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Love Me (Irresistible Husband)

Page 6

by Delaney Diamond

  Naphressa stared down into her coffee. “No, I wouldn’t know. My parents didn’t have the best relationship. It was not ideal in any way. My father was…difficult.”

  “Difficult how?”

  She wondered if she’d said too much. It wasn’t easy for her to share such personal information with someone else, and she was more hesitant to do so after listening to how great his parents’ marriage was.

  “My dad used to belittle my mom. She didn’t work outside the home, and she wasn’t traditionally smart—you know, with book sense. But she had plenty of common sense and a razor-sharp memory. She knew the price of every grocery item, knew when items would be on sale, comparison shopped and did extreme couponing with the best of them.”

  “Sounds like she was an amazing woman.”

  “She was.” A lump lodged in her throat and kept Naphressa from speaking for a while. “She died when I was in my twenties, and I regret never telling her how proud I was of her. I learned a lot from watching how she managed our household and saved my father money, but he never appreciated it or acknowledged her contributions.”

  Axel removed the last pancake and placed it on the plate with the first one. Then he braced his arms on the counter, muscles flexed taut as he watched her sideways. “I bet she knew what you thought.”

  “I hope so.”

  He came over and removed the cup from her hands. He set it on the counter and his arms rounded her waist.

  “Your dad still alive?”

  “No. He passed away a few months after she did.” Naphressa smoothed her palms up the biceps on both of his arms. “I hope you know how lucky you are to have both your parents and to have seen them in a healthy relationship.”

  “Believe me, I know how lucky I am. Seeing them like that helped to influence my beliefs about relationships and marriage. I’m going to be honest with you, since Rose, I haven’t been serious about a woman. I’ve sort of…dated a lot.”

  “So you’re a playboy?”

  “I wouldn’t say all that. But I’ve had my fun, and I’m ready to settle down.”

  “Settling down is a very serious decision to make.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He paused. “I know we said that we would only meet on Fridays, but I want you to consider seeing me outside of Friday nights.”

  She tensed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  His voice lowered. “Think about it. I’m not pushing, I promise, but I want you to think about it.”

  She nodded, albeit reluctantly. Her reluctance to spend more time with Axel wasn’t only because of Byron’s parents. She also worried that any more time and she’d easily fall hard for his charming, sexy self. She wasn’t ready for a serious relationship yet. She had a lot on her plate and more she wanted to accomplish, career-wise.

  “I’ll think about it.” She looped her arms around his neck. “You know what?” she said, dropping her voice low.

  “What?” He looked at her from beneath heavy lids, pulling her tighter into his warm embrace.

  Naphressa stood on her toes. “We need to postpone breakfast for a bit.”

  “But I slaved over a hot stove all morning,” he murmured, bending his head to hers.

  “I know, and although I was hungry a few minutes ago, the hunger I’m feeling right now is not for food. You were right. I do want to take you back to bed.”

  “Oh yeah?” He started walking her backward.


  She hopped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. He was already hard, and her breathing became jagged at the thought of their bodies binding together again. They’d made love twice last night and it wasn’t enough.

  “Only one thing can fill me up,” she whispered in his ear.

  “What’s that?” He lightly kissed the underside of her jaw and sent tingles scurrying across her skin.

  “Your dick.”

  With a low growl, he rushed out of the kitchen, their full breakfast temporarily forgotten.


  Axel slid between Braxton and a redheaded guy on the other team. With stealth-like quickness, he stole the ball from a tall, lanky Black guy on the opposing team. Angry shouts followed him as raced down the court, dribbling the ball. Five men’s feet stomping behind him like horse’s hooves sounded loud in his ears as they clamored after him, but he focused on the destination. As he neared the basket, he jumped high and slammed the ball into the net.

  Landing on his feet, he twisted in a one-eighty turn and beat his chest. “Boom! That’s game, bitches!”

  Roaring with excitement, Cole and Braxton pounded his back and shoulders. The other guys, breathing hard to catch their breaths, glared at them.

  “Now what?” Axel yelled, puffing out his chest.

  Dunking on them gave him immense satisfaction because they had talked so much trash before the game started.

  “Men, fuck you!” The Black guy shot him two birds. “Next time, we’ll beat your ass.”

  “Heard that before. Next time, don’t write a check that your ass can’t cash,” Axel shot back.

  The opposing team’s other two members were red-faced and shaking with rage. They had no idea who they were up against when they issued the three-on-three challenge to Axel and his boys.

  Their opponents sauntered off. Demonstrating poor sportsmanship, they didn’t shake hands before they left. As Axel followed his friends over to the bleachers, spattered applause filled the large gym from some of the spectators who had watched the game.

  They sat down, and Axel took a clean rag from his bag and mopped the sweat from his brow.

  “You talk so much shit,” Braxton said, sitting two rows below him.

  “They talked so much shit and couldn’t back it up. Next time I bet their asses will be a little more respectful when they issue a challenge.”

  Pick-up games at the gym weren’t unusual, and neither was some good-natured ribbing among the men and women who came through and played. Axel, Braxton, and Cole were known for wiping the floor with opponents during their normal three-on-three games. Not only did they play well, they’d won trophies at leagues around the city. Over the few years they’d known each other, they’d learned each other’s strengths and easily communicated without words, using a simple nod or eye contact.

  What was unusual was the nasty attitude of the men who’d left, who heard about Axel, Braxton, and Cole’s reputation and decided they would be the ones to humble them. Instead, they’d been humbled, and giving them a spanking and sending them away with their tails between their legs made today’s win particularly satisfactory.

  Axel tossed back his head and swallowed two large gulps of Gatorade.

  “Great game, guys.” Linda, one of the trainers, stopped in front of them in a pair of tight black shorts and a black sleeveless top. The outfit showed off her great body while a short, tapered haircut showed off an attractive face with high cheekbones and full lips.

  “Thanks,” Cole said, seated a few feet away on the same row of bleachers as Axel.

  “Axel, you got pretty high there at the end. I can’t believe you never played professional ball.” She didn’t bother pretending she was talking to the three of them anymore. Her eyes devoured Axel like a hungry lioness right before she sank her teeth into an antelope’s neck.

  “Only played in high school and that’s it, but I’ve always loved the game.” He kept his voice neutral, not wanting to convey interest in her when there wasn’t any.

  “I can tell. You looked great out there, as usual. See you later, fellas.” She waved and sauntered away with a hip-swinging walk that turned the heads of two men who jogged onto the court from the opposite direction.

  Once she was out of earshot, Braxton turned around to him. “Are you ever going to give her another shot? I’m starting to feel sorry for her.”

  Axel laughed. “Don’t. She’s a beautiful woman and doesn’t have a shortage of admirers clamoring for her attention.”

  “But she wants you

  “She wants me because she can’t have me.”

  “Anymore,” Cole added.

  Axel didn’t argue. He and Linda had gone out a few times and slept together, but he’d never experienced the connection with her that he longed for. Not like he did with Naphressa.

  Braxton stood and stretched. “I’m starving. About to hit the showers and then head out of here.”

  “See you later, man,” Axel said, giving him some dap.

  “Later,” Cole said. He and Braxton fist-bumped.

  Braxton was out of the gym before either of them spoke again.

  “You figured out what to get him for his birthday yet?” Cole asked.

  “Nah. By the way, I don’t understand why we’re having a surprise birthday party for a man who doesn’t like surprises. Whose idea was that again?”

  “Not mine. His sister thought it was a good idea. So you’re coming to the party, even though your Friday nights are occupied now?” Cole took a swig from his bottled water.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “Is Naphressa coming? That’ll give us a chance to finally meet this mystery woman. After all, sounds like things are serious between you two since you have a standing Friday night appointment.”

  “Maybe not serious, but I’m definitely feeling her, and she’s feeling me.” This morning he’d woken up with her soft body cradled in his arms, her bottom shoved up against his crotch. Once a week was not nearly enough, but he was making do until he could convince her to give him more time.

  “So do we get to meet her in a couple of weeks?” Cole asked.

  “I doubt it. She’s a little gun-shy and has concerns about her dead husband’s family seeing us together.”

  “Are they in the Mafia or something?” Cole asked with a laugh.

  Smiling faintly, Axel said, “Nothing so interesting, but let’s just say she has concerns that there will be repercussions if they find out she has a new man.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “That’s what I said, but I can’t convince her otherwise.” He’d tried broaching the subject with her over the phone a few days ago, but she’d once again been adamant there was nothing she could do about the situation now, which had frustrated him.

  “Hopefully you can change her mind.”

  Axel eyed his friend. “Since you’re all up in my business, let me ask you something. You bringing Malaya?”

  “Thinking about it,” Cole replied, a smile breaking out on his face.

  “Glad to see that’s working out.”

  “She’s a good woman, but she’s going through a hard time.”

  “How so?”

  “Her ex-husband’s a jerk. He plays games with their daughter, keeping Laya from seeing her. Stuff like that. His family’s rich and powerful, so he thinks he can do whatever he likes, but Laya’s tired of it and wants full custody.”

  “Think she has a chance?”

  “I believe so,” Cole said, his tone grim and jaw tight. “I’ll do whatever I can to help her.”

  “If there’s anything I can do, let me know. Family law isn’t my area of expertise, but I know plenty of good lawyers who could help. She’ll need a good one if her ex’s family is a powerful as you say. I know they’ll have the best.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. You ready to get out of here?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  They jumped up from the bleachers and exited the gym.


  They ate dinner on the deck with two portable heaters beside the table because the weather was still too chilly to dine comfortably outside at night. Naphressa enjoyed eating al fresco, with the sounds of the night around them and enough light to see each other clearly yet create an intimate mood.

  She could tell something was off with Axel tonight, though, as if he had a lot on his mind. He talked, but was unusually quiet during dinner, letting her do most of the talking. And while he laughed quite a bit, his eyes didn’t crinkle in the corners like they usually did. They contained a solemnness, and every so often he looked at her in a way that made her feel as if he was trying to peek inside her soul.

  After they cleared the table and he turned on the dishwasher, she came up behind him as he wiped down the counters.

  “Domestic men are so sexy,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her face against his solid back.

  “Oh yeah?” he said with a chuckle.


  He turned around, but she continued to hold on to him, tilting back her head to gaze into his eyes. “Everything okay at work?” she asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You seem off, tonight.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes.” They’d spent enough time with each other and talking on the phone that she thought she knew his personality well.

  He eased away, leaving her bereft of his touch. Her arms hung limply at her sides as he created distance between them by walking over to the island. Resting his back against it, he crossed his arms and looked at her.

  “I want to ask you something,” he said.

  “Go ahead,” she said, a clump of dread taking up residence in the pit of her stomach.

  “We’re having a birthday party for a friend of mine next week, and I want you to come with me.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “I knew you were going to say that, and yet…”

  “I told you that my husband’s family—”

  “None of them will be at the party.”

  “How do you know that? You don’t know who knows who in this city. Can we just leave things the way they are?”

  “You’re happy with one night a week and nothing more?”

  “It’s not one night a week. It’s more like one night and one day a week. From the beginning, I’ve stayed with you on Saturdays.”

  Axel blew out a frustrated breath. “It’s not good enough anymore.”

  “That’s not what we agreed to.”

  “Yeah,” he said bitterly, running a frustrated hand over his head.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “I want you. More of you.” He thrust both hands at her to emphasize the point.

  It was Naphressa’s turn to cross her arms over her chest. “I’m not ready for that. It’s only been a month. I still don’t know if you’re real.”

  “If I’m real? What the hell does that mean?”

  His irritation at her sparked irritation in her. “You want to know what that means? I’ll tell you. You told me once that you ‘date a lot.’” She used air quotes. “Don’t you think I would be a little foolish not to be cautious when I was married to a man who slept around, too? He cheated on me not only before we were married but while we were married.”

  “I’m not Byron,” he said testily.

  “No, you’re not, but some of your actions are awfully similar to his. He did all the right things and said all the right things, like you. What really happened between you and your ex-fiancée? Was she the reason you bought this house—a family home in a family neighborhood, and she just walked away from you and this gorgeous place?”

  “Yes, she chose this house, but like I told you, she moved on.”

  “Why? You were giving her everything she wanted.”

  “Not everything,” he grated.

  “What do you mean?”

  He paused, thoughtfully rubbing his bearded jaw. “I loved Rose, but she and I would have never lasted, and I realize that now. In a way, she did us both a favor, but I didn’t see it at the time. She would have never been completely happy because marrying me would have meant setting aside her dreams. She knew I wanted kids and a family and wasn’t moving out of Georgia—not with my elderly parents living only a couple hours away in Augusta. I want to be close to them. She had no ties to Georgia and was focused and ambitious, and believe me, I understand being focused and ambitious. I’m the same way, but I can achieve my goals in Atlanta. She couldn’t.”r />
  “Why do you think she never said anything before you bought this place?”

  “Knowing Rose, she probably thought it was the right path—getting married and settling down here. Then the job opportunity came up, and she couldn’t lie to herself—or me—anymore.” He shrugged.

  “I’d be upset if I bought a house and decorated it for the person who bailed on me. Why aren’t you bitter?”

  “What makes you think I’m not?” Axel asked.

  “You don’t act like it. You seem rather well-adjusted.”

  He laughed shortly. “I wasn’t for a long time. Matter of fact, I’ve been called…” He let the words trail off, as if he wasn’t sure he should share that bit of information with her. “I’ve been called withdrawn and aloof. Then I ran into you, and now none of that matters.”

  Ever since she’d met him, he’d managed to make her feel like she was an exceptional woman, through his words, or by the way he looked at her or touched her. There had been a period of time when she felt that way with her husband, but he’d changed after, and his infidelities had poked holes in her confidence.

  “I changed you?” she asked casually, to downplay her deep-seated desire to hear him say Yes.

  “Yes, you did, and gave me a different perspective. I know you think I’m bullshitting when I tell you how much you mean to me, but I’m not. I was determined to find you, one way or the other.”

  “You weren’t looking for me,” Naphressa said, ears perked up to hear what she hoped was a rebuttal.

  “Says who? If I’d had your real name, I probably would have found you before we ran into each other at my office,” Axel said, giving her a pointed look.

  Heat burned her cheeks. “Fine, yes, I gave you a fake name. But you probably only looked for me what…a day or two maybe? After that, you probably said, Oh no, I can’t find her, so I better stop looking.”

  Axel chuckled softly, shaking his head. “You really don’t believe me, do you?”

  “I learned the hard way that men will say and do whatever to get you, but their word is often worth less than nil.”

  By all accounts, her father had pursued her mother with tenacity, until she finally gave in. Byron had wined and dined her, seduced her with sweet words filled with declarations of love, and made her believe she’d rocked his world. In reality, she’d simply been a way to get his parents off his back. They’d wanted him to settle down, to be ready to take over their real estate empire. So he’d settled down, but after a time, she’d come to realize that she was living in a loveless marriage. The truth had been disheartening as well as painful.


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