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Jaden's Price

Page 2

by Lynn Hagen

  “Nope, just taking a small break.” Dr. McNeal stretched and Hilton caught a glimpse of his rigid belly. That patch of skin had Hilton ready to jack off right there at his desk.

  “Don’t work too hard,” Dr. McNeal said as he headed back down the hallway. Hilton let go of a long sigh as he peeked around the corner to stare at the well-sculpted butt. An image of the doctor’s scrubs falling off, revealing his chiseled body, popped into Hilton’s head.

  I wish. If that really would happen, Hilton would want Dr. Sexy walking toward him, not away. He wanted to see how well hung the wolf shifter was.

  “Enjoying the view?”

  Hilton spun around so fast that he knocked his cup of tea over. The hot liquid splashed into his plastic bowl of carrots. “Damn it.” He hopped up and grabbed the roll of paper towels he kept under his desk, then wiped up the spill. “You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that.”

  Dr. Sheehan grinned. He was just as sexy as Dr. McNeal, but Nicholas was mated, and Hilton didn’t poach. Besides, Hilton had a rule. No dating the men he worked for. If things ended badly, he didn’t want to have to find another job.

  He picked up the trash can under his desk and tossed the wet towels in before dumping the bowl of carrots. “Now I have to make myself another cup of tea and I’m out of a snack.”

  “Stop ogling James’s butt and you wouldn’t have that problem.” Dr. Sheehan’s eyes sparkled with amusement.

  “You know I don’t date where I eat.”

  “I thought the expression was you don’t sh—”

  “Don’t say it,” Hilton warned. “That idiom is disgusting. I like mine much better.”

  “Priss.” Dr. Sheehan winked at him before wandering off. The clinic was thankfully empty, so Hilton had grabbed his cup, ready to head to the break room when something glided down his back. He squeaked and jumped, spinning around only to find he was alone. A strange sort of energy flowed through him. He felt as if he’d been caressed from the inside. Hilton’s breathing became shallow as he shivered, running his hands up and down his arms.

  He closed his eyes with the thought that he was traveling down the same road his mother and grandmother had. There was no other explanation because he’d just heard his name whispered in the empty room.

  Chapter Two

  Hilton sat in the parking lot in the borrowed sedan. He only borrowed cars when he really needed to. He didn’t see the point in owning a car of his own because he lived a block from work and the variety of businesses in Brac Village met all his needs. But sometimes, like now, he needed to borrow one.

  As the wipers ran on full blast because of the rainstorm, Hilton stared at the forbidding building that loomed like a dark sentinel against the night sky. Nope, the place wasn’t creepy at all.

  “Yeah, right. So why haven’t you gone inside yet?” he asked himself as he curled his hands in his lap. He hadn’t seen his mother in years, but with that presence haunting him, Hilton needed some answers. He needed to know what kind of crazy his mother had been dipped in.

  Had she felt a presence? Had she heard it talk to her? Was that what had driven her over the edge? He’d never asked what had happened to her because he clung to denial like a comfortable blanket.

  Hilton stared at the barred windows of the asylum, his gaze moving over the lit rooms. He hadn’t been here in so long that he’d forgotten which one was hers.

  “If you don’t get moving, visiting hours will be over.” A part of him was waiting for just that. If he was slipping down that crazy slope, he didn’t want to face the hard truth.

  But he had to find out. Hilton needed to know his fate. He gripped the door handle, ready to get out of the car, then released it.

  He cradled his head in his hands. “I can’t do this.”

  Something brushed the side of his cheek. Hilton’s head snapped up, but no one was in the car with him. That only made the tears flow harder. He really was losing it, and no talk with his mother would claim otherwise. Besides, she was probably too far gone to even remember why she’d gone insane in the first place.

  Gliding his palms over his cheeks, Hilton wiped away the tears. He put the car in Drive and drove from the parking lot, leaving the asylum in his rearview mirror as he made the long trek home. The rain was coming down so hard that Hilton had to navigate the back roads carefully.

  Hilton’s heart pounded as the water began to gather heavily on the road. He was tempted to race through the water, but knew that would make matters worse. Instead, he drove slowly and hoped the backroad didn’t flood.

  “This was such a bad idea,” he mumbled to himself as he turned on his high beams and tried to see through the sheet of rain. “Why couldn’t I have my meltdown on a night it hadn’t decided to storm? At least I wouldn’t be risking my safety for answers I never attempted to get.”

  “You’re not crazy.”

  Hilton’s foot slammed into the brake pedal when the soft voice whispered through the car. The back end of the sedan swung heavily to the right as he gripped the steering wheel, then dipped, and Hilton knew he’d gotten himself stuck in a ditch. Just his luck. He was in the middle of bumfucked nowhere. There wasn’t a chance in hell of anyone driving by to help him. Not anytime soon.

  “That’s it!” Hilton thumped his head on the steering wheel. “Just, whoever you are, reveal yourself, please, please, please. I’m close enough that I can walk my ass back to the asylum and check into a cozy padded cell.”

  “You’re not crazy.” The voice was stronger now.

  Hilton lifted his head and gasped. Sitting next to him was… Man, the guy was a freaking god. His dark, intense gaze was fixed on Hilton. The man had long, black hair, and a close-cropped beard and mustache. He was even sexier than Johnny Depp, and Hilton worshiped that actor. The stranger wore jeans and a leather jacket and was one sexy package wrapped in an exotic burrito.

  “Oh hell no!” Hilton grabbed for the door handle, but his slide off the road had butted a tree against the driver’s door. He was trapped. Hilton spun and tried to climb over the seat. He’d escape through the back passenger door. He lived in the preternatural world and knew beings existed that could pop in and out of places, but he was on a deserted back road, it was dark out, and the stranger—although sexy as hell—gave off a vibe that scared Hilton to his core.


  That single word halted Hilton’s movements. He was bent over the driver’s seat, his ass hanging in the air as he turned his head and looked at the guy. Hilton wanted desperately to get out of the car, but his body wouldn’t cooperate.


  His body slid back down the seat and turned until he was facing the windshield. “H-How did you do that?”

  He cringed when the stranger brushed his fingers over Hilton’s forehead. His heart began to beat normally and the terror he’d felt seconds ago washed away like dust in a rainstorm.

  “I am….” The man rubbed a hand over his bearded jaw. “Call me your guardian angel.”

  His voice was lulling, thick, and smooth. It was a voice made for sex. But sex was the last thing on Hilton’s mind. He slammed his hand against the steering wheel.

  “Then why all the ghostly drama? If you’re my fairy godfather, why didn’t you just show yourself?” Not that Hilton believed one word the man said. Guardian angel? Please. Hardly. The guy looked more like a wicked devil out to steal his soul. But he would play along until he could figure a way out of this mess.

  “Yes indeed, play along.”

  Hilton’s eyes bugged. “You read my thoughts?”

  The wicked devil winked at him. “Even the naughty ones.” He leaned closer and his dark, leathery scent wrapped around Hilton like a lover’s caress. “But I know you’ve never lain with a man before.”

  If Hilton put together all the times he’d blushed in his life, they still wouldn’t add up to how nuclear his cheeks felt now. Even his ears were on fire.

  “Blushing suits you.” The man nodded and then leaned ba
ck. “I like it very much.”

  “What are you? And don’t tell me a freaking fairy. I’d sooner believe Santa was real.” Although technically he could be a demon. They did exist, and so did fairies. But Hilton’s gut told him this stranger was neither.

  Something moved behind those dark, mysterious eyes. Hilton had no clue what emotions they were, but he sensed they weren’t happy ones.

  “I am who I am.”

  “And you’re seriously going with that?” Hilton shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around what was happening. “Fine, keep your fairy secrets.”

  “I am not a fairy.”

  “You are unless you tell me the truth, fairy.” From the way he’d snapped just now, the guy clearly didn’t like the reference. Too bad. Hilton didn’t like sitting in a car with a complete stranger who wouldn’t say what he was. Hilton wanted to know what he was dealing with, and if the guy wouldn’t say, then he couldn’t bitch when Hilton hazarded a guess—even an unlikely one.

  The man shot forward and Hilton squeaked as he leaned back. The stranger’s features had grown dark, his eyes even darker. “Be careful who you provoke, little bunny. I just might have you for my next meal.”

  Okay, so Hilton might have peed his pants a little. He stayed curled against the door as the stranger eased back into his seat, his menacing aura vanishing as quickly as it had surfaced.

  “The name Jaden will do.”

  “Please, I just want to go home.” Hilton wasn’t above begging for his life. He was too young to become bunny stew. He trembled as he swallowed excessively. His throat had gone bone-dry as his heart thumped wildly again.

  Jaden expression filled with concern as he reached for him, but Hilton shook his head. “No, please. No touching.”

  “You would rather sit in fear?”

  “I would rather you stop scaring me in the first place.”

  Jaden dipped his head, his cascade of hair flowing around him. “I seem to have that effect on people whether I want to or not.”

  Hilton studied Jaden’s sculpted cheekbones, his roman nose, his full lips, and then his eyes. Jaden was truly frightening, but Hilton sensed a sort of sadness about him, as well.

  “Why won’t you tell me what you are?” Hilton asked. “You know what I am, so that leaves me at a disadvantage.”

  “It is better that you do not know,” Jaden said.

  “Okay, then why did you haunt me for over four months before revealing yourself?” Hilton shrugged. “I mean, if you’re my protector, shouldn’t you have shown yourself right away?”

  A complex array of emotions washed over Jaden’s face. He slid his teeth over his bottom lip as he gazed out the front window. The full moon lit him from behind, giving Jaden an eerie glow. “I have many enemies, Hilton. Enemies that would sell their souls to gain leverage over me.”

  Hearing Jaden say his name made Hilton shiver. He was both terrified and fascinated with the man. “So no one can know what you are to me?”

  “No, you must never tell anyone about me.” There went that sad look again. “But if you ever need me, just whisper my name and I will open the bowels of hell to get to you.”

  Wow. That was a powerful promise Hilton would never use. “Why not the gates of heaven?”

  “Can one enter those gates if he does not possess a soul?”

  Hilton had no idea. Besides, he was an atheist. He didn’t believe in the proverbial heaven or hell, but Jaden’s choice of words made him curious.

  “Why do I feel like I know you?” The sensation was sudden, as if it had been hiding behind Hilton’s fear.

  A soft smile played over Jaden’s lips. “It was I who vanished from that medical room.”

  Hilton remembered the night Sandra Flanagan had been admitted. He’d seen many people in the room, some who shouldn’t have been there, but when Hilton poked his head through the doorway, he’d caught the blur of someone before they disappeared.

  “That was you?”

  Jaden nodded. Hilton settled back in his seat and slouched with semi relief. “I’m still pretty upset you hid yourself from me. I thought I was going completely insane.”

  “Hence the impromptu visit to your mother?”

  Hilton went rigid. He didn’t like talking about her, especially with a stranger. Guardian or not. “That’s none of your concern.”

  Jaden’s face darkened once more. He was like a freaking mood ring. “Everything about you is my business.”

  “Why, because you say you’re my protector?”

  “Exactly,” he hissed.

  “Fine, then if you can pop into this car, pop me home,” Hilton said. “Please,” he added just so Jaden couldn’t say he didn’t ask politely. “I don’t want to be stuck on this back road all night.”

  “And the car?”

  Crap. “Can you pop that, as well? I borrowed it from Dr. McNeal and I want to return it.”

  “Dr. Sexy?” Jaden’s voice held a hint of jealousy.

  Hilton gaped at Jaden as his brows shot up. “How…? Never mind. We need to get one thing settled, fairy. You are not allowed to poke around in my brain unless I give you express permission, understand?”

  Hilton yelped as Jaden grabbed his upper arms, squeezing them hard enough to gain his attention, but not hurt him.

  “I warned you about provoking me.”

  Pure terror tightened Hilton’s muscles to the point of pain. He shifted into his bunny form and scurried as best he could under the driver’s seat, though the space was cramped and his butt stuck out. He scratched at the floorboard, trying to wedge himself completely under the seat, but he couldn’t get fully under there.

  A loud growl vibrated through the car before Hilton was zapped into Jaden’s lap. A strong hand smoothed down his spine. “I would never hurt you, my little bunny. I may get mad enough to spit nails, but you should never fear me.”

  That was easy for Jaden to say. Hadn’t he threatened to have Hilton for dinner? He scrambled to get off Jaden’s muscly thighs, but a strong hand kept him in place.


  And just like that, Hilton relaxed. He felt momentarily dizzy before the glow of streetlights washed through the car. When he looked up, he saw his apartment building.

  Jaden had transported the entire car.

  Just what in the hell was this guy?

  With a brush of his hand, Jaden forced Hilton to shift back to his human form. He sat on the guy’s lap, completely naked. Most shifters had no problem with nudity. It was part of their lives. But Hilton was extremely shy and being butt naked on the man’s lap made him die a thousand deaths.

  When he tried to move away, Jaden held him firmly by his waist. “Why are you so embarrassed? Your body is breathtaking.”

  Hilton slammed his hands over his groin. “Can you please just pop me into my apartment?”

  Jaden sighed. “If that is what you wish.”

  Hilton yelped when he landed on his bed. Jaden walked around the room, hands tucked behind his back as he inspected Hilton’s bookshelf.

  When Jaden turned to face Hilton, one of his dark brows was quirked. “You pass your time with unrealistic romance novels?”

  “Like you haven’t seen them a hundred times.” Hilton wrapped his blanket around his body as he headed to his dresser. “You’ve been stalking me for months. I’m surprised you don’t have the titles memorized by now.”

  “I have read from the Ancient Library of Alexandria. Looked through the pages of the Bible as they were written. I was even fortunate enough to hear Aristotle’s philosophies as he spoke them.”

  “Brag much?” Hilton slipped on a pair of sweats and pulled a T-shirt over his head, relieved that his body was finally covered.

  “Just stating the differences in our reading material.” Jaden frowned. “Why have you covered your beautiful body?”

  “Name your favorite Aristotle quote,” Hilton said.

  “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” Jaden’s dark gaze
raked over Hilton’s body from head to toe. “I fully agree.”

  “You’re my guardian angel. I’m not your boy toy. Stop looking at me as if you want to throw me on the bed and mount me.” Hilton regretted the words as soon as he said them. The image they provoked made his knees weak and his cock jerk. He had meant them to be crass—to shake himself out of the growing need building inside of him—but the liquid desire that pooled in Jaden’s eyes said his attempt had backfired.

  “Pump the brakes.” Hilton held up his hands and backpedaled as Jaden advanced toward him. He was pinned against the wall, Jaden’s muscled body hard and tormenting.

  But Jaden’s features darkened, robbing Hilton of any desire he felt toward the man. Bipolar on steroids. “If you ever think of giving yourself to another man, I will unleash my wrath on the poor soul foolish enough to try and take what is mine!”

  “I don’t belong to you!” Hilton tried to keep his voice just as forceful as Jaden’s, but it quivered. “I’m not some bauble to tuck into your pocket. You don’t own me.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” Jaden slammed a hand against the wall on either side of Hilton’s head. “You have no inkling of what I’m capable of. You are not only the most protected being in the universe, but you are owned by the most jealous man. Flirt, bat an eye, or smile too fondly at another man and hell will rain down on earth. I will raise an army of the damned to keep you safe, but I will not tolerate any form of disrespect. Now is that understood, boy toy?”

  “You’re an asshole.” Hilton tilted his chin in defiance, although fine tremors racked his body and hot tears of anger spilled down his cheeks. “A complete and utter asshole.”

  “That I am.”

  Hilton cried out when Jaden sank fangs into his neck and drew deep drafts of blood. He shoved at Jaden, but it was like trying to shove away a brick wall.

  Jaden lapped at the wound before pulling away. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot, spidery veins of red branching toward his brown irises. The longest fangs Hilton had ever seen extended from the man’s mouth. Jaden’s skin turned from a perfect bronze to the color of ripe blueberries, as if the deep purplish-blue hue was moving just under his flesh.


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