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Black Matter

Page 15

by G D Parker

  Roberts greeted Valentina with a kiss on the cheek as she walked into her office. He was itching to know what had happened, and judging by her tone, he knew it would be big.

  ‘Are you going to leave me hanging for much longer DI?’ Roberts asked, handing her a cup of black Americano without sugar.

  She savoured the coffee with an expression of pure joy, a bit like an addict sucking on a crack pipe. ‘You’ll need to sit down for this one. It’ll take me a while to explain. My brain has been spinning ever since I got the info.’

  Roberts parked his backside, and Valentina told him everything in as much detail as she could remember from her discussion with Professor Conroy.

  ‘Fuck... I think I get it, sort of?’ said Roberts, shocked at the evolutionary shift in the McGregor case. ‘So, what now?’

  ‘We need to ensure we have all the evidence to build a strong case and support this finding,’ said Valentina. ‘I was aggressive in taking down McGregor, and I will be just as aggressive if we can prove his innocence. You know me, I’d never let anyone innocent go in the clink.’

  ‘True. Wait,’ Roberts held out both hands, frowning as the cogs in his mind turned, registering what was being said. ‘Someone else was controlling Tommy’s body? Nah, can’t be true! I don’t believe it!’

  ‘Professor Conroy, that’s all I’m saying.’

  ‘He’s never been wrong, DI, but I just don’t get it.’ Roberts quizzed what he had just been told. ‘You normally see this stuff in a movie, not in real life.’ Roberts was sceptical. The crimes committed had been gruesome and horrific. People had been murdered and lives had been ruined by this man – Tommy McGregor.

  Medi Corps HQ was an enormous, very modern building with outstanding architecture. It was clear how much money this company was turning over and what must have been invested into their HQ.

  The front entrance had a large water feature, with crystal clear water flowing from the top of a chrome globe, trickling into an oval base. There was ambient classical background music playing; not too loud so you couldn’t hold a conversation, but not too quiet that you couldn’t hear it. It was a nice touch, which gave an instant feeling that this place delivered.

  Inside, the walls were white, and the ceilings were at least twenty feet high, with daylight LED lighting illuminating the large space. Voices in conversation could be heard in the background with a large screen placed centrally on a wall, displaying marketing features on new products and services delivered by Medi Corps.

  The front desk was large, with the front panel coming up to chest height. Four smartly dressed receptionists stood behind the desk. Valentina and Roberts approached the closest receptionist.

  ‘Good morning, how can I help you?’ The receptionist’s smile filled her face with pearly whites so bright, it was obvious they weren’t natural.

  ‘I’m Detective Inspector Valentina, and this is my Detective Constable, Roberts. We have an appointment with Mr Davidson.’ They both flashed their warrant badges to prove their identities.

  ‘Yes, of course. Mr Davidson has been expecting you. Please take a seat. I will let him know you are here.’ The receptionist gestured for them to take a seat in a nearby seating area.

  ‘It’s okay, we can wait here,’ replied Valentina, giving off a type of alpha female, just-because-you’re-pretty-you-can’t-tell-me-what-to-do attitude.

  Roberts couldn’t help but give a little snigger. Valentina looked at him and raised her brow, as if to say “what?” He returned a smile.

  ‘As you wish, Officer,’ said the receptionist. Roberts shifted on his feet awkwardly. Calling the DI an officer wasn’t something Valentina would take lightly.

  ‘I’m a detective inspector, not an officer.’ The claws were out, but the receptionist was quickly saved by Mr Davidson greeting them both with a hard and firm handshake.

  ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Please, come with me,’ said Mr Davidson.

  Spare me, Valentina thought. They followed Mr Davidson through a maze of corridors whilst listening to his Cuban heels strike the floor tiles as he walked. He was a well-dressed man in a sharp grey pinstripe suit with a blue shirt and a white tie that matched his hair colour. He pulled it off well. The corridor led them to a glass lift that took them to the top floor, which opened out onto his office.

  Mr Davidson’s office was as expected... large. A huge saltwater fish tank took over almost the length of one wall, with an array of beautiful colours that swam around, and live coral that carpeted the bed of the tank. The trickle of water from the pump provided a sense of calm.

  ‘Please sit,’ offered Mr Davidson. ‘Can I get you anything? Sparkling water, tea, coffee?’

  ‘Coffee please, black no sugar,’ Valentina requested.

  ‘Just a water is fine, thank you,’ replied Roberts.

  Mr Davidson picked up his phone to place the order.

  Valentina didn’t give Mr Davidson a chance to kick off the conversation and dived straight in herself. ‘We have a high-profile case and have received some very important information from a respected source regarding one of your products.’

  Mr Davidson looked concerned. ‘Before you go on, are you here to interrogate me? If you are, I’ll need an advisor with me.’

  This raised a red flag for Valentina immediately – Why would he instantly assume adversity?

  ‘No, Mr Davidson, we are here for clarity, and we are hoping you can provide this for us?’

  ‘Okay, I’ll do my best.’

  There was a knock at the door. Mr Davidson granted access and a host entered with the order of drinks.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Valentina.

  ‘So, where were we? You needed clarification on what exactly?’ asked Mr Davidson.

  Valentina grew more suspicious by Mr Davidson’s attitude. He was defensive from the outset.

  ‘Mr Davidson, this case involves a client of yours who has had the IPEA installed. Our source believes this implant in your client has created a back door into this individual’s brain.’

  Mr Davidson shook his head. ‘What exactly do you mean by a back door into their brain?’ He took this light heartedly. His words rolled off his tongue with no seriousness at all.

  Valentina became frustrated, which was obvious by her retaliation. ‘We believe, Mr Davidson, that this back door has allowed someone to take control of another human. They have used their body to commit horrendous crimes.’ She pressed her index finger into the desk with frustration.

  ‘Impossible! Who do you think you are, coming in here with your witchcraft bullshit?!’ He was completely dismissive of the “story” and his light heartedness turned to anger.

  Roberts then piped up, ‘We believe this is a matter of fact! Do you think we’d waste our valuable time coming here if we weren’t one hundred percent sure? Think about it, Mr Davidson. If this gets leaked to the press, you’ll have the authorities all over this establishment. So, I strongly suggest you take this seriously.’

  Valentina looked over at Roberts, giving him a discreet wink and a smile – well said you!

  ‘With the greatest respect to you both, what you are suggesting is ludicrous,’ Mr Davidson declared. ‘If this got leaked to the press, then you’d be a laughing stock. No one in their right mind would believe this nonsense! If you don’t mind, I have work to do.’ He stood tall and guarded.

  ‘Mr Davidson, we have not come here to pick holes in your products. We need clarification that you can support this evidence. If not, then we will need to investigate further. I don’t think you realise how serious this is,’ Valentina warned.

  ‘Okay, so what crimes have been committed? What has this so called “Avatar” done to bring you to my door?’ Mr Davidson asked pointedly.

  ‘We can’t divulge that information yet. If you can support us, together with whoever else you need to involve, you’ll need to sign an NDA, then you and your “advisers” can meet with our source and we can go from there?’

  ‘I can’t
help you.’ Mr Davidson announced, shaking his head.

  ‘Can’t or won’t?’ shouted Roberts, angry at the lack of cooperation from such a highly respected man.

  ‘I won’t help. Go and write a book about it instead. I’m sure this ridiculous concept would do well as a fictional story. Take your Black Matter rubbish and leave.’ It was clear Mr Davidson wasn’t prepared to assist with the case.

  ‘Well, Mr Davidson, we are talking about murder, so we will be in contact with you, and would like for you to reconsider and to cooperate with us in ensuring the right people are taken off the streets.’ Valentina smiled self-righteously, then both left the building.

  ‘He’ll come round,’ said Valentina.

  ‘How do you know?’ asked Roberts.

  ‘Trust me, he will.’ She gave a confident smile, and they got back into their car.

  Before they even reached the station, there was a call from Mr Davidson. ‘DI Valentina, it’s Russel Davidson from Medi Corps. I’ve had a think about our previous conversation.’

  ‘I’m all ears, go on?’ she replied.

  ‘I’d like for my technical adviser and myself to meet with your source, if that is still an option?’

  ‘Of course it’s still an option! When will you be available?’ Valentina turned and gave Roberts a sly wink. He smiled in return.

  ‘I will be free to assist your team anytime; anything to help with the case,’ said Mr Davidson.

  ‘Great, I will come back to you. Can I ask you one question, Mr Davidson?’

  ‘Of course?’

  ‘Why the sudden change of heart?’

  ‘I’ve had a good think. I’m always defensive when my company or my employees have potential exposure. A lot of the work we do is highly confidential, and some things can be taken the wrong way. On top of that, you mentioned murder, and I feel we have a duty to assist in such crimes.’

  ‘I appreciate your honesty. I will be in touch.’ Valentina hung up the phone before Mr Davidson could say anything else, and she turned to Roberts, who was driving. ‘See, one nil to Valentina!’ she exclaimed, licking her finger and pressing the air whilst making a hissing sound through her teeth.

  Valentina and Roberts arrived back at the station and made the arrangements with both Professor Conroy and Mr Davidson. They were due to meet the next working day, not wanting to waste any time.

  The next day came around quickly. It was agreed that they would all meet at Professor Conroy’s lab at the University. Valentina and Roberts were already there when Davidson arrived with his adviser. They met in the main reception.

  ‘Good morning,’ said Mr Davidson. ‘This is Tammy Bezuidenhout. She has been my adviser for the last fifteen years. She’s the brains behind the IPEA.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ Tammy said as she shook hands with Valentina with gentle calmness.

  There was something refreshing about Tammy. She was well dressed, wearing a long black pencil skirt, a black long-sleeved top with a yellow belt and yellow shoes. Her hair was long and dark, tied right back into a ponytail, and her eyes were a stunning brown, which complemented her facial features well.

  ‘Likewise, Ms Bezui-’

  ‘It’s Bezuidenhout, but please just call me Tammy. Most people can’t pronounce my name.’

  Valentina didn’t appreciate the interruption. She felt more than capable of pronouncing her name, but she smiled anyway. ‘This is my Detective Constable, Roberts.’

  Roberts took Tammy’s soft hand to shake. She had kind eyes. Mr Davidson looked somewhat awkward, probably following his previous behaviour.

  They all followed Valentina through the university and went through the introductions with Professor Conroy.

  ‘Please all take a seat, but help yourselves to any refreshments,’ Professor Conroy offered, pointing at a trolley with fresh fruit, tea, coffee and bottled water.

  Valentina kicked off the meeting by again going through a quick introduction of all present and handing out an NDA for all to sign regarding the confidentiality of the meeting. She then stood. ‘We have a man charged with the murder of two women - Nicola Wakefield and Sharon Gillingham. The same man has also been charged with GBH to Taylor Gillingham.’

  Davidson nodded. It was clear he recognised the names from the news and knew who had been charged.

  ‘My trusted professor here,’ Valentina held out her hand towards Professor Conroy, who nodded with her, ‘has explored the IPEA download from Tommy McGregor’s implant and has made the following discovery – over to you, Professor.’ Valentina sat down as Professor Conroy was simultaneously standing and turning on a screen.

  ‘Can I ask you all to pay attention to this screen.’ The professor clicked on the mouse on his laptop and a series of graphs and data filled the screen. ‘What we have here is Mr McGregor’s brain activity.’ The professor pointed at the same graphs he had shown to Valentina. ‘The brain activity here is normal, but when you look here, there are two chemical reactions and another unknown synthetic reaction. Thirty minutes after this reaction, he commits an indecent exposure act.’

  Valentina then handed out the report detailing this particular incident.

  ‘Can I interrupt, please?’ asked Tammy, holding a hand in the air.

  ‘Of course, please,’ replied the professor.

  ‘I can see by the data that the two chemicals were Dopamine and Glutamate. The third, that you correctly call synthetic, were Circuitoids. These were developed electronically with research from stem cells and can communicate with neurons. These Circuitoids exhibit spontaneous rhythmic activity of the kind known to repetitive movement.’

  Valentina interrupted. ‘Can we please try and keep this in simple terms. I’ve understood what you have said so far, but please appreciate that we are not all medical scientists in this room.’ She then stood and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  ‘Sorry Tammy, please.’ Professor Conroy gave Valentina a respectful smile across the table.

  ‘I understand, sorry. I just wanted to clarify that the synthetic brain function is a known entity, more so in the technological world than biological.’

  ‘Thank you, Tammy. That is helpful information,’ said the professor, followed by Davidson rudely interrupting.

  ‘So, what has this got to do with my IPEA?’ Frustration took hold of Mr Davidson’s face. He was clearly a man with a short fuse.

  ‘I was getting to that, Mr Davidson. So…these Circuitoids, which the lovely Tammy has clarified for us, are being manipulated by a third party, who have been taking control of Mr McGregor’s brain. At the times when these Circuitoids are active, Mr McGregor’s brain is in an unconscious state, so theoretically speaking, he has no idea whatsoever what he’s actually doing. We have asked you to join us today to provide clarity on how this interception takes place?’

  Tammy absorbed the information on the screen and asked, ‘Can I have some time to go through the download from his implant, please?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Professor Conroy. ‘Here, take a seat.’

  ‘No, I mean I will need to take it away. Can you transfer the files to a USB for me, please?’

  ‘You can, but the USB will need to be encrypted,’ Valentina then interrupted.

  ‘Not a problem,’ said Davidson as he pulled a USB stick from his bag. ‘This has an encryption on it.’

  ‘Well, that’s fine then. We will need to have it returned after use,’ said Valentina. ‘How long do you think this will take?’

  ‘Depends on how far we need to dig. These reports are highly comprehensive. It will take some time.’

  ‘Can we meet again tomorrow to go through your findings?’ asked Roberts.

  ‘I’m going to need a couple of weeks,’ Tammy explained.

  ‘We don’t have weeks. We need this done as soon as possible.’

  ‘That is as soon as possible,’ Tammy clarified. ‘The IPEA talks to extremely large groups of neurons, with millions, if not trillions, of connections that take place, and it
processes these, resulting in the report. We will be in touch once we have evaluated everything, and due to the nature of your case, it’s not something I’m prepared to rush.’

  ‘That’s fair enough,’ said Roberts.

  They all shook hands, and Davidson and Tammy left the room to navigate their own way through the maze of the university.

  ‘What do we all think?’ Valentina was in high spirits.

  ‘Very interesting about the Circuitoids. I think this will be a needle in a haystack, if you want my honest opinion. Even if they can prove Mr McGregor was being controlled by someone else, it’s going to be almost impossible to find out who.’ Professor Conroy didn’t share Valentina’s enthusiastic optimism.

  ‘DI, we just need to do our job as we know it; carry out the detective work our way and let the academics investigate in their way. I think a bit of cold calling to those closest to Tommy would be a good start.’

  ‘That’s why you work for me, Roberts. Thinking for me,’ Valentina smiled then turned to Professor Conroy. ‘Thank you so much once again for your time.’

  ‘Always a pleasure!’ The professor gave a respectful smile.

  En route back to the station, Roberts’ brain was in deep thought as he was searching through McGregor’s Facebook profile. Valentina always admired Roberts’ resting bitch face. She’d never seen anyone look so pissed off when they were really not.

  ‘Share your thoughts, Roberts?’

  ‘DI, I’m going to pay Emily Wakefield a visit. Looks like her and Tommy had a thing leading up to and during the murders.’

  ‘Good thinking. I’ll leave you to that one, but please do me a favour. When you pay her a visit, make sure you’re in uniform.’

  Roberts knew what Valentina meant by this; uniformed police always gave off an air of authority.

  ‘I need to visit McGregor and get a steer on his events once more,’ said Valentina.

  ‘Good thinking, boss.’

  Swansea prison looked like the typical 1800s prison with large front gates about thirty feet tall and high stone walls towering at about forty feet. It had been some time since Valentina had been to this place. The last time had been eight years ago on a child murder case. The place instantly gave her the creeps, causing a cold shiver to take over her nerves, cascading down her spine from her head to her fingertips for a few seconds.


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