Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series

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Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series Page 35

by Caroline Peckham

  Zira told me about the training she’d received and the rigorous selection process she’d completed before finally being chosen for her prestigious position as the Princess’s personal attendant.

  I caught her eye as she finished and dipped my head close to her ear. “And here was me thinking she just selected the most beautiful women for the job,” I murmured, eliciting a surprised giggle from her in response.

  The song ended and I stepped back, bowing lower than necessary as I pressed a kiss to the back of her hand in parting.

  “Thank you for the dance, my lady,” I said, winking at her as I gave her a title we both knew she didn’t hold.

  Zira giggled again as I withdrew and as I turned away I found the Queen’s eyes still on me. She wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding her dislike and I was sure if she hadn’t been an evil spirit who was hungering for my death I would have made an effort to win her over - no one could keep hating me for long if I turned the charm on.

  As she continued to scowl at me I began to wonder if there was some merit to that idea all the same. Perhaps if I could get her talking I could get her to admit to something incriminating. Or at least just rattle her enough to make her think twice of coming against me. Either way it was worth a shot and I’d never been one for backing down from a fight.

  I started moving across the room and Cassian stepped into my path.

  “What are you planning?” he asked me in concern. “I don’t like that look in your eye.”

  “I’m thinking it may just be time for us to go on the offensive with the Shaitan. And what better time to choose than when we’re surrounded by witnesses and she can’t make a move against us?”

  Cassian followed my gaze to Gothel and the Emperor as they sat on their thrones at the far end of the room, watching the festivities. The Queen had turned her attention to her son who had become the second suitor to trap Rapunzel in a dance and the corner of her mouth lifted a little as if she was pleased with his attempts to win the Princess.

  “Are you insane? You want to bait her?” Cassian asked incredulously.

  “Yeah. I think I do. Besides, she already wants us dead so it’s not like I can make it any worse.” I snagged the glass of wine he was holding and devoured the contents with a smirk.

  “I suppose you have a point there,” Cassian agreed, though I could tell he wasn’t entirely sure that this was a good idea.

  “I do. And while I’m at it you should loosen up, mate. It’s a party, drink, dance, find a pretty girl.”

  “I think we should be concentrating on the Gothel situation,” he replied dismissively.

  “I’ve got it in hand. Have some fun, Cassian - you could be dead tomorrow. Especially if this doesn’t go well.” I gave him a grin, pushing the empty glass back into his hand and leaving him before he could respond.

  A swirling feeling in my gut was warning me to back off but I’d never been one to face things from the sidelines. I needed to look into the eyes of my enemy and figure out what I was up against.

  I headed for the Emperor first, ignoring the creeping sensation of Gothel’s eyes raking over me as I closed in on them.

  “Good evening, your majesty,” I said, dropping into a bow before the Emperor. “I hope you’re feeling recovered this evening?” It was quite possible that I wasn’t supposed to draw attention to the Emperor’s failing health but I’d never really learned how to mince my words.

  Emperor Faisel's dark gaze fell on me and he let out a heavy sigh. “I’m feeling a little better, Count Nazari, thank you for your concern. Though I’m not sure I’m up to joining the festivities tonight,” he replied.

  “Oh. And I had hoped to ask you for a dance,” I replied, feigning disappointment.

  He gave a deep chuckle in response. “Perhaps your skills are better suited to entertaining my daughter?” he suggested, looking beyond me to where Rapunzel was still dancing with Kahn.

  I gave her a brief glance before turning my attention back to him.

  “Alas, she seems rather overwhelmed with dance partners at the moment,” I replied. “And that leaves me adrift.”

  “My heart bleeds for you,” Gothel said dryly, inserting herself into our conversation.

  “Well if that’s so your majesty, maybe you’d deign to help relieve me of my solitude and join me for a dance?” I asked, turning to her with my best fall-in-love-with-me smile.

  Gothel released a breath of surprised laughter which sounded like the beginning of a refusal.

  “Unless you’re afraid you can’t keep up?” I prodded.

  The Emperor laughed again at my boldness. “Well that’s a challenge you certainly can’t hide from, my dear,” he said in his deep tone. “Why not show the Count how wrong he is?”

  With their guards and attendants close enough to hear our whole exchange, Gothel was left with little choice but to smile graciously and rise to her feet.

  “I’ll be sure to return her to you in one piece, your highness,” I assured the Emperor with another bow.

  “I’m more worried about you, young man,” he replied as he leaned back in his throne and watched us leave.

  That makes two of us.

  Gothel led the way through the room and it was impossible not to notice the curves of her body beneath the tight black dress she wore. Even if I knew what lay beneath her flesh, I had to admit the outer shell was certainly attractive. She was like a black widow spider, designed to draw men to their death. But I’d be sure not to fall under her spell.

  We reached the edge of the dance floor and I caught the Queen’s hand as I drew her out onto it. Her flesh was cool to the touch which was more than odd given the heat of the evening and I had to resist the urge to pull away from her again.

  “What game are you playing, Count Nazari?” she asked as I tugged her into my arms and her other hand landed on my shoulder.

  “I could ask you the same,” I replied, shifting my grip on her so that her body was pressed to mine as the waltz began.

  She raised an eyebrow in surprise as I crossed the line towards impropriety in front of the entire room of nobles but she didn’t step back.

  I dipped my head to speak low enough that no one else would hear me. “I imagine with your husband so ill, it’s been a while since a man held you like this.”

  She released a breath through her nose and I could tell she was surprised by the turn of the conversation but I wasn’t foolish enough to go about my hunt for information so obviously. I needed her flustered, caught off guard if I expected to gain anything from this exchange.

  “I’d say you’re more of a boy than a man,” she countered.

  I slid my hand lower down her back, skimming her ass for a moment as she inhaled sharply in surprise.

  “Oh I think I’m man enough for you,” I disagreed, spinning her around as we began to head back up the room again.

  My hand slid lower and though she clearly believed I was merely copping a feel, I managed to push my fingers within a pocket disguised in the folds of her dress.

  I stepped forward a little further than the dance required, my leg forcing its was between hers in a way that was anything but decent.

  I grinned as she looked up at me in surprise, snagging the contents of her pocket into my grasp while she was distracted.

  “You forget your place, Count,” Gothel growled but I was fairly sure she liked this just a little.

  I laughed, pushing her back into a twirl beneath my arm. While her body was propelled away from mine, I transferred her belongings to my own pocket and by the time she turned back, I reclaimed her without her noticing a thing.

  We were drawing a fair bit of attention now and I noticed her gaze slipping to the crowd of onlookers.

  “Worried about your reputation, love?” I asked.

  “You should be more concerned about my husband’s response,” she hissed.

  “Well if I concerned myself with jealous husbands then I’d miss out on a lot of prizes I desired,” I replied n

  “Are you saying you desire me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “Are you saying you don’t want me to?” I teased. “Perhaps that would help us come to a satisfactory solution to our feud.”

  “Satisfactory?” she scoffed.

  “Very,” I assured her, increasing the pressure of my hand on her spine so that her body was pressed against mine more firmly.

  Her eyes flickered for a moment as if she almost wanted to believe this act but they hardened again just as quickly.

  “If you want to satisfy me then why not just give me the lamp?” she breathed, her voice dropping seductively. “And I will happily trade you the pleasure of my flesh in return.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that if I gave in to that offer our night of pleasure would end with you devouring my heart?” I asked, fighting off the shiver which raced down my spine. I didn’t think I’d ever come across a woman I desired less despite her beautiful shell. It was as though knowing what lay beneath the mask was impossible to forget and my very soul recognised the danger of her embrace.

  “Only if you really wear me out,” she replied with a soft laugh. “Which I’m assuming you believe you can?”

  “Oh I can, but I’m not sure it’s worth my life.”

  “You’d die with a smile on your face, I can assure you of that.”

  “I think I’ll keep my preferences to human women if it’s all the same to you,” I said. “I rather like my life at the minute and I’m not quite ready to give it up.”

  “Well if you like your life so much then perhaps you should give me the lamp. If you hand it over peacefully then I swear I’ll let you live.” Her hand slid up my chest until she was gripping the back of my neck. Her nails dug in painfully but I refused to acknowledge it as I continued to move her around the floor.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I’m rather fond of my lamp.”

  “Then it would seem we’re at a stalemate, Count Nazari,” Gothel said as the music came to an end and she released me. “What happens next is on you.”

  She turned and strode away from me as my heart pounded nervously in my chest. I wasn’t sure if that had really achieved anything but I was certain of one thing. That creature wasn’t giving up.

  While Aladdin twirled my step-mother around the room, I danced with her beastly son. His movements were stiff and his hands roamed over my body far more than I liked.

  “I've thought about what you said,” he whispered as he pulled me close to him, the music slowing to a steady beat.

  “What I said?” I asked. Oh no, what did I say?

  “That you could never love me.” His eyes narrowed, his long lashes casting a shadow under them.

  My throat tightened as I gazed up at him. “Yes well...that's the truth.”

  He spun me around in a circle, his movements swift and his strength unyielding. I was in the arms of an eight foot gorilla and all I could do was hang there like his next meal.

  A growl erupted from somewhere deep within his chest. “Mother says you will come around to the idea.”

  My breathing quickened. “Kahn...”

  He crushed me against him and I gasped as his hand dug painfully into my hip.

  “Kahn stop it,” I hissed, my heart fluttering as I pushed back against his solid shoulder.

  He eased his grip a fraction and I relaxed.

  “Mother says we're the perfect match.” His brows pulled together and a glimmer of confusion passed through his baby blue gaze. “But maybe she is wrong.”

  “Yes,” I latched onto the ray of hope with all my heart. “We wouldn't make each other happy Kahn.”

  “I think we should try,” he whispered.

  He dipped his head, his lips puckering and I leaned back as far as I could as he tried to steal a kiss from me. The song came to an end and I thanked my lucky stars as he was forced to release me.

  My skin crawled as I hurried away from the dance floor, wishing I could return to my room and finish this night. The ball was turning into a disaster and I just wanted it to be over.

  Why had I invited Aladdin to meet me at midnight? It was clear he was more interested in courting every other woman in the room than me anyway. I'd bared my heart and he'd thrown it back in my face.

  I grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter, taking several sips until my thoughts began to settle. Jacinda started drifting closer, her eyes bright; I could practically see the masses of compliments she was about to shower on me and I couldn't take it. I just wanted to be alone for once.

  Aladdin caught Jacinda's hand before she made it to me, tugging her into a dance. My scowl grew, my lungs were about to detonate.

  That's. It.

  I turned toward the exit, done with this whole thing. How could I have thought for one second there might be a man worth marrying in this dumb pageant? I swore I'd fight to my last breath not to marry a suitor but now I'd been caught up in the charm of one who was happy to dangle other women on his arm right in front of me. How dare he?

  I stormed toward the exit. What if I just walked out of the palace? Kept going until I made it out of the city and into the desert? I could just walk and walk and walk until I found a better life somewhere.

  I glanced back over my shoulder, my eyes snaring on Aladdin for half a second as Jacinda laughed raucously at something he said, then my face slammed into a solid wall. Except it wasn't a wall. It was Aladdin's guard, Cassian.

  “Oh,” I gasped, stepping back and rubbing my nose. “Forgive me, I wasn't looking where I was going.”

  He was standing by the exit, his expression hinting that he was as frustrated as I was with this ball.

  He cleared his throat. “No apology needed.” He turned his eyes away from me, his jaw tight as I continued to survey him.

  I caught his hand suddenly and he glanced down at me in surprise.

  “Dance with me?” I asked, my heart blooming at the idea of dangling someone in front of Aladdin like he had me.

  Yes, I'm not going to walk out of here in defeat. I'll play him at his own game.

  Cassian tugged his hand free of mine and I curled my fingers up from the sting of rejection.

  “I'm not sure that's a good idea.” He looked away again and my heart beat a rampant tune against my chest.

  “Oh,” I breathed. I could have commanded him, played the Princess card to make him do it. But I wasn't going to stoop so low.

  My gaze trailed over his fine shirt and the press of his muscles beneath it. What was with Carubai men? It was like I was designed to drool over them. His chin was covered with a neat beard and his eyes were darkest hazel. They looked almost...familiar.

  He shifted as I continued to stare at him, lifting a hand to scratch the stubble on his jaw. “Is there something else I can do for you, your highness?”

  “Dance with me, please,” I sighed. “I'm so bored.”

  He released a breath of laugher, his eyes suddenly glimmering with mischief.

  Ohh I like that.

  “Come on.” I bit into my lip, snatching his hand again and he gave in to my demand, letting me guide him out onto the dance floor.

  I placed my hands on his broad shoulders and he rested a palm on my hip before taking one of my hands in his. He drew me closer and guided me in a dance I knew well, his movements confident.

  My eyes landed on Aladdin as he ground up against Jacinda in a way that made my nose wrinkle and my stomach knot. I slid my hand further up Cassian’s shoulder until I’d looped it around his neck instead. Heat danced under my palm and raced beneath my skin. The thrill of this was too much not to enjoy.

  His jaw clenched as he stared at me, responding by wrapping his hand further around my back so I that was drawn closer.

  My heart ticked faster as I kept my eyes firmly on his. Oaken and heavenly dark. I was trapped in them, unable to look away. Why are those eyes so familiar?

  My fingers brushed the edge of his hairline and he tugged me even nearer, my
heart hitting a galloping pace.

  This is so improper but it's making me giddy as hell.

  We moved around the room in perfect synchronicity and with every step we took, we carved away a millimetre of space between us. The instrumental tune thrummed in my ears and awakened my senses. Cassian's hand brushed the base of my spine and I closed the distance once more, our chests almost touching.

  “Rapunzel,” he growled in a voice that was so seductive I nearly forgot why I was dancing with him in the first place. My breathing hitched and my heart stumbled into a rhythm I didn't know.

  He didn't call me Princess or your highness or your majesty. But he should have and we both knew it. His eyes skated over my face and his mouth hooked up at one corner.

  “Yes?” I whispered, another millimetre devoured. The heat radiating from his body washed over me, confounded me. Holy shit, why does this feel so good?

  He dropped his mouth to my ear and I shut my eyes as his breath skated over my skin, the scent of red wine and something pure man tangling with the air. “People are starting to look.”

  “I don't care,” I sighed, closing the last inch so we were pressed firmly to one another. I really didn't care. My inhibitions were gone; I wanted to enjoy the party. It was one of my last free nights on earth before one of the suitors claimed me as their own. And I could dance with anyone I damn well liked.

  Cassian released a low noise in his throat and I slid my fingers up into his hair to feel the rough edges of his dark locks.

  The music ended but we kept moving for several more steps until we met the edge of the dance floor, concealed by the crowd from my father and Gothel.

  My hand slid from his neck to press against his heart and I found it pounding as fiercely as my own.

  My mouth was dry, my lips needed moisture. My eyes dropped to his mouth and I couldn't believe the crazy thoughts driving themselves into my head at that second. I didn't even know this man – what the hell was I doing?

  “There you are.” Aladdin appeared, slamming his hand to Cassian's chest as he seized me in his arms with a wide grin.

  My gaze remained on Cassian as Aladdin pulled me into a dance, guiding my feet further and further away from him. After several more steps, Aladdin caught my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his and my heart found a wild pace again. A blush lined my cheeks and I cursed myself for whatever strange reaction I'd just had to his guard.


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