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Black Matter

Page 9

by G D Parker

  When Tommy awoke, he could feel warmth. There was the smell of an open fire, and the sound of flames crackling and popping as they ate through firewood. He felt comfortable and was laying on something soft. He then opened his eyes and could see wooden beams running along the ceiling as he scanned the room. He was in the centre of a large four poster bed with a fireplace directly opposite, which was providing the luxurious warmth.

  ‘Hello?’ Tommy’s voice was weak and husky with a slight slur.

  Moments later an old man walked in. ‘Hello, chap. How are you feeling?’ The man had a prominent Welsh accent.

  ‘Like I’ve died, come back to life and died again,’ Tommy said. ‘Where am I and who are you, if you don’t mind me asking?’ He shuffled his body, so that he could see the man more clearly, which caused pain to shoot through his spine.

  ‘My name is Alwyn, chap. I found you on the side of the road. I’ll be honest, I thought you were dead at first, but when I checked you over, I knew what was wrong. I used to be a doctor, I did.’

  ‘Thank you, Alwyn. Thank you for helping me, but I’ve got to go.’ As Tommy tried to move, his entire body ached, and another electrical shock of pain shot through his spine and down to his feet. ‘Ah, FUCK... sorry!’

  ‘Chap, I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere for a while. You’re Tommy McGregor, are you not?’

  ‘Yes, how did you know that?’ Tommy asked.

  ‘You’re on the news. You’re a wanted man, you are.’

  ‘What for?’ Tommy asked. Why on earth would I be a wanted man? I’ve not done anything! This question repeated in his mind several times, but he never came to any conclusion.

  ‘You robbed a bank at knife point two days ago!’ Alwyn didn’t seem to be threatened by Tommy. Tommy was unwell, so he wasn’t planning on turning him in until he was better. Alwyn felt this was his duty as an old-fashioned man of medicine, ignoring the fact that Tommy had committed a serious crime.

  ‘Well, can you take me to the station then, as I definitely haven’t done anything. I have nothing to hide!’ Tommy exclaimed.

  ‘Don’t go anywhere,’ instructed Alwyn, and he walked out of the room.

  Moments later, Alwyn returned with a very old-looking 14-inch tube tele. ‘Let me set this up. The morning news will be on, and you can see.’

  ‘Okay.’ Tommy laid his head back down on his pillow whilst Alwyn worked out how to set up the tele. Once it was set up, Alwyn flicked through the channels until he got to the news channel. ‘I didn’t even know these TV’s would still work?’

  ‘It works, it does, you see,’ Alwyn announced.

  They both waited, and after twenty minutes, there it was; a CCTV image showing the world Tommy’s knife-wielding actions in the bank. He had a red hat on and a tea towel wrapped around his face, but Tommy knew it was him. The grainy images then showed Tommy’s face in full view without the tea towel, followed by a shot of him driving his car. The reporter provided a running commentary as the videos played. Tommy’s most recent Facebook profile picture was shown and then the reporter went on to explain how Tommy was a dangerous man, and if seen, not to approach him, but to call the police immediately.

  BBC Wales Today – 26th January 2018.

  Latest Headline at: 10:43:

  HSBC – Armed Robbery Tommy McGregor, 30.

  HSBC has been robbed at knife point. The CCTV images show Tommy McGregor, 30, holding a 43-year-old mother of 3 at knife point. South Wales Police are on the search for McGregor. If seen, please do not approach him, as he could be armed and is considered dangerous – Anyone who has any information should contact South Wales Police incident room at once on – 02020 101101.

  Tommy threw his hands to his face and let out a scream. ‘I don’t remember, Alwyn, I really don’t! I swear to God, I’m telling you the truth! I need to call the police. This must be a prank or a misunderstanding. There has to be some sort of logic behind it.’ Tommy sobbed, ‘I wish I could see my mum’. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and Alwyn tried to comfort him.

  ‘Listen, Tommy, I do need to hand you in, but I’ll wait until you’re feeling better.’ Alwyn smiled at Tommy. ‘I can see you’re not a bad person, but you need to sort whatever that is.’ He pointed at the screen. ‘Can I get you a drink?’

  ‘Thank you, Alwyn. I would love a coffee, and have you seen my phone?’

  ‘I’ll be back shortly. Your telephone is on the side over there.’ He handed it to Tommy.

  ‘Thank you, Alwyn. I mean it... thank you.’

  Tommy logged into the IPEA on his phone to find that his body was experiencing numerous issues; low blood pressure, low oxygen levels, and soft tissue and nerve damage to his feet. His body temperature was reading 35 degrees Celsius, so was still on the cold side, but was getting there. The history showed it had dropped down to a minimum of 28 degrees Celsius. Tommy felt lucky to still be alive.

  The battery symbol on his phone began to flash, notifying him that there was only 15% remaining. He switched off his phone and awaited Alwyn’s return with his coffee.

  Tommy took his time in recovery, trying to piece together the recent events that had led him to where he was now. He couldn’t explain the loss of time. The robbery had been two days ago, so how long had he been out in the forest? He worked out that he couldn’t have been out there for too long, as the temperature was at -1 degree Celsius, therefore he would have died laying there for any length of time. Therefore, the robbery must have happened before the hotel stay, and from the hotel he had ended up in the forest a night later. Now he was here with Alwyn. So, how did I get to the forest and why is there blood on my phone, or better still, who’s blood is it? Tommy was baffled, he couldn’t remember a thing and needed answers.

  Alwyn walked in. ‘Here you go, chap.’ He handed Tommy his coffee. ‘This will warm you up.’

  ‘Thank you. You don’t happen to have a phone charger, do you?’ asked Tommy.

  ‘In fact, I do.’ Alwyn left the room. Tommy could hear some fumbling around, then Alwyn returned with the base to his portable house phone. ‘Will this do, chap?’

  Tommy smiled at him. ‘Thank you, Alwyn, but no, for my mobile phone?’

  ‘Oh, I see, then no I don’t. I don’t bother with them things. Now, get some rest and sleep. The body recovers best this way, it does.’

  ‘Your Welsh accent is strong, Alwyn. You been here long?’ Tommy asked.

  ‘My whole life I lived in this house, I have. Now, rest. I will leave you be, but shout if you need me.’ Alwyn closed the door and left Tommy to rest up.

  The following day, Tommy was woken by Alwyn shaking him. ‘Get up, Tommy! Get up right now!’

  Tommy awoke and could easily see Alwyn was in distress.

  ‘I need you to go! Put on these clothes and leave, now!’ Alwyn’s voice was full of aggression and a hint of worry. It was like he was possessed.

  ‘Okay, but why?’ Tommy felt scared and confused.

  ‘You are a monster! Get out of my house!’ Alwyn picked up a broom handle and started to wave it around, trying to hit Tommy with it.

  ‘What?’ Tommy was fending off the broom as he spoke. ‘Why? Look, calm down! I will go. Just tell me what’s happened?’

  Alwyn had a tight grip on the handle; so tight his knuckles were white. ‘What was your lady friend’s name?’

  ‘Emily...... Taylor?’

  ‘Emily, that’s her-’ Alwyn broke down. He couldn’t finish his sentence. There was something about an old man crying that upset Tommy.

  ‘Emily what, Alwyn? Come on, tell me?’ Worry and fear flashed through Tommy’s mind, scared of what could have happened. ‘Tell me, Alwyn?’

  Tommy stood and Alwyn held out his hands, as though he was cowering from Tommy, like Tommy really was the monster he was calling him.

  ‘It’s on the news! Please, just leave.’ It was clear Alwyn had become scared of Tommy. His eyes were filled with sorrow, and his hands were clasped together in prayer.

  Tommy l
ooked at Alwyn, confused by his behaviour, and left without any answers.


  The previous night 24th January 2018

  Emily lived with her mum in a place called Cathays in the centre of the city. When she arrived home from Tommy’s, her mum wasn’t home, which unnerved her no end, so she went around the house and turned on all the lights to try to give her comfort and a sense of security.

  I’ll have a nice long soak, Emily thought and ran herself a bath. She lit some candles, put on some music and soaked her cares away, which relaxed her almost immediately as she slowly sank herself down into the hot soapy water.

  Emily felt glad to be home; she felt safe. At that point, she decided it was time to distance herself from Tommy. Her fulfilment was complete – especially now. She flicked through her phone and blocked his number, then instantly deleted it. A weight lifted, she felt glad this was over. It was all too much, and things were getting difficult for her.

  The sound of the front door slamming shut caused Emily to jump. Her nerves came to life from being momentarily dormant.

  ‘Emily, you in? Why is the house lit up like a bloody Christmas tree?’ Her mum, Nicola, was always going on about wasting energy. She worked as a director for an environmental organisation and led by example. She was a strong, wealthy woman with a high moral standing.

  Emily ran down the stairs with soap bubbles still on her shoulders and a large, fluffy towel wrapped around her. ‘Sorry mum, I’ve had a strange few days.’

  Her mum kissed Emily’s forehead and told her to get into comfies, then she could tell her all about it.

  Emily got changed, dried her hair and opened the window to cool down from the heat of the hairdryer. She suddenly froze, taking in a gasp of air. She could see a figure standing looking up at her from the other side of the road, but she couldn’t make out who it was. The fear caused a knot to harden in her throat, making it hard to breathe. There was an ominous silence in the air. She felt herself mentally leave her body momentarily, speculating on the reasons why that figure would be there looking up at her, terrified of the thoughts of this person, their capabilities and motives – anything and everything went through her paranoid mind.

  She slammed the window shut and pulled the curtains so aggressively that one of the curtains came off the rail. She ignored it and quickly walked down into the kitchen where her mum was pouring a glass of wine.

  ‘Mum, there’s a strange man outside.’ Tremors ruled Emily’s hands as she spoke through a heart-wrenching cry.

  ‘Who is it darling? Do you know him?’ Nicola pulled Emily towards her and gave her a squeeze.

  ‘No, I don’t know him!’

  ‘Well, you’re safe here, love. Shall I call the police?’ Nicola asked.

  ‘No, it’s okay. It’s probably nothing and just me freaking out.’

  Nicola rushed to the front door, forced it open and stepped outside. The street was silent, apart from the sound of a dog barking in the distance. She slammed the front door shut and returned to Emily.

  ‘Has he gone, Mum?’ Emily asked.

  Nicola explained that there was no one there. She suggested that they get out the chocolate and put on a girlie film along with a mother-daughter cuddle.

  Ever since Emily’s dad had left Nicola for another woman when Emily was a baby, Nicola had always been protective over Emily. In her eyes, Emily was the model daughter and Emily portrayed the facade very well - but inside, Emily had a little demon of her own.

  The lights were off, and they giggled to each other as Magic Mike XXL started. They shared a large bar of chocolate between them and sipped red wine. They were relaxed together and enjoyed the film, still giggling at certain scenes, even though they’d seen the film fifteen times before.

  They talked about boys and men from their past and shared funny stories. Emily’s mum told her about this perv in work who always had her coffee placed on her desk every morning, exactly how she liked it.

  Emily fell asleep quickly that night. She felt peaceful after spending a nice evening with her mum, even though she wondered when the inevitable was going to happen, thinking about Scientist83.

  Around midnight, Emily awoke. She needed to pee but didn’t want to get out of bed. She tried to fight the urge, to the point where she was clenching her thighs together. She had no choice but to get up, unless she was going to wet the bed. When she returned from the toilet, she let out a blood-curdling scream. Her mum hurriedly entered her room.

  ‘What is it, love? What’s happened?’

  ‘Ttttttthat man, he was in here! I,I,I saw him!’ Fear took hold, causing Emily to struggle to get her words out.

  ‘You were dreaming, my sweetheart! There’s no one here, I promise. Go back to sleep.’ Nicola kissed Emily’s cheek and went back to bed.

  Her eyes wide open and fixed on the ceiling, Emily lay in bed frozen, too scared to move or to allow her eyes to wander around her room. She knew someone was there. She had the feeling someone was watching over her. Fear saturated her body and her mouth was dry. Someone was definitely there watching her, and her joints were seized as the fear grew. She couldn’t move; she didn’t want to move.

  ‘Please, leave me alone,’ Emily whispered. ‘I can’t handle it! Just go! Let’s forget all about it.’

  A floorboard creaked, causing a large gulp in her dry, tight throat that felt like thorns scraping her tight dry throat. There was another creak, this time closer. Emily could sense someone standing next to her bed as she stared directly upwards. There was a smell of the outdoors that diffused off this person’s clothes, along with a brief feeling of coldness. Emily lay stiff, just waiting in the still silence for the next move, trying to anticipate what would happen next and when it was going to happen. She knew this person was in here for a reason. It was just a matter of time until that reason was revealed.

  A large heavy hand was suddenly pressed over her mouth. Still frozen in fear, absolutely terrified, Emily had no fight in her and she lay still, too afraid to look into her attacker’s eyes. She could just make out a black figure in her peripheral vision.

  Emily then couldn’t help but look straight at the figure. She gasped. It was Tommy. She didn’t know whether to feel relief or fear. She was confused.

  ‘Please go!’ Emily kept her begging voice to a whisper.

  Tommy just stood staring downwards, his eyes were black and his gaze was distant, as though he was physically there but mentally someplace else. His breathing was deep and slow and his eyes hardly moved.

  ‘Please, please, please!’ she begged, however there was nothing but silence.

  Emily was terrified. She knew Tommy but could see it wasn’t him. It was as though he was under a spell, in a hypnotic-like state, that caused her even further anxiety. His body appeared stiff, and he didn’t look as though he was in control. There was nothing there behind his eyes.

  Tommy then moved. He knelt down slowly beside her bed and gradually dragged the blanket off her body.

  ‘Tommy, no!’ Emily tried to pull the blanket back, but Tommy easily overpowered her and pulled the blanket off and out of her reach.

  His other hand raised from behind his back. He held a Stanley knife with the razor-sharp blade out at the ready. He placed it on the pillow next to Emily’s face and slowly moved his index finger to his lips, as if to order her into silence - still his eyes hardly moved.

  The knife was a symbol of death that Tommy was using to control her. He slowly pulled off her pyjama bottoms, leaving her bottom half completely exposed, then he ran his hand along the inside of her leg. Goose bumps appeared under her skin. Emily felt violated and dirty, knowing he was getting off from touching her naked body. There was a feeling of complete exposure and vulnerability. How fucking dare he, she thought. Her impulse reaction caused her legs to close.

  She then felt Tommy’s hands firmly grabbing her breasts, pinching her nipples, and running his hands over her from head to toe. She felt physically sick and horrified as her antic
ipation built, scared of what was going to happen next.

  The blade was then held to her neck and Tommy applied a little pressure. Emily was petrified, scared he was going to rape her. She couldn’t help but think that she’d rather he killed her.

  Tommy then stood and walked out of her room, quietly closing the door. Emily waited; she listened for movement, for any sign of activity outside of her door, but it was silent.

  The thought of what could have happened to her suddenly hit her like a brick to the face. Emotion took over, and she burst into tears, trying to be as quiet as possible.

  Once she managed to calm herself, she got out of bed, her hands jittering from the adrenaline, and peered through the window, watching the street until she saw Tommy leave her house and walk off as though nothing had happened. Thank God that’s over, she thought to herself.

  Emily got back into bed. Adrenaline flowed through her veins, which kept her awake for hours. She felt dirty and disgusting, having had his hands touch her body without her consent. Eventually, she fell asleep.

  It was dark and freezing cold, with the sound of the wind blowing through trees, as Tommy lay on a forest floor. His entire body ached, his mouth felt sticky, and he had no idea where he was. He only had on a pair of shorts, a hoody and nothing on his feet. He felt exposed, perplexed and scared stiff about what was happening to him. His mind was numb with no memory of how he got to where he was. The last thing he remembered was being in the hotel with Emily…

  The next morning, Emily woke up naturally. She checked her phone to see the time was 1015. She had a text notification but wasn't interested in who it was from or what it said.

  All of a sudden, the memory from last night came rushing back. It caused a surge in adrenaline, followed by a sickly, gut-wrenching feeling that churned inside her stomach as though it was full of flies.


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