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Black Matter

Page 21

by G D Parker

  Morriston Hospital felt like the devil’s playground to Anderson, with Scientist83 being the devil. He walked up the corridor, wearing the same clothes he had worn the last time he had visited Emily. He walked into the ward, but this time there was a different nurse on duty.

  ‘Can I help you?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m here to see Emily, my sister.’

  ‘And you are?’

  ‘Her brother, obviously.’ Anderson gave a sarcastic grin.

  ‘I meant your name?’ the nurse asked, red faced from his arrogance.


  ‘She’s through there,’ the nurse offered, pointing towards a private room.

  The room was clean and had a fresh smell. An aircon unit was running, keeping the room nice and cool. Emily now had some of her dressings removed from her face, causing Anderson to look away in the first instance. She was sound asleep. From what he could see, both eyelids were severely deformed, with one side of her face still heavily bandaged. Tubes ran through a mask helping her to breathe. There was a gentle rushing sound as the air flowed into her lungs.

  The nurse followed him in.

  ‘She’s struggling, Anderson. She inhaled a lot of that acid, which has caused her lungs to deteriorate.’

  ‘She’s going to make it, right?’ Anderson asked, putting on a facade of concern.

  ‘It’s hard to say. I’m sorry, but that’s all I can say at this stage. Her consultant will be round at two to check on her.’

  ‘That’s three hours away! Is there any way he could come now whilst I’m here?’ Anderson enquired.

  ‘I’m afraid not.’ The nurse left the room with a sympathetic smile.

  Once the coast was clear, Anderson closed the door and walked over to Emily, who was laying lifeless, as though she was in a deep and peaceful sleep.

  The door suddenly burst open. It was the nurse.

  ‘Please keep this door open,’ she insisted, nodding with a sign of seriousness.

  Anderson turned to look at Emily again, and thoughts raced through his mind. What an absolute waste. You were so beautiful. I’m so sorry I did this to you. I’ll be sending you to a better place soon.

  The clear, corrugated breathing tube that was assisting her breathing stretched from the ventilator into the mask, which directed the tube into her airways. Anderson looked over his shoulder. The nurse was no longer standing in the doorway. He leaned forwards to put a kink into the breathing tube. Just before he grabbed it, he heard footsteps from behind.

  ‘Good morning. I’m DC Roberts.’ He flashed his warrant card. ‘And you are?’

  ‘Anderson, Emily’s brother.’

  Roberts looked puzzled and evidently suspicious.

  ‘I wasn’t aware she had a brother. She was an only child?’

  ‘Well, half-brother, what do they call it...? Oh, yeah, a love child.’

  Roberts squinted. With years of experience, he knew Anderson was lying, and he could sense something wasn’t right here. The lies oozed from Anderson with evilness.

  ‘What’s happened to poor Emily is horrendous, don’t you agree?’ Roberts probed.

  ‘Completely, have you caught him?’ Anderson knew full well that they had not caught anyone.

  ‘Strange, you used the word him?’ replied Roberts.

  ‘Well, I’m just assuming it was a male. A female wouldn’t do something like this.’

  ‘What makes you say that?’ Roberts folded his arms. ‘Tell me, Anderson, what do you know about what’s happened to Emily?’

  Anderson became a little flustered with all the questions.

  ‘Errrm, she had acid thrown in her face!’

  ‘Clearly.’ Roberts raised his eyebrow.

  ‘Right, I’ve got to go.’ Anderson became hasty, giving Roberts a slight nudge on his way past with his shoulder.

  Roberts grabbed his arm, looking directly into his eyes.

  ‘I’m watching you, Anderson.’ He then let go, allowing him to leave, knowing full well he’d be seeing him again soon.

  Minutes later, the nurse came back, returning to check on Emily’s stats.

  ‘What do you know about that Anderson guy?’ Roberts asked with an inquisitive look on his face.

  ‘He says he’s her brother, but he seems a little creepy. I don’t trust him.’ The nurse looked at Roberts cautiously, thinking she’d said too much. ‘Sorry, am I allowed to say that?’

  ‘It’s a free country, and I agree with you. Can you do me a little favour? Next time he shows up, if he does, call me on this number.’ He handed her his card.

  ‘Of course.’ The nurse smiled and continued to check on Emily. ‘Is there anything else I can help you with?’

  ‘To be honest, I’m the detective investigating this case. I just wanted to pop in and see how Emily’s doing?’

  ‘Not good. It’s her lungs, you see. She breathed in a lot of the acid as it was splashed into her face.’

  Roberts returned a look of empathy.

  ‘So sad! A girl full of life, just lost her mother, and now this.’

  ‘I know, what’s the world coming to?’

  ‘You tell me! Look, I’ve got to head off. Like I said, if that Anderson returns, call me.’

  Back in his car, Roberts called up Valentina. She didn’t answer the first time, so he dialled again straight after. This time she answered.

  ‘Boss, what do you have on that Anderson character?’

  ‘The guy who lives above Tommy?’

  ‘That’s the one.’

  ‘Not much to be honest. Why?’

  ‘I’ve seen him hovering around Emily at the hospital. It’s the second time he’s been there, and he says he’s her half-brother or something,’ Roberts explained.

  ‘Can’t be! I’ve done a full check on Emily. There is no half-brother. Her dad died a few years back – suicide. Killed himself in prison.’ There was the sound of Valentina sucking on the end of a cigarette, then blowing out the smoke. ‘Her mother, as you know, was murdered, and there are no grandparents left. She has no one.’

  ‘That’s sad. I’ve got a gut feeling about this Anderson. I’m going to run a few more checks on him, maybe even show up at his place.’

  ‘Okay,’ said Valentina, ending the call.

  Anderson: “I tried, but a detective showed up.”

  Scientist83: “What did he say?”

  Anderson: “Just asked a few pointed questions, but I left before he went in too heavy.”

  Scientist83: “Do you think he suspects anything with you?”

  Anderson: “Not at all!”

  Scientist83: “Suggest you move all your kit.”

  Anderson: “Why?”

  Scientist: “Because if they search your home, they

  will seize the lot.”

  Scientist83: **IS NOW OFFLINE**

  Anderson began to pace the room, thinking about this detective Roberts. If he was actually on to him, it would raise a lot of issues, not just for Anderson but for Roberts himself. He knew Scientist83 wouldn’t stand for anything.

  Two years ago, back in August 2016, Anderson, being a dark person, had trolled the Dark Net, looking at new ways to hack UK banks in order to steal a lot of money. He wanted to have enough to go and live abroad with no worries. This was when he had come across Scientist83, who had made contact via a chat room. At the time, Anderson had been profiling hacking software he had developed; this wasn’t just basic stuff.

  Scientist83: “How intelligent is your system?”

  Anderson: “Similar to Nmap. Why?”

  Scientist83: “Nmap traces IP addresses. Can you trace mobile IMEI numbers?”

  Anderson: “Possibly. Why?”

  Scientist83: “If you can build me software that can track and hack IMEI numbers, I’ll pay you handsomely.”

  Anderson: “How much are we talking about?”

  Scientist83: “That’s negotiable. Build and prove, then we’ll discuss a price.”

  Anderson: “Ok, what is
it you’re trying to do?”

  Scientist83: “I need to be able to track and hack a mobile phone device.”

  Anderson: “What for?”

  Scientist83: “That’s my business. Want the job or not?”

  Anderson: “I do. Just need to understand what it is you want to achieve?”

  Scientist83: “Have you heard of IPEA?”

  Anderson: “I have.”

  Scientist83: “I want to hack that via a mobile phone.”

  Anderson: “Ok, what for?”

  Scientist83: “That I can’t tell you. Contact me when you have the software, then follow my instructions. I will then pay you.”

  Anderson: “I need to have an idea of price?”

  Scientist83: “At least six zeros.”

  Anderson: “How do I know you will pay?”

  Scientist83: “It’s a trust game. You build this for me, and I’ll pay you. I’ll be in touch. Keep this page open all the time.”

  Scientist83: **IS NOW OFFLINE**

  Attracted by the proposed amount of money, Anderson had started work, stretching his abilities. By December 2017, he had achieved what had been asked of him - he had developed the illegal software Scientist83 had requested.

  Anderson had made contact with Scientist83 again, who had given Anderson various complex tasks to carry out in return, in order to prove the effectiveness of his software. He called it Black Matter.

  Over the past year, they had stayed in touch via the Dark Net. Once Black Matter was ready, Scientist83 had set Anderson to work creating a destructive trail of murder and attacks that would hit the media. This was the proof Scientist83 had needed before payment to Anderson could be made. He needed to ensure that it was completely untraceable, and if Anderson was able to get away with these horrendous crimes, which had to be high profile, then he knew he could use the software for what he needed without getting caught.

  Part of Anderson regretted ever starting this project, but the promised reward was too attractive. He so desperately wanted to leave the country. Despite regret, he was now in too deep to even consider backing out. If he tried, he’d be dead.

  A heavy weight pressed down on Anderson as he paced his room, stressing about killing Emily. He didn’t want to, but he had no choice. Foolishly, he had let Emily in on the work, and she knew everything about what he’d been doing. Her knowledge was dangerous to him. If Emily was to spill the beans on Anderson, then Scientist83 would be sure to make him disappear.

  Emily and Anderson had also met via the Dark Net. She had needed someone to hurt Taylor, to seek revenge for losing her dad, without it coming back to her. However, she had got caught up and had seen financial opportunities by having her mum murdered. She had become greedily carried away, offering Anderson a stake in her inheritance, but had now become the victim of an acid attack – karma’s a bitch!

  Anderson used Black Matter to search IMEI numbers. He needed Emily gone and just couldn’t do it himself, especially as CID were now onto him. He located someone within the hospital with the IPEA implant and got to work.

  A 21-year-old Welsh nurse, Emma Jones, crouched down in agony on the floor of Morriston Hospital suffering from an intense headache. The pain was like nothing she’d ever felt before. It hurt like hell. Hospital staff went to help, but strangely, all of a sudden, she was fine. She got up from the floor, her blonde hair matted from the commotion, and she didn’t say a word as she walked off. A member of staff watched as Emma disappeared down the corridor, shrugging off the incident, not thinking too much into it. Why would they?

  Emma walked the footslog through the maze of corridors. She looked lost at times, but being in uniform and recognised as a member of staff, no one batted an eyelid. Eventually, arriving at the Welsh Centre of Burns, she walked in, passed the reception desk, went up the stairs and entered Tempest Burns ITU, where Emily was still recovering from her injuries.

  The ventilator pumped the flowing air and oxygen into Emily’s lungs, keeping her alive, despite the heavily scarred lung tissue. Emma looked down at Emily, who looked peaceful and at rest.

  Emma showed no emotion in her zombie-like trance. Using her hand, she put a kink into the ventilator tube, which didn’t take long. Emily’s chest rose and fell aggressively as her body begged for the oxygen. Emma held the tube tight, watching the monitors as they emitted an alarm.

  Another nurse ran in and fought with Emma, trying to pull her away from the tubes, but her grip was too firm, as she held on tight. Emma then let go, once it was clear that Emily had passed on.

  More hospital staff entered the room and began resuscitation, but it was too late. Emily had died. They looked around, and Emma had already left the building.

  She was found sitting on a bench in the hospital grounds, staring ahead of herself. She had a confused expression on her face and was clearly troubled.

  Emma was a charming, caring, wonderful nurse and had worked so hard to land her dream job. She was one of those people who served her patients’ needs wholeheartedly and provided outstanding care, so that when her patients were discharged, they left the hospital thinking, she’s in the right job! For such an incident to have happened was shocking to anyone who knew her.

  Roberts sat opposite Miss Emma Jones with a uniformed officer beside him, and Miss Jones’s lawyer sitting next to her. Roberts had volunteered for this case due to previous and other ongoing cases, which he believed might have a direct link.

  The outcome of the primary interview with Miss Jones was very similar to that of the McGregor case. They’d both had strong headaches followed by no memory, and that was it. There was no recall of the actual incident. Roberts’s gut feeling came fighting back, but this time with a hint of venom. These are linked, I know it.

  ‘Are you sure you’re ok to take this on as well?’ asked Valentina over the phone.

  ‘Yes, boss. I’m telling you, it’s that Anderson guy. I don’t know how, but it’s him.’

  ‘What have the CPS come back with on Jones?’

  ‘Still waiting, boss, but with the evidence stacked up against her, she’ll be remanded for sure.’

  ‘Let’s pay Anderson a visit, just as a general enquiry.’

  ‘Good plan, boss. Meet you outside?’

  ‘Give me an hour, I’ll be there,’ Valentina stated.

  The detectives met outside the block of flats. From the outside, Tommy’s flat looked lifeless, however, so did the flat above, which was Anderson’s. They had a member of uniform with them, who gave them access through the communal door. Roberts insisted that he would knock and that he wanted to take control of the questioning. Valentina agreed, happy to allow him the pleasure.

  Anderson took some time to answer the door, and when he finally did, he recognised Roberts instantly.

  ‘Yes?’ said Anderson in his usual high-pitched voice, wearing his usual scruffy clothing.

  ‘Anderson, would you mind if we came in for a chat?’ Roberts asked.

  ‘Why would I mind?’ he said over-confidently, standing aside and allowing them to pass.

  ‘You don’t have much, do you?’ asked Roberts casting his eyes through the apartment.

  ‘I lead a simple life, thank you.’

  ‘Mind if we sit?’

  ‘Do what you want. I gather you will anyway.’

  At these words, Valentina raised her eyebrows and couldn’t hold back, even though she had promised to let Roberts lead the enquiry.

  ‘I suggest you drop the attitude!’ Valentina’s tone was sharp.

  Anderson showed no emotion to her, coming across as somewhat cocky; an attitude Valentina hated.

  Roberts then continued. ‘How close were you to Emily?’

  ‘We were okay. We bickered now and then, but pretty much the norm.’ Anderson placed his hands in his pockets, and the uniformed officer moved forwards, reacting swiftly. Anderson retracted his hands quickly, realising that was a wrong move.

  ‘Keep your hands where we can see them, fella,’ said the unif
ormed officer.

  ‘What is this? I can’t even relax in my own home!’

  ‘Like he said, just keep them where we can see them, okay!’ Roberts was eyeballing Anderson, who was returning the gaze.

  ‘Can you tell us why you felt the need to lie about being a sibling of Emily Wakefield,’ asked Valentina, with Roberts giving her a look.

  ‘Why would I lie?’

  ‘That’s what I’ve just asked! Why did you? You see, we did a check on you, and you don’t seem to have any immediate family, let alone any sisters!’

  ‘Well, your checks are wrong,’ Anderson exclaimed.

  ‘I doubt that. Do you know an Emma Jones?’ asked Roberts, taking back control.

  ‘Nope,’ Anderson shook his head.

  ‘Do you mind if I take a quick look around?’ asked the uniformed officer.

  ‘Fill ya boots!’

  It only took five minutes, then the uniformed officer returned, giving a slight shake of the head to Valentina. She then nodded to Roberts as a gesture to leave.

  They stood outside discussing the situation. Roberts looks up towards Anderson’s flat, noticing the blinds twitching.

  ‘We have nothing on him at this stage. The CCTV confirms that he wasn’t at the hospital at the time Emily was murdered. I think your hunch might be wrong.’ Valentina got into the car.

  ‘Look, I’m not trying to piss on your chips here, but we didn’t ask the right questions. We literally have nothing on Anderson. He didn’t kill Emily.’ Valentina watched Roberts, waiting for his response.

  Roberts paused for a second, knowing that his gut feeling had never let him down before.

  ‘I’ll prove you wrong, boss.’

  ‘Well, detective, I hope you do.’ She gave him a wink, then pulled away.


  Hours had passed by as Tammy stared at her laptop screen, heavily engrossed with going through all the data downloaded from Tommy’s implant. It was 10.00pm, and tiredness was kicking in fast, her eyes straining from looking at the screen for so long. Her phone started ringing, making her jump and breaking the silence, pulling her from her deep thoughts. She answered the phone with caution, as it was from a “Private Number”.


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