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Love Me (Irresistible Husband)

Page 10

by Delaney Diamond

  “Hope you learned a valuable lesson,” Axel said.

  She shoved her wet hair out of her face.

  His laughter was infectious, his smile the kind that made knees week and hearts race. He looked like a sea god, with water dripping from his dark brown skin and sparkling like diamonds in his hair and beard.

  “You make me sick.” Naphressa pouted and turned her back on him.

  “What did you say?” His arms rounded her waist and he pulled her against him.

  She let out a squeal as they tussled in the water, but she was no match for him. He overpowered her and stole kisses from her lips while caressing her legs beneath the water’s surface. That’s how they spent much of the afternoon—wrestling in the water, chasing each other, and swim racing. He beat her soundly each time because of his height advantage and bigger muscles.

  She was reminded that they’d spent their time in Belize in a similar fashion.

  Axel eventually left the water, but Naphressa didn’t want to leave. She remained for a few minutes longer, letting the sun beat down on her skin while she floated on her back. This was a lovely escape—one that she didn’t know she’d needed. If today was any indication, the next few days would be blissful.

  When she finally made her way up the sand, an older guy approached, looking remarkably fit for someone with a head full of white hair.

  “Excuse me, would you and your husband be interested in playing a game of volleyball with us? Our friends couldn’t make it, but we really want to play and have six people so far. We’d love to make it eight so there’d be four on each side.”


  Naphressa opened her mouth to correct his mistake, but didn’t. She didn’t mind at all that he thought she was married to Axel.

  “Let me check with Axel and find out. My name is Naphressa.” She extended her hand and he shook it.

  “Roger. If Axel says yes, we’re right over there.” He pointed down the beach, and a group of people with a volleyball waved at them.

  She waved back. “If it’s a go, I’ll give you the thumbs-up, and we’ll meet you over there.”

  Roger walked away and she ran up the beach to where Axel was reclining under the umbrella with dark shades on.

  “What was that about?” he asked.

  “We got invited to participate in a volleyball game. Are you up for it?” She didn’t doubt he would be. In the short time she’d come to know him, she knew Axel was very competitive.

  He sat up. “I haven’t played volleyball in a long time. I’m not even sure I remember the rules, but I’m up for a game.”

  “Perfect. Oh, by the way, they think we’re married.” She looked down the beach and gave Roger the thumbs-up. He waved his acknowledgement.

  She turned her attention back to Axel, who was looking at her.

  “You want to correct them, about us being married?”

  Naphressa shrugged dismissively. “I don’t care if you don’t.”

  “I definitely don’t care.” He stood and held out a hand to her. “Come along, wife. Let’s go kick some butt.”

  She placed her hand in his, thinking about what it would be like to be his wife for real, not pretend. To wake up every morning next to his firm body. To be hugged and kissed and cherished, and to have his warm sense of humor cheering her up whenever she was in a bad mood. With Axel, joy was a constant companion, and smiles became her favorite facial expression.

  Being married to him would be like heaven, and all of a sudden, she wanted that very much. More than anything, she wanted that life, in that four-bedroom house with a basement and the fish. She wanted full breakfasts, hot sex instead of breakfast, and wrestling with the kids. She wanted it all, and she wanted it with him.

  They met with the volleyball participants, introductions were made, and the game began. Two women and two men on each side. They ended up on Roger’s team with his wife.

  Axel was competitive, but the people they were playing with were highly competitive, too. Back and forth they went, jumping high, spiking the ball over the net. A few times Naphressa dived to keep the ball from hitting the sand, but failed in her attempt, instead sputtering in annoyance when sand dusted up into her face. The teams were pretty evenly matched, but when all was said and done, they pulled out a win by two points.

  “Great game,” Roger said, as they high-fived each other.

  “Do the two of you have dinner plans?” Roger’s wife asked. She had graying hair and wasn’t as fit as Roger but had the energy of a much younger woman. “You’re welcome to join us after we leave and get cleaned up.”

  “You should come. That’ll give us a chance to rub their noses in the loss even more,” Roger said.

  “We can hear you,” a woman from the opposing team yelled.

  The four of them laughed.

  Naphressa glanced at Axel. “You want to?”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Great!” Roger gave them his number and Axel gave them his.

  They then parted ways and Axel and Naphressa headed back up the beach to their spot in the sand.

  “That was fun,” she said, taking a swig of the water that she’d pulled from the cooler.

  “It was,” Axel agreed. He tipped his head back and drained his bottle.

  “This weekend was exactly what I needed,” Naphressa said quietly.

  His gaze caressed her face. “Me, too.”


  Dinner with Roger and his friends ended up lasting late into the night over drinks and lots of laughs. Before separating, they promised to keep in touch. By the time Naphressa and Axel returned to the condo, Naphressa was exhausted from the long day and barely managed to undress before falling into bed. Axel joined her soon after and they slept soundly through the night.

  The next morning they ate breakfast on the balcony, which Naphressa cooked this time, while Axel mapped out their sightseeing plans. After the meal, they left for the Gullah Heritage Trail Tour, led by the people of Gullah descent—descendants of enslaved Africans who cultivated and harvested the Sea Islands cotton and had managed to preserve much of the linguistic and cultural aspects of their African ancestors.

  During the two-hour tour, Naphressa and Axel learned about their food, language, and traditions, as well as explored a Gullah family compound. Later, they ate lunch at a restaurant that offered traditional lowcountry cuisine, and then set off to visit several museums and the red and white lighthouse in Harbor Town. They arrived back at the condo near the end of the day.

  “I need a shower, to freshen up before dinner,” Naphressa said. Being out all day, she’d gotten sweaty and because they’d had to rush to dinner with Roger and the others last night, she’d only rinsed her hair instead of washing it. Tonight she wanted to do a thorough shampoo and condition.

  “You go first. I need to call my dad. No telling how long that conversation will last,” Axel said, looking down at his phone. His father had texted while they were at the lighthouse.

  “I’m going to be in there for a while,” she said.

  “That’s fine.” He looked up at her. “If you take too long, I’ll come get you out.”

  “Ha. Not if I can help it.”

  Naphressa left him in the living room and in the master bedroom stripped out of her shorts and top. She went into the adjourning bathroom and opened the frameless glass door to the large shower filled with aquamarine and sand-colored tumbled tile. Turning on the water, she lifted her face to the lukewarm spray and stood there for a few minutes letting the water saturate her thick hair and slough off the dirt and grime of the day.

  She picked up the shampoo bottle and suddenly realized she wasn’t alone. Axel watched her from across the room, one shoulder resting on the frame of the door.

  “Finished with your conversation?”

  “Yeah. He didn’t want much. He needed to confirm that everything was fine with the condo. Then I thought I’d come in here to see if you needed any help.”

  “Is that right?”<
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  “Mhmm. So do you? Need help?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Axel grabbed the back of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. His jeans and socks followed swiftly to the floor. Confident in his nakedness, he walked across the tile and stepped into the shower.

  Without a word, he took the shampoo, and Naphressa faced the wall. Axel squirted the creamy product into his hands and rubbed it into her hair. A nice lather formed and Naphressa smelled the tropical fragrance from the essential oils. She had never had a man wash her hair before and wanted to enjoy every minute of the experience. Closing her eyes, she succumbed to the wholly sensual act of his blunt fingertips massaging her scalp.

  “How does that feel?” Axel asked.

  “Good. So darn good.”

  He chuckled softly, the throaty, masculine sound stoking the fire that had been slowly brought to life within her.

  Axel rinsed her hair. After a second shampoo and rinse, he added conditioner. Carefully smoothing the viscous liquid throughout, he took his time to ensure each strand was fully coated.

  Eyes still closed, Naphressa moaned softly.

  “Careful now,” he said.

  “You’re doing such a good job,” she said. “If the lawyer thing doesn’t work out, you could always get a job as a shampoo boy.”

  “It’s important to always have a plan B,” he quipped.

  After he rinsed the conditioner from her hair, Naphressa soaped a washcloth and faced him.

  “Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”

  “Oh yeah?” His eyes lit up.

  “Mhmm.” She rubbed the soapy rag over his neck and chest. She was thorough in the washing, taking care to get his back, ass, thick thighs, and feet. Back in the front, his erection jutted at her, proud and tempting—and she couldn’t resist the temptation. She cleaned his genitals and took pleasure in how his heavy-lidded eyes observed her actions, his stomach tight as he held his breath under her ministrations.

  Reveling in her power, Naphressa stroked his tumescent length, alternating between hard and gentle caresses, laughing softly when he whispered a series of curses. She lowered before him and, emboldened by his sharp inhale, took the tip in her mouth and went to work. When she sucked him deeper, mouth stretched around the circumference of his erection, Axel fell back against the tile with a groan, biting his bottom lip and lifting his head toward the ceiling.

  Using the weapons at her disposal—her hands and mouth—Naphressa kept him pinned to the wall so he could receive all the pleasure she wanted to give.

  One hand fastened into her wet hair. “Baby, baby,” he whispered, sounding breathless. Water ran down his dark skin in rivulets, and again she was mesmerized by his godlike appearance.

  She continued to work her mouth like a suction, and knowing he was close only increased her excitement. Making soft moaning noises so he knew how much she enjoyed the act, she moved her hands over his pelvis and thighs, massaging and bringing him closer to orgasm.

  “I’m coming.”

  That was her only warning before his knees dipped. With a loud grunt, he quickly straightened against the wall, grabbed the back of her head, and ejaculated into her mouth. When he’d expelled every drop, he shuddered and released her.

  Satisfied with her performance, Naphressa stood and soaped her skin while a depleted Axel looked on, his body limp against the tile.

  “You’re something else, you know that?” he said.

  She tossed a saucy grin over her shoulder at him. “Thank you.”

  As she rinsed the soap from her skin, his arms came around her waist. “No woman has ever made me need her as much as you have.” His hands smoothed over the roundness of her hips and his lips teased the skin on the side of her neck. “I want to be inside you.”



  He reached in front of her and turned off the water. They towel-dried their bodies and her hair, but her raven tresses remained damp.

  In the bedroom, she said, “My hair’s still wet. We’ll mess up the bed.”

  “I don’t give a damn,” Axel said in a determined voice.

  They lowered onto the bed and made love like it was the first time, their kisses slow and intense as they explored each other with leisurely licks and touches. She caressed him everywhere, her fingers laying claim to his broad shoulders and playing with the hairs on his chest. Under her palms, his warm skin had been cooled by the water and with a swipe of her tongue, tasted clean.

  Nothing and no one had ever made her feel as good as this man did, and she ached to be one with him, her hips tilting upward to demand he join their bodies sooner rather than later.

  Finally, he grasped her knees and eased her legs wider. He slid home while maintaining eye contact, and she felt their connection deep in her chest, the same as she’d experienced during their short time together in Belize. Axel had all the traits any woman would want in a husband. A sense of humor, a gentle and caring attitude, and love-making skills that made her want to jump his bones on a regular basis.

  He filled her all the way to the hilt and pushed his hips back and forth in slow motion. She gasped from the torturous movement, fingernails sinking into his side as she was tossed on a sea of pleasure, delirious with passion.

  A slow-rolling orgasm took charge of her body and curled her toes, back arching as she let out a series of whimpers and grabbed his tight butt. Their rhythm matched as they rode out the storm together, the only sounds the creaking of the bed and their harsh breaths.

  Afterward, Naphressa lay curled against his side, heart racing, and admitted to herself that she loved Axel Becker—needed him—and wanted him in her life for good.


  Axel woke her up by lying on her back, but his weight was not too heavy because he supported himself on his elbows.

  “Get up, sleepyhead. It’s late, and we need to decide about dinner.”

  Naphressa had dozed after sex. She squinted at the lamp that was turned on next to the bed. Outside was dark, and the clock beside the bed said it was after nine.

  “I have something you can eat,” Naphressa said with a naughty smile.

  “Guess what? I got something for you, too.” Axel pumped his hips, his semi-hard penis bumping repeatedly against the crease of her bottom through the sheet.

  Naphressa cracked up. “Please get that thing away from me.”

  “You weren’t saying that a couple of hours ago.”

  He continued to hump her, and in typical fashion, her desire ignited and she wanted more of him. He was like a drug that her body constantly craved. She needed him daily but would take him hourly if she could.

  Two could play his little game. Naphressa spread her legs so he fell between them and gyrated her hips in a sexy, circular motion.

  Axel swore. “You’re not playing fair,” he muttered.

  He dragged the sheet lower and rained kisses down her bare back. Moving lower until his lips touched her bottom, his actions built an almost unbearable tension between her wide open legs.

  “Axel, what are you doing?” she asked in a pained voice, knowing exactly what he was about to do. What she wanted him to do. What he loved to do.

  “Getting something to eat,” he answered in a whisper.

  His tongue flicked across the lower edge of her left ass cheek and then went deeper, seeking out her clit. When the tip touched the tight bundle of nerves, she let out a gasp. Her fingers curled into the soft pillows as he lifted her hips from the bed and devoured her from behind, pressing his face deep between her legs. He gorged on her wet flesh, merciless in his determination to satisfy. Holding her thighs wide, his tongue plundered her folds while his lips plucked constantly at her swollen clit. Every lick and suck was magnified by the way he held her thighs apart, and the groans of pleasure he made only added to the sensuality of the act.

  Right before she came, her body tightened, becoming as rigid and stiff as a baton. A scream got trapped in her throat, and
she took her own breasts in hand and squeezed the taut nipples. The pillow stifled her screams when she came, eyes squeezed tight, trembling until she descended from her high—sated, relaxed.

  Axel left the room, probably to clean his face. When he returned, he flopped onto his back on the pillow next to her.

  Weak, Naphressa remained prone on the mattress and opened one eye. “Give me a minute, and I’ll hook you up, too.”

  He chuckled. “I’m good, sweetheart. You took real good care of me in the shower.”

  “I want to.”

  “I’m good.”

  He turned on his side. Her chest tightened at the look of adoration in his eyes. He meant it. He didn’t need her to reciprocate right then, which made her want to take him into her mouth even more, to once again give him pleasure the same way he’d given her.

  “I want to ask you something that I’ve wondered about for a while. I didn’t bring up the topic sooner because I knew it would be touchy, but I feel like we’ve come a long way in our relationship, and I can ask you this now. Why did you continue wearing your wedding ring after your husband died?”

  “Lots of widows and widowers continue to wear their rings long after the death of their spouses. Some never take them off.”

  “But why did you continue to wear yours? And for so long afterward. My initial thought was that you might still be in love with your dead husband, but after all you’ve told me, I know that’s not the case.”

  “I’m definitely no longer in love with him.” Naphressa’s voice was emphatic. She didn’t want there to be any misunderstanding between them. She pulled the sheet over her naked body and repositioned so that she faced Axel. “There were so many reasons why I couldn’t remove the ring right away. At first I kept it on, thinking I’d remove it after the funeral. We’d been married for five years, so what was another week or two? It didn’t feel right to remove it before that time.


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