uncurl like a flower opening in the sunshine; wet, warm, welcoming.

  I reached for him, opened the front of his jeans and felt his heat and weight spring into my palm. No briefs for this guy. I licked my palm and slid it up and down his breadth, gratified when I heard him suck in his breath. He stopped what he was doing long enough to finish unzipping the front of my dress and push it to puddle at my feet. He shoved his hand inside the front of my thong and smiled when he found me soaking wet. He pulled his hand free and, his sapphire-blue eyes never leaving mine, licked his fingers then pressed his lips to mine. I tasted myself, inhaled the dew of my wanting him as he pulled off his t-shirt and kicked his jeans aside.

  His body was sculpture-worthy. Six-pack abs that narrowed to a V of lean hips atop long, muscular legs. His cock was a thing of beauty, long and thick and groomed. I cupped his balls, delighted to feel them smooth as a baby’s bottom. I dropped to my knees before him, anxious for a taste, but he stopped me and flipped me around so I was bent downward-dog over the bed.

  He wrenched my thong out of the way. I thought I heard it tear but I didn’t care. My previous lovers had mostly been older, looking for a baby girl to play daddy to. I had learned to give them what they wanted.

  Right now I wanted Dare inside me, but he made me wait as he kissed the cheeks of my ass and nuzzled them with the tip of his cock. No taking a pill and waiting an hour for him to get hard!

  I rose up on tiptoes so his cock could tease my clit which was crying for attention. I felt his heat against my back, his breath hot in my ear.

  “Patience, Princess.”

  “I don’t want to be patient. I want it hard and fast and deep.”

  “And you’re used to getting what you want. But not this time.”

  He flipped me over as if I was a rag doll and parted my legs so I was open, exposed. He studied me like he’d never seen a pussy before. I felt my inner lips pout with longing.

  “You want this?” He teased my opening with his cock, stroking it at the same time its velvet tip caressed me.

  I licked my lips. I wanted a taste. I needed a fuck.

  He grabbed a condom from his jeans, ripped it open with his teeth, then seemed to take forever smoothing it on.

  I raised my hips in invitation. I felt like I might die if he didn’t penetrate me right now.

  He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist before he leaned down, stole a kiss, and flicked my clit with his tongue. I writhed. I swore I saw stars.

  Before I could catch my breath he pushed into me in one long, divine stroke. He continued an in and out penetration while fingering my clit until my world exploded in a kaleidoscope of fragmented sensations so intense I could barely breathe.

  He pulled out his cock, still hard and throbbing. “Turn over onto your knees.”

  I did as he said. He inserted his baby finger into my anus and stroked me there in perfect rhythm to his cock going in and out of my vag.

  Screams of pleasure were torn from my throat as I felt his balls slap against my clit. And just when I thought I could not possibly come again I heard his guttural cry and felt his spasm of release, sending me back into orbit.

  He stepped back and I rolled over as he disposed of the condom. I could barely open my eyes let alone think or speak. He leaned over and pressed a kiss against my sex-damp brow.

  “We’d better get downstairs. Ledger gets really pissed if anyone’s late for dinner.”

  Chapter 3


  I’d frozen when I smelled the smoke. The past had come rushing over me in waves. The smoke. The fire. The knowledge that I had been betrayed by the one person I trusted.

  Firefighting wasn’t easy, but it was a job I loved. It was the only career that had ever interested me. But after being falsely accused and convicted of arson, my career was over. My fiancée had left me while I waited to be sentenced. Only my best friend stood by me. Or so I thought.

  Man, was I ever wrong!

  When I learned he set me up to die in that fire it had been easy to just stay dead. I don’t know how The Group knew what was going on, but thanks to them I became part of G Force, and G Force became my salvation.

  Jenna had much to learn and, judging from the muffled sounds of pleasure coming from her room, Dare had already started on the lessons.

  “You really think the way to the lady’s heart is through her stomach?” I teased Ledger as I watched him pull another of his magnificent creations from the oven. He had to have heard the same upstairs orgasmic bliss that I had.

  “Can’t hurt,” he said.

  Back in the day Ledger had been a hot-shot business analyst and he and his girlfriend entertained lavishly. They’d taken gourmet cooking classes together to further wow their clients. Since I burned toast and the others weren’t much better, it had been a no-brainer to appoint Ledger our official G Force Chef. He enjoyed feeding people. Said everyone needed nurturing and food was a good place to start. Watching him, it was hard to imagine what life must have been like for him in prison. That time in his past wasn’t something he talked about.

  Just then Dare strolled into the room, tucking his shirt in as he walked. “Smells good.”

  “How about one of you jokers sets the table?”

  Jenna arrived a few minutes later, followed by Wulff and Pierce. She had that relaxed glow about her of a woman fully satisfied and it did my heart good to see it. Everyone deserves to feel loved. To feel cherished. To feel safe. These were only some of the things G Force believed in.


  I all but floated down to the kitchen in a haze of sexual satisfaction, my body still inwardly purring. “Can I do anything to help?”

  It seemed like the polite thing to say, even though I couldn’t boil water. I wondered if the others all knew what had just happened upstairs. I’d bet money they did. I’ve never been exactly a quiet fuck. Hart gave me an approving smile that set my hormones zinging. It must be all the testosterone in the house- the air was fairly dripping with it- that made me feel so safe surrounded by five gorgeous alpha males.

  What had Pierce said? They’d all loved and lost? I’ve never loved, so I figured I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by staying with this studly group of males.

  Sex with a stranger was a delicious fantasy; no past, no angst, just pure physical release. I loved it, but watching these guys I also wanted to get to know them. Who were they? What were their stories.

  I glance
d around the table as we ate, wondering which one of them would be my next. I realized it didn’t really matter. I was equally smitten with all five.

  “This is delicious,” I told Ledger.

  “I’m glad you like it. We are a house of carnivores.”

  I felt a thrill chase up my spine. There was something so primal in what he said and how he said it. His eyes were smoldering on me as if he’d like to eat me next. Yumm!

  Alpha males or not they all knew their way around a dishwasher. As a guest I was forbidden to help clear up, so I curled up on the couch and watched Wulff light a wood fire in the massive stone fireplace.

  I noticed the way Hart kept his distance, and I wondered if the fire brought back bad memories of his past. I patted the empty spot next to me, inviting him to sit down. He hesitated only a second then lowered himself next to me, his solid thigh brushing mine. I sensed he found my presence somehow soothing, and I placed my hand on his denim-clad thigh, fingertips thrilled by the rock-hard muscle beneath the cloth.

  “Were you the only survivor?” I was referring to the fire, as if we’d been talking about it for hours.

  Hart bobbed his head once. “Everyone thinks I died.”

  I fell silent. The fire crackled louder and louder as it caught and grew.

  “Will they miss you?”

  He shook his head. “It was deliberate. They wanted me dead.”

  I nodded as if it all made sense. Except it didn’t. Nothing made sense. I reached behind him and gently ran my hand across his back. Even through his denim shirt I could feel the scarring, and I was aware the damage ran much deeper.

  Hart closed his eyes as if comforted by my touch. I hoped so. I liked touching him; I liked the idea of bringing comfort, of helping demolish his demons.

  He sat so still I wondered if he’d fallen asleep, but then suddenly he turned to me. “Do you ride?”


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