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Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series

Page 12

by Caroline Peckham

  By Osaria, I was good at this manipulating bullshit. Maybe I should have joined The Forty for real. But I'd save that for the day I abandoned my morals, my hygiene and my own self-respect.

  I frowned. “You won't pass as a suitor unless you act it won't work. I can't see them accepting you no matter how much money you paid the Emperor to enter the pageant.”

  Aladdin cupped the back of my neck, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Lucky I have a royal guard to teach me then.”

  I shook my head. “I can't allow you to be Emperor, Aladdin. I couldn't see someone sit on the throne who wasn't good to my kingdom.” I sighed and a smile dragged up his lips.

  “I'll do the orphanages thing, I swear it. Whatever else. I just want the money. And the Princess, you said she's hot right?”

  I nodded slowly, fighting the rage building in my chest at his tone. A possessive beast reared its head inside me and I clenched my jaw. The monster ebbed away as I reminded myself he'd never get that far anyway. And that I had zero right to be possessive over the Princess Rapunzel.

  Oh Aladdin, you are so screwed you have no idea.

  Kahn was twice his size with fists like sledge hammers. No one stood a chance against him in the brawls. But evidently, Aladdin hadn't heard of him. And that was all the better for me. Because Aladdin was going to get me into the palace. And once I was there, I'd cut the kingdom's problem off at the root. Gothel wouldn't see me coming.

  If I couldn't take this lamp out of the world, then I was going to take her out of it instead. When I figured out a way to expose her for what she was, the Emperor would take care of the execution. I just needed to get in and find out exactly what it was she was up to. Not simple, but a task I was more than willing to take on.

  “What does the Princess look like? I know you lied to my gang. But you can't fool me,” he demanded and the truth met my lips. I tried to hold it back, desperate to keep that knowledge for myself but it spilled out anyway.

  “She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her hair is golden as if it's infused with the sun itself, her eyes are amber; two shining gemstones in a circle of darkness. Her lips are full...cherry red and so-” Don't say it. Don't you dare say it. “-enticing, I haven't been able to sleep a night without dreaming of them since.”

  Screw my life.

  Aladdin grinned at me hungrily. “And she's mine, mate. So get that look off of your face this second.”

  My jaw tightened and I had a mind to slam my fist into his nose for the way he'd just claimed her. Like all the suitors did. She wasn't property and I despised the pageant. An age-old tradition to win the hand of the Emperor's daughters through all the centuries Osaria had stood.

  “As if I'd ever lay claim to the Princess,” I growled, the truth of it resoundingly clear as I was allowed to say it in this place.

  “Tell me about her body,” Aladdin said with a devilish look.

  I scowled, shaking my head but I could feel the words pushing at my lips.

  “Tell me,” he demanded and I hated him in that moment. I didn't want him drooling over Princess Rapunzel. The idea was sickening.

  “She's lithe, generously curvaceous in the right places.” I'm an asshole. But at least I'd phrased it in the least seedy way I could. “But she wasn't naked when I saw her so she could be covered in scales for all I know.”

  “Doubt it,” he said eagerly, biting into his lower lip with desire in his gaze. “You swear she's the most beautiful woman in Osaria?”

  “To me she is,” I confirmed and my heart sank like a stone. “And no doubt to most men.”

  He clapped my cheek with his palm and I glowered at him for the patronising gesture. I smacked his arm away. “I'm allowing this for the sake of the kingdom,” I growled. “If you cross me, I will kill you.” It occurred to me that if I simply killed him now maybe I could claim that lamp for myself.

  He backed up, raising his dagger again as if he registered that possibility too. I released the thought with a sigh. I wasn’t a killer and I didn’t want this thief's death on my conscience. Besides, he could get me into the palace now. So I still had a chance at bringing Gothel to her knees. I just had to figure out how to disguise myself first.

  I thrust out my hand and Aladdin's brows raised. “You take me with you and I'll teach you how to pass yourself off as a Count for the pageant.”

  He smirked, nodding as he grabbed my hand and shook it. When he released me, he turned to look at the lamp with an air of anticipation.

  “Every dream I've ever had is finally going to come true,” he breathed to himself. An ounce of pity gripped me that he'd never had so much as two coins to rub together for most of his life. I was leading him down a path that could get him killed by Kahn. Gothel’s son had been known to do it before in other fighting tournaments and there was no law to stop him doing so in the Royal Pageant.

  The kingdom had to come first. I couldn't start feeling sorry for some pick-pocket who didn't pay anyone else any heed.

  Nothing is more important than Osaria. And I will protect it in any way I can. No matter who has to get hurt in the process.

  I crashed into the bottom of the lamp with a desperate pain in my chest. I’d been free. For a moment I’d seen the sky through that hole in the cave roof and the trees and the grass and real faces of real people.

  It had been so much more than I’d remembered. The smells, the sensations, the breeze, sunlight, the grass beneath my feet, it was too much and not enough all at once. And now it was over.

  Your fault. You were too full on. They didn’t want to deal with your psycho ways.

  “I know,” I breathed. Of course I’d scared them off. I hadn’t done anything right in over a century. Certainly not in this last week. I was hopeless. Useless.

  I’d had one chance in all this time and I’d blown it. I was too full on. Too much. Too desperate. But I’d seen reality for the first time in such a long time and I just couldn’t stop myself from falling apart over it. And now I’d ruined it. He’d never call on me again...

  Unless he did. He knew about the wishes. And I so wanted to make his dreams come true.

  If I could make his life great then it would be almost like living for myself again.

  I placed my palms against the cool bronze walls of my prison and tried to figure out if he was still out there.

  I turned my hand over and found a curling letter A on the inside of my wrist. I was bound to him. He was my master. And all I wanted in this world was to make him happy. If I could see happiness again then maybe I could remember what it felt like too.

  I can’t believe you grew a tiny penis and then showed it to them. He’ll never call you out of here again after that. Who wants tiny penis magic?

  I sighed. I was right. There was no point arguing with myself. I’d blown it. The one chance I’d had in centuries of solitude.

  “Did you see the sun?” I breathed. “It wasn’t black at all. It was golden.” I conjured an image of the celestial being above my head and closed my eyes as I imagined warmth washing over my skin.

  And now we’ll never see it again. Thanks to you.

  A tear fell from my eye. Then another. More and more until they raced down into the pool at my feet.

  Good. Let’s hope we drown and this suffering can finally end.

  I opened my mouth to agree when a deep warmth built at the base of my spine and the lid flew open above me once more.

  I gasped excitedly as I was drawn from the lamp again and the two men looked at me is if they hadn’t been sure I would really come.

  Do it better this time, this is our last shot.

  I wiped the tears from my face hastily and threw myself at the feet of my master.

  “What is your wish, Master?” I begged, keeping my face pressed to the grass at his boots.

  “Tell her to get up, Aladdin, that’s not right,” the other one said.

  “I dunno, mate, I kinda like it. I could get used to that,” my master repl
ied and I practically glowed as I realised I’d pleased him.

  I willed chains into place around my wrists and throat and they floated up into his hand as I gazed up at him. He had such a lovely face. Why had I thought it was ugly before?

  Because you’re an idiot. And I think the chains are overkill.

  Master turned the chains over in his hand with a faint frown. “Yeah, maybe I don’t like it so much after all,” he agreed with his friend.

  Told you so.

  I quickly willed the chains away and forced myself to keep my mouth shut, hoping I hadn’t crossed the line. I couldn’t bear it if he sent me back into the lamp again.

  “I just wanted to clarify, these wishes don’t come with any cost? There’s no payment at all, you just want to do things for me because I have your lamp?” Master asked.

  Just nod. Less words are better when it comes to you.

  I nodded.

  “Why have you gone so quiet?” the other one asked and I looked at him. He had a nice face too. His hair wasn’t as dark as my master’s and his eyes were warmer.

  I opened my mouth to reply, then glanced at Master again, wondering what he’d prefer.

  “She seems a bit unstable,” Master muttered. “One second she can’t shut up and and the next she can’t seem to talk at all.”

  “I can talk,” I breathed. “I just thought maybe you would prefer it if I didn’t so much. And then you wouldn’t send me back into the lamp again...”

  Nice work dumbass, now they’ll send us back for sure. Have you forgotten how cruel men are?

  “I’ve forgotten pretty much everything,” I reminded myself irritably and the two men exchanged a glance.

  Talking to me makes you look crazy.

  “How long were you in there?” the other one asked but I wasn’t sure if I should answer him or not.

  “Do you want me to talk to him?” I asked my master instead.

  “Err yeah, you can talk to Cassian all you like. You don’t need my permission,” Master replied.

  “I kinda do actually,” I breathed before turning back to Cassian to answer his question. “I’m not sure how long I was in there. How long ago did Emperor Tarim die?”

  “I’ve never heard of him,” Cassian replied with a shrug.

  “So just to be clear, can you make me rich enough to be presented as a suitor for the Princess?” Master asked.

  “Yes,” I agreed eagerly. “And you won’t drown in the money or anything.”

  “What?” he asked with a frown.

  “Nothing. I just mean, your wishes will be fulfilled exactly as you intended them. I can do anything for you. Everything.” I bit my lip, hoping I’d said the right thing. I couldn’t go back in the lamp.

  Get naked, men like that.

  I frowned, unsure if I was right about that or not. The desire I saw in his eyes wasn’t aimed at me it was aimed at the riches I’d just promised him.

  Topless then, everyone likes looking at breasts.

  “They weren’t so impressed with my penis,” I muttered in denial. Showing off parts of my body hadn’t impressed them before and I wasn’t going to risk frightening them off again.

  “Did you just say something about a penis?” Cassian asked and I shook my head fiercely.

  Stop talking to me; they’ll think you’re insane.

  It might have been a bit late for that but I forced myself not to reply to myself. You could only make one first impression after all. And I’d probably blown it. But my master was beginning to smile and it was such a pretty smile. He had dimples. I hadn’t seen dimples in so long...

  “I think I like her,” Master said, looking at his friend.

  My heart swelled and swelled, growing into a sun of its own as pleasure raced through every inch of my flesh at his words and my skin began to glow with it.

  “She might be the answer to all of the kingdom’s problems,” Cassian agreed. “If she can truly do what she says.”

  “She might be the answer to all of my problems,” Master murmured, reaching out towards me hesitantly.

  I stared up at him hopefully. I hadn’t felt the brush of anyone’s skin against mine in so, so long and the idea of him touching me sent a shiver of anticipation running down my spine. Followed quickly by a flicker of fear. What if I just disappeared when his skin met with mine? What if I was only the memory of a person now and the moment he couldn’t touch me would be the moment I realised it and I just fizzled into nothing?

  He pulled his hand back before it could make contact with my cheek and relief mixed with disappointment in my chest. But that was okay. I was very strange. And freedom from the lamp was more than I ever could have dreamed of so if he didn’t want to touch me, he didn’t have to. And it was probably better that he didn’t, just incase...

  “Can I...” I wasn’t sure if I dared to ask but I had to. “Can I just stay out of the lamp though?” I breathed.

  Begging? That’s super attractive.

  “You want to stay out here?” Master asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “It’s just that I’ve been in there for such a long time...”

  “Sure, whatever. Stay out here if you like. So long as you’re granting my wishes, that’s fine by me,” he agreed as if it was nothing. But it was everything.

  Wow, you did something right for once.

  I stared up at him and words failed me. Thank you wasn’t enough. No words could express what that act of kindness meant to me. So instead I swore with all my heart that I would serve him well. I would grant his wishes and fulfil his dreams and make sure that his life was filled with everything he could ever desire.

  He owned me, mind, body and soul. And I was his for as long as he wanted.

  I headed to my father's throne room where he received requests from the people of Osaria during the day. He still held to the tradition, but his manner had vastly changed since he’d married Gothel. I was hoping she wouldn't be present when I arrived, but there she was, wearing a flowing navy grown as she sat beside the Emperor's golden throne, her own throne barely any smaller than his.

  Father looked tired. But he’d always looked tired ever since Mother had died when I was just a girl. His eyes were ringed with circles and his grey hair was growing thin. It was still long though, freshly washed and hanging down to his shoulders beneath his fine crown. His eyes were nothing like mine; palest blue. He used to look at me with love in those eyes, now there was something else there in its place. Something that seemed to shield the love he felt for me. I hoped he still loved me, but with each passing year that hope lessened.

  Maybe he gave his love for you to Gothel.

  I still recalled how he'd played with me when I was a girl. We'd roam the palace gardens like we were on an adventure. He'd made me a wooden sword; he'd been the only person to ever teach me sword fighting. I still practised every day, but he'd long since stopped instructing me. There was a time he'd told me, “Woman are more than men's equals, sweet Rapunzel. And my time as Emperor will see them viewed as such for the first time in the twelve kingdoms.”

  That man had vanished the day Gothel had arrived when I was just thirteen. A girl with hopes and dreams of women rising to greatness. Father had been about to change the old traditions. To create a world where a Princess was allowed to claim the throne for her own. But that hadn't happened. A woman from some faraway land had shown up in our home and invaded it single-handedly. Somehow, she’d convinced him not to pass those laws. But why?

  Though my father still sat on the throne, I could almost see the puppet strings she had attached to him. Was this what love did to people? Because if it was, I sure as hell didn’t want it.

  Please still be in there, Father. Please come back to me. Please tell me I don't have to marry Kahn or any of the suitors presented to me.

  A peasant was on his knees before the throne, begging the Emperor for an extension on his tax payments as he clasped his gnarled fingers together in a prayer. “I'm just a farmer, your highness.
My crops haven't yielded well this year and I have failed to meet the quota which could bring me the coin needed to pay the crown. I beg for a few months more, that's all.”

  Father sat up straighter, his eyes swivelling to me as I strode through the huge room, my heels clicking on the ebony tiles as I passed the arching stone pillars that towered above us. Huge banners hung across the walls in the kingdom's colours of red and white. Two white tigers reared up on either side of the coat of arms.

  Three guards flanked me, my veil firmly in place and as the peasant turned and spotted me approaching he flattened himself to the ground.

  “Gracious, Rapunzel, what are you doing here?” Gothel demanded, stroking the chunky golden necklace at her throat. I hated that ugly thing.

  I didn't answer her, gazing at my father instead. “Aren't you going to answer this man's request?” I insisted, moving to the side of Father’s throne and turning to look back at the farmer. His face was weathered and he was so thin. They were always thin these days. The civilians used to look well-fed, some even plump. But not anymore. Not since Gothel.

  I hate her so much my veins are burning with it. How did she manage to break my father beyond repair?

  Gothel looked to the Emperor as he contemplated the lowly farmer before him. “I cannot be lenient with one man, or all men will come begging for the same. If you cannot pay the tax in gold, you will pay it in blood.”

  At a gesture from my father, two guards ran forward and hauled the farmer to his feet.

  “What are you doing?” I gasped, my heart stumbling into a frantic beat.

  “A hand,” Father growled, his eyes lingering on the man. “One now, and the other in a week if it's not paid in full.”

  “Father you can't!” I cried, trembling with fury as the guards started dragging the farmer from the hall. He wailed protests and my heart could barely take the sound of such agony.

  “He is the Emperor,” Gothel said firmly. “Dear Princess you are too soft of heart to be here for such dealings. Go back to your quarters.” She ushered me away but I stood my ground, glaring at her.


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