Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series

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Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series Page 34

by Caroline Peckham

  “Shaitan can only reproduce once in their life cycle of ten thousand years. A half-Shaitan child may be conceived with a human and it is thought if female Shaitans copulate with men, they devour their hearts afterward. The children are known to be volatile and plagued by the darkness of their Shaitan forbearer.”

  “Remind me never to screw one of them,” Aladdin said with a smirk.

  “And me,” Kyra added, nodding firmly.

  I rested my elbows on the table, my heart too heavy for me to smile.

  “Does it say anything about how to defeat one of them?” Aladdin asked.

  I reread the passage before shaking my head. “Nothing.”

  “So Kahn's one of those freaky kids?” Kyra guessed, biting into her lip.

  “Yeah,” I sighed.

  “I pity his daddy,” Aladdin said, snorting.

  “It's not funny,” I growled. “What the hell are we going to do about this?”

  “Well...right now we have to go to the ball and act like nothing’s up.” Aladdin stood with a shrug. “We'll figure it out later.”

  “We could be dead later. Gothel will sneak poison into our food or drink the second she gets the chance,” I snarled, rising to my feet.

  Aladdin looked to Kyra. “I wish I was impervious to all the poisons in the world.”

  “Done!” she announced brightly.

  “And the same goes for both of you,” he said firmly and I agreed to his wish before Kyra cast her spell over me and herself.

  My stomach fluttered with the brush of tiny wings then the magical feeling fell away.

  “Happy now?” Aladdin asked. He tore the page on Shaitans out of the book and stuffed it into his pocket with the drawing Kyra had conjured.

  “Happy is the last thing I am.” I gathered up the books, shoving them back onto the shelves as I followed him down the aisle.

  “What's the matter, Cassian?” Aladdin called. “Scared of a little mind-controlling evil spirit who wants to bring about the apocalypse?”

  “Scared isn't the word, Aladdin. This is catastrophic, why are you acting so calm all of a sudden?”

  “Because I just decided, if Gothel takes over the world, I'm going to steal the crown jewels and make sail for an island in the middle of the Gysean sea.”

  “Ooh can I come?” Kyra asked.


  “And Cassian?” she asked.


  “What a surprise, you're going to run for the hills like a coward,” I said dryly.

  “I'm not running anywhere just yet, mate. But I've got a Plan B. What's your Plan B, are you gonna stay here and try to glue back the pieces of your shattered kingdom when it falls?”

  I pressed my shoulders back. “I won't abandon Osaria for anything.”

  Aladdin chuckled. “No...which is why if this all goes to shit you'll be six feet under and I'll be bathing in the sun on my own tropical island.”

  I shook my head, sure this guy would never be motivated by anything but greed. “Good luck with that, thief.”

  Kyra had outdone herself and the black suit I wore made me look even more handsome than usual. Which was saying a lot. I was ready to steal a whole heap of hearts tonight and the Princess was at the top of my list.

  I fiddled with my hair in the mirror, grinning as I took in my appearance and Cassian appeared in the reflection behind me.

  “Perhaps you should forgo the wedding and just marry yourself as you’ll clearly never love another so deeply,” he teased and I was almost certain he’d entirely forgotten our earlier altercations.

  “Wish I could, mate. But I can’t very well warm my own bed, can I?” I winked at him in the reflection and the humour fled from his eyes as the implication settled on him. I turned to him with a sigh. “You need to drop this jealousy bullshit, Cass,” I said seriously.

  “Don’t call me Cass,” he replied, ignoring the rest of what I’d said.

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, Cassian. This whole thing was your suggestion, you knew you were bringing me here to try for the Princess’s hand and the time to doubt that decision has long gone. You’ve gotta get a grip, mate, she’s not meant for you, even if you take me out of the equation. By the end of this pageant she’s going to be married off and there are only four men in the running, none of whom are you. Do you seriously think she’d be happier with any of the other three than me?”

  Cassian’s jaw ticked. “No, I don’t suppose she would. But I’d sooner the whole pageant was called off.”

  “Well with Gothel back that doesn’t seem too likely. The least we can agree on is trying to save her from marrying Kahn. Besides, with a Shaitan after us we could easily end up dead before I ever make it to her marriage bed.”

  “That’s not really comforting,” he replied but I could tell that he was making an effort to release his anger with me.

  “No, I guess it’s not,” I agreed with a chuckle. “But we’re in this game now so unless you want to turn tail and run I’m going to suggest you enjoy the ball. Perhaps you can take the opportunity to try and figure out some weakness in Gothel so that we can destroy her once and for all.”

  “We?” he questioned. “I thought you were only here for the gold and the Princess?”

  “Well, things may have changed on that front. Gothel saw my face, she knows I’m the one with the lamp. Plus if I leave the castle I’ll have Egos to deal with. So I’m in it whether I’d have chosen to be or not. Besides, you’ve gotta admit, going up against a Shaitan is a bit exciting.”

  “Not the word I’d have chosen for it,” he replied with the hint of a smile.

  I laughed, clapping him on the shoulder as I headed out of the room. I’d commanded Kyra to make herself look her best and I was wondering if I should have been more specific, hoping I wasn’t about to find her with purple hair again.

  I made it into the central chamber and paused as I found her waiting for us, clad in an emerald gown which hugged her figure in all the right places. A deep slit ran up her right leg, climbing all the way to the top of her thigh and making me wonder if she was actually wearing anything beneath it. I dragged my eyes up from the bronze skin of her leg until I found her face.

  Her green eyes had been set alight by the colour of her gown and her black hair hung in perfect coils over her left shoulder. I was struck with the desire to push my fingers into her hair and steal a kiss from her full lips which were moving into a hesitant smile beneath my assessment.

  “Do I look okay?” she asked.

  “You’ll do,” I replied, refusing to even attempt to lay a word on the way she looked. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever desired a woman more than the way I wanted her in that moment.

  “That look on your face is the reason I don’t think you’re good enough for the Princess,” Cassian murmured. “She deserves a man who will only look at her, not one whose gaze wanders at the sight of every beautiful girl.”

  “You think I’m beautiful, Cassian?” Kyra asked in surprise.

  His eyes slipped to her again, saving me from answering him which was good because I didn’t know what he expected me to say in response to that. How could any hot blooded man not stare at Kyra, especially when she looked like that.

  “It's very humble of you not to see it yourself, Kyra,” Cassian replied, raising an eyebrow at me meaningfully.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Humble? I’d sooner know how great I look than worry about being humble.

  “Shall we go?” I asked, glancing at the clock. It was ten past which I knew must have been driving Cassian insane but I refused to turn up on time. And though I would have probably chosen to wait until nearer half past given the choice, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea for us to spend that much time waiting around here with the way the conversation was turning.

  The others followed me to the door and I offered Kyra my arm.

  She reached for me hesitantly and I waited with a slight thrill of anticipation for her to touch me. She gripped my ar
m and warmth spread along my skin beneath the pressure of my jacket and I found myself wishing the material wasn’t there to divide us.

  Cassian fell into step on my other side and we headed through the corridors towards the ballroom, the sound of the music drawing us on.

  We stepped through the arching doors and I glanced around, drinking in the opulence of the place. Flowers hung in sweeping garlands between wide, brick arches and sparkling black tiles lined the floor.

  A huge feast had been laid out to the left of the space and my stomach growled, urging me towards the food but I ignored it.

  I drew Kyra further inside instead, keeping her close to my side as I noticed some of the other men in the room looking her way. I couldn’t blame them but that didn’t mean I was going to let the wolves descend on her if I could help it.

  To the rear of the room, red curtains had been drawn aside to reveal a sweeping balcony and a view of the palace gardens beyond. The breeze drifting in through the open doors was more than welcome as a reprieve to the thick evening heat.

  Rapunzel stood before the balcony doors conversing politely with the other three suitors. Her gaze fell on me and I inclined my head in greeting but I didn’t approach. I refused to compete with those morons for her attention. No doubt I’d find a way to claim her for my own before long anyway.

  The Princess’s gaze slid to Kyra on my arm and I smirked, knowing that the sight of this beautiful creature entering beside me must have been irritating the hell out of her. Despite the fact that she was trying hard not to show it.

  A few couples were already dancing and I watched them for a moment before turning my gaze to Cassian.

  “No sign of the immortal Queen,” I muttered.

  “She’s not immortal,” he replied tersely. “We just haven’t figured out a way to kill her yet.”

  “Cut off her head,” Kyra breathed seriously and I barked a laugh.

  “I’d wager that’d do it,” I agreed.

  Rapunzel’s eyes shifted our way again at the sound of my laughter and an idea struck me. If I didn’t want to fight my way forward to claim her attention, then I’d just have to draw her to me instead.

  “Why don’t you find us some drinks, my good man?” I asked Cassian, throwing him a wink as he was forced to obey his master’s command.

  “I could get them?” Kyra offered as Cassian retreated but I shook my head.

  “I have a better plan for you,” I replied suggestively as I took her hand from my arm and kept hold of it, leading her to the dance floor.

  My skin tingled beneath her magical touch and I couldn’t help but smirk at her as I pulled her into my arms.

  “I’m not sure I remember how,” she admitted as I took one of her hands in mine and she laid the other above my pounding heart.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” I assured her just as a new song started up.

  I gripped her waist firmly, pulling her flush to my body in a way that was tighter than was decent but I just couldn’t help myself.

  The music was fast and I pulled her along quickly, guiding her feet with my movements and a radiant smile gripped her as she found herself able to remember the moves after all.

  Balthazar and I had long since learned all of the dances needed to make it possible for us to gain entry to masquerade balls. It was one of the easiest cons we pulled, everyone wore masks and got themselves inebriated then filled a room so fully that they expected their bodies to brush against each other’s. It was no difficulty at all to wind our way between the nobles, slipping our hands in and out of their pockets while ending the night by seducing a noble girl. Those nights had been some of the best of my life and I smiled as I remembered them fondly, almost missing my old rival despite the constant scowl he always sported.

  We reached the end of the dance floor and I swept Kyra around the corner so quickly that I lifted her off of her feet and a soft laugh escaped her lips.

  I looked down at her, smiling as I caught her gaze and her eyes burned with life.

  Her grip on me tightened, her hand sliding over my shoulder until her fingertips brushed against my neck. I responded, drawing her against me more firmly so that I could feel the curves of her body moulding to mine.

  The dance brought us back to the centre of the room and I shifted her away, twirling her beneath my arm before dragging her against me once more. The moment I’d been separated from her set my body aching to reunite with hers and I frowned slightly at the feelings she was waking in me. I guessed it was because I’d sworn her off, made the decision to deny myself of even attempting to have her but she was becoming the most alluring temptation.

  Her hair brushed my cheek and my heart beat a little faster.

  The dance built in tempo, gaining speed with each step and I knew I was smiling a little too widely, looking at her a little too closely, but I couldn’t stop myself.

  As the music built to a climax, I swept her into my arms, lifting her off of her feet and spinning her around. At the final chord, I placed her down again and she looked up at me with her eyes sparkling as she smiled.

  My hands were still on her waist, hers still resting on my shoulders and the next song was starting but neither of us had moved.

  My heart thumped a rhythm of its own and for an achingly long moment I refused to release her.

  Other couples began to twirl around us in the next dance and I forced myself to step back, my skin tingling in regret at the loss of contact with hers. I held her eye for another second, bending my head in a bow to her as I retreated.

  “That was fun,” she breathed as she followed me and I couldn’t help but agree.

  Kyra walked with me off of the dance floor and my eyes fell on Cassian as he stood waiting with our drinks. I ignored the raised eyebrow as I took the first glass of wine from him and swallowed the lot in one gulp. I took the second and followed suit. Then the third.

  Kyra remained oddly silent and I opted to keep my eyes off of her though her presence beside me was like a tangible force.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Cassian murmured as his gaze travelled over my shoulder towards the Princess.

  “Always, mate,” I assured him with a smile. “Is she looking this way?”

  Cassian’s gaze trailed over my shoulder again. “No. Well... she’s glancing over a bit,” he admitted. “Kahn and Hariot are still battling to maintain her attention.”

  The wine swirled in my stomach and a small wave of dizziness passed over me for a moment as my body accepted the alcohol.

  “Perfect. On with the plan, then.” I slapped Cassian on the arm and turned away from him and Kyra.

  I set my gaze on Rapunzel and her entourage across the room and made a beeline for them, cutting straight across the dance floor and sidestepping the moving bodies who got in my way.

  The Princess’s gaze fell on me for a moment and I gave her a winning smile which she returned, earning me a scowl from Hariot as he noticed. I ignored the Sea Captain entirely and kept my course true as I made my way towards them.

  Rapunzel’s attendants stood either side of her, smiling politely in response to the conversation which they weren’t really a part of. As I reached the group, eyes slid to me but the other competitors refused to stall their conversation.

  I ignored them, turning my attention to Rapunzel’s attendants. The one closest to me was dressed in a silver gown almost as fine as the Princess’s and it brought out a lightness in her eyes which danced with amusement as I looked at her.

  “You must be terribly bored,” I murmured to her and her eyes widened in surprise as I addressed her instead of her lady. “Would you let me entertain you?” I held out my hand to her and she hesitated, glancing at Rapunzel for a moment as if she wasn’t sure if she should accept.

  The Princess glanced our way, a trace of surprise quickly dampened on her features as she realised I hadn’t come to speak with her. She gave a small nod of encouragement and the attendant gave me her hand.

��I didn’t catch your name, love,” I said as I drew her back towards the dance floor and she looked back over her shoulder at the Princess as if she wasn’t entirely sure that this was okay.

  “It’s Zira, sire,” she replied, giving me her attention again as we made it to the dance floor.

  “Call me Aladdin, I don’t much care for titles.” I pulled her into my arms as a new song started up and we started dancing before she could reply.

  This song was slower and didn’t require all of my attention so I used the opportunity to scout the room. I spotted several familiar faces of the nobles and servants who had been around the palace since the start of the pageant but I couldn’t see Gothel or the Emperor anywhere.

  As if my thoughts had summoned them, a door at the back of the room opened and they swept in, arm in arm. The Queen wore a black gown which cut straight down between her cleavage to her navel and her white hair had been intricately braided onto the back of her head.

  Her gaze swept straight to me and I could see the fire of her hatred burning deep in her dark eyes.

  “So tell me how you came to be a maid in the royal household,” I said to the pretty girl in my arms as I drew my eyes back to her. I could still feel Gothel’s stare as if she was branding a mark onto the back of my head but I refused to acknowledge her a second time.

  “Don’t you want to hear about my lady?” Zira asked in confusion as she looked up at me.

  “If I wanted to hear about her, I’d ask her myself. I’m interested in you right now,” I replied easily.

  “Oh.” Zira’s dark cheeks coloured with a rush of blood and I guessed that that wasn’t what she’d been expecting to hear. As the Princess’s maid I supposed she was used to people using her to gain information but that wasn’t how I did things.

  She started to tell me about her family and growing up in Osaria and I gave her enough attention to respond in the right places as I surreptitiously surveyed the other players in the room.

  Hariot had managed to snare Rapunzel into her first dance but I ignored them even when they drew close enough for her skirts to brush against the backs of my legs.


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